Thursday, January 28, 2021

Call for Papers: Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries: Data, Infrastructure, and Services

Call for Papers: Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries: Data, Infrastructure, and Services

Background on the CyberBRICS Project:
The CyberBRICS project has a triple aim: to map existing regulations; to identify best practices; and develop policy suggestions in the areas of cybersecurity governance, Internet access and digitalisation of public services in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The project is hosted by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School and developed in partnership with the Higher School of Economics, in Moscow, Russia; the Centre for Internet and Society, New Delhi, India; the Fudan University, Shanghai, and the Hong Kong University, China; and the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
The project stems from the consideration that the next billion users, together with the innovation and data they will produce and the policy they will need, will likely come from the BRICS. In light of this consideration, BRICS countries are increasing their information sharing and cooperation in the fields of science and technology and promoting synergies between member countries with regard to digital policies. While the first book produced by the CyberBRICS Project explored the "Cybersecurity Regulations in the BRICS Countries" (an open access non-edited version of the book is available here), the next book project in the CyberBRICS research aims at exploring how the BRICS countries engage with the different facets of the Digital Sovereignty debate.

Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS: While once imagined as an instrument for a borderless "global village," the Internet is currently undergoing complex processes of re-nationalization (e.g. China, Russia, India) and regionalization (e.g. EU). BRICS countries, like many others around the world, are grappling with conflicting sets of realities and desires: individual privacy and national security, data localization and cross-border data flows, digital independence and international technological trade, often driven by concurrent national priorities, international commitments, and ambitions for global expansion and influence.
The book volume aims at offering answers to such compelling questions, providing valuable – and so far, very limited – insights on digital policies of the BRICS grouping, with particular regard to evolving notion of Digital Sovereignty and its heterogeneous interpretations and practices. The publication wishes to gather contributions based on rigorously collected evidence that can be used by researchers, regulators, and businesses alike. Authors of selected contributions will be invited, with the help of a limited number of travel grants, to present their draft papers at the BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Conference, organised as a side event of the Latin American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP LatAm), in July 2021, in Rio de Janeiro.

Call for Papers: This publication aims at developing a ground-breaking interdisciplinary body of research on Digital Sovereignty by focusing on related discourses, legislations and regulations, and technological projects developed by BRICS countries to (re)assert their Digital Sovereignty. We welcome submissions from a wide range of disciplines such as communication, law, security studies, information science, political science, public administration, public policy, international relations, area studies, sociology, anthropology, etc. Suggested topics include analyses of, inter alia:
  • The conceptualization of Digital Sovereignty in a specific member of the BRICS grouping or from a comparative perspective
  • Taxonomies and categorizations of Digital Sovereignty
  • Theoretical, empirical, or comparative analysis of data localization policies in BRICS countries
  • Theoretical, empirical, or comparative analysis of cyber-industrial plans and strategies aimed at national self-reliance and independence in BRICS countries
  • Analysis of infrastructural policies adopted by BRICS countries to interpret, implement and actualize sovereignty in cyberspace
  • Tensions between national policies and international commitments, for instance, in international digital trade agreements, AI policies, and technological imports/exports
  • Global South alliance and tensions among BRICS countries in their quest for alternatives to Silicon Valley-based development models
  • BRICS countries' resistance to data colonialism from the Global North and new forms of data colonialism emanating from new digital powers (e.g. China's digital silk road initiative)
  • Case studies analysing specific laws, regulations, or decisions of Digital Sovereignty (e.g. the Russian "Sovereign Internet Law", the Indian prohibition of 57 Chinese apps, etc.)
  • Case studies exploring the use of specific infrastructure-related programmes and initiatives to implement Digital Sovereignty (e.g. the Russian "Runet" or the "Great Firewall of China")
  • Case studies discussing how the digitalisation of specific public services contributes to the construction of a national Digital Sovereignty (e.g. the Indian "Aadhaar" Digital Identification system)
Submission Guidelines: Draft papers will be considered for inclusion in the publication only if they have not been previously published. The length of the abstract submissions should be between 1500 and 2000 words. The length of the final submissions should be between 7000 and 10000 words. To facilitate the reviewing process, papers should not include author names or other information that would help identify the authors. All submissions shall be in English language. Citation should be in APA 6 style, authors shall use footnotes rather than endnotes and submission should be in Microsoft Word or OpenDocument Text format.
Abstract submissions are due on 15 February 2021. They should include the following elements:
  • Title
  • Extended abstract (1500-2000 words)
  • Author's name, affiliation and short bibliographical note (in the body of the email)
Authors will be notified within approximately 3 weeks of the abstract submission deadline as to the status of their contributions. All submitted papers will be subject to peer review. 
PLEASE note that every author submitting a paper will be asked to peer review another submission, which will be judged based on the novelty of the contribution, the theoretical soundness, and the quality of presentation. Authors of the selected submissions will be invited to submit the first drafts of their paper proposals (7000-10000 words) by 10 June 2021. Authors will be given the opportunity to improve their contributions based on peer comments. To receive further comments and feedback, authors will also be invited to present their work in-progress at the BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Conference, organised as a side event of the Latin American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP LatAm), in July 2021, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  at CPDP LatAm in Rio. Final drafts (7000-10000 words) are due on 10 September 2021. All submissions shall be sent to Dr. Luca Belli ( and Dr. Min Jiang ( with "Submission BRICS Digital Sovereignty" as your email subject.

