Monday, March 10, 2014

CfPs: Conference on Competitiveness, Livability and Creative Economy of Cities; April 18-19; Gurgaon, India

Conference on Competitiveness, Livability and Creative Economy of Cities
April 18-19, 2014
Venue: Gurgaon, India

Call for Papers

The Competitiveness, Liveability and Creative Economy of Cities conference is a forum for young faculty, emerging students and scholars who are engaged in research related to the competitiveness, liveability and creative economy of cities in India. The conference brings together individuals from around the world to share and discuss their research. In particular, the small and focused setting provides participants with the opportunity to: Present their work, Receive feedback, Refine and develop research methods, Join an ongoing network of collaboration and exchange.

The Program
The two-day conference will be a mix of the following: Presentations by participants and experts; One on one-feedback meetings with discussants; Round table discussions; Interactive panel discussions; Opportunities to explore Delhi’s creative scenes and neighborhoods.

Who Should Attend?
Participants: In addition to our featured participants, Kevin Stolarick (Research Director, Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) and Amit Kapoor (Institute for Competitiveness, India), this conference is geared towards researchers, PhD students, Post-Doctoral Fellows and ‘junior’ faculty members who research one or more aspects of the creative economy and cities in India.

Time Frame
The conference will start on the morning of Friday, April 18 and will end on the evening of April 19. Sessions are scheduled daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On both the days the sessions will have dinner and evening activities. On Friday, April 18 there will be a field trip in the afternoon. Costs There is no registration fee and the conference sponsors will provide the following for all participants: All meals during the conference; Group transportation to events during the conference; For outstation candidates boarding and lodging will be provided for; Some select travel grants may be given to participants depending upon their need

How to Apply
The conference organizers will select up to 25 individuals to attend. Your application to participate must include: A 250 word abstract of a working paper; A list of 3 keywords describing your working paper; A CV that includes an actual or estimated PhD completion date; A 150 word biography; A personal photo to be included in the conference program; email your application package by 5:30 pm IST on or before Monday 24th March 2014 to: and cc to: Kevin.Stolarick@Rotman.Utoronto.Ca.

Notification and Responsibilities
The conference organizers will email you regarding the status of your application by March 28, 2014. Accepted delegates will be responsible for the following during the conference: Submit a completed working paper by 5 pm IST on Friday, April 11, 2014. Give a 15-minute presentation of your working paper; Discuss and provide written comments on another working paper; Actively participate in all discussions; A special issue of "Journal of Competitiveness" would be published which will contain the shortlisted research papers.

Further Details

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