Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Vice President of India released Festschrift on Prof ​Ashok Parthasarathi "A Lifetime of Moulding Technology and Science Policy in India", edited by Dr Sachin Chaturvedi

The Vice President of India released Festschrift on Prof ​Ashok Parthasarathi "A Lifetime of Moulding Technology and Science Policy in India", edited by Dr Sachin Chaturvedi.

Foundations laid by people like Ashok Parthasarthi enabled India to enhance its Science and Technology capacity: Vice President 

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has said that the foundations laid by people like Prof. Ashok Parthasarthi enabled India to enhance its Science and Technology capacity. He was addressing the gathering after releasing the Festschrift titled 'A lifetime of Moulding Technology and Science Policy in India' dedicated to Prof. Ashok Parthasarthi, here today. The Emeritus Chairman of M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, Prof. M S Swaminathan and other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.
The Vice President said that Prof. Ashok Parthasarthi is one of India's best known Science and Technology planners and he was consulted by the Government during the 1971 war with Pakistan and had a role to play in 1974 peaceful nuclear explosion. Thereafter, he has been closely associated with several of India's defence projects, he added.
The Vice President said that Prof. Parthasarthi built on the legacy of the importance that science was accorded in independent India by Pandit Nehru. As a science policy planner, Prof. Parthasarathi advocated a major restructuring of our policies and demanded higher budgetary allocations to reflect the government's prioritization of science and technology, he added.
The Vice President said that one crucial area has remained neglected when formulating our science and technological policies, has been the development of our universities, particularly Science and Technology research in the universities. He said that he hoped subsequent S&T policy formulations will keep the central role the Universities can play as the seats of innovation and ideas factories for the nation.

Following is the text of Vice President's address:
"Professor Ashok Parthasarthi is one of India's best known Science and Technology planners. A physics teacher, he trained as an astro-physicist, working with the likes of Martin Ryle. He also served in the Department of Atomic Energy assisting the then Chairman, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai.
He was consulted by the Government during the 1971 war with Pakistan and had a role to play in 1974 peaceful nuclear explosion. Thereafter, he has been closely associated with several of India's defence projects. He served as the first, full time S&T policy advisor to the Prime Minister- first in mid 70s and again from 1980-84. He, of course, went on to serve as Secretary to Government of India, and after retirement, as a Professor at the JNU.
This festschrift, which delineates various aspects of his contributions to moulding of India's Science and Technology policy, is a fitting tribute. I see in the list of contributors, names of individuals who have known and worked with Prof. Parthasarthi and are in perhaps the best position to remark on his amazing talent.
Prof. Parthasarthi built on the legacy of the importance that science was accorded in independent India by Pandit Nehru, who not only saw science as solving the 'problems of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening custom and tradition, of vast resources running to waste, or a rich country inhabited by starving people', but also dreamt of an India where scientific temper would be the basis of all social interaction.
Two particular contributions of Prof. Parthasarthi, in his role as our top Science Policy planner, have had deep impact on the shaping of Indian sciences and need to be mentioned.
The first was, when, under his instigation, the National Committee on Science and Technology prepared a comprehensive S&T Plan in 1974. The Plan identified 24 sectors "with a view to evolving suitable programmes of research, development and design …..for accomplishing time bound targets". The Plan was geared towards import substitution, adaptation of imported technology, enhancement of industrial productivity, export promotion and building up capabilities in frontier areas and augmentation of R&D. It is not surprising that some of the sectors identified back then including- Nuclear Energy, Space Sciences, Pharmaceuticals, heavy engineering- are the areas where Indian has shown remarkable progress.
The next was in 1980s, when Prof. Parthasarthi was again appointed the Science and Technology Advisor to the Prime Minister. The government issued the Technology Policy Statement (TPS) and a high level Committee was constituted to implement the recommendations of the TPS which included a focus on developing indigenous technology and efficiently absorbing and adapting imported technology. The TPS aimed at fostering linkages between the various S&T institutions in order to generate technology which would impart economic benefit. These were later to transmute into various technology missions that saw translation of S&T gains into practical and public oriented solutions.
Some commentators have, especially in recent years, criticised the over emphasis on import substitution, especially in critical sectors, where perhaps we could have benefitted more from external exposure. But few deny his deep impact on the Indian Science and technology policy formulation or his role in making Science and Technology a part of the highest strategic policy discussion in India.
As a science policy planner, he advocated a major restructuring of our policies. He demanded higher budgetary allocations to reflect the government's prioritization of science and technology. He has championed greater devolution for sectors such as rural development, public health, energy- including emphasis on renewable energy sources, weather forecasting and preserving our bio-diversity.
The foundations laid by people like Ashok Parthasarthi enabled India to enhance its Science and Technology capacity. The one crucial area, however, which I believe has remained neglected when formulating our science and technological policies, has been the development of our universities, particularly Science and Technology research in the universities. I hope that subsequent S&T policy formulations will keep the central role the Universities can play as the seats of innovation and ideas factories for the nation.
I think this present volume is timely and will inform the national debate on the need for developing a scientific temper and formulation of a new science and technology policy in the country.
I offer my best wishes to the editor and contributors to this volume as well as to Academic Foundation, the publishers for the success of the book.
Jai Hind."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

New Report | Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2016: Recent Trends and Developments | by UN-ESCAP

Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2016: Recent Trends and Developments

by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, UN-ESCAP, November 2016, ISBN: 9789211207323.



The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes international trade as a generator of inclusive economic growth. It adds value to economies, provides foreign exchange earnings to help finance development and enables job creation, all of which contribute to poverty reduction. Taking advantage of its dynamism, diversity and labor markets has enabled Asia and the Pacific to be competitive in international markets. This is evidenced by the rise in the region's share of global trade and participation in associated value chains.

