Sunday, September 1, 2024

Summerhill IIAS Review: Author Guidelines

Summerhill: IIAS Review

Started in the year 1994, Summerhill: IIAS Review is a bi-annual, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. The journal is dedicated to promote high standards in the dissemination of research findings in the field of inter-/ multidisciplinary studies covering a wide range of themes in Arts, Social Science and Humanities, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Arts, Philosophy, Law, Education, Commerce and Management, Physical Education, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication, Applied Sciences, etc.

By offering intellectual platforms to the intellectuals, Summerhill: IIAS Review aims to promote publication of research outcomes with a perceptive approach to address societal matters and contemporary issues in inter-/ multidisciplinary studies. The aim of bringing out this journal is to maintain high quality of publications on innovative and interesting content having practical application that leads to theoretical development of inter-/ multidisciplinary research.  

Abstracting and Indexing InformationSummerhill: IIAS Review is now indexed in Google Scholar 

Language: English

Article processing charges: There is no publication/ processing fee

Publication FrequencyBi-annual

Starting Year1994

Subject Coverage: Inter-/ multidisciplinary studies

Aim and Scope: The aim of Summerhill: IIAS Review is to:

  • promote inter-/ multidisciplinary studies covering diverse disciplines
  • link diverse academicians and researchers and encourage dialogue to address societal issues across discipline around the globe
  • encourage publication of innovative, theoretical, and empirical inter-/ multi-disciplinary research ideas, with special focus on emerging areas/ contemporary issues
  • provide a platform to scholars and readers for exchange of ideas and experience

Summerhill: IIAS Review has wide-ranging scope with focus on theoretical, methodological, quantitative and qualitative research that:

  • adds to knowledge on emerging areas of thinking, agenda-setting issues, etc.
  • is relevant to the development of inter-/ multidisciplinary studies

Based on their methodical and logical rationality, all submissions will be evaluated and the journal adheres to and ensures high quality standards through a double-blind peer-review process. The submission(s) qualifying logical accuracy in the field will be considered for the publication. The journal prefers publication of original papers, creative pieces, review articles, conceptual agendas, case studies, empirical research and state-of-the-art reviews, in addition to special issues on contemporary themes of academic interest, published occasionally. The journal realizes this in three ways:

  • Critical, quality reviews of the internal publications of the institute by eminent experts from the outside
  • Reviews of important external publications in relevant areas by the Fellows
  • Initiating a dialogue between the authors of publications and their reviewers.

Moreover, the articles submitted by the renowned scholars and interviews with outstanding intellectuals and artists add to the interest of the journal and general reader.

Peer Review ProcessIt will pass through following stages:

First Screening: All the submitted manuscripts will be checked to assess that the:

  • submitted manuscript is prepared appropriately and falls within the purview of journal
  • author has followed the manuscript preparation guidelines
  • references are correctly cited (incomplete, incorrect, or vague/ambiguous references may lead to desk rejection)
  • language and grammar is correct
  • submitted article has been checked by the author for plagiarism (a report of the same may be attached for the reference of the editor)

Manuscripts that are not in accordance with the Author's Guideline will be returned to the author(s) for modification and resubmission.

Manuscripts lacking originality, serious scientific or academic flaws, or not prepared as per journals instructions will be rejected without a formal peer-review.

Only those manuscripts will be acceptable which have not been published earlier or are not under consideration for publication by any other research journal.

Second Screening: The manuscripts selected during initial screening will undergo plagiarism check and if found suitable will pass through a rigorous double-blind peer review process, where a team of experts from diverse disciplines will evaluate each manuscript to ensure that it meets the quality standards and publication guidelines.

The report of all the reviewers will be taken into consideration while making the final decision on a submitted manuscript. Based on the reviewer's comments, the Chief Editor will make the final decision in consultation with editor(s), members of the editorial board to arrive at an appropriate decision. Author(s) are required to respond to reviewer's comment and submit the point-wise explanation for the reviewer's comments/ suggestions.

SubmissionWhile preparing the manuscript, authors are advised to strictly adhere to the Author Guidelines, especially the citation and reference writing pattern. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the e-mail to the editor at summerhill[@]

Author Guidelines


  1. Language: English
  2. Length of paper: The length of the paper typed in double-space, must not exceed 15 pages, preferably A4, with substantial side margins. Research papers must be approximately 5,000 to 6,000 words long, including references and footnotes. Book review must not exceed 1000 to 1500 words
  3. Title Page: Title page is a separated page before the text. It must include the following information:

Title: Concise and informative title, avoiding abbreviations.

Author(s) name and affiliation: Indicate clearly the:

  • First name and family name
  • Author's institutional affiliation, and address
  • Full postal address, including the e-mail address, and telephone number of each author
  • If available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)

Corresponding Author: Clearly indicate the name, telephone numbers, e-mail address and complete postal address of the corresponding author.

  1. Abstract: The abstract is not more than 250-300 words with brief details of the theme, objective, research method, main findings and conclusion to be attached with the paper. It must be a single paragraph without any sub-headings and citation/ reference.
  2. Keywords: A minimum of six keywords that highly represents the research content of the manuscript
  3. Subdivision of the article: Divide the article into sections/ subsections with proper numbering, 1, 2, 3.
  • AbbreviationsAbbreviations must be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
  • EndnotesEndnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list.
  • Acknowledgments / Sponsoring information (if any): Please indicate, if the research is sponsored or supported by any organization. Acknowledgments of individuals, grants, funds, etc. must be mentioned in a separate section on the title page; however, the relevant details of the funding agencies must be complete.
  1. Table and Figures (if any): Tables and figures (if any) may be placed at the end of the manuscript. Please note that the journal is published in black and white.
  • TablesAll tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals and must be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, a table caption elucidating the context of the table, must be provided. Footnotes to tables must be specified by superscript lower-case letters and included below the table.
  • Figure/photograph Numbering: All figures/ photographs must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figures must be cited in text in successive numerical order. Figure/ photograph parts must be indicated by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
  • Figure/photograph Captions: Each Figure/ photograph must have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure/ photographs depicts. Good quality/ high resolution figures/ photographs must be submitted within the text.
  1. References: Author(s) must follow the latest edition of APA style in referencing.
  • Citations in the text: Kindly ensure that each reference cited in the text is also placed in the reference list (and vice-versa). Citation in the abstract must be avoided. Unpublished results and personal communications must not be included in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text.
  • Reference List: References must be listed alphabetically and if required, may be organized chronologically. More than one reference of the same author(s) in the same year must be pinpointed by using letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication.
  1. Submission Checklist: Before submitting the manuscript, author(s) must ensure that the:
  • Manuscript has not been published earlier, nor is it under consideration with any other journal
  • Manuscript is submitted in MS Word file only
  • Manuscript has been prepared in accordance to author's guidelines
  • Author(s) did not mention his or her name and affiliation in the main text
  • Author(s) has gone through the terms and conditions of the journal and the same are acceptable to them
  • A report of plagiarism check
  1. Permissions: Authors who want to include figures/ tables/ text passages that have already been published somewhere else are required to get permission from the copyright owner(s) and while submitting their manuscripts, and must provide proof that such permission has been obtained.

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