New Article "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Criminal Justice System: Indian Perspective" by P Gawali & R Sony

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Criminal Justice System: Indian Perspective
by Puneet Gawali & Reeta Sony; Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 2020, 3(3), 78–96. DOI: 10.17323/2713-2749.2020.3.78.96

Abstract: The increasing cyber-attacks have created havoc in the criminal justice system. Understanding the purpose of crime and countering it is the crucial task for the law enforcement agencies. This research aims to present how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Predictive Analysis using soft evidence can be used in sorting out the existing criminal record while making the use of metadata, and therefore predicting crime. Furthermore, it would surely help out the police and intelligence bodies to smartly investigate the cases by referring to the database and thus help the society in curbing the crime by quicker and more effective investigation processes. It would also assist the analyst in tracking the activities and associations of various criminal elements through their recent activities, by extracting the particular details from the documents or records. Prediction of the crime can be understood through this research. The present study reflects the accuracy level of threat from 28 states of India. By researching this topic, it becomes evident that if proper data is fed to this model, the chances of prediction are higher and more accurate. The study also tried to find out the psychosocial perspectives of the crime and what would be the reason an individual indulges in such crime.

New Article "AI-Generated Inventions and IPR Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic" C Sharma & R Sony

AI-Generated Inventions and IPR Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Chhavi Sharma & Reeta Sony; Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 2020, 2, 63–91. DOI: 10.17323/2713-2749.2020.2.63.91
Abstract: According to the World Health Organisation's (WHO) official website for coronavirus, the disease has spread to approximately 214 countries and regions. While the disease is spreading mercilessly around the world, science and technology are giving it an equal fight. The pandemic is a test of governments' medical capacity and their political will; it also raises several philosophical questions. It is a test of humans as a unit. A test of humanity as a whole. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intended to imitate human cognitive functions. It will bring significant change to health care, driven by the growing accessibility of healthcare data and rapid advancement of analytics practices. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, AI is being used to assist and advise doctors in establishing a diagnosis, to support radiologists in refining image explanation, and help in the advancement of drug discovery research. The upsurge of new technologies gives rise to new questions. There is still considerable uncertainty in the field of Intellectual Property (IP) protection of AI-generated works. AI does not have legal personhood, so the question remains about whether it holds any IP rights. In this article, we discuss the IP rights of AI-generated works with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of international and national laws and treaties on IP rights for AI-generated solutions to the pandemic, as well as to study an alternative temporary mechanism to make IP widely available to mobilise resources and manufacture critical products to prevent, diagnose or treat COVID-19. The paper attempts to strike a balance between the needs of health care, life-threatening emergencies and IP rights by applying a utilitarian theory of IP law that denotes the «utility» of all people, aiming to secure «the greatest good for the greatest number».

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Globelics2021 Costa Rica : Call for Papers

GLOBELICS Costa Rica 2021 (GLOBELICS 2021)
Theme: Innovation Systems and Sustainable Development: New Strategies for Growth, Social Welfare and Environmental Sustainability

1st Call for Papers
Combination of face-to-face and online participation
Organized by: International Center of Economic Policies for Sustainable Development, CINPE, Universidad Nacional, UNA, Costa Rica

Important dates
Deadline for submission of papers: April 10, 2021
Acceptance notification: June 28, 2021
Deadline for application for travel support: April 10, 2021
Response to applicants for travel support: June 30, 2021
Conference registration deadline (Indicating the mode of participation): August 28, 2021
Last date for upload of final version of paper: September 30, 2021