Like elsewhere, however, the Asia and Pacific region has faced protracted global headwinds since 2007, which has impacted the trade sector and its prospects. This latest Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2016 highlights that the region's trade flows are wavering amid continued sluggish global economic and trade growth, downward movement of world commodity prices and an uncertain policy environment. These outcomes come at a time when the need for trade growth to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is critical.

Even though regional trade did gain some momentum during 2010-2014, the nominal value of Asia and Pacific exports and imports in 2015 experienced a major slump of 9.7 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively. Sluggish growth in trade is expected to continue through to the end of 2016. Forecasts, presented in this Report, do offer hope for a rebound in trade, more so in value, but growth in exports and imports in volume terms will be around 2.2 per cent and 3.8 per cent, respectively.

To its credit, most of Asia's exporting economies have decoupled from the economic cycles in traditional exports markets, like the United States and the European Union, by not only diversifying their export markets but also through boosting domestic consumption and the services sector. Notwithstanding, the region has the potential to lead by example and revitalize its trade momentum, which will be critical to ensuring our future is sustainable and that our societies are more equal.

Concurrent to trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to developing countries have also slowed. FDI flows and regional integration policies have been adversely affected by populist sentiments which have been growing globally. In Asia and the Pacific, growing discontentment with liberalization has to a certain extent been influenced by the inequitable distribution of the benefits of liberalization and rising inequalities. In this context, it is of little surprise that a number of new restrictive trade measures, particularly in G20 countries, were implemented in 2016.

This year's edition of the Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) does, however, reveal positive news. With a share of 40%, the Asia-Pacific region is still the largest goods exporting region globally. The region's share in commercial services trade continues to strengthen and restrictiveness of services trade has not increased in the region's economies. Furthermore, the region's active actions towards international investment liberalization helped greenfield FDI inflows grow much faster than the global average. Significant progress was also witnessed in the region's efforts to decrease trade costs, illustrated by the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific. A significant number of economies in our region have also already ratified the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, with the 12 remaining Asia-Pacific economies on track to ratify the Agreement soon.

In addition to these developments, Asia and the Pacific also witnessed the first signs of some consolidation among the preferential trade activities in the region. Nevertheless, after the results of the recent United States election, it appears that at least one of the mega-regional agreements signed in 2016, has an uncertain future. This is disappointing, and represents a considerable loss in terms of time and costs for the countries that were involved in negotiating this agreement. Moving forward, these developments may, however, allow the region's economies to focus more on South-South integration and enable them to promote trade and investment linkages suited to their development aspirations.

I recommend the Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2016: Recent Trends and Developments to all Governments, development partners and other stakeholders. Together with 5 sub-regional and almost 30 country trade briefs, this Report offers comprehensive evidence that will help in the introduction of well-informed trade and investment trends and policies across the region. Given that the short-term prospects for international trade are not promising, the changing patterns and prospects outlined in this Report highlight that achieving the 2030 Agenda will require the continued and dedicated efforts of our region's economies to create a strong, vibrant and enabling environment for international trade and investment.

 Shamshad Akhtar | Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations | Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Merchandise Trade Still in Trouble?

Chapter 2. Trade in Commercial Services Sliding Downhill

Chapter 3. Foreign Direct Investment Makes a Modest Come-Back

Chapter 4. Trade Facilitation in Asia and the Pacific: An Update

Chapter 5. Regional Trends in Trade Policies: Building Taller Fences?

Chapter 6. Preferential Trade and Agreements: An Update

Chapter 7. International Trade in a Digital Age

Monday, November 28, 2016

JNU organizes 2nd Dr KR Narayanan Memorial Lecture "Global Order in Flux: Challenges & Options for India" by Lalit Mansingh 30 Nov | 4pm

JNU organizes 
2nd Dr KR Narayanan Memorial Lecture
"Global Order in Flux: Challenges & Options for India" 
by Amb. Lalit Mansingh 
30 Nov | 4pm

CfPs: International Conference on "Knowing Nature: The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge"| 25-27 May 2017 | Renmin University of China, Beijing

International Conference on "Knowing Nature: The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge"

25th to 27th May 2017

Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Co-sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, and the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.

Call for Papers
Who knows nature best? Over the past 10,000 years competing communities of knowledge have evolved, each with formalized standards and processes.  Peasants have competed against craftsmen, religious leaders, and urban experts. In modern societies based on science and technology, the claims to knowledge have changed even more dramatically, although scientific knowledge still competes with other bodies of knowledge. And always, who gets to define knowledge can have profound consequences for the natural world. 
For our conference we seek proposals that examine what has been seen and understood as measurable, speculative, safe or unsafe and how scale (of landscapes, research projects etc.) can affect knowledge production. We welcome proposals on the rise of new fields of knowledge about nature and the environment and their search for disciplinary and institutional stability. Our conference will seek to move beyond simple dichotomies (modernity vs. tradition, science vs. religion, folk wisdom vs. urban ignorance), to develop comparisons that cross national boundaries, and to bring neglected parts of the globe and time into view.
Our keynote speaker will be Dagmar Schäfer, managing director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, and author of The Crafting of the 10,000 Things: Knowledge and Technology in Seventeenth-Century China (University of Chicago Press, 2011).
This conference is open to all ranks of scholars, from graduate students to senior professors. Paper proposals should be one-page long (or about 300 words) and include a title and a one- or two-page CV. 
Send proposals to conference secretary Agnes Kneitz, Assistant Professor of History at Renmin University at this address: a.kneitz[at]  The deadline for consideration is 1st January 2017
Successful proposals will be announced around 1st February, and complete drafts of papers (minimum of 5,000 words in English or the equivalent in Chinese characters) will be required by 1st May 2017. All papers will be circulated to the participants in advance and will not be orally presented during the conference. 
The members of the selection committee include Mingfang Xia, Director of the Center for Ecological History and Senior Professor in the School of History, Renmin University of China; Helmuth Trischler, Head of Research at the Deutsches Museum, Munich, and Co-Director of the Rachel Carson Center; and Donald Worster, Hall Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kansas, and Distinguished Foreign Expert, Renmin University.
The organizing chairperson for the conference is Professor Shen Hou, Deputy Director of the Center for Ecological History and Associate Professor of history at Renmin University.
Travel expenses for scholars living outside of China will be reimbursed by the Rachel Carson Center. Scholars living within China should depend on their own universities for covering travel expenses. For all participants, hotel accommodations for four nights and all meals will be covered by Renmin University of China.
Following the conference we will organize a group field trip to the Great Wall as a site and symbol of what Joseph Needham called "science and civilization in China."

