Welcome to the Social Media Research @ JNU Blog!!! This Blog is created to share information, knowledge networking and debating on the issues related to Social Media Studies and Advanced Social Media Research. Topics to be covered in this blog are (but not limited to): Mass Media, Social Media, New Media, Broadcasting, Print Media, Educational Media, Journalism, Mass Communication, Development Communication, Media Law, Media Literacy, ICT for Development and other relevant areas.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
2nd National Level Essay Writing Contest at SMVDU | Last Date: 20th August 2019
1. "Jobs versus Start-ups: Options & Opportunities"
2. "Social Networking Sites: Advantages & Disadvantages"
3. "Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth"
4. "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Eligibility: The entries for the contest are invited from College/University/Institute students of Under-Graduation and Post-Graduation Programs.
Prizes: The winner of the contest will be honoured with Appreciation Certificate and cash prize of:
- 1st Prize (Cash Prize of ₹ 10,000)
- 2nd Prize (Cash Prize of ₹ 5,000)
- 3rd Prize (Cash Prize of ₹ 2,000)
- Consolation Prize (Cash Prize of ₹ 1,000 (to be given if deserves, to 5 candidates))
- The word limits for essay is 2000 to 5000 words.
- Essay will be accepted only in Hindi or English.
- The submitted essay should be plagiarism free/no copy from internet/unique writing. Plagiarized essay will not be accepted for the contest.
- The essay should be preferably typed in MS word format (No PDF).
- The font size and style of writing for English should be 12 and Times New Roman, respectively.
- The font size and style of writing for Hindi should be 12 and Kruti Dev, respectively.
- Only one essay will be accepted by one author.
- Co-authorship is allowed.
- The decision of Jury/Committee member is the FINAL and no queries related to result will be entertained.
- Interested students should submit their Essay on the link given on the www.smvdu.ac.in or https://goo.gl/forms/hjw1BNxaX1W0ut4B3 latest by 20th August 2019 followed by hard copy along with the application form to Contest/Event Coordinator.
All correspondence with reference to the event may be made to the:
Dr. Supran Kumar Sharma, Event Coordinator and Faculty I/c Central Library, SMVDU
E-mail: essaywritingcontest[@]smvdu.ac.in | Landline: 01991-2585729 Ext: 2741, 2742, 2743
Monday, May 20, 2019
DST & FICCI invite researchers & scientists from Developing Economies under RTF-DCS Scheme for a fully paid fellowship program
The RTF-DCS scheme was initially launched in 2007-08 with award of 10 Fellowship per year. The numbers of Awardees were enhanced to 20 and 50 per year during 2nd Phase of RTF-DCS scheme. The scheme has successfully implemented during last 10 years with 185 selected scientists having completed their research work in the respective host institutions in India. The trend of applications received and selections made for the RTF-DCS
Some highlights of the RTF-DCS scheme implemented during 2012-17:
1. Over the years, the RTF-DCS scheme has become extremely popular among the scientists and researchers of the developing countries as may be clearly seen from the above Table.
2. India is considered a role model by the developing countries for the development and promotion of science and technology. The researchers in the developing countries are always earnestly looking forward to the award of these Fellowships from India, as these fellowships are not only considered as highly prestigious, but joint research done by the Fellow in India also plays a vital role in the Fellow's capacity building as well as helps in advancing the science and technology in their country and has direct economic impact in the areas such as Agriculture.
3. While a majority of the applications was from the African Continent, there was a significant presence of other global regions too.
4. Due to the tremendous popularity of the scheme, more and more Indian institutions of eminence including IITs, NITs, IISERs, institutes of National Importance and central universities have readily offered to hosting the selected fellows, who often complement the ongoing researches at these places, and contributing to implement the programme.
5. RTF-DCS scheme helped the Indian researchers in expanding their horizons to many unexplored areas and catalysed them to identify new areas for bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Some Indian scientists, who had supervised the RTF-DCS Fellows, have been appointed by the Parent Institutions of the Fellows as co-supervisors for their PhD work in their home countries.
6. According to the feedback received from the Indian research supervisors for RTF-DCS through a questionnaire response, 83.3% of the respondents agreed that their confidence to be a PhD Mentor for such international researchers had improved, while 87.5% had found better scope for bi-lateral research cooperation as a result of the RTF-DCS scheme. Further, 91.7% felt that after hosting an RTF-DCS Fellow, the scope for betterment in internationalisation of the institute had picked up and 42.7% observed that it helped in achieving some national research project targets or goals.
