Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Vol. 4, No. 5: Library Workers

May 2024 —  Vol. 4, No. 5
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Welcome to the May 2024 IFLA Newsletter!

With International Workers' Day (Labour Day) falling on the first of the month, we're focused on the library workforce in this edition.

It is almost a clichΓ© to say that the defining element of a library is the librarian.

There are books and other resources in other places, but only in a library are there dedicated people, ready to develop collections, design services and build communities among users.

Picture of IFLA President Vicki McDonald

In the field

After the busy programme of meetings highlighted in the previous newsletter, we have continued to raise the profile of IFLA in the wider library field. IFLA President Vicki McDonald delivered a message to IFLA members and volunteers on 17 May with the latest update on all that is happening at IFLA.

A particular highlight was Secretary General Sharon Memis' participation at the Quebec Public Library Association conference in Canada, as well as other meetings in Ottawa. IFLA was also well represented at the Lebanese Library Association conference, held at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia in Beirut.

Reminder! πŸ”” Draft IFLA Strategy 2024-2029 – open for comments

This year, IFLA will finalise its next Strategy. Following five surveys of our members and volunteers, we're now proud to distribute a first full draft, as approved for sharing by the Governing Board.

Now it's over to you— let us know what you think!

Deadline: 11 June

Picture of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Text: IIFS 2024 IFLA Information Futures Summit 30 September - 3 October 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Act fast! IIFS Early Bird registration ends 1 June

Don't miss out on the chance to save! The Early Bird registration rate for the upcoming IFLA Information Futures Summit ends on 1 June 2024. Secure your spot now to take advantage of discounted rates and ensure your participation in this highly anticipated event.

Join us for insightful discussions, engaging sessions, and valuable networking opportunities as we explore the future of information and its impact on libraries and society.

Register today to reserve your place and be part of shaping the future of our profession. We look forward to seeing you there!

Meet our IIFS keynote speakers and panellists

Prepare yourself for an enlightening experience at the IFLA Information Futures Summit with our renowned speakers and panelists. They'll discuss AI, trends, library leadership, and more!

Curious? Get a glimpse of what's to come in our exclusive video preview. Watch it here by clicking below! πŸ‘‡

A collage of images of IIFS speakers

Get together and take advantage of our group booking options!

Larger institutions might be particularly interested in the savings available by signing up for a group rate. IFLA members of course also benefit from discounts that you can share with your own institutional members—a bonus from your membership of IFLA!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to join us at IIFS with your team!

Secure your spot with exclusive Qantas Airways discounts before flights soar!

Do not pass up the opportunity to join us at #IIFS in Australia!

Flight rates are rising, but we have you covered with an exclusive offer from Qantas Airways, the official airline partner for the IFLA Information Futures Summit.

Book your flight today to take advantage of special discounts and ensure smooth travel arrangements. Seats are filling up quickly, so secure yours today and get ready for an unforgettable experience Down Under! 

Does the global library profession need a World Library and Information Congress?

Yes, it does!

This was confirmed by 93.6% of more than 300 respondents to the first WLIC Review pulse survey. Read more about the results in our quick overview and stay tuned for the full details of the results from the first WLIC review survey.

Picture of a person climbing stairs, text: professional and development

IFLA ARL update on the library worker

This update on the library worker is brought to you by the IFLA Academic and Research Libraries (ARL) Section. Read more on how rapid advancements present challenges but are also significant opportunities for libraries and librarians.

IFLA Green Library Award

Women in libraries - Iraq 🌍

Brought to you by the Women Information and Libraries Special Interest Group (WILSIG).

Women in Iraq have been working in libraries for many years, and they constitute the majority in library management. WILSIG is honoured to present a number of figures recognised for their achievements in the field of library and information science.

IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award Winners 2024

Sponsored by PressReader, the IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award is presented by the IFLA Section on Management and Marketing.

We were thrilled to receive 107 outstanding and diverse submissions from around the world. The ten finalists were selected based on innovative contributions to marketing in the library field. This year, the winning libraries will receive funds towards the purchase of new technology for their library-related activities to improve the services they offer.

Beating the hassle of organising strategic meetings and workshops: Adopting the latest tips in the market!

Read more about the IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group's (NPSIG) experience with organising meetings and workshops and their top tips for success.

Picture of megaphones, text: policy and advocacy

2024 Development and Access to Information (DA2I) report launched

Increased internet connectivity will not lead to development without equity, rights, skills, and the libraries that provide them.

Building on the two previous editions, the 2024 DA2I report looks back on progress in delivering on universal, meaningful access to information for development over the first half of the delivery period for the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, through data and expert insights.

Copyright education at your fingertips – navigating copyright for libraries: purpose and scope

In 2022, the CLM produced the fully open-access book, Navigating Copyright for Libraries: Purpose and Scope. It's remained highly-relevant, and popular, ever since.

Learn more in the series of short conversations between CLM Chair Melissa Levine and each of the editors, Jessica Coates, Susan Reilly, and Victoria Owen (with chapters from Coates and Owen). The conversations touch on copyright, open access, the publishing process and more.

Picture of a committee. Text: IFLA Committee on standards

The IFLA Accessibility Metadata Network

A congratulatory welcome to IFLA's first Network, the IFLA Accessibility Metadata Network, formed by volunteers from across IFLA: The Advisory Committee on Standards, the Cataloguing, Subject Analysis and Access, Bibliography, Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities and Audiovisual and Multimedia Sections.

Read more about their upcoming work!


With a new remit and a new focus on building out the IFLA Namespaces to even greater capacity, LIDATEC has been renamed the Metadata Technical Standards Review Group or METATEC.

Joseph Hafner, the longstanding Chair of LIDATEC, now METATEC, is responsible for shepherding the growth of the IFLA Namespace since its inception in 2013. We interviewed Joseph this month, inviting him to share his insights into this important aspect of the IFLA Standards infrastructure.

Translated IFLA Standards - their impact

Following the recent publication of a series of key IFLA standards by the IFLA Chinese Language Centre, we're happy to share a conversation between the Centre coordinator and Victoria Owen, Chair of the IFLA Advisory Committee on Standards, to understand more about the impact of translated IFLA materials.

Picture of a globe. Text: Regional focus

Promoting policy effectiveness and innovation through knowledge management: IFLA at the LAC SDG Forum

IFLA representatives were active at the 7th meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, engaging delegates, strengthening networks, and speaking up about the importance of knowledge and information for development.

Now Available: IFLA Asia-Oceania regional newsletter, May 2024

We are back with another issue of the IFLA Asia-Oceania regional newsletter.

Click/download the PDF through the IFLA repository to dive right into the articles and check out the special message for Asia & Oceania from IFLA President Vicki McDonald.

Bringing library voices to the table: Report on the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference

On 8-10 May 2024, Nerisa Kamar and Purity Kavuri represented IFLA and the global library field at the United Nations Civil Society Conference, as well as a UNESCO pre-meeting for NGOs, all held in Nairobi, Kenya. Nerisa and Purity here share what they learned.

Picture of a calendar page, text: upcoming events
Excited IFLA members.



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