Friday, November 30, 2018

"India's Jagadish Chandra Bose is the Reason why the World will Enjoy Superfast 5G Internet"

Thursday, November 29, 2018

New Issue of "Asian Biotechnology and Development Review" is released

Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ISSN: 0972-7566)
Vol. 20 No.1 & 2 March, July 2018

Table of Contents
  • Editorial Introduction | K. Ravi Srinivas
  • Bayer-Monsanto Merger and India's IP Approach to Agricultural Biotechnology: Navigating through a complex web of law and policy | Kshitij Kumar Singh
  • The GM Crop Debate in India: Stakeholders' Interests, Perceptions, Trust and Public Policy | Anurag Kanaujia and Sujit Bhattacharya
  • Ethical Considerations in Human Genome Editing–An Indian Perspective | Roli Mathur
  • Sustainability in Crop Research and Agricultural Models: Promoting Reliance on Neglected and Underutilised species | Abhinav Jha, Kunal Sinha, Manish Dubey and Ravi Chauhan
  • Regulating Genome Edited Crops and European Court of Justice Ruling | K. Ravi Srinivas
  • Book Review | Women in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Biotechnology | Amit Kumar

CSSP Lecture "Regulating Biotechnology through the Patent System: Learning from US and European approaches in Comparative Perspective" by Dr Shobita Parthasarathy | 4th December

Centre for Studies in Science Policy 
Jawaharlal Nehru University 

Invites you to a Special Lecture on

Regulating Biotechnology through the Patent System: Learning from US and European approaches in Comparative Perspective.

Speaker: Dr Shobita Parthasarathy

Professor of Public Policy and Women's Studies (by courtesy);

Director, Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, University of Michigan, USA

Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1 Building, JNU

Date: Tuesday, 4th December 2018 | 12:00 noon

Abstract: Over the past thirty years, the world's patent systems have experienced pressure from civil society like never before. From farmers to patient advocates, new voices are arguing that patents impact public health, economic inequality, morality—and democracy. These challenges, to domains that we usually consider technical and legal, may seem surprising. But in Patent Politics, the speaker argues that patent systems have always been deeply political and social. To demonstrate this, Parthasarathy takes readers through a particularly fierce and prolonged set of controversies over patents on life forms linked to important advances in biology and agriculture and potentially life-saving medicines in the United States and Europe. Clashes over whose voices and which values matter in the patent system, as well as what counts as knowledge and whose expertise is important, look quite different in these two places. And through these debates, the United States and Europe are developing very different approaches to patent and innovation governance.     

About the Speaker: Shobita Parthasarathy is Professor of Public Policy and Women's Studies, and Director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, at University of Michigan. Her research focuses on the governance of emerging science and technology in comparative perspective. She is interested in how technological innovation, and innovation systems, can better achieve public interest and social justice goals, as well as in the politics of knowledge and expertise in science and technology policy. She has done research in the United States and Europe, and her current research focuses on India. She is the author of numerous articles and two books: Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe (University of Chicago Press, 2017) and Building Genetic Medicine: Breast Cancer, Technology, and the Comparative Politics of Health Care (MIT Press, 2007). Patent Politics received the 2018 Robert K. Merton Award from the Science, Knowledge, and Technology section of the American Sociological Association, for an outstanding book on science, knowledge, or technology. Findings from Building Genetic Medicine influenced the 2013 US Supreme Court decision prohibiting patents on isolated human genes. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Chicago and Masters and PhD degrees in Science and Technology Studies from Cornell University. 

All are welcome to attend the Lecture.

Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New Report "Data Localisation in a Globalised World: An Indian Perspective"

Data Localisation in a Globalised World: An Indian Perspective
by The Dialogue, C/O Foundation for Progressive Narrative, November 2018.

