Tuesday, July 5, 2022

CfPs: Conference on Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust in Science: Improving the robustness of scientific research

Conference on Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust in Science: Improving the robustness of scientific research
7–9 September 2022
Wellcome Genome Campus, UK and Virtual

This meeting will bring together an international audience of researchers motivated to improve the robustness of scientific research. It will also include important stakeholder groups such as data and services providers, tool developers, publishers, institutions and funders that are developing policies relating to research reproducibility. The overarching theme of the 2022 conference is to position the challenge of reproducibility and replicability as a behaviour-change problem that, when addressed, can lead to culture change within research. The various approaches to effecting and supporting this culture change will be explored in this year's programme. Discussions will include topics such as the challenges of ensuring reproducibility and replicability in large, multicentre research collaborations, training researchers in reproducibility, the role of policy development, tools that support reproducibility and replicability, social and behavioural aspects of culture change, local challenges to reproducibility on a global scale, and improving reproducibility and replicability leads to better-quality, transparent and more equitable research outputs, building. The format will include presentations from international leaders with ample time for discussion and debate. Abstracts on all areas of the conference are welcome for a poster or oral presentation. The participation of early career researchers will be a strong and prominent thread throughout the conference. In addition to the plenary presentations and discussion, the conference will include a panel discussion on how we could better demonstrate and measure progress in delivering more reproducible and replicable research, giving all delegates an opportunity to contribute. This conference will be a hybrid meeting – with onsite or virtual attendance. Discussions will include multicentre research collaborations, training researchers in reproducibility, tools for supporting reproducibility, social and behavioral aspects of culture change and challenges in organizing reproducibility networks at national and global scales (which might be of particular interest for this list's audience). If you would like to be part of these discussions – either in person or virtually, consider submitting an abstract by July 12 and register by August 9 (in-person) or August 31 (virtual). Registration is free for delegates based in Lower and Middle-Income Countries in order to promote more inclusive scientific discussions.

Call for Abstracts
Abstract deadline: 12 July 2022
We welcome abstracts from all areas relevant to the main themes of the meeting, for both oral and poster presentations. Several oral presentations will be chosen from the abstracts submitted. Abstracts will only be considered from registered delegates. Please use our online abstract submission system and follow the instructions given to ensure your abstract is submitted correctly. All abstracts must be submitted by the deadline. You are welcome to submit a second abstract, please follow the instructions below. The scientific programme committee will assess your abstract after the deadline has passed and you will be notified whether you have been selected to present an oral or poster presentation. Poster boards onsite will accommodate 118 cm high by 84 cm wide (A0- portrait) of printed material. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference programme book; poster board numbers will be allocated at the conference. If you have already completed your registration and subsequently wish to submit an abstract, please follow these instructions.

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