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Audio Recording of CSSP Talk "Scientometrics as a Viable Method for STS Research" by Dr Sujit Bhattacharya

CSSP Special Lecture "Scientometrics as a Viable Method for STS Research" was delivered by Dr Sujit Bhattacharya (Professor, Academy of Scientific Research & Innovation, NISTADS, India) on 17th November 2016.

Summer School 2017 | Global Responsibility: Building the Next Generation | Germany

Summer School 2017
Global Responsibility: Building the Next Generation 

26th June to 21st July 2017

At Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany

  • Introduction of Renewable Energy Technologies | Prof. Dr. Tara Chandra Kandpal
  • Economics of Renewable Energy Technologies | Prof. Dr. Tara Chandra Kandpal
  • Financing of Renewable Energy Technologies | Prof. Dr. Tara Chandra Kandpal
  • Innovation Management | Prof. Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz, Markus Kowalski
  • The End of Management | Dr Patrick O'Leary
  • Professional Presentation Techniques | Thorsten Ohler
  • Management in Far-East Asia | Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Sonnenborn
  • Optimization of Logistics Systems | Prof. Dr. Daniele Vigo
  • Introduction to Computational Intelligence | prof. Dr. Oliver Wendt

Application Deadline for Summer School 2017: 28th of February 2017.

New Book | A Voice for Science in the South | edited by Daniel Schaffer

A Voice for Science in the South
Edited by Daniel Schaffer. World Scientific Publishing, 2015, hardcover, 252 pages, ISBN: 9789814740425.

About the Book
Science in the developing world has experienced historic change over the past 30 years. Nations that lacked resources for even basic science have since developed world-class research centres. Men and women who previously had no chance of pursuing scientific careers in their own countries now thrive in home-grown universities and laboratories dedicated to scientific excellence.
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) has been front and centre during this remarkable transformation. A Voice for Science in the South tells the story of TWAS through the eyes of 11 eminent scientists associated with the Academy. They speak of the organization's challenges and triumphs, and describe what TWAS has meant for their careers and the careers of thousands of scientists in the developing world. They also explore the challenges that lie ahead for TWAS and, more generally, for science in the South. It is a story of unprecedented global change and an account of what must be done to ensure that all nations can share in the benefits that emerge when science is woven into the fabric of society.

Table of Contents
Present in the World (José I Vargas)
A Centre for Excellence (C N R Rao)
Fulfilling the Promise (Jacob Palis)
Making It Happen (Mohamed H A Hassan)
Minding the Gaps (Ana María Cetto Kramis)
Opening Doors (Adnan Badran)
Full Engagement (Zakri Abdul Hamid)
The Odds of Success (Keto Mshigeni)
A Life of Change (Yu Lu)
Moving Ahead Together (Roseanne Diab)
For Generations to Come (Maria Corazon A De Ungria)

More About this Book | by Edward W. Lempinen | TWAS Newsletter
Key TWAS leaders reflect on the history of science in the developing world – and the history and future of TWAS – in a new book. In 11 inspiring essays, TWAS leaders detail the Academy's triumphs and challenges in advancing science for the developing world.
Thirty years after the first TWAS General Meeting, a new book explores the Academy's past and future in a series of essays by TWAS leaders and prominent Fellows from the developing world. "A Voice for Science in the South" serves as window into one of the most significant changes of our era: how nations once trapped in poverty have invested in science, technology and education to drive development and improve human conditions. The book "will serve as a lasting reminder of the commitment that motivated Abdus Salam, Paolo Budinich and the others who founded the Academy and guided its work for the first 30 years," writes TWAS President Bai Chunli in the Foreword. "Though the world may change, their ideals remain constant. At the same time, this volume reminds us of the hard work and creativity that will be required to build on their legacy, so that TWAS remains an effective leader and advocate for science in the service of human progress."
"A Voice for Science in the South" was edited by Daniel Schaffer, the former TWAS public information officer, and published by Singapore-based World Scientific. In an introductory essay, Schaffer reflects on the vision and commitment of Salam, the Pakistani physicist who founded the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in 1964 and won the Nobel Prize in 1979. Following that reflection are essays by four pioneering TWAS leaders: former Presidents José I. Vargas of Brazil; C.N.R. Rao of India; and Jacob Palis of Brazil; and longtime Executive Director Mohamed H.A. Hassan of Sudan. "A Voice for Science in the South" also features essays by:
  • TWAS Fellow Ana María Cetto Kramis of Mexico, who has played a globally influential role in supporting women in science;
  • TWAS Fellow Adnan Badran, who served as prime minister of Jordan during a distinguished career of scholarship, political engagement and diplomacy;
  • Zakri Abdul Hamid, a TWAS Fellow who serves as science adviser to the government of Malaysia, a member of the UN Secretary-General's Science Advisory Board, and founding chair of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services;
  • Keto Mshigeni, a TWAS Council vice president and one of Africa's preeminent natural scientists, known for his research into seaweed and mushrooms as food sources; 
  • TWAS Fellow Yu Lu, a renowned Chinese physicist who served as the first permanent member of the ICTP scientific staff;
  • Roseanne Diab, a TWAS Fellow and executive director of the Academy of Sciences of South Africa; and 
  • TWAS Young Affiliate Maria Corazon A. De Ungria of the Philippines, head of the DNA Analysis Laboratory at the University of the Philippines.