The Globelics International Conference 2021
The 17th Globelics Conference will be held in Heredia, Costa Rica. The conference will be hosted by the International Center of Economic Policies for Sustainable Development, CINPE, an institute of the National University, one of the main universities in Costa Rica. Costa Rica will be the first Central American country to host the Globelics Conference. The Conference has been organized before in other Latin American and Caribbean countries, as Brazil. Argentina, Mexico and Cuba and in countries in all the continents. We see a big opportunity with the conference for the analysis of strategies to promote innovation aimed to define new strategies of growth, social welfare and environment. There is also a big opportunity to strengthen the cooperation among the academy with other key actor in the innovation systems, promoting relevant discussions. The conference will combine plenary sessions, presentations of research papers in parallel tracks, thematic panel sessions or special sessions, poster presentations, a book presentation session and debate, exhibition on industrial research, innovative start-ups presentations, sightseeing and cultural events, as well as artistic and culinary exhibitions. Considering the extraordinary situation at present and the uncertainty with regards to Covid19 that still prevails, Globelics conference 2021will combine both the online and offline mode of participation. While we will be happy to welcome all those who are able to travel to Costa Rica, for participation in person, others are welcome to join online. As in the earlier years, there will be plenary sessions, special sessions and parallel sessions. In all these sessions you will have the option of participating in person or through designated online platforms.

Globelics is a worldwide network of more than 2000 scholars engaged in research on how innovation and competence building contribute to economic and sustainable development. The network is open and diverse in terms of disciplines, perspectives and research tools. Globelics is a platform for cooperation and interactive learning. It was conceived at the very beginning of the new millennium. Inspired by the work of Christopher Freeman and Richard Nelson, the network was initially built on conversations among scholars in the South and in the North and developed by economists and experts on innovation systems. Over time the network, under the leadership of Bengt-Åke Lundvall has integrated expertise from a wider social science background and experts on broader aspects of development. One of its main activities is the Annual Globelics Conference, which brings together over 400 leading and young scholars from all over the world, with special efforts to include scholars from low-income countries. The Conference also aims at building research capacity and orienting research toward the local challenges of the host country.
Conference Theme: The main conference theme for Globelics 2021 is "Innovation systems and Sustainable Development: new strategies for growth, social welfare and environmental sustainability". The conference invites papers addressing the role of different types of actors such as the State, local authorities, continental entities, knowledge institutions, firms, and industries political and social actors in shaping innovation and capacity building so as to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. In particular, it aims to explore whether we need new approaches to study inequality, sustainable development, the role of SMES and specific approaches for Latin American and other developing countries. The conference will also consider the need to tackle new challenges related to innovation and capacity building and papers studying how systems of policies can be implemented at different levels and across different countries to innovate in order to promote inclusive growth, social welfare and environmental sustainability. The need for new strategies to face the crisis caused by COVID-19 will be studied in the different tracks and in plenary sessions.

Conference Tracks: Accepted papers will be organized around parallel paper tracks encompassing:
1. Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development: policy and practice.
2. Agricultural innovation systems and development of rural areas.
3. Strengthening national, regional and local innovation systems: the role of key actors.
4. Creative industries, smart cities and sustainable urban development.
5. Economic and social upgrading: trade policies, FDI, value chains and innovation networks
6. Entrepreneurship, employability and innovation management.
7. Innovation for inclusive development: gender dimension, indigenous knowledge, informal economy, micro and small enterprises.
8. Systemic innovation policies, Complexity, Transformative innovation Policies and Mission oriented innovation policies, in developing countries.
9. Industry 4.0, digitalization and automatization: impacts and challenges for less developed countries.
10. The green economy, environmental technologies and renewable energy
11. Catching-up, Leapfrogging and Structural transformation
12. Democracy and science, technology and innovation research and policy agenda

Paper submission: We encourage scholars at scientific institutions, universities, enterprises and public sector institutions to take this opportunity to present their work to leading scholars in the field of innovation and development. We especially encourage young researchers to submit papers. Papers for oral presentations and poster presentations must be written in English, and the selected ones must be presented at the conference in English. Submission of full paper (in PDF) not exceeding 12,000 words (including notes, tables, appendices, list of references, etc.) should be made via the online submission form available at the Conference website. The selection of papers is based on a peer review process that focuses on relevance, academic quality and originality. Globelics reserves the right to use available software to control for plagiarism and to take appropriate action in such cases.

Travel support: Faculty members and PhD students from low-income and lower-middle income countries with accepted papers to the conference can apply for travel support (full or partial). Application for travel support must be submitted at the same time as submission of paper. Application for travel support does not guarantee it. Further information on procedure for application of travel support will be available on the conference website.

