Monday, October 30, 2023

1st Asian Conference on Triangular Cooperation (ACTrC): A Partnership Approach on Global Goals | 2-3 November, Hybrid

1st Asian Conference on Triangular Cooperation (ACTrC) 
2-3 November 2023
Link for joining online is: 
As you are aware, in 2015 the international community agreed to embark on a journey towards global sustainability, as outlined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today we find ourselves at a critical juncture, where triangular cooperation (TrC) is not just an option but a dynamic strategy to overcome obstacles and accelerate progress towards the SDGs. In order to engage in a dialogue on practical TrC solutions that involve Asian partners, RIS in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Partnership Initiative on Effective Triangular Cooperation (GPI) is organising the 1st Asian Conference on Triangular Cooperation (ACTrC) on 2-3 November 2023 in hybrid mode. The concept note and the tentative agenda are enclosed for ready reference. The conference will bring together decision makers, experts, practitioners, and academia, to identify practical and resilient ways to engage in Triangular Cooperation (TrC). Discussions on TrC will be geared towards the achievement of SDGs – and beyond. We are pleased to cordially invite you to the conference. 


Call for Participation: 3rd International Convention on Sustainable Trade and Standards | 2–3 November, New Delhi

3rd International Convention on Sustainable Trade and Standards (ICSTS 2023) 
Organized by Quality Council of India in partnership with United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS) 
2–3 November 2023 at Pullman, Aerocity, New Delhi
Theme: Policy Dialogue on Sustainability Standards as a Tool for Advancing Global Sustainability Goals

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

CfPs: International Conference on Design Thinking and Innovation for Sustainable Management Practices and Solutions (IC-SOBD) | Gurugram, 8-9 December 2023

Call for Research Papers
International Conference  on Design Thinking and Innovation for Sustainable Management Practices and Solutions (IC-SOBD) 
8-9 December 2023
Organized by SOIL School of Business Design, Gurugram, in Collaboration with Royal Roads University.

Design thinking and innovation for sustainable management practices and solutions (IC-SOBD-2023) represents a broad theme that identifies a road map between design thinking and the ultimate requirement of end users. This conference represents a larger theme marrying design thinking with various domains of management. Further, it encompasses various sub themes of contemporary interest to a business. The conference would bring together renowned academicians, honoured researchers from distinguished institutions, industry leaders, practitioners, and doctoral students. With the participation of the greatest minds from around the globe, the conference will provide a unique platform to develop ideas and cogitation through panel discussions and thought-provoking speaker sessions.
Objectives of the Conference
  • To understand the role of design thinking and innovation to cater to the requirements of the end-users.
  • To encourage innovative and unique ways to resolve ambiguous and challenging problems.
  • To enhance efficiency of businesses through implementation of design thinking and innovation.
  • To deliberate on sustainable practices and strategies for solutions which are both technologically feasible and economically viable.
Academicians, Thought Leaders, Policy-Makers, Entrepreneurs and Research Scholars, Students, Practitioners and Social Activists from all around the globe are invited to submit their papers, posters, case studies, success stories and stories of firsthand entrepreneurial experience. Poster presentations related to the conference theme are also welcome. Presenters are encouraged to contribute new ideas, concepts and paradigms for discussions.
Tracks & Sub Themes: Presentations of contributed papers would be organized area-wise in fifteen different tracks. Contributors are encouraged to submit papers catering to the broad Conference theme including, but not limited to, the following subthemes:
  • Society 5.0
  • Innovation in emerging economies
  • Fostering green practices for economic growth
  • Social upliftment through G-20
  • New developments in academic and industrial research
  • Fintech & Innovative Financial Services
  • Leveraging technology for agile finance
  • Sustainable Financing
  • Developments in Financial Markets
  • Strategies for Inclusive Growth in Investing
  • Finance for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Marketing
  • Social Marketing
  • Global Marketing Challenges
  • Practices for Green Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Operations Research & Innovation in Management Sciences
  • Industry 5.0
  • Technology and AI Tools for decision-making
  • Circular Supply Chains
  • Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Application of Digital Twins
  • Technological Innovations in HR Processes
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Employee Engagement and Motivation
  • Leadership Development
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Green Technology alliances
  • Sustainable Change Management
  • Resilience
  • Risk Management
  • Bottom of the Pyramid & Fortune at the Bottom