Audio Recording of JNU Lecture "The Three Waves of Indian Environmentalism" by Ramachandra Guha

3rd Sunil Memorial Lecture 2016

"The Three Waves of Indian Environmentalism" 

by Ramachandra Guha

delivered on 25 November 2016 at at JNU, New Delhi, India. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

New Book | Modi Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of India's Prime Minister | by Sreeram Chaulia, Bloomsbury, 2016

Modi Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of India's Prime Minister
by Sreeram Chaulia. Bloomsbury India, 2016, Hardcover, 268 pages, ISBN: 9789386141156.

About the Book
Since becoming India's prime minister in 2014, Narendra Modi has been a tour de force in foreign policymaking. A vastly experienced administrator who has held key public positions as chief minister of an Indian state for more than a decade and now as prime minister, he has always seen value in foreign affairs and devoted special attention to it with his unique entrepreneurial flair and coherent set of ideas. Every realm of Indian foreign policy commercial diplomacy, defence diplomacy, diaspora outreach, cultural diplomacy, geostrategy and soft power has been transformed by him with a sense of destiny not witnessed in recent memory. Indians and people the world over have noticed his star presence and are asking questions like:
  • 'Why is he investing so much time and energy into promoting India's international relations and global image?
  • What are his vision and goals for India's role in the world'?
  • What kind of distinct techniques define his approach to foreign policy?
  • How is he changing India's self-understanding and preparing it for world affairs?'
This book provides the answers by delving into the mind and method behind Narendra Modi's avatar as India's diplomat-in-chief. It argues that under his able watch, India is heading toward great power status in the international order.

About the Author
Sreeram Chaulia is Professor and Dean at the Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University, in Sonipat, India. He is an eclectic political scientist specialising in both international security and international political economy. He is a contributing editor of People Who Influenced the World (Murray Books, Adelaide, 2005) and the sole author of International Organizations and Civilian Protection: Power, Ideas and Humanitarian Aid in Conflict Zones (I.B. Tauris, London, 2011) and of Politics of the Global Economic Crisis: Regulation, Responsibility and Radicalism (Routledge, New Delhi, London and New York, 2013). He received education from St. Stephen's College, Delhi University; University College, Oxford University; The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. He is a leading opinion columnist for Indian newspapers- the Economic Times and the Asian Age- on world affairs and a commentator on international current issues on radio and television in India and abroad. He has worked as an international civilian peacekeeper in the warzones of Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

Related Books 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

CfPs: Young Social Scientists' Meet at Guwahati, India | 15-16 December

Young Social Scientists' Meet
15-16 December 2016
Organized by: OKD Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati, India

The OKD Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati has been organizing the 'Young Social Scientists' Meet' every year. The Meet provides a platform to young researchers from all over the country working on Northeast region to disseminate and share their research work and build a network of young scholars working on the region. This year also the Institute will be organizing two day Young Social Scientists' Meet on 15th and 16th of December, 2016 at OKDISCD in Guwahati. We invite young Research Scholars working on Northeast India to participate in the Meet and present their research work. The scholars should send a Concept note on their presentation in 1500 words. The concept notes will be selected on a competitive basis for presentation and for poster display. Last date for sending concept note is 30th November, 2016. The Institute will reimburse A/C three tier train fare by shortest route for all the shortlisted scholars for the Meet. Young Scholars may send their concept papers with their detail affiliations to For details see

Monday, November 21, 2016

Bill Gates on Technology and Transformation | in "NITI Lecture Series - Transforming India"

NITI Lecture Series - Transforming India : Transforming Ideas to Transforming India

Bill Gates on "Technology and Transformation"

NITI Aayog aims to build strong States that will come together to build a strong India. As the government's premier think-tank, we view knowledge building & transfer as the enabler of real transformation in the States. To build knowledge systems for the States and the Centre, NITI is pleased to announce the launch of "NITI Lectures: Transforming India".
The second lecture in the high-powered NITI Lecture series was delivered by Bill Gates, Co-Founder, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the November 16th, 2016. The theme of the lecture was 'Technology and Transformation'. Outlining the global shifts that impact the nation's development, the lecture discusses India's many advantages, its potential to address existing challenges and the opportunities that lay ahead by using technology and innovation as levers for transformation.
Through this lecture series, NITI Aayog aims to bring policy makers, academics, experts and administrators of global repute to India, for the benefit of policy makers in States and the Centre. This is aimed at learning from global experience in development and good governance. The Transforming India Lecture Series was inaugurated on August 26th, 2016 by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The first keynote address - India and the Global Economy - was delivered by the Hon'ble Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, Shri Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

CfP: International Conference & One Day Methodology Workshop on Scenarios & Models in Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services | 14-16 February | Hyderabad, India

International Conference and One Day Methodology Workshop on Scenarios and Models in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
14-16 February 2017
Organized by Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad, India