Contact details: For further information on the conference organization please consult our website: If you have any questions that cannot be answered using the website, please send an Email to:

JST Article "Science Communication at the Intersection of Science and International Relations: Success Stories and Learnings from the COVID19 Pandemic" by Shreedhar K & R Sony

JST Article
"Science Communication at the Intersection of Science and International Relations: Success Stories and Learnings from the COVID19 Pandemic" by Shreedhar K. & Reeta Sony, Journal of Scientific Temper, 2020.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Online Panel Discussion on “Role of New STI Policy for Promoting Research and Innovation in India” | 25th January at 11:30 AM IST

Online Panel Discussion on "Role of New STI Policy for Promoting Research and Innovation in India" 
on 25th January 2021 at 11:30 AM IST

Vigyan Prasar (VP) is an autonomous organization of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, engaged in large-scale science popularization activities in the country.  India Science, Technology, and Innovation Portal (ISTI) is the VP's initiative to provide a one-stop digital platform for all the information and developments on science, technology, and innovation in India. 

DST has recently released the first draft of the 5th National Science Technology and Innovation Policy, which is now open for public consultation. Vigyan Prasar wishes to use this opportunity to collect feedback and input from the young scientists and the Research fraternity for strengthening the policy draft. Thus, VP is conducting a panel discussion to throw light on some of the significant policy chapters like Open Science, Capacity Development, Research, Innovation, Technology Development, and Indigenisation and Industry-Academia Partnership. 

Vigyan Prasar invites you to participate in the new Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP) discussion in promoting Research and Innovation in India. The panel discussion will be held through a virtual platform on January 25, 2021, from 11.30 AM-01:00 PM. You can submit your queries and comments on the draft STI Policy during the session. Your suggestions, inputs, recommendations will surely help to improve and strengthen the new STI Policy.

We are sure the discussion series will prove to be a powerful medium to platform your voice and convey your message to the decision-makers. Encourage your fellow members to join in large numbers and reap the maximum benefit of this discussion.

STIP Lecture on Digital Payments and QR Code: What Way Forward | 23 January 2021 at 16:00 IST

STIP Lecture on Digital Payments and QR Code: What Way Forward on 23 January 2021 | Join Online



International Summer School "Digital Health Innovation: Intersections of Design, Technology, and Gender" | June 2021, at KU Sweden

International Summer School – Digital Health Innovation: Intersections of Design, Technology, and Gender.
From the 20. until the 27.06.2021 at Karlstad University, Sweden

While digital health is often praised as the solution to contemporary and future health problems, the social inequalities contained in and reinforced through digital health technologies are often not acknowledged. This summer school addresses this shortfall by asking how the development, design, and use of healthcare technologies interplay with categories of social differentiation such as gender, race, class, and sexuality. From an interdisciplinary perspective, participants will work together to identify, analyze, and address current challenges in international (digital) healthcare technology contexts. The summer school is  aimed at people either working in healthcare and/or (health) technology contexts as well as people who engage with these contexts from a social science and/or humanities perspective.

The summer school is organized by the Centre for Gender Studies, Karlstad University and the Gender Studies Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Digital Well Arena. From the 20th until the 27th of June 2021, the summer school will commence in Karlstad. The number of participants is limited to 20. Registration for the summer school starts on the 19th of February 2021 and closes on the 15th of March 2021. Registration is done via the admissions page of the Swedish Council for Higher Education: Travel bursaries are available for all participants.

If you wish to participate, please apply here before March 15! 

Further Details 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

DST invites applications for the 5th Cohort of STI Policy Fellows | LD: 19 February

DST India invites applications for 20 STI Policy Fellowships for 5th Cohort.
Excellent opportunity for young passionate and motivated professionals to join and contribute to nation building.
Last Date : Friday, 19th February 2021

CODATA Connect Webinar on the Data Management Plan | 20th January at 4:30 pm IST

CODATA Connect Webinar on the Data Management Plan

Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2021

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 noon GMT | 4:30-5:30 pm IST

Duration: 40 min session and 15 min Question Answers (Total 1 hour)

Registration Link:

This Webinar is about why we need to embrace development and use of data management plans (DMP) to guarantee production and supply of quality data. The importance and value  of a DMP are in its use as an instrument for the following: capturing quality metadata and data; implementing data policies; complying with funders and publishers requirements; preventing occurrence of data disasters;  enabling research collaboration; supporting open science and citizen science; and enhancing research careers.