Abstract: India is ushering into a crucial juncture, more than seventy years after independence. The country is taking important strides towards emerging as a middle-income economy, provide jobs to millions of people, take global leadership on issues of geopolitical importance and stake claim for a growing superpower. In all of this, data and technology will play a fundamental role for India going forward. If the 20th century brought the promise of the Internet as a decentralised and self-regulating space, the 21st century is marked by battles over the control of data. This study aims to study the impact of data localisation from various perspectives, analyse the government's objectives towards implementation of such policy, identifies alternate policy mechanisms that we believe are better suited to drive home the objectives as opposed to blanket data localisation. Some of the key recommendations in this report include the Cross-Border Data Flow Fundamental, Huge Costs to Mandatory Data Localisation, Organic Data Storage through Progressive Policies, and Alternative Policy Mechanisms.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Cross-border Data Flows and Why They Matter
Chapter 2: Data Localization Driving Domestic Protectionism
Chapter 3: Sub-optimal Impact Of Forced Data Localisation
Chapter 4: Data Localization and the Indian Context
Chapter 5: Analysing the Motivation Behind Data Localization In India
Chapter 6: Alternative Policy Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Greater International Cooperation
Chapter 9: Towards Making India A Big Data Centre Hub
Chapter 10: Comparative Analysis With Other Nations
Chapter 11: Sectoral Analysis
Chapter 12: Content and Thematic Analysis

Monday, November 26, 2018

A Dialogue on Transparency, Open Access and Ethics in Development Research | 4 December | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

A Dialogue on Transparency, Open Access and Ethics in Development Research

3ie and Sehgal Foundation are organising a one-day event which will act as a platform for policymakers, including government representatives, researchers and students to discuss transparency, open data, ethical values and issues related to development research. This dialogue will help identify underlying deterrents to data transparency and consequential access thus calling upon researchers and users of data in development to propose solutions to promote ethical data sharing and use. This event will be open for all.

December 2018
Venue: Tamarind Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Time: 9am-5pm
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30-9:45 Welcome address
Ajay Kumar Pandey, CEO Sehgal Foundation
9:45 - 10:30 Keynote address
Jairam Ramesh, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha
10:30-10:45 Q&A session
10:45-11:00 Break
11:10-12:30 Session 1: Transparency and open access in research

Chair: Marie Gaarder, director, Evaluation Office and global director, Innovation and Country Engagement, 3ie
Panellists: Arul George Scaria, assistant professor of law and co-director, Centre for Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition, National Law University; Avani Kapur, director, Centre for Policy Research; Prabhakar Singh, executive director, Centre for International Legal Studies, O.P Jindal Global University; and Saurabh Bhajibhakare, senior research manager, J-PAL South Asia
12:05-12:20 Q&A
12:20-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:35 Session 2: The state of open data in India

Chair: Ramaswamy Sudarshan, executive director and dean, Jindal School of Government & Public Policy
Panellists: Doug Johnson, director, IDinsight; Guneet Narula, technical officer, Akvo Foundation; Rakesh Ranjan, senior consultant, Niti Aayog, Government of India; and Vikas Pathak, The Hindu, New Delhi
14:35-14:50 Q&A
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-16:05 Session 3: Ethics in research life cycle

Chair: Savithri Singh, principal, Acharya Narendra Dev College
Panellists: Anant Padmanabhan, fellow, Centre for Policy Research; Anupama Jha, regional consultant, Trace International; L Vekatachalam, professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies and Stephen Marks, professor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
16:05-16:20 Q&A
16:20-17:00 Closing remarks
Emmanuel Jimenez, executive director, 3ie
Our mailing address is:
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
202-203, Rectangle One, D-4, Saket District Center, New Delhi 110017, India

📰 The two Koreas united around the same project at UNESCO

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The UNESCO Courier | 26 November 2018
The two Koreas united around the same project at UNESCO
Traditional Korean wrestling ssirum/ssireum has just been listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage, on the basis of a joint application by North Korea and South Korea. An unprecedented event! 

Revered and practised throughout the Korean peninsula, this sport has a centuries-old history. 

