Monday, July 29, 2024

Vol. 4, No. 7: Development

July 2024 —  Vol. 4, No. 7
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Picture of the SGD pin. Text: IFLA newsletter


Welcome to the July edition of the IFLA newsletter!

It is in July of each year that the United Nations holds the High-Level Political Forum, the key moment in the annual cycle of work around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As you will read further down, libraries were visible at this year's event, engaging ministers, taking the floor, and contributing to raising awareness of what our profession and institutions can contribute to global agendas.

However, while the SDGs offer a great means of getting libraries into new conversations and forming new partnerships internationally, they are relevant at all levels. We all have a responsibility, as the 2030 Agenda itself sets out.

Happy reading! ⚙️

In the field

IFLA hasn't been slowing down as we head into the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere! IFLA President Vicki McDonald and President-elect Leslie Weir both attended ALA Annual, joining sessions – including that organised by the North America Regional Division Committee – to discuss how the region can get the most out of IFLA.

Vicki also joined the Forum on the Future of World Academic Libraries remotely, which GB member Dilara Begum attended in person. Finally, Vicki shared a message with a major forum on AI at the Argentine Library of Congress.

Two Governing Board members were involved in this year's High-Level Political Forum – Regional Council Chair Alejandro Santa and Management of Library Associations Section Chair Loida Garcia Febo.

IFLA Secretary General Sharon Memis participated in the German BibioCon in Hamburg, as well as the LIBER Conference in Limassol, taking part in an active international programme.

Don't miss❗

IFLA WLIC review: Take the 2nd Pulse Survey!

In our first survey, you told us overwhelmingly that the library field needs a World Library and Information Congress (WLIC). Now we're asking for your feedback on what you value in terms of content and the opportunities for meetings and connections.

Our next IFLA townhalls: Save the dates

Dates have been announced for the next set of IFLA Townhalls, providing an opportunity to hear the latest about what is happening at IFLA, and for Members and volunteers to ask your own questions.

Picture of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Text: IIFS 2024 IFLA Information Futures Summit 30 September - 3 October 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Making the case to participate in the IFLA Information Futures Summit

Making the case to attend the IIFS in Brisbane, Australia?

We're pleased to provide some ideas to help you build the business case to take part in our upcoming Summit!

New session formats at the Information Futures Summit!

We are putting a priority on innovation at the Information Futures Summit, including in how we organise our time together.

In this context, we're excited to be trying out some new formats, which emphasise opportunities to engage through new session formats!

At the heart of the Summit: IIFS and you 🌏

With just less than 3 months to go, dive into the #IIFS programme for full details on keynote and speaker sessions and much more as our programme grows richer by the week!

Learn more about #IIFS24 keynote speakers, panellists, and you!

Picture of a person climbing stairs, text: professional and development

Leveraging Digital Literacy and skills for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In the 21st century, the importance of digital literacy and skills has become increasingly evident. These skills are crucial for achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This article by the IFLA Information Literacy (INFOLIT) Section aligns digital literacy skills with the SDGs.

IFLA's Division D advances openness in Istanbul, Turkey

Library associations' contributions to the SDGs

Having just attended the United Nations High-Level Political Forum, the Chair of IFLA's Management of Library Associations Section (MLAS) has produced an infographic highlighting how library associations are aligned with UN efforts.

Picture of megaphones, text: policy and advocacy

Libraries heard: Successful IFLA engagement at the 2024 UN High-Level Political Forum

Draft Culture2030Goal Campaign report on culture in 2024 SDG Voluntary National Reviews released

The Culture2030Goal Campaign has released its draft analysis of the place of culture in 2024 Voluntary National Reviews of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The analysis highlights that all countries are already reflecting on culture, with some taking a very comprehensive approach. However, an explicit goal could make the difference in generalising this good practice.

IFLA joins partners in calling for stronger place for Open Science in the Pact for the Future

Compared to the first draft, the latest version of the Pact for the Future – a milestone document for the work of the United Nations this decade – contains unfortunate backward steps on support for open and collaborative science.

With partners, IFLA has issued a call on the co-facilitators for this to be corrected. 

Picture of sticky notes. Text: Open calls

Call for Proposals: A comprehensive study on leadership programmes

As part of our ongoing efforts to advance leadership in the library and information sector, we invite proposals for an in-depth study of leadership programmes relevant for library and information workers around the world.

Proposals are due by 1 August 2024. This initiative is made possible with the support of Stichting IFLA Global Libraries.

Call for book chapter proposals on the history of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Have an idea for a chapter to contribute to a book prepared by IFLA's Library History SIG, to be published in 2027 by De Gruyter Academic Publishing?

The deadline for proposals is 15 December 2024, with an Author's Symposium next month to workshop and discuss chapter drafts.

Picture of a globe. Text: Regional focus

IFLA Sub-Saharan African Regional Division June 2024 Newsletter

Want to find out more about what colleagues across Sub-Saharan Africa (IFLA SSA RDC) have been up to?

There's a report from SCECSAL, a visit to an American Corner in Kampala, and our representatives' experience of the UN Civil Society Forum!

Picture of a calendar page, text: upcoming events
Excited IFLA members.



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