Call for Papers

The Division for Sustainable Development Studies (DSDS) at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies is organizing an international conference on Scenarios and Models in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services jointly with the Centre for Economics, Environment, and Society (CEES) Bangalore, as part of the project on "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Scenarios Network (ScenNet)" supported by the Belmont Forum through the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India during 15th to 16th February 2017. The conference shall address scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services with special reference to drivers of change. The plenary speakers of the conference include renowned scientists and co-chairs of the methodological assessment of scenarios and models of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, Germany. Sub themes of the conference are related to scenarios and models pertaining to marine and terrestrial ecosystems with a focus on (a) direct and indirect drivers including climate change, invasive species, institutional and demographic issues etc.; (b) values covering economic and non-economic benefits of ecosystems and biodiversity; (c) impact of ecosystem services on good quality of human life and (d) national policies and sustainable development goals. Abstracts of papers (250 words) have to be submitted before 30th November 2016 and full paper (maximum 8000 words) before 30th December 2016 to the conference committee convenor, Dr Jeena T Srinivasan ( Approximately 35 papers will be selected for oral presentation in the conference after peer review. A maximum of 100 participants are expected to participate in the conference. Registration form for the conference can be downloaded from CESS website
A pre-conference Methodology Workshop on the same topic will be organized in collaboration with the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) for building capacity of early career researchers/teachers/ M.Phil/Ph.D students on 14th February 2017. The workshop aims to carry out a systematic review methodological tools used in Indian and international contexts to quantify or qualify scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services according to different environmental and societal driving forces. The workshop is co-ordinated by Dr Jyothis Sathyapalan and Prof M Gopinath Reddy. A maximum of 25 conference participants whose papers are accepted for oral presentation will be selected for the workshop. All participants who are interested to join the workshop must mention it separately in the conference registration form. In addition, limited seats will be available for MPhil/Ph.D. scholars working on both natural and social sciences who are in early stages of their work. Such students are encouraged to apply with a concept note and curriculum vitae on or before 30th December 2016. Academic competence and potential of the concept note will form the basis of selection in this case. All selected outstation candidates will be provided with travel support and local hospitality during the event. Researches are also encouraged to contact the Principal Investigator of the ScenNet project Dr Jyothis Sathyapalan ( and contribute to the database on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Scenarios in India.

New Article "Emerging Trends in Consumers’ E-waste Disposal Behaviour and Awareness: A Worldwide Overview with special focus on India" by A. Borthakur, & M. Govind

Emerging Trends in Consumers' E-waste Disposal Behaviour and Awareness: A Worldwide Overview with special focus on India
by Anwesha Borthakur, and Madhav Govind
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2016 (Online First), DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.11.011

Abstract: E-waste is a complex stream of toxic waste which requires specific handling considerations. Effective and responsible management of E-waste is a global concern today. Considering the depth of the E-waste problem, this paper is an attempt to review two key elements greatly accountable for influencing sustainable E-waste management initiatives: Consumers' E-waste 1) 'Disposal Behaviour' and 2) 'Awareness'. Taking into account the locale specific characteristics of consumers' E-waste disposal behaviour and awareness, we have attempted to perform an extensive review on the global context and identify the measures adopted by the consumers of different countries to dispose off their E-waste. We observe significant differences in consumers' E-waste disposal behaviour not only 'between' the developed and developing countries, but also 'within' these countries. The paper further especially explains the complexities in India's E-waste management system due to its multifaceted socio-economic, cultural and other associated connotations influencing consumers' disposal behaviour and awareness. We conclude that global experiences on consumers' E-waste disposal behaviour and awareness could be helpful for a particular country to devise inclusive E-waste management strategies to adequately address their current E-waste crisis.
Keywords: E-waste; Consumers' disposal behaviour; Awareness; India; Global E-waste

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Audio Recording of CSSP Talk "Intersection of Labour and Technology in India’s Informal Economy: A Policy Perspective" delivered by Dr Kingshuk Sarkar

CSSP Talk on

Intersection of Labour and Technology in India's Informal Economy: A Policy Perspective


Dr Kingshuk Sarkar

Fellow, V V Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA

Delivered on Wednesday, 16th November 2016

Listen to Audio Recording of the Lecture.

Abstract: There have been some significant changes in the world of work in the last two decades and half particularly since the time India initiated economic reforms in 1991. These changes are happening as part of a global phenomenon. The crux of this phenomenon is the quest towards producing at the least cost possible and capital moves anywhere the cost of production is the minimum. Since labour constitutes a significant component of cost of production, structure of production is getting reorganized in such a manner that return to labour is minimized in the process. This is manifesting itself in the form of disintegration of production structure such that labour as such undergoes sunstantial changes in its character. Labour is getting more informalized, casualized and decentralized over time to respond to market fluctuations and flexibility of the cost of production structure. Such outlook perceives labour just another input in the production function and tries to extract maximum return in exchange of minimum compensation. It undermines the living characteristics of labour and the fact that labour as a class constitutes the major chunk of consumers in macro sense. Prevailing prolonged global economic recession and that economy in general is suffering from lack of aggregate demand bears testimony to such phenomenon. Labour market is getting diffused as centralized system of production is breaking down and outsourcing is practiced extensively. Old factory system of production is making way for a work environment where domestic space becomes the pre-dominant work space. Wage labour is getting replaced by self-employed mass contributing from the fringe. The identity of labour as a class is at stake. The employer-employee relation is being diluted to a great extent and there has been substantial dismantling of written contract between the two. In such an environment, application of legislations safeguarding the interests of workers becomes more compromised. Further, recent attempts towards labour law reforms are further aggravating the terms of employment and conditions of labour. Enforcement of labour laws have become uniformly weak over the country and basic inspection norms are being flouted which is weakening the labour administrative structure. The government is focusing on redistribution through various social security and welfare schemes but at the same time statutory provisions are not being appropriately implemented. Tripartite consultation as an integral part of social dialogue is getting marginalized. Traditional trade union movement weakened over time as because they didn't represent informal and vulnerable sections of the workers any more. Their place is being increasingly taken over by civil society organizations and NGOs.