Read our article on this occasion and discover also the many facets of Korean culture in "Korea: Land of the Morning Calm", an exceptional Courier issue published in 1978.
Find previous issues

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Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments

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Call for Papers: "R&D Management" Special Issue on Innovation Management Research Methods

R&D Management
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Innovation Management Research Methods
In collaboration between R&D Management and the ISPIM Special Interest Group on Innovation Research Skills (IRS)

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2019

Special Issue Guest Editors:
  • Paavo Ritala, Professor, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland | Innovation Research Skills Special Interest Group leader, ISPIM
  • Sabrina Schneider, Assistant Professor, University of Kassel, Germany
  • Snejina Michailova, Professor, University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand

Main goal of the call:
This is a call for insightful scholarly contributions to the application of existing and emerging methodologies in the field of innovation management research. In particular, we are looking for submissions that develop methods for improved and more rigorous examination of R&D and innovation activities.
Setting the scene:
Innovation refers to the discovery, development, implementation and adoption of new products, services or business models, new ways of organising the value chain, new production processes and new forms of organisational structure (e.g. Tidd & Bessant, 2013). Innovations are essential for the competitiveness of individual firms and ecosystems, as well as for addressing grand challenges in society and economy. Therefore, understanding how to manage innovation is a topic of both academic and practical relevance.
Innovation Management is maturing as a research field, creating increasing demands for rigor in research design, execution and publication. Effective research topics in a management field are those that address a grand challenge, provide novel insight that potentially change the conversation, catch and hold the attention of academic experts, and have relevant scope and insights for practice (Colquitt & George, 2011). The topics studied in the sub-discipline of innovation management often fulfill these criteria. However, the level of rigor applied in research design and execution varies greatly. The fundamental principles of good research – such as to match the research design with the research question, or to choose samples that are appropriate for answering the research question (Bono & McNamara, 2011) – indeed apply to the field of innovation management research. However, the field also provides a number of specific challenges that call for the adaption of existing methods, or the development of distinctive research methods.
The most fundamental of these challenges is probably the complexity of the definitions, operationalisations, and measurements of central innovation management concepts such as "innovation performance", "creativity" and "novelty" (see e.g. Crossan & Apaydin, 2010; Klijn & Tomic, 2010). In addition, innovation management researchers frequently face challenges when attempting to generalize their findings. Furthermore, innovation theories have become more complex and open over time, and they now articulate relationships between multiple actors and stakeholders (Sørensen, Mattsson, & Sundbo, 2010). The rapid and pervasive spread of digital technologies provides additional sources of data and methods of analysis, which can challenge the fundamental assumptions of extant innovation theories, the scope of how innovation is defined, and the central agency of the nature of innovation (Benner & Tushman, 2015; Nambisan, Lyytinen, Majchrzak, & Song, 2017). Furthermore, in examining relevant issues and phenomena for innovation management, researchers face challenges with new organizing forms and levels of analysis such as innovation ecosystems (e.g. Rohrbeck et al., 2009; Ritala et al., 2013) and platform-based markets (Gawer & Henderson, 2007; Parker & Van Alstyne, 2017). The objective of this Special Issue is to put forward a collection of relevant methodological developments within the context of innovation management. It will aim to contribute to a more thorough understanding of existing and emerging methods and their application in innovation management research. Furthermore, we want to encourage researchers to address promising research opportunities in innovation management by providing methodological guidance and inspiration that cater for the specific characteristics of this field. 
We invite papers that focus specifically on research methods for innovation management. The call is open to contributions that emphasize any method, whether it is qualitative, quantitative or conceptual in nature. In particular, we are looking for papers that provide specific methodological implications for future research on innovation management. The papers should deepen our understanding of how the reliability, validity, generalizability and overall quality in innovation management research can be improved. Whereas illustrative applications in innovation management contexts would be highly appreciated, the emphasis of each paper should be on the research method itself. We encourage contributions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics (if you have an idea that is not listed here, please contact us):
  • Innovation management as a unique discipline. How do specific innovation management characteristics impact the way research methods need to be applied in innovation management research? What characterizes innovation management as a self-standing discipline? Borrowing from neighbouring disciplines. How can we as innovation management researchers learn from and borrow methods used in other disciplines such as psychology or the behavioural sciences? How can we conduct good, systematic inter-disciplinary work that can enhance innovation management research? 
  • (Innovative) research designs. How can existing research designs be adapted to suit the particular requirements of innovation management research? Which new research design formats might emerge? 
    • New units and levels of analysis in innovation management. What kind of challenges and opportunities are there when studying broad and often loosely-coupled forms of organizing such as innovation ecosystems and platform-based markets? How can we study innovation management issues in structures that involve a large number of actors and fewer possibilities for "management" or "coordination" than in more traditional, well-defined structures? 
    • Measurement issues in innovation management research. How can we measure the seemingly immeasurable concepts used in innovation management research? How can we adapt existing methods of measurement from other disciplines to the innovation management context? 
    • Model specification in innovation management. How can we identify appropriate and complete model specifications in the context of innovation management research? How can we select meaningful mediators and moderators to refine / extend / challenge current innovation management theories? 
    • Theorizing in innovation management research. How can we develop theory from empirical data in innovation management that suits the field's distinct features? 
    • Data sources. How can we create appropriate samples to answer research questions in innovation management? How can new and emerging sources of data (such as those provided by social media) be leveraged in innovation management research? How can we deal with methodological challenges and the opportunities that big data generates? 
  • Methods and practical impact. How can we utilize methods that allow better communication of the results so that they are understood outside of academia? How can we combine rigorous research methods with practical relevance without compromising any of them? How can we foster academic and practitioner collaboration in innovation management research? 