General Information
  • The abstract length should be a maximum of 800-1000 words.
  • Please use Headings in Times Roman 12, bold; text in 12 Times Roman normal.
  • While formatting use single space for the Heading and its corresponding text; and 1.5 spaces between next Heading.
  • All references should follow APA style:
  • Abstracts/Full Papers are to be submitted to the email id:
  • 25th October 2023  -  Abstract submission Ends
  • 10th November 2023  -  Full paper submission
  • 18th November 2023  -  Communication of Acceptance
  • 22nd November 2023  -  Last Date of Registration
  • Book of Abstracts: All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN number and will be released during the inaugural session of the conference.
  • Publication Journals: Only selected papers of the conference would be peer-reviewed by the Conference Review Committee for possible publication in ABDC/Scopus/UGC Care-listed journals and the concerned authors would be required to submit their full papers as per the guidelines of the respective journal.
  • Awards: Track-wise papers adjudged best by the jury would be eligible for cash awards upto ₹ 50,000. 
  • e-Certificates would be awarded to all paper presenters.
  • Corporate Delegates, Academicians from India 1000 INR per head
  • Indian Research Scholars 500 INR per head
  • Indian Students 200 INR per head

Vol. 3, No. 10: The Community-driven Initiatives Issue

October 2023  —  Vol. 3, No. 10
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Welcome to the October edition of the IFLA Newsletter!

This month's theme is community-driven initiatives, reflecting the fact that this, in the UN system, is Urban October. The month recognizes the different challenges we face at both the regional and local levels, but also, and more importantly, how we can find solutions at these different levels and why we shouldn't rely on centralised tools and mechanisms.

Just last week, we were in Nairobi with over 50 colleagues from across Sub-Saharan Africa, discussing how IFLA can provide a platform and tools that can help in building sustainable library fields at the regional, national, and local levels.

Read the full editorial →


Our hearts have been heavy as we have witnessed the suffering of Israeli and Palestinian civilians over the past weeks. The unfolding humanitarian crisis in the region bears a heavy reminder that in the face of conflict, it is innocent life that suffers the most. We wish to express our condolences and solidarity with our colleagues, library professionals, and all people who are suffering incomprehensible loss and pain in this time.

Calling for immediate humanitarian aid is of the highest priority. We implore all parties to uphold respect for human rights and dignity, in line with international law, and find a pathway to peace.

Within IFLA's mandate, we also express concern for the destruction of libraries, their collections, and cultural property of all kinds in the face of this conflict.

Read the appeal→


IFLA's President Vicki McDonald and Secretary-General Sharon Memis participated in the International Council on Archives' Congress 2023, held in Abu Dhabi. In particular, Vicki joined a panel bringing together IFLA's sister organisations for museums and monuments to talk about the SDGs and wider areas of potential for collaboration. They also met and held discussions with the local library association, the Emirates Library and Information Association, in Dubai.

Also, both Vicki and Sharon played leading roles in our workshop on strong and sustainable library fields in Sub-Saharan Africa—read more on this below!

IFLA representatives were present at the Creative Commons Summit in Mexico City, Mexico, as well as the Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto, Japan.


Members of the IFLA Governing Board held a virtual meeting on 5 October 2023.

Discussions focused on plans for IFLA's next Strategy, future World Library and Information Congresses, our Advisory Committees, and work towards a draft Code of Conduct for IFLA Volunteers.

Highlights →


The last couple of years have been challenging for IFLA and painful for many individuals. Each of us has our own views on what could have been done differently – these views will be important to consider as we move forward.

The IFLA Governing Board is determined to reflect and learn from the past. It is recognised that we need to do better for our Federation to truly be the global voice of libraries. To move forward, healing needs to be a priority.

Vicki McDonalds

IFLA President 2023-2025

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IFLA Climate Survey: Have a look at preliminary results and add your input  

IFLA is working with partners to include libraries in global indicators for climate communication and education. This will be hugely beneficial for helping policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders understand and measure the impact libraries have on empowering climate action. To achieve this, we are building a body of evidence with surveys on how libraries take part in climate communication and education.

It's not too late to get involved! Keep reading for a look at the preliminary results, then add your input by completing the survey.

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a man sitting at a table in a library

Get Involved in UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023: MIL in digital spaces

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, firmly believes that media and information literacy (MIL) is a key skill for today's world. In the face of a seemingly endless amount of information, and with growing threats from mis- and disinformation, the need to build MIL competencies is greater than ever.

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Evolutions in public access – zero draft of the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries report

As part of our engagement at the UN Internet Governance Forum, we are happy to release a zero draft of the report of the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries' report for 2023. 20 years on from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Plan of Action, which highlighted the role of public access at the global level, it looks at how this has evolved over time. 

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a man sitting at a table in a library

Rio named as World Book Capital 2025

IFLA is happy to congratulate Rio de Janeiro on being awarded the title of World Book Capital City 2025, following a decision of the Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay. We look forward to working with Brazilian colleagues in order to ensure this highlights and strengthens libraries.

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Out Now: October 2023 issue of IFLA Journal

The latest edition of IFLA Journal is now available and features eight original research articles on topics such as artificial intelligence, bibliotherapy, censorship, and copyright literacy. Also included is a case study on library training in South Africa and a review of emergency remote support and crisis-driven innovations in libraries during pandemic conditions.

