Monday, November 28, 2022

Vol. 2, No. 11: Documentary Heritage ๐Ÿ“œ

November 2022 — Vol. 2, No. 11
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Welcome to the November edition of the IFLA Newsletter!

As we move towards the end of the year, we've not been slowing down at all. This edition provides just a glimpse of all the great work going on in our Federation to support the future of our field.

Our key theme this month is documentary heritage and how libraries are not only safeguarding it, but drawing on it to support development. We're lucky to have an interview with the UNESCO lead on the topic, as well as insights from our professional units, marking the 30th anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme.

It's also been an exciting month in our preparations for our Congress in 2023 in Rotterdam. Read IFLA President Barbara Lison's interview with the head of Rotterdam's Libraries, Theo Kemperman, to find out more about our host, and then read on to learn about the opportunities that are already out there.

Beyond this, we have updates on the work of our professional and regional units, stories of our work on advocacy – and in particular COP27 and our work around digital issues – a welcome to our new members, and highlights of upcoming events.

Happy reading!


IFLA: How does UNESCO's work on documentary heritage fit into its broader mission and relate to the theme of the MoW Programme's 30th Anniversary Celebration, "enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies"?

FB: UNESCO works to create inclusive knowledge societies and empower local communities by increasing access to, preservation and sharing of information and knowledge in all of the Organization's fields of work.

As defined by the 2015 UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Preservation of, and Access to, Documentary Heritage Including in Digital Form, a document is an object comprising analogue or digital informational content and the carrier on which it resides. For its part, documentary heritage comprises those single documents – or groups of documents – of significant and enduring value to a community, a culture, a country or to humanity generally, and whose deterioration or loss would be a harmful impoverishment.

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Fackson Banda
Chief, Documentary Heritage Unit, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO


It's been a busy month with IFLA leadership participating in a wide range of events, hearing from librarians and stakeholders and sharing what our Federation is doing.

IFLA President spoke at our workshop on stronger and more sustainable library fields in Bangkok, as well as at our seminar at the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific (see below). She gave a keynote speech at the 3rd Memory of the World Policy Forum in Tokyo, and took the opportunity to meet with the Director General of the National Diet Library of Japan also. She also participated at the Arab Federation of Libraries and Information in Abu Dhabi and the Estates General on the Future of Libraries in Milan, and spoke online to the VICLIS Conference in Sri Lanka and the Future Orientated Libraries Conference in Shanghai.

IFLA President Elect Vicki McDonald meanwhile spoke at the CDNL Asia Oceania conference in Jakarta, as well as the International Publishers Congress, highlighting the role of libraries in supporting the development of new generations of readers. She also spoke at a Qatar National Library conference on the roles of degrees and experience and at the Korean Presidential Committee on Library and Information Policy of Korea.

IFLA's Acting Secretary General, Helen Mandl, meanwhile, spoke at the Ukraine Library Association Conference on sustainability, highlighting IFLA's work to catalyse partnerships.


IFLA's Governing Board met on 20 October, online, in order to discuss updates on IFLA's plan for the future, our 2023 elections, membership fees and more.

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A pledge for climate empowerment: Count libraries in!

During the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), to be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 6-18 November 2022, IFLA invites the global library field to call for recognition of libraries as partners in climate education, public awareness, training, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation – the elements of action for climate empowerment (ACE).

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Libraries Essential in providing evidence for sustainable development

For Development Information Day 2022, IFLA released a statement on evidence for sustainable development, underlining the need for governments to engage libraries in their efforts to ensure that their decision-making is based on knowledge.

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IFLA launches commemorative statement at global symposium celebrating the 30th anniversary of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme

The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme is celebrating its 30th anniversary from 27 October – 5 November with the theme, Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies.

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IFLA, EIFL release report in the impacts of public access

The latest report from the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, led by IFLA and EIFL, brings together key resources that explain the difference that public access in libraries can make, as well as offering hints and insights that can help drive evaluation of similar efforts.

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Connect libraries to connect societies: IFLA submission to WSIS reporting process

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), back in 2005, underlined the importance of connecting all public libraries to the internet as part of wider efforts to ensure that the internet works for everyone.

In our latest submission to the WSIS reporting process, we highlight great examples of how libraries are making this happen, and the need to reaffirm and reinforce the role of libraries in inclusive connectivity.

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IFLA Policy and Advocacy Officer Claire McGuire at the Transforming Education summit in New York.

News Media + IFLA Strategy

Coming after Media and Information Literacy week in late October and the Memory of the World celebration in early November, we highlight the News Media Section as part of this month's Units + Strategy coverage.

News Media has a lot on offer for 2022-2023, so read on to find out more about what this IFLA Professional Section has planned.