Review Process & Timelines:
Please follow the author guidelines for submissions in the R&D Management journal website ( Full papers must be submitted no later than January 31st, 2019 and at the earliest on November 1st, 2018. All papers will be externally reviewed in accordance with the policies of R&D Management Journal. Expected time of publication of the special issue is Spring of 2020.
As part of the submission process, authors have the opportunity to develop their papers in collaboration with the ISPIM Special Interest Group in Innovation Research Skills and the Special Issue Editors. In particular, authors with an invitation to submit a revision following the first round in Spring 2019 will be invited to attend a Special Issue session at the ISPIM Innovation Conference, June 2019, in Florence, Italy. Participation to this session is not mandatory for the authors, yet it is highly recommended. 

Benner, M. J., & Tushman, M. L. (2015). Reflections on the 2013 decade award - „Exploitation, exploration, and process management: The productivitiy dilemma revisited" Ten years later. Academy of Management Review, 40(4), 497–514.
Bono, J. E., & McNamara, G. (2011). From the editors: Publishing in AMJ - Part 2: Research design. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4), 657–660.
Colquitt, J. A., & George, G. (2011). From the editors: Publishing in AMJ - Part 1: topic choice. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), 432–435.
Crossan, M. M., & Apaydin, M. (2010). A multi‐dimensional framework of organizational innovation: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Management Studies, 47(6), 1154-1191.
Gawer, A., & Henderson, R. (2007). Platform owner entry and innovation in complementary markets: Evidence from Intel. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 16(1), 1-34.
Klijn, M., & Tomic, W. (2010). A review of creativity within organizations from a psychological perspective. Journal of Management Development, 29(4), 322-343.
Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K., Majchrzak, A., & Song, M. (2017). Digital innovation management: Reinventing innovation management research in a digital world. MIS Quarterly, 41(1), 223–238.
Parker, G., & Van Alstyne, M. (2017). Innovation, openness, and platform control. Management Science. Published online.
Ritala, P., Agouridas, V., Assimakopoulos, D., & Gies, O. (2013). Value creation and capture mechanisms in innovation ecosystems: a comparative case study. International Journal of Technology Management, 63(3-4), 244-267.
Rohrbeck, R., Hölzle, K., & Gemünden, H. G. (2009). Opening up for competitive advantage–How Deutsche Telekom creates an open innovation ecosystem. R&D Management, 39(4), 420-430.
Sørensen, F., Mattsson, J., & Sundbo, J. (2010). Experimental methods in innovation research. Research Policy, 39(3), 313–322.
Tidd, J., Bessant, J., & Pavitt, K. (2013). Managing innovation integrating technological, market and organizational change. 5th Ed. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.