Read the Journal →
a set of headphones sitting next to a laptop computer

CPDWL Podcast Series

The IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) Section proudly features a unique initiative by Dr. Ray Pun, recent CPDWL Standing Committee member and current supporter of CPDWL, that has been connecting librarians globally since 2019 - the CPDWL Podcast series.

Pioneering the podcast platform, these sessions aim to facilitate continuous learning and enrich communication and cross-cultural dialogue among professionals in the field. Episodes, typically ranging from 20 to 45 minutes, offer an intimate and in-depth look at various topics, from leadership discussions to insights from newly published authors.

Tune in →
an open book in a library surrounded by bookshelves

IFLA C&YA Newsletter Special Edition – Book banning

Banned Books Week took place during the first week of October. The IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section produced a special edition of their newsletter to raise awareness, inspire conversations, and encourage advocacy for freedom to read around the world.

This issue contains articles from England, France, Kenya, Norway, Thailand and the United States on censorship and book challenges happening worldwide.  

Download the newsletter →

WLIC 2023 Braindate, IFLA Networks, and Accessibility Metadata

At WLIC in Rotterdam, during an impromptu meeting facilitated by Braindate, a group of attendees came together to discuss their shared interest in accessibility metadata.

Accessibility metadata is information recorded about accessibility features and hazards that are important for users with disabilities or special needs. This metadata allows a user to know how accessible a resource is before they borrow, download, or buy it.

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a group of people posing for a picture in front of a building

Ljubljana Manifesto on Higher-Level Reading launched at Frankfurter Buchmesse

Higher-level reading exercises metacognition and cognitive patience, expands our conceptual capacities, and trains cognitive empathy and perspective-taking. All these social skills are indispensable for informed citizens in a democratic society.

As a signatory to this manifesto, IFLA joins the call to acknowledge the permanent significance of higher-level reading in the digital era.

Read Manifesto  →


a group of people posing for a picture in front of a building

A platform for finding solutions: IFLA workshop on strong and sustainable library fields in Sub-Saharan Africa

On 16-19 October, over 50 librarians from 32 Sub-Saharan African countries met in Nairobi, Kenya, to learn, share, and accelerate progress towards IFLA's goal of strong and sustainable library fields at all levels.

Across a varied set of exercises, participants looked to define the key steps that they could take to build sustainability, means of supporting the careers of emerging leaders and establish partnerships that contribute to achieving their own goals.

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Regional library fields: What does the data say?

IFLA has released a data-based analysis of library fields at the regional level around the world. Based on the data submitted to the Library Map of the World, this offers initial high-level insights in order to start conversations. Above all, it represents a call for ongoing work to increase and improve available data.

Insights →
a group of people posing for a picture in front of a building

Libraries' role in advancing digital equity in Africa: Collaborative efforts at ITU Regional Development Forum for Africa 2023

IFLA was represented at the 2023 International Telecommunications Union Regional Development Forum for Africa, engaging with regulators, businesses, academics, and civil society partners to make the case for libraries to be integrated into wider digital inclusion plans and so realise their potential to become community innovation and co-creation hubs.

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a group of people posing for a picture in front of a building

Becoming a Co-opted IFLA Committee Member

The IFLA Professional Council invites expressions of interest from those wishing to serve as co-opted members on a Professional Unit Committee (Section or Special Interest Group) for the term 2023-2027.

At the heart of IFLA's work are its diverse professional committees, a network of enthusiastic and engaged volunteer experts who bring their knowledge and energy to make IFLA a strong and vibrant organisation. Discover a committee in your area of interest and learn more about what they do!

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Call for papers: IFLA Journal Special Issue on Research Trends

The IFLA Journal and the IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue focusing on current trends in academic and research libraries. The issue will cover research trends ranging from scholarly communication initiatives to artificial intelligence to research impact and many others.

Relevant topics for papers can include, for example, innovation, management and services related to open access, research data management, responsible metrics, research integrity, AI and Chat GPT, systematic literature reviews, and many others.

The issue will be published in the fall or winter of 2024.

Read more →

Knowledge Rights 21: Call for initiatives

Want to help pave the way towards 21st-century access to research, education, and culture? We need you!

Submit your proposal for a national or EU initiative to make this ambition a reality and become part of the Knowledge Rights 21 programme and its growing network. The deadline is 5 November.

Submit a proposal →


two people looking at a tablet in an office

Missed a session at WLIC? You still have time to catch up!

If you were a registered attendee, visit the conference platform and catch up on plenty of great sessions!

From the Public Library of the Year Award to sessions on bridging inequality in Africa, around the world in marketing campaigns, toxic librarianship and leadership, emerging leaders, the President's session, climate action, communicating impact and value in libraries, and a whole day of discussions about AI—there is so much to explore!

Make sure to use this incredible opportunity until 30 November 2023.

Dive in  →

Follow the WLIC social media accounts below to ensure you don't miss any updates!


Excited IFLA members, a button that says Join Now


IFLA warmly welcomes the following new member:

We look forward to your engagement and involvement!


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