The webinar discusses key components of a comprehensive DMP and suggests how to formulate a DMP. It discusses the link between metadata and data and how it affects the quality of data, and its use and reuse in the data ecosystem. The need to conduct a complexity analysis based on CFTER factors along a proposed data value chain model shall be discussed. The DMP issues that will be considered include: IT costs; storage and backup; best practices; data licensing; data preservation; and self-assessment instruments.

Prof Muliaro Wafula the presenter has contributed to the development of Nature Masterclasses online course on Managing Research Data that could be of help to early career researchers.

Other examples of DMPs recommended and relevant to the webinar include:

Name of the Speaker:Prof Muliaro Wafula
Designation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Jomo kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Prof Joseph Muliaro Wafula holds a BSc. Science (Hons) (Kenyatta University), MSc. Physics (University of Nairobi), M.Phil. Microelectronic Engineering and Semiconductor Physics (University of Cambridge –UK), Summer Doctoral Program (Berkman Centre for Internet & Society/Oxford Internet Institute's -Harvard University Law School), and PhD Information Technology (JKUAT). He is certified by IBM as a Mobile Application Developer, Cyber Security expert and Data Engineer. Resend consultancies undertaken include: Review of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's activities and accomplishments; Development of an African Policy Framework and Policy Roadmap for Open Science and Open Data'; Performing Skills Audit and development of strategies to fill the gaps in Northern Corridor Integrated Project (NCIP) Member States-Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Uganda. A collaborator on Melinda and Gates Foundation award 2017 for developing a Blockchain-based Vaccines Supply Chain Management Application. Recipient of two IBM awards namely: the 2016 IBM Shared University Research Award on Open Data Cloud Project for JKUAT for building an open data platform for researchers in Africa, and the 2014 IBM MEA Award, for capacity building in Mobile Application development. Won the Kenya Open Data Champion Award of 2016. Member of the Global Challenges Research Fund/ ESRC Strategic Network on Digital Development: Leveraging Data Science and Digital Participatory Practice for Development Impact (2017-2018) and a Co-convenor of a network bringing together 29 participants (academics, NGOs and business partners) from 13 countries to develop joint cutting-edge research agendas. Member of Immunization Technical Working Group. He is an elected Executive Member of CODATA International. He is a member of the editorial board of the Data Science Journal. He is a fellow of the Computer Society of Kenya and the Cambridge Commonwealth Society and has published book chapters, a book and research papers in peer reviewed international journals. Lead Author of the African Open Science Policy Framework– A guide for African States on Open Science Policies and Practices. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing at JKUAT.



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Sunday, January 10, 2021

National Library Conclave on Copyrights | 21 January 2021, Online

National Library Conclave on Copyrights

Date: January 21, 2021 

Dear Professional Colleagues,

JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University), India International Centre (IIC), and Sanrachana in collaboration are organizing a National Library Conclave on Copyrights. Scheduled on January 21, 2021, via virtual mode, wherein we plan brainstorming sessions on the following themes:

1. One Nation – One Subscription
2. Copyrights Provisions for Library: Guidelines for Librarians
3. Copyrights Challenges in the Digital Era

In case of any further queries, you can reach Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi on +91-11-24609361, 24609306. 

Looking forward to your participation on January 21, 2021 in a virtual environment.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Online All India Convention 'Make Knowledge Free, Not Private Property' | 9 January

Online All India Convention 'Make Knowledge Free, Not Private Property'

Date and time: 9 January 2021,  Saturday, 4 PM.

  • Prof. P Balaram, former Director, IISc Bangalore
  • Prof. S C Lakhotia, INSA Senior Scientist, Banaras Hindu University
  • Prof. Soumitro Banerjee, General Secretary, Breakthrough Science Society and Professor, IISER Kolkata
The recent lawsuit filed in the Delhi High Court by the publishers Elsevier, Wiley, and American Chemical Society against Sci-hub and LibGen for copyright infringement has brought to the fore the debate between legality and ethicality of limiting access to knowledge. This discussion will address key concerns.

Register Online for the convention

We look forward to your participation in the convention.

Mr. Pratyush Sikdar
On behalf of
Breakthrough Science Society
8A Creek Lane, Kolkata-700014

Friday, January 1, 2021

Draft of India's 5th STIP (Science, Technology and Innovation Policy) is released for Public Comments

The draft of India's 5th Science, Technology and Innovation Policy has been released for public comments and feedback. Send your inputs by 25th January 2021 on