Thursday, March 21, 2024

Vol. 4, No. 3: The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issue

March 2024 —  Vol. 4, No. 3
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Picture of a hand protecting paper figures. Text: IFLA Newsletter

Welcome to the March 2024 edition of our newsletter, focused this month on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)! 


The most widely marked event is International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March, but March also contains the International Day to Combat Islamophobia and the International Day for the Elimination Racial Discrimination, as well as International French Language Day, underlining the importance of multilingualism as a pillar of inclusion.  


In promoting DEI, libraries come from a strong place. We are institutions intended to make knowledge and information accessible to all, without discrimination. Our existence has, in particular, allowed millions of people who might otherwise never have had the opportunity to learn, develop and grow to do so. Our universalism is a key strength – we do not seek to categorise or label users - everyone is a library user or patron.  

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In the field

IFLA President Vicki McDonald has been leading work among Australian colleagues to prepare a warm welcome for the international library field to Brisbane for the Information Futures Summit, with briefing sessions for IFLA volunteers in Australia as well as our wider volunteer community.  


She also gave keynote speeches at Ashoka University and the University Library at the University of Calcutta in India, as well as sending a message for an event at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.  


Take a look at Vicki's March message to our Members and Volunteers, which includes details about our round of townhall meetings in early April. We'll also have a Governing Board meeting on 15-17 April, and look forward to sharing more after this. 

Picture of coral reef, text: IIFS IFLA Information Futures Summit 30 September - 3 October 2024 Brisbane, Australia

Paving the Way to Brisbane: IFLA Information Futures Summit in Preview

Ready to find out more about our exciting IFLA Information Futures Summit?

On 27 March we're hosting a virtual information session to answer your IIFS questions and discuss what's on the agenda in Brisbane, our inspiring speakers, our great venue, opportunities to explore Brisbane's libraries, what you, your associations and your employer gain from your attendance, and more!

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Apply to give an IIFS Ignite Talk!

IIFS attendees are invited to apply to give an Ignite Talk! These are a platform to share ideas about the future we envision for libraries, the pivotal role of information within it, and actions to shape it. All in 7 minutes! Are you up to the challenge? Apply today!

Application deadline: 22 March 2024

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13 Speakers confirmed!

We are thrilled to present an inspiring and diverse range of speakers who will share their insights and expertise at our future-focused Summit. Additional speakers are being added as confirmed, so stay tuned for more to come! 

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Stronger Together in Brisbane: Five reasons to attend IIFS!

5 Reasons to attend IFLA Information Futures Summit 2024

Ready to look into the future of information, and how we can ensure it is shaped by our field and our values? There are so many good reasons to attend the IFLA Information Futures Summit— Here are five of them!

To the 5 Reasons →
Picture of a person climbing stairs, text: professional and development

Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section  

The IFLA MCULTP (Library Services to Multicultural Populations) Section is one of the IFLA units whose mandate is directly aligned with DEI. While DEI is experienced and practiced in different ways across the globe, many common elements exist that can provide a basis for concerted efforts amongst LIS professionals internationally. The Section provides a range of examples seen throughout the field from library users and practitioners to LIS students, educators and programs

Equity, Inclusion and Metadata 

Six IFLA committees are working together to sponsor a proposal to create an IFLA network dedicated to the topic of metadata accessibility. Find out more about how this will make a difference for libraries and the communities we serve. 

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Metropolitan Libraries: a view to inclusion and representation

The world is a collection of disparate faiths, origins, identities, backgrounds, and beliefs and it is in the largest cities that you often encounter the broadest spectrum of humanity. As the IFLA Section leading the way in exploring the role of libraries within cities, the Metropolitan Libraries (METLIB) Section focuses on how libraries can be agents of urban development and catalysts of civic engagement.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in libraries in Australia, Pakistan and Switzerland

What does DEI look like in action in library types across the globe? Members from three professional units describe actions taking place to ensure inclusive practices and greater understanding in their local regions. 

Throughout the year, IFLA's Professional Units implement projects and initiatives to educate and inform the global library field. Have a look at a few of these activities, past, present and future. 

Subject Access and Analysis Section 

Subject metadata forms a critical access point in bibliographic and other information systems, providing access through search terms and browsing or filtering through subject links. Typically, libraries use standardised knowledge organisation systems to provide better access to information resources. However, many of these standardised systems are problematic because they include outdated, harmful, exclusionary, or critical terms may not be present at all in thesauri or vocabularies. Problematic terms can negatively impact library users of all kinds. There is an increasing recognition of the need for more equitable and inclusive language subject metadata.

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Literacy and Reading Section 

The Literacy and Reading section has been focusing on the transformative nature of reading and literacy.  The committee has focused on sharing examples of programming that centered on promoting hope, resiliency and well-being from around the globe, including presentations focused on integrating music into reading programs, library in a box outreach services to the elderly and homebound and promoting affirmational mindfulness with passive and active programming in the library.

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Picture of megaphones, text: policy and advocacy

Libraries at the heart of a UNESCO Learning City: An interview with the city of São Filipe, Cabo Verde 

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UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize – Call for Expressions of Interest 

UNESCO has announced the launch of the 10th edition of the UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize, focused on celebrating major contributions to safeguarding documentary heritage – and libraries are invited to take part! 

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What does Open Science mean to you? Meet our new Open Science and Scholarship Advisory Committee 

IFLA's newest advisory committee, Open Science & Scholarship, was endorsed by the Governing Board in 2023. The committee is using its first term to August 2025 to further define IFLA's contributions to these issues, raise awareness among the Federation, collaborate with other IFLA units and partners to shape opinion and debate around open access and library values, including intellectual freedom and human rights. Other issues that intersect with open science and scholarship include copyright reform and rights retention, equity and diversity (in all forms), trust and misinformation. 

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Multitude of people walking on the street

WLIC Review

Help shape the future of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 2026 and beyond!  


The IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) offers an opportunity for members, volunteers, stakeholders and sponsors to get together in different regions of the world to discuss everything library-related and conduct IFLA business. In response to members' encouragement, the IFLA Governing Board has launched the IFLA WLIC Review Steering Committee, tasked with overseeing this comprehensive review. Find out more about the members of the steering committee and the pivotal questions the review aims to tackle.    

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Welcome progress, but one key step remains in updating South Africa's copyright law 

Last week, the Parliament of South Africa took the important step of voting through the Copyright Amendment Bill, which promises to do much to support libraries in fulfilling their missions, as well as empowering authors and other creators. One key step remains – for the bill to be signed into law by the President. 

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Libraries at the European Digital and Media Literacy Week 

From 27 February to 1 March, the European Digital and Media Literacy Week took place in Brussels, organized under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Representatives from educational and media organizations across various countries participated in the international conference, offering insights into ongoing and forthcoming initiatives aimed at enhancing population literacy, promoting media education, countering disinformation, and advancing digital literacy. 

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Picture of a calendar page, text: upcoming events

Membership renewals are out!

Excited IFLA members.

Are you an IFLA Member? Ready for 2024? All members and associates should have received an email about their annual renewal and their invoice.

The simplest way to pay is by credit card although of course many will need to do a bank transfer. If you haven't seen your invoice yet, get in touch with



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