About the Speaker: Dr. Kingshuk Sarkar is presently working as Fellow in the VV Giri National Labour Institute, Noida on deputation. He primarily works for Govt. of West Bengal as Deputy Labour Commissioner. He has done PhD in Economics from Centre for Economic Studies & Planning in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Earlier he completed Masters in Economics from Kolkata University and M.Phil in Economics from Jadavpur University. His areas of interests are plantation economics, labour economics, law and economics, labour administration, etc. He can be contacted at


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Witness Some Best Startup Innovation in Energy Water Agritech in Smartcamp SmartCity | New Delhi, Nov 18

Finale of IBM India SmartCamp for SmartCity 2016
by IBM India
Date: Friday, November 18, 2016 | 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM IST
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi

One of the key initiatives of IBM Global Entrepreneur program (Startup initiative of IBM) is a nationwide challenge called IBM Smartcamp.  Last year we saw some of the best innovations in the B2B Space in the country through the  IBM Smartcamp. This year the IBM Smartcamp India is doing Nationwide challenge focussing on Industries. We will be having the Top 10 Finalists, who would be some of the best innovations of the Country in  Energy, Utility, Waste Management and Agritech Space in India, presenting before you and 15+ Enterprise CIOs. 

6:30pm – 7:00pm: Registrations
7:00pm - 7:10pm : Welcome by Vanitha Narayanan, Managing Director - IBM India Pvt Ltd.
7:10pm - 7:25pm : How does IBM engage with startups - Seema Kumar, Country Leader, Startups and Developers, IBM India & SA
7:25pm - 8:30pm : Presentations by Top 10 Finalists
8:30pm- 8:45pm : Role of Accelerators in Developing Startups Ecosystem, panel discussion by Accelerator heads
8:45pm - 8:50pm : Closing Remarks by John Gallager, Global Digital Marketing Exec, WW IBM
8:50pm - 9:00pm : Announcement of Winners

Details about Smartcamp for SmartCity:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

NMML Talk 'Education, Technology and Transformative Change' by Prof. Ian Jacobs, President & VC of UNSW, Australia| 16 Nov at 3:00 pm

'Education, Technology and Transformative Change'

Wednesday 16 November 2016, 3:00 pm at Teen Murti House, NMML, New Delhi

Prof. Ian Jacobs, President and Vice-Chancellor of UNSW, Australia

Thursday, November 10, 2016

NUEPA's Tenth Foundation Day Lecture, 2016 | Am I an Educated Person? Reflections on 'Becoming' and 'Being' | by T.N. Madan

NUEPA's Tenth Foundation Day Lecture, 2016

"Am I an Educated Person? Reflections on 'Becoming' and 'Being'"

by T.N. Madan [Honorary Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi]. 

Delivered on August 11, 2016 at National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

New Book | The Logic of Sharing: Indian Approach to South-South Cooperation | by Sachin Chaturvedi

The Logic of Sharing: Indian Approach to South-South Cooperation
by Sachin Chaturvedi; Cambridge University Press, & Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, 2016, ISBN: 9781107127920. DOI:

About the Book
India's development cooperation programmes reflect the broad principles that inform Indian foreign policy in general. In essence they reflect sovereign equality and belief in friendly relations with all countries, parricularly India's neighbours coupled with opposition to colonialism and a continued commitment to the amplification of human freedom and the creation of equitable conditions for the peaceful and harmonious developrnenr of nations. Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi underlined that while rhe juxtaposition of peace and prosperity is not a contrivance for establishing moral prospects, the two conditions are indissolubly linked. Such pragmatism is evident in the genesis and evolution of India's development cooperation policy. 
Independent India has a history of successful cooperation with other developing countries. The extension of Indian resources and experrise to the global South, which dates back to the early 1950s, became institutionalised under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) established in 1964. Although the scale of India's development cooperation has been modesr, it has expanded along with the country's emergence as a rapidly growing economy, at a time when development assistance available from other major emerging economies has also been growing significantly.

About the Author
Sachin Chaturvedi is Professor and Director General at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), a New Delhi-based autonomous Think-Tank. He was Global Justice Fellow at the MacMillan Center for International Affairs, Yale University. Chaturvedi works on issues related to development cooperation policies and South-South cooperation. He has also worked on trade and innovation linkages with special focus on WTO.

Table of Contents
Foreword | Shyam Saran, Chairman, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS); Sujata Mehta, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
Section I. Policy and Institutional Framework
1. Genesis and Evolution 
2. The Development Compact
3. Institutional Framework
Section II. Country and Regional Case Studies
4. Nepal: Evolving Framework and the Success of Communities
5. New Vigour in Africa: Ethiopia and Mozambique
6. Entrepreneurship Development in Laos and Cambodia
7. Exploring Niches in CIS: Experiences in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
Section III. Summing Up
8. The SSC and Global Imperatives
9. Expanding Frontiers, New Trends and the Way Forward

Related Book
Chaturvedi, Sachin & Mulakala, Anthea (2016). India's Approach to Development Cooperation. Routledge, 2016, ISBN: 9781138947733.

Monday, November 7, 2016

New Book | Social Science Research in India: Status, Issues, and Policies| ed by S Thorat & S Verma; OUP

Social Science Research in India: Status, Issues, and Policies.
Edited by Sukhadeo Thorat & Samar Verma; Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2016. ISBN: 9780199474417.