7. Majority of Indian supervisors proposed to visit the countries of the RTF-DCS researchers guided by them for a short period of 1-2 weeks which would give them opportunity to establish institution-to-institution collaborative relationship. It is strongly felt that such facilitation from the GOI would greatly reinforce the objectives of India vis-a-vis the developing countries, particularly, those in the African region.
8. A number of research papers have been published in reputed International Journals by the RTF-DCS Fellows jointly with their respective Indian research guides.
9. The RTF-DCS scheme is in conformity with India's current foreign policy objectives with regard to South-South cooperation and science diplomacy.
10. An analysis of the broad subject areas of research proposals reveals that majority (more than 50%) of applications received were in Biological & Medical Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences even though research projects in Chemical Sciences; Earth Sciences; Physical & Mathematical Sciences; Minerals, Materials & Metallurgy; and Engineering Sciences were also proposed. This indicates the increased emphasis and research needs of the developing countries in these areas. On the other hand, India has a huge research base and capabilities in these subjects which could be showcased and offered for capacity building in developing countries. The RTF-DCS scheme has been able to fulfill this opportunity and pave the way for increasing research collaboration between India and other developing countries.
Considering the consistently high demand from the researchers from developing countries and the keen interest shown by the Indian academic and research institutions in implementing this programme, the RTF-DCS scheme is being considered for continuation for another 5 years. Further details of the scheme shall be available soon.
For more Information about RTF-DCS program, please contact Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma or Mrs Ritika Kishore (ritika.kishore[@]ficci.com).
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
CSSP Lecture "Science Communication in Indian Television" | Tomorrow at 10 am
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Invites you to a Special Lecture on
Science Communication in Indian Television
Prof. V. L. Dharurkar
(Vice-Chancellor, Tripura Central University, Tripura)
Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1 Building, JNU, New Delhi
Date: Wednesday, 15th May 2019 | Time: 10:00 AM
About the Speaker: Dr. Dharurkar is an eminent educationist and scholar in the field of mass communication. He started his career from Bitco College Nasik as a Lecturer of history and later joined the Department of Journalism at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. In 1982 he joined Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University and later became HoD and took the charge of Director School of Liberal Arts. He has 27 books, and more than 250 research papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings. More than 50 students have completed their Ph.D. under his supervision. Dharurkar has been awarded with many prestigious awards and fellowships. Currently he is the Vice Chancellor of Tripura Central University, Tripura.
All are welcome to attend the Lecture.
Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series
Call for Applications: Workshop on Educational Transformations and Societal Change in Liberalizing India | 9-11 January, Ahmedabad, India
Supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation, this three-day international workshop will be held from 9th to 11th January 2020. It will be hosted by Ahmedabad University. We have conceived of this as a small, intimate workshop which will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars from both India and abroad.
The workshop will be organised around two broad themes:
I. Devolution of Governance and Proliferation of (Infra)structures: This theme focuses on the restructuring of administrative infrastructures, managerial discourses, and forms of self-governance. Market reforms in India were accompanied by a reconfiguration of the state, resulting in a proliferation of governing agencies such as local elected bodies, public-private partnerships, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and transnational advocacy groups. These agencies seek to regulate the state and create empowered citizens. Bringing together scholars who examine re-configurations of the state, forms of negotiation and regulation, and new modes of citizenship, this discussion will inform educational debates around governance.
II. Democratization of Aspiration: On the one hand, state and market agencies are engaged in the production of consumer desire while on the other hand, non-elite consumer desires unsettle entrenched inequalities while producing new forms of marginalization. Further, re-arranged values of land, diversification of employment opportunities, and intensification of precarity in the post-market reform period heighten desires for educated selves. Bringing together studies of aspirational mobilities in varied domains like work in the service industry, migration, and urbanization with new forms of aspirational politics, the discussion will enrich debates about educational aspirations.
Call for Applications
This will be a small, intimate workshop which will bring together an interdisciplinary group of junior and senior scholars. Senior scholars will be those who have extensively studied liberalization and its attendant discourses in varied contexts at the intersections of disciplines such as anthropology, education studies, economics, geography, history, political science, and sociology. During the workshop, early career scholars will have opportunities to be mentored by senior scholars.
We invite applications from junior scholars who study education, broadly defined, from a range of disciplinary perspectives including sociology, anthropology, history, development studies, education studies, economics, political science, and cultural studies. Prospective applicants might be:
Early career scholars who defended their dissertation on or after 1 January 2014.
PhD students who are in advanced stages of their data analysis and dissertation writing or have completed their synopsis submission.
