Monday, May 6, 2024

CSSP-JNU Organizes National Technology Day 2024 Celebration | Saturday, 11th May at 3:00 pm, at SSS1 Committee Room, JNU, New Delhi

Centre for Studies in Science Policy

Jawaharlal Nehru University

(In Association with Jadavpur University Alumni Association (JUAA) NCR Chapter, and 

Indraprastha Vijnana Bharati)

Cordially Invite you to

Celebration of National Technology Day 2024

Date: Saturday, 11th May 2024

Time: 3:00 p.m.

Venue: SSS-1 Committee Room, School of Social Sciences, JNU, New Delhi


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Jayanthi Ranjan (VC, Sharda University, Agra)

Topic: "Emergent Technologies and Their Impact on Business and Society"

Er. Prabhakar Singh (Technical Adviser to Government of Andhra Pradesh (Cabinet Rank); former DG-CPWD)

Topic: "Turning Around of CPWD through Technology and Innovation"


                   Inaugural Speakers

Prof. Kaushal Kumar Sharma (Dean SSS, JNU)

Prof. Madhav Govind (CSSP, JNU)

Er. Kallol Roy (JUAA-NCR)


All Are Welcome to Attend the Celebration.

Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series | Rsvp: anup_csp[@]

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