About the Book
Social science research has a vital role in enriching societies, by generating scientific knowledge that brings insights - even enlightenment - in understanding the dynamics of human behaviour and development. For social sciences to realize their potential in shaping public policy, it is imperative that the research ecosystem is dynamic and vibrant; the institutions governing it are robust and effective; and those producing quality research are strong and well governed.
This volume elaborates on various dimensions of social science research in India, presenting a strong case for designing a comprehensive national social science policy which can meaningfully strengthen and promote a research ecosystem for improved public policymaking in the country. Addressing issues like lack of funding, availability of data, infrastructure, and quality of research output, it will serve as a national benchmark and reference database for social sciences in India.

About the Editors
Sukhadeo Thorat is Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi and Professor Emeritus, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Samar Verma is Senior Program Specialist, International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada, Asia Regional Office, New Delhi.

Friday, November 4, 2016

CfPs: Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) | 30 August–September | Boston, USA

Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

August 30 – September 2, 2017

Conference Theme: STS (In)Sensibilities

If sensibility is the ability to grasp and to respond, how might we articulate the (in)sensibilities of contemporary technoscience?  How, similarly, can we reflect on the extent and limits of our own sensibilities as STS scholars, teachers, and activists?  The conference theme invites an open reading and exploration of how the world is made differently sense-able through multiple discourses and practices of knowledge-making, as well as that which evades the sensoria of technoscience and STS.  Our aim is that the sense of 'sense' be read broadly, from mediating technologies of perception and apprehension to the discursive and material practices that render worlds familiar and strange, real and imagined, actual and possible, politically (in)sensitive and ethically sensible. We welcome open panel and closed session proposals, individual paper submissions, and proposals for events that are innovative in their delivery, organization, range of topics, and type of public.  Due to the growing number of submissions and our desire to be as inclusive as possible, each participant will be strictly limited to only one paper or media presentation and one other activity (such as session chair or discussant), for a maximum of two appearances. Participation in the Making and Doing event (see below) is not counted toward this limit.

Important Dates

  • Nov 15. Call for open panels proposals 
  • Jan 1. Submission closes for open panels
  • Jan 15.  Call for closed/invited sessions and individual paper submissions
  • March 1. Deadline for submission of closed sessions and individual papers
  • April 15. Acceptance notification 
  • May 15.  Preliminary program

Call for Open Panel Proposals

  • Submission to open November 15, 2016
  • Deadline for Submission: January 1, 2017

The 2017 conference continues the practice of beginning with open panel proposals, providing an opportunity for you to frame a topic and send out an open call for papers that address it. Open panel proposals will be included in the conference program pending sufficient paper submissions.  Panel proposals should take the form of a paragraph up to 250 words describing the panel topic, including a brief discussion of its relevance to STS.

  • Open panels will be announced for individual paper submissions by January 15, 2017.

Call for Paper and Closed Session Submissions

  • Submissions to open January 15, 2017
  • Deadline for Submission: March 1, 2017

Paper submissions should be in the form of abstracts of up to 250 words. They should include the paper's main arguments, methods, and contributions to STS. You may choose to submit your paper abstract to an open panel, or you can leave panel selection to the program organizers.  In the latter case, please list five key words to assist the program organizers in assigning individual papers to sessions.

Session proposal submissions should be a maximum of 250 words. Each session proposal should contain a summary and rationale, including a brief discussion of its contribution to STS. Session proposals should be designed to fit 90 minute time slots. A typical session will contain five papers, and a minimum of three paper abstracts conforming to the above criteria for abstracts must be submitted for a proposed session. The Program Committee may then assign additional papers to a session to meet the maximum number of five.

Making and Doing Presentations

In addition to paper and session submissions, the 4S invites proposed presentations for the 'STS Making and Doing' event.  The Making and Doing event aims at encouraging 4S members to share scholarly practices of participation, engagement, and intervention in their fields of study. It highlights scholarly practices for producing and expressing STS knowledge and expertise that extend beyond the academic paper or book. Making and Doing proposals are submitted as part of normal paper and session submission, beginning January 15. Read the full Call here.

Barcelona 2016: The 4S Barcelona meeting page is archived at View a photo album.

Eu-SPRI Winter School 2017 "Innovation policy for Transformative Change" | 16-20 January 2017 | at University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Call for Applications
Eu-SPRI Winter School 2017 "Innovation policy for Transformative Change"

16-20 January 2017

at University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Organised by: SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit, INGENIO, and Eu-SPRI - European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation 

Last day for applications: 5 Nov 2016

The European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, Eu-SPRI Forum, is proud to announce it is piloting a new series of Winter and Summer Schools. This series aims to provide state-of-the-art training in the study of science and innovation policy and supporting disciplines, catering for early career scholars and professionals at different stages of their careers. It concentrates on current research and debates, with emphasis on policy and pressing societal challenges. SPRU will host the first session of this series on the theme of Transformative Change. 

The combined hues of environmental degradation, climate change, rising inequalities, democratic deficit, a protracted economic crisis, and the displacement of large populations by war and strife, paint a complex picture that is evocative of crisis and urgency. Governments, multilateral organisations, businesses and civil society have been engaged in composing new global agendas for facing these challenges, as it is evident in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, in the efforts of the International Panel on Climate Change, Future Earth and International Panel on Social Progress, as well as in many bottom-up grassroots and inclusive innovation activities.

These engagements, agendas and research programmes signal a need to reframe Science, Technology and Innovation policies, around the overarching notion of 'transformative change', with changes in its objectives, scope of action, scales and pace. This emerging frame taps into ongoing debates in research, policy and practice, and places greater emphasis on systemic responses, and renewed notions of social progress and democracy.

