Monday, June 13, 2022

Professor Bimal Kanti Sen Festschrift Special Issue, in the Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies (

Professor Bimal Kanti Sen Festschrift Special Issue, in the Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies (

Dear Colleagues,

In collaboration with the Information and Communication Society of India (ICSI), we are pleased to propose to bring out an edited festschrift special issue in honor of Professor Bimal Kanti Sen, the former Senior Scientist of CSIR-INSDOC, India. Professor Sen requires no introduction among the Indian LIS community. He has played the lead role in carrying out and catalyzing qualitative LIS research and development (R&D) in South Asia. He had nurtured qualitative LIS research to the global audience through his interventions as an editor, and an editorial adviser for different LIS periodicals published from the global South. He has also initiated several projects for documenting the history and development of scholarly communication in modern India. Apart from LIS his academic pursuit has delved across Bengali literature, bibliometrics and related areas, lexicography, history of science, and so on. Further details about the scholarship of Professor Sen can be found at, and an indicative list of his recent books can be found at

The proposed Festschrift Special Issue will include seminal and methodologically incremental research papers, best practices/ success stories, case studies, and public policy briefs in the various themes in the knowledge societies as described below. The special issue will focus on how the global goals are being nurtured by technologically-empowered researchers, data scientists, librarians, science communicators, and digitally-connected users.

This special issue will include among others the following subthemes:
  • Current Research in Data Science, Data Analytics, Policy Studies, Scientometrics, Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, Webometrics, and Research Evaluation
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Advanced Information Services
  • History of Science Communication in South Asia
  • Reminiscences about B. K. Sen
This invite calls for journal articles, where the co-author(s) and close professional associates of Professor Bimal Kanti Sen are specially invited for submission of journal articles on a suitable topic as mentioned above. The primary focus will be given on the review of the scholarly works of Bimal Kanti Sen in the light of the current professional environment. The new dimensions of knowledge as emerged at the beginning of the 21st century will be highlighted and appraised. The new edge of professional and practical developments can also be highlighted where country-level or institutional case studies and success stories will lead us to develop new models, methodologies, or standards in modern information practices. You can submit your paper(s) as a well-structured essay to this proposed special issue. Writings can include Case Studies, Country Reports, Research Articles, Review Articles, Perspective Papers, Commentaries, Research-in-Progress, Webliography, but general articles may be avoided. The Editorial Committee with the help of its international board of reviewers will blind review the submissions, and inform the author(s) accordingly. The edited book will be published by a reputed publisher with ISSN and articles will be indexed by leading A&I databases. More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from

The last date for submission of Full Paper is 20th July 2022. The accepted submissions may require revision before preparing the camera-ready copy in which case the author will be intimated. All submissions need to be original with quality academic content, and should not be submitted elsewhere. All submissions should be made through

With regards,

Anup Kumar Das (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India) 
[Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies,,]

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