Sunday, October 28, 2018

NIPFP Talk "Agricultural yield and conflict" | 30 October

Agricultural yield and conflict


By Dr. Satyendra Kumar Gupta

Speaker profile:

Dr. Satyendra Kumar Gupta, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak.

Date and time:

Tue, 30 October, 2018 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM


Auditorium NIPFP, New Delhi


This research establishes that the emergence and persistence of intrastate conflict incidence since 1960 are influenced by regional agro-ecological factors captured by the extent of variation in potential crop yield. Our results based on cross-country and grid-level analysis indicate that higher potential crop yield variability within a country that is exogenous to both human intervention and regional culture increases the likelihood of intrastate conflict. Our findings are robust to the inclusion of various geographical, institutional, and potentially confounding economic development correlates.

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Details on NIPFP site

Friday, October 26, 2018

🚀 The UNESCO Courier - 2018-04

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The UNESCO Courier | October - December 2018


Human rights: Back to the Future

Seventy-year-old views that remain contemporary

Mark Goodale

A debate on the principles of human dignity

Benedetto Croce

Against an individualistic impasse

Harold J. Laski

Economic and social rights

Maurice Dobb

Defeating the enemies of freedom

Aldous Huxley

Information as the means of free thought

René Maheu

Education: the essential foundation for human rights

Isaac L. Kandel

Individual rights and respect for all cultures

Melville J. Herskovits

The Hindu concept of human freedoms

S. V. Puntambekar

A Confucian approach to human rights

Lo Chung-Shu

Human rights for the colonized

Leonard J. Barnes​

A sacred and universal character for human rights

Arnold Schoenberg

Human rights and cultural perspectives

Lionel Veer and Annemarie Dezentje​


Gisèle, Marie, Viviane and millions of other women

Text: Katerina Markelova
Photos: Bénédicte Kurzen / Noor


Education for migrants: an inalienable human right

Fons Coomans

Helping teachers to help refugees

Jacqueline Strecker

Forging new lives, using mobile technology

Christoph Pimmer and Fan Huhua


Fernando Bryce: History in the present tense

Interview by C. R. Ortega and L. I. Kuntz


Mosul, the city with two springs

Inaam Kachachi

Heritage for hire: a good idea?

Alfredo Conti, interviewed by F. Vacheron

SESAME: scientific excellence in the Middle East

Anoud Al-Zou'bi

UNESCO, on Lake Chad's side

Agnès Bardon

Remembering Sandy Koffler, my grandfather

Aurélia Dausse

Discover the Courier supplement

The Book of Needs

The supplement contains about fifty drawings by the Peruvian artist Fernando Bryce, who derives his inspiration from this historic period "when the idea of progress was genuinely linked to a whole new perspective". His series, The Book of Needs – takes pages of the Courier between 1948 and 1954 and transforms them into works of art.

Download the latest issue

Human rights: Back to the Future

To mark the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, we decided to take a detour into the past to enable us to better orient ourselves in the future. This explains the title of this issue: "Back to the Future".
Find previous issues

Follow the Hashtag #UNESCOCourier

Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments

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7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France

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