This winter school seeks to familiarise participants with state-of-the-art debates about the 'transformative change' frame of STI policy and its associated practices. Through seminars and discussions, the school participants will explore its conceptual underpinnings and its connections and departures from conventional STI policy. Sessions will also discuss concrete examples of efforts to promote such transformations. Three guiding questions will be addressed:
  • How may contrasting understandings of transformative change be brought to bear on policy responses to pressing contemporary challenges?
  • How to ensure such responses are inclusive and democratic?
  • How to advance such responses through transdisciplinary approaches and alliances?

Course objectives
Participants of the course will become familiar with the state-of-the-art of the emerging transformative Change frame, being able to:
  • Critically examine the prevalent framings of science and technology policy, placing them in historical perspective.
  • Recognise and discuss the emerging policy practices which embody the Transformative Change framing.
  • Identify and critically assess methods and approaches with the potential to 'open-up' and democratise STI policies.
  • Consider the role of alternative science and technology indicators.
  • Reflect on the relevance of the Transformative Change frame to their current research and professional practice.
Content and planning: The course has a duration of 5 days and combines lectures, panel discussions, interactive and training sessions. Each day of the school will be dedicated to a topic, combining lectures, case studies and group discussions.

Important dates
5 Nov  2016 : Last day for applications
15 Nov 2016 : Final program confirmed
2 Dec 2016 : Deadline for registration
16 Jan 2017 : First day of the school
20 Jan 2017 : Last day of the school

Location: SPRU will host the school at the conference centre at the University of Sussex, Brighton. This venue is located close to SPRU's main building, and at a short travel by train to the city centre. Participants will be accommodated in a hotel, close to the train station, in a convivial area of the city centre.

Fees: Accommodation is provided by SPRU, but all participants should make their travel arrangements independently. Participants from Eu-SPRI member organisations have fee waivers covering the course, accommodation, and catering costs. Participants from other institutions are subject to a 500€ fee to cover the course, accommodation, and catering costs.

Target Audience and Selection: The school will target early career researchers and professionals whose track-records demonstrate a commitment to the promotion of transformative change in its different guises, and who will benefit from the training offered.

How to apply: Applicants should submit a PDF document consisting of:
A motivation letter (1 page, 500 words)
A brief CV (2 pages)
A recommendation letter (300 words)
Applicants are requested to use the Europass template.

Applications will be evaluated on three criteria:
Demonstrable research/professional and personal commitment with transformative change (motivation letter and CV)
Likelihood that the participant will benefit from the training (motivation letter)
Track-record (CV and recommendation letter)
Applications should be sent before the 5th November, 17:00, to

More information
For more information regarding this winter school, please contact
For information regarding the Eu-SPRI winter School, please contact the secretariat:

Towards a Privacy Framework for India in the Age of the Internet | by V Bhandari and R Sane; NIPFP Working Paper

Towards a Privacy Framework for India in the Age of the Internet
by Vrinda Bhandari and Renuka Sane, NIPFP Working paper No. 179, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, November 2016.

Abstract: Over the last decade, there have been vast improvements in surveillance technology and the availability, storage, and mining of personal information online, supported by developments in big data analytics. This has created a public policy conundrum over balancing the benefits of big data with the threat to the right to privacy. In an environment of pervasive surveillance and intrusive technology, there is a need for improved protection of privacy rights through a mixture of legislation and regulation, and building public awareness and demand for safeguards. This paper makes a case for the need for privacy from both the State and the private sector, examines the jurisprudential development of the right to privacy in India, and lays down privacy principles, that will underlie any proposed privacy law. It then evaluates the Indian IT Act, and the recently legislated Aadhaar Act, against the proposed privacy principles.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Global Sustainable Development Summit: Towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals | 5–6 December | Imphal, Manipur, India

Global Sustainable Development Summit: Towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
5–6 December 2016
at Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable  Development (IBSD), Imphal, Manipur, India

Overview: United Nations has fixed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which needs to be fulfilled by the year 2030. IBSD has taken the initiatives in this direction to work towards some of these Goals from the Grass root levels to Global level. Some of the major themes for deliberations are listed below.
Major Themes
  • Goal 1: No Poverty - End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • Goal 13: Climate Action – Taking urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts.
  • Goal 15: Life on Land – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification halt, reserve land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
  • Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
  • Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals – Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Call for Participation
Who can participate: People from all walks of life starting from Academic, civil societies, Industries and NGOs.
Last date of Registration: November 15, 2016. Registration Form: Download PDF | Word

Accommodation: Accommodation can be booked in advance on payment basis.
Chairman | Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, Director
Organizing secretary | Dr. Biseshwori Thongam, Scientist-D
Email:; | Phone: 09774029007 (M)
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable  Development, Imphal, Manipur, India

CMS JNU workshop on Political Economy of Media & Technology and Media | by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta | 4-5 Nov


invites you to a two-day workshop on

Political Economy of Media 
Technology and Media

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
(Visiting Professor, Centre for Media Studies, JNU and Editor, Economic and Political Weekly)

DATE: 4th and 5th November 2016 (Friday& Saturday) 
Timings: 11 AM-5 PM, 
VENUE: Room # 002, SSS-1

PARANJOY GUHA THAKURTA is currently Editor of the Economic and Political Weekly. His work experience, spanning nearly four decades, cuts across different media: print, radio, television and documentary cinema. He is a writer, speaker, anchor, interviewer, teacher and commentator in three languages: English, Bangla and Hindi. His main areas of interest are the working of the political economy and the media in India and the world, on which he has authored/co-authored books and directed/produced documentary films. He teaches and speaks on these subjects. He participates frequently in, and organises, seminars and conferences. He is a regular contributor to publications and websites and frequently appears on the radio and on television channels as an anchor as well as an analyst.