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Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement | Submit by 5th January 2022

 Swatantrata Ka Amrut Mahotsav

International Conference on

 Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement



To commemorate Swatantrata Ka Amrut Mahotsav, JNU is organizing an international conference on "Role of Indian Science in Freedom Movement" in collaboration with Vijnanabharati, NIScPR and Vigyan Prasar on 28th Feb and 1st March 2022. Please see detail at: https://jnu.ac.in/conference/RISFreM-2022

This conference is aimed to create awareness and generate scholarly evidences for the role of Indians in cultivation of modern science, development of scientific societies, institutions, industries and fighting against the British colonial rule in India. Papers are invited in Hindi or English on the following themes:

1.      Science and Freedom Movement

2.      Establishing Colonial Hegemony through Science

3.      Role of   Indian Scientists and Resurgence of Indian ethos and culture

4.      Intellectual colonialism and Freedom movement

5.      Swadeshi industries in colonial time

6.      Achievements of Indian Scientists and its Implication for Political Freedom

7.      Emergence of scientific racism in India and Indian response

8.      Impact of colonialism on Environment/ Sustainable consumption

9.      Public engagement for development of Scientific Institutions and Societies

10.  Science Diplomacy and Freedom Movement

Abstract Submission

The abstract should be written in 250 words containing title, brief introduction, objectives, relevance, methodology and major findings of the paper. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt fonts for English and for Hindi use Kurti Dev 10 pt fonts. Please submit the abstract at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=risfrem2022  by 5th January 2022


Poster/Short Articles

Poster/Short Article (800-1000 Words) are also invited from students who wish to participate in the conference on any areas related to the themes of the conference. Please submit your entry at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=risfrem2022  by 5th January   2022

Workshop for authors

An online workshop on 'Research Paper Writing' will be organized 15th January 2022 for the authors whose abstracts are accepted.  Full paper submission by 10th February 2022.


Registration for the conference will start from 10th January 2022. Fee for Registration is INR 500 for students and INR 1000 for teachers, scientists and academicians. Please visit for registration: https://jnu.ac.in/index.php/node/159894351


Contact: All questions  related to  conference and submissions of abstract/paper  should be emailed to: risfrem2022@gmail.com

JNU                      Vijnanabharati              NIScPR                Vigyan Prasar

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Panel Discussion on "The role of technology platforms in facilitating entry of start-ups" | 21 December

The Initiative on Choice, Competition and Innovation at the Centre for The Digital Future and the USC Marshall Initiative for Digital Competition are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion on


The role of technology platforms in facilitating entry of start-ups


On December 21, 11 AM – 12 Noon IST


The discussion will feature

Daniel Sokol, Professor of Law USC Gould

Shantanu Dutta, Dave and Jeanne Tapan Chair Professor in Marketing, USC Marshall

Viswanath Pingali, Associate Professor of Economics, IIM Ahmedabad


Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rxfM85Y6Rhu0P7O8g5gYLQ


This discussion will explore how technology platforms are useful to small and medium enterprises in an emerging economy context.  Established research in economics shows that fixed costs are a strong entry deterrence.  One of the important elements of fixed costs is the ability to identify the right markets for the products, especially if they are niche.


Niche markets are generally thin and geographically spread out. As an example, for several producers from the emerging economies, where there is a significant diaspora in various countries across the world who demand those products, markets can extend beyond geographical boundaries. However, reaching such markets could be an expensive proposition.  Ability to identify and target these markets would result in a significant reduction in entry costs.


Another element of fixed cost is establishing  brand presence, especially when a small enterprise is competing with an existing behemoth(s) in the industry, whose brand is well established in consumers' minds.  For the customer, the problem of lemons is a massive concern, and the brand image of the firm acts as a potential signal of quality.  Social media platforms can potentially help firms establish this brand.


Finally, setting up logistics to enable interaction with potential customers (payment gateways, transportation logistics, etc.) is the other important element of fixed costs.  For small and medium enterprises, this could be a substantial outlay. Platforms turn what would essentially have been a fixed cost for the business into a variable cost.


The session will include a Q&A where attendees can interact with the panelists.


Nishant Chadha

Head of Research

Centre for The Digital Future &

India Development Foundation

LinkedIn profile nishantc@idfresearch.org

Day 4 of Techनींव@75: 21 December 2021 at 2-5 PM


Day 4 Techनींव@75

Tuesday, December 21st, 2021 at 02.00 PM IST

Duration: 3 hours

Register Now


1. Community Feedback and Experience Sharing

a. Napak Tangkana Women's Group, Meghalaya
b. Prajapati Community Group, Gujarat
c. Vivekanand Madhu Utpadak Sawalambi Sahkarita Samittee, Ranchi

2. Societal Changemakers' Conclave

a. Mr Kemfort M. Sangma, Meghalaya
b. Mr Pankajbhai Manjibhai Dharodia (Prajapati), Gujarat
c. Mr Pahlu Bedia, Ranchi, Jharkhand

3. Roundtable Discussion to Nurture and Strengthen Local Innovation

a. Padma Shri Smt. Lakhimi Baruah, Founder, Konoklata Mahila Urban Cooperative Bank for Women, Jorhat, Assam
b. Swami Bhaveshananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Ranchi
c. Dr Parag M. Solanki, Scientist in Charge, Naroda Centre, CSIR-CGCRI
d. Dr Augustus Suting, State Council of Science, Technology & Environment, Meghalaya
e. Mr Kemfort M. Sangma, Meghalaya

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About Techनींव@75:

On the special occasion of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ministry of Science and Technology (Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) plan to highlight the impact of Science, Technology, and Innovation in creating social equity and inclusion by organizing a virtual programme "TechNeev@75". The programme aims to display the STI capacity at the societal foundation level, that is, community.

The programme is implemented by Vigyan Prasar (An Autonomous Organization for Science Communication, Popularisation and Extension) and hosted at the India Science, Technology & Innovation (ISTI) Portal.

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Thursday, December 2, 2021

CSIR-NIScPR announces Vacancies in OLP Projects

CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR), a multidisciplinary national research laboratory invites applications from bright, dynamic, and qualified Indian nationals for OLP projects.

  • Date of Walk-in-Interview: 09/12/2021,
  • Reporting Time: From 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Vol. 1, No. 3: The Rights Issue 📜

Dec 2021 — Vol. 1, No. 3
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The Rights Issue

At the heart of IFLA's values is the idea that everyone should enjoy freedom of access to information, and so to high quality library and information services. Yet upholding rights is not always easy or simple.

This month's IFLA newsletter highlights different angles of our work in this area. Happy reading!

Gerald Leitner
IFLA Secretary General

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Ellen Tise, Chair, FAIFE

With this edition of IFLA's newsletter focusing on rights, this month's interview brings together IFLA Secretary General with Ellen Tise, IFLA President 2009-2011, and currently chair of IFLA's Advisory Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE). He asked her about her perspective on how libraries fit in with wider work on human rights.

Gerald Leitner (GL): How do you see a focus on human rights as supporting the work of libraries at all levels?

Ellen Tise (ET):
A focus on human rights is inextricably linked to the work of libraries at all levels. Libraries directly advance the cause of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19. The library profession has a rich history of alignment with human rights issues, movements, and declarations. Traditionally, the role of libraries have been recognised in the promotion of human rights, through their efforts in making information accessible to anyone, regardless of age, education, ethnicity, language, income, etc. This role of libraries in the promotion of human rights comes out from their very core mission, namely to ensure access to information for all.

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Ellen Tise
Chair, FAIFE


Bringing the field together, globally: IFLA leadership engages with Members

IFLA's President and Secretary General took part in the second series of Leaders' Conversations organised by the National Library Board, Singapore, host of IFLA's Regional Office for Asia-Oceania, exploring the possibilities and opportunities open to public and national libraries.

The IFLA President Barbara Lison also spoke at the Russian Library for Foreign Literature about the trends shaping the future of the field, at the National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea's Metaverse Book Festival, at the Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science and the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Calcutta, Kolkata conference about IFLA's work to support library education, the Online Forum on the Development of Librarianship, and about IFLA and the SDGs in Wismar, Germany. She also gave a keynote intervention at the event organised at Qatar National Library, host of an IFLA Preservation and Conservation Centre, about the fight against trafficking.

IFLA's President-elect Tonia Arahova participated in an EU and Southeastern Europe conference, talking about IFLA and the SDGs, a study day of the National Coordination for Architecture Libraries in Italy, and the conference on Political Leadership in Parliamentary Democracy in Vilnius, Lithuania.


Libraries stand for human rights: looking forward to Human Rights Day 2021

10 December each year marks Human Rights Day. It is an opportunity both to reaffirm the commitment of libraries to delivering human rights, not least that of freedom of access to information and freedom of expression, as well as work, education, science and culture, but also think about how we can achieve them most effectively. Ahead of this, we look back at IFLA's engagement in highlighting the role of libraries in delivering rights in Africa and Europe, as well as submissions to the UN Human Rights Council on disinformation and the right to development.

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Bringing the voice of libraries to COP26

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) has come to an end. IFLA was there to ensure that a library perspective was included in the programme both for governments and other delegates, and to amplify the work that libraries are doing to empower their communities to take climate action.

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A stronger voice for libraries in the regions, a stronger voice for regions in IFLA

A key innovation in IFLA's Governance Reform was the creation of our new Regional Division Committees and Council, supporting outreach and advocacy, and ensuring a strong voice for the regions in the Federation as a whole. The new Committees are already hard at work, developing action plans adapted to the needs of each region.

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The UNESCO General Conference: recognising libraries as partners in culture, education, and access to information

UNESCO's 41st General Conference brought together governments, NGOs and others to determine the policies and the main lines of work of the Organisation. IFLA was there to make the case for working with libraries. Find out more about what was agreed, and next steps.

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A Right to be Connected – looking ahead to the IGF

The UN Secretary-General's "Our Common Agenda" reiterated the urgency of closing digital divides and addressing inequalities. The upcoming 2021 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Katowice, Poland, and online, offers libraries an opportunity to demonstrate how they can help achieve these ambitious goals. Find out more about what is planned, and how you can engage!

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IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto Toolkit now in French

Communities have expectations that libraries will reflect, support and promote cultural and linguistic diversity. Building on the original IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto, the Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section of IFLA developed a toolkit to provide practical approaches to applying the concepts in the Manifesto. The toolkit includes 'guidance on' how to conduct a community analysis and needs assessment, deliver a workshop, and define suitable policies related to multicultural populations.

The French version of the toolkit is a welcome addition to the resources IFLA is providing for the global library field.

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Knowledge Rights 21 – Brussels Representative.

Do you, or does someone you know, have the ability to build connections and influence law-making in Brussels in favour of 21
st century access to education, research and culture? We are hiring a Brussels representative for the Knowledge Rights programme, deadline 15 December.

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You're invited! After three years without the opportunity to meet in person, IFLA's World Library and Information Congress 2022 will be held as a physical conference in Dublin, Ireland from 26-29 July 2022.

It will be an opportunity to reunite with colleagues in the international library field after a long break and to share, learn and innovate. Together, we'll be focusing on the conference theme: Inspire, Engage, Enable and Connect.

Colleagues in the Irish National Committee are looking forward to presenting to you the best of Irish libraries and the literary city of Dublin.

We know you'll be keen to know more about the programme, registrations, and travel. All this and more will be published as it becomes available on the IFLA WLIC 2022 conference website.

Should you be interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor at IFLA WLIC 2022, contact wlic2022-sponsorship@kit-group.org.

Stay tuned for more information! We'll be using this newsletter to keep you informed of developments and key dates.


There's a bonus for organisations and individuals joining IFLA now as we are near the end of the year: pay at 2021 rates and your membership will cover all of 2022. If you are excited about coming to IFLA WLIC 2022 in Dublin, joining now means a discount on your membership and the benefit of member registration rates at the Congress.

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IFLA warmly welcomes the following libraries as members of IFLA:

We look forward to their engagement and involvement.

See who else is part of our
global family. Why don't you become an IFLA member today?


IFLA Professional Unit Virtual Events are an opportunity to engage with a global audience, sharing relevant research and practice through workshops, presentations and discussions.

To the events calendar →


Libraries themselves have rights, as well as responsibilities! Often, these are set out in library policies and laws. The Library Map of the World provides information about different library policies and laws from many countries.

Check out
country profiles to find information about national policy documents for libraries such as strategies, development plans and guidelines, library laws, legal deposit laws, and exceptions for libraries in copyright laws with links to full text documents, where available.

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Each month, we will be sharing inspiring social media posts and accounts that showcase the ingenuity and diversity of the global library field!

For your chance to get featured here, add the #WeAreIFLA hashtag to your posts.