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Memory of the World and documentary heritage

Documentary heritage can have a real impact on informing decisions, enhancing social cohesion, and nurturing respect for cultural diversity and multilingualism. It is critical that this material is preserved and made accessible for future generations, but equally important that its value for society is realised today.

That is why the theme for UNESCO's Memory of the World (MoW) Programme 30th Anniversary celebration is "enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peace ful societies".

To help celebrate, IFLA is dedicating our November newsletter to Documentary Heritage in order to explore this theme in more depth. Our IFLA Sections have provided input, in the form of statements on the topic and examples of this theme in action.

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Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to IFLA and/or to the global library field? IFLA's Honours and Awards recognise those who have given significant service and made distinguished contributions to the profession.

Deadline: 28 February 2023

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Digital inclusion and libraries in North America: Prospects and challenges webinar recording available

Digital Inclusion is defined as "the ability of individuals and groups to access and use information and communication technologies." Although some significant progress has been made in the areas of digital inclusion in North America, there is still a long way to go before we can include everyone to be part of the digital world.

The Digital Inclusion Team of IFLA's North America Regional Division therefore hosted the webinar "Digital Inclusion and Libraries in North America: Prospects and Challenges" on October 20th, 2022.

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Information for development: Libraries and UN experts engage in Bangkok

Access to information is often taken for granted, but represents a key condition for achieving innovation and positive change. At a seminar at the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific in Bangkok, around 50 librarians explored opportunities for stronger engagement in development initiatives.

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1st Regional Meeting of the Ibero-American System of National Public and School Library Networks, Lima, Peru

IFLA representatives played a central role in the first meeting of a new network focused on strengthening and realising the potential of public and school libraries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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WLIC 2023

WLIC 2023 Rotterdam logo with a geometric red and blue windmill


From a tall building in The Hague where IFLA's offices are, you can see Rotterdam with your bare eyes. We're also looking towards our Congress next year in Rotterdam, and are happy to share just a taster of what is waiting for you there, in this interview with the head of Rotterdam's libraries, Theo Kemperman, and IFLA President Barbara Lison.

BL: Why did the Netherlands decide to bid for WLIC in Rotterdam?

TK: The Netherlands last hosted a World Library and Information Congress in 1998. Being a host country is not only an honour but also a great opportunity to introduce the library communities in our country to the world. We have a lot to learn from each other, but we also have something to bring and share with delegates. In addition, Rotterdam is a fantastic host city that has a lot to offer to our guests.

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Theo Kemperman
Director, Rotterdam Library

Early bird registration for WLIC2023 (21-25 August) is now open!

The offer lasts until 16 May but it's never too early to reach out to your peers and start planning your trip.

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Follow the WLIC social media accounts below to ensure you don't miss any updates!

Rotterdam is a city of dreamers and doers

By Catherine Kalamidas, Rotterdam Partners Convention Bureau

From its beginnings, in the place we now call Rotterdam, there was a dream to create a settlement, and later to build a city, and finally, to have better access the sea. These dreams gave shape to the beginning of Rotterdam. From the earliest settlement in the 10th century, to the city rights which were given in 1299, to the daring plan to excavate the Nieuwe Waterweg, completed in 1863. The fact that Rotterdam was once the largest port in the world as a result of that dream is not really a surprise.

Within those many hundreds of years there have been many dreamers.

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Call for volunteers now open

We are looking for volunteers who have the time, dedication and enthusiasm to assist us to deliver a successful IFLA Congress 2022!

As a volunteer, you get free registration, and more importantly – you have an amazing opportunity to meet and network with fellow librarians from all over the world.

Applications will be open from 9 November, 2022 to 31 January, 2023.

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Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities

Are you interested in exhibiting at WLIC 2023 or becoming a sponsor?

Get in touch ✉️


Heritage can be a strategic asset and driver for peace. Cultural heritage, including documentary heritage in books and manuscripts, can foster peaceful and inclusive societies by providing communities with a narrative of a common identity.

Our SDG stories feature programmes that contribute to safeguarding and preserving invaluable documentary heritage, in any form, for future generations. Culture strengthens local communities and supports inclusive and sustainable development of cities.

Learn how Iraqi libraries build infrastructure and expertise to safeguard and give access to documentary heritage.

Read how Singapore's National Library Board's Digitisation Centre provided training and employment for people with special needs. Through this programme, Digital Services Assistants have digitised more than 1.06 million pages of heritage materials for the library. This has extended the reach of archival content by making it digitally available to academic researchers and the public.


Excited IFLA members.

Become a member now and have your say in IFLA's future

Did you know that if you join now as an IFLA member or affiliate you pay at the 2022 rate and your fee will cover your membership for the rest of the year and all of 2023?

It's true, and there's more if you join now!

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