The application will consist of four parts:
1. CV; including name of institution (if affiliated to an institution) and year of PhD registration or completion whichever is applicable
2. A personal statement that describes how your experiences have shaped your research interest/dissertation topic (250 words).
3. Description of a research project relevant to one of the two themes of the workshop. This segment can focus on any aspect of the research process such as research questions, design, or theoretical framework (up to 500 words).
4. Struggles encountered in the process of data analysis, such as those arising from limitations in literature in explaining your field data or your struggles in analyzing unanticipated insights and contradictions in your data (up to 500 words).
We strongly encourage scholars from regional universities as well as scholars from Dalit, Adivasi, and under represented backgrounds to apply.
The application should suitably address the intersection between education, defined broadly, and large scale societal change in India. Selected applicants' statements will be forwarded to senior scholars who will prepare feedback, comments, and questions in preparation for the mentoring sessions at the workshop. Further requirements for the mentoring sessions will be communicated after the selection process.
The cost of domestic travel and accommodation during the workshop will be covered.
Please send your application materials to edn.society@ahduni.edu.in Applications are due July 1st, 2019. Selected applicants will be informed by September 1st, 2019.
CfPs: International Conference on Reshaping Librarianship: Innovations and Transformation (ICRLIT-2019)| 16-17 August; Coimbatore, India
- To discuss, debate and seek an alternative to manage current libraries;
- To provide a platform for professional discussion among LIS professionals in academics, services, and research disciplines;
- To create an environment for expanding the professional network and reshaping librarianship;
- To Address the innovative problem area and to lead away for managing such problems;
- To Recommend suitable Transformation policy measures;
- To provide an interdisciplinary platform for the academicians, researchers, managers, industrial participants and LIS graduates around the world; To share their research findings.
The conference is an excellent opportunity for LIS professionals to connect, discuss and debate in order to shape the 21st century academic library ICRLIT-2019 is open to all.
Major Conference THEMES
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the following topics:
- Reshaping of the Librarianship
- Managing Modern Libraries: Innovation and Transformation
- Best Practices in Library Resources and Services
- Case Studies of Resources and Services
- Different Aspects Research Innovation
- Managing e-Contents
- Digital Content Creation, Preservation and Delivery
- Resources Sharing
- Metric Study
- User Study
Dr. R. SarangapaniConvenor / Organizing SecretaryUniversity Librarian / Head i/cArignar Anna Central LibraryBharathiar University, Coimbatore 641046, Tamil Nadu, Indiae-Mail: icrlit.2019@gmail.comPhone: +91-9443098662, +91-422-2428231,36
Monday, May 13, 2019
CfPs: Asian Society for Innovation and Policy: 2019 Manila Conference
ASIP 9th Conference - Technology and Innovation for SMEs
Keynote Speakers
1.Technology for SMEs
Sec. Fortunato dela Peña (Secretary, Department of S&T, Philippines)
Prof. Ky-young Park (Former Presidential Advisor for S&T, Korea; Soonchon U)
Prof. Youngil Park (Former Vice Minister, Mistry of S&T; Ewha Womans U)
2. SME policies
Prof. Jung-wha Han (Former Minister, Ministry of SMEs, Korea; Hanyang U)
Dr.Rafaelita Aldaba (Undersecretary, Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines)
• Regular Sessions (4)
: Technology Innovation, MOT, Economics of Technology, Technology Policy
• Special Session 1, Innovation for SMEs
1.Regional innovation system for SMEs - Moderator: Prof. MH Bala Subramanya, IISc
2.Technology adoption of SMEs - Moderator: Prof. Angelina Yee, Nottingham University, Malaysia
3.Policies for SMEs and startups - Moderator: Prof. Chongin Choi, Hanbat University, Korea
• Special Session 2, Entrepreneurship Education for SMEs
- UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network
- Moderator: Prof. Rolando Ramon Diaz, UP ISSI
• Special Session 3, Innovation for Circular Economy - Moderator: Prof. Mohan Avvari, Nottingham University, Malaysia
• Students Contest: Technology and Innovation for SMEs
- Nationwide contest for Filipino college students or 2019 graduates
- Certificates and Cash Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd (USD250, 150, 100)
- Moderator: Prof. Aleli Bawagan, Director, ISSI, UP Diliman
• Tutorial Sesson: Tools for Scientometric Analysis - Moderator: Prof. Kee-seok Kwon
- Time/place: October 5 (Saturday), 09:00-13:00, ISSI lecture room
- Softwares for paper and patent analysis and visualization
1. VOS viewer: constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks
2. KnowledgeMatrix Plus: constructing and visualizing papers and patents
Special Session: Government Agencies for Innovation Policy
- Forum of government agencies for S&T planning and management in Asia
- Moderator; Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
If want a special session, welcome!
General Notice
- Freestyle, but within-2-page abstracts for prior acceptance until 31 July.
- Deadline by 31 July. Notification of acceptance within 10 days.
Award for Best Papers (Full paper only)
- Recommend publication in SCI/SSCI journals
- Financial supports for the publication in Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy.
Local Organizing Committee
Chair: Prof. Fidel Nemenzo, Vice Chancellor, University of the Philippines Diliman.
Prof. Aleli Bawagan, Director, Institute for Small Scale Industries, UPD.
Secretariat: Ms. Gloria Recio, ISSI, UP Diliman.
Conference Committee
Chair: Prof. Jeonghwan Jeon (jhjeon@gnu.ac.kr).
JNU Vigyan Manthan Series Lectures on 15 May
Sunday, May 12, 2019
JSCIRES CfPs: Special issue on Quantitative, Network-theoretic and Altmetric Analysis of Scholarly Big Data
In the modern connected world full of digital information and scholarly content, identifying the most relevant resources has become a challenge. A researcher, irrespective of his/her discipline of knowledge, now has to depend on online portals, digital libraries and electronic repositories for finding scientific articles in an area and also reporting research results. However, academic search is still provided largely by various search engines, where they treat the task of scholarly article search as a web search problem. In this process, the bibliometric information and associated metadata of scholarly articles is often ignored completely.
This special issue aims to report research results and advances in the area, viewed from different perspectives (such as Computer Science, Informatics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics and Science & Technology Studies). There are clear applications of Scientometrics to Information Retrieval and vice versa. Applying Scientometrics to Information Retrieval process helps in improving the Information Retrieval results, particularly in Scholarly articles domain, a theme now pursued under the title of Bibliometric Enhanced Information retrieval. Similarly, ideas from Text Analytics and Language Processing can help in developing newer models of Scientometric evaluations and characterizations. Altmetrics, the emerging alternative metrics, are another important area of research having impact on the way scholarly data is processed. Network-theoretic approaches contribute to understanding of the area as well.
Submissions to the special issue are open to researchers from any part of the world. The special issue will mainly draw extended papers from the Indo-German Workshop on Information Retrieval, Informetrics and Scientometrics to be held during 11-13 June 2019 at Cologne, Germany. However, special issue is also open to submissions on the topics covered in the workshop from other authors as well. Authors are solicited to submit articles reporting research results, conceptual advances and experimental studies, describing significant advances in Information Retrieval, Informetrics and Scientometrics. Papers that describe concepts and ideas on the broad intersection of Information Retrieval, Scientometrics, Applied Informetrics and Altmetrics are welcome. The journal allows different kinds of submissions ranging from Research Articles & Perspective Papers to Commentary and Scientific Correspondence. Please see https://www.jscires.org/contributors.asp for more details.
An indicative (but non-exhaustive) list of topics is as below:
- Academic Databases: Structures, Coverage, Subject Classification, Journal Metrics, Journal Rankings and Categorization, Databases and Digital Libraries, Electronic Repositories, Data infrastructure for research metrics.
- Altmetrics: Theory and Relevance of alternative metrics, Social media and alternative metrics, Scientific Vs. Public Attention, Country Specific Studies, Disciplinary Differences, Platforms and aggregators.
- Collaboration Networks: Authorship Networks, Co-authorship and Collaboration patterns, International Collaboration, Mobility and Internationalization, Community Detection.
- Citation Studies: Citation Impact, Co-citation analysis, Citation Networks, Studies on Highly Cited Papers.
- Indicators and Performance Metrics: Bibliometric Indicators, Impact Measures, Metrics for performance assessment of Individuals and journal impact, Use and Abuse of Indicators.
- Text-based Methods: Identifying Themes and Trends, Topic Modeling, Burst Detection, Keyphrase Identification.
- Mapping and Visualization: Visualization Tools and Techniques, Visualizing Intellectual Structures of Disciplines, Co-variates and Graphical Visualizations.
- Articles can be submitted through online submission system by logging in the article submission system at: http://www.journalonweb.com/jscires/.
- New users need to register first by signing up as an author.
- Please visit http://www.journalonweb.com/jscires/signup.asp.
- Detailed instructions for Authors can be found at: https://www.jscires.org/contributors.asp.
- NOTE : Kindly select – Special Issue - Quantitative, Network-theoretic and Altmetric Analysis of Scholarly Big Data while submitting article via www.journalonweb.com/jscires
- Paper Submissions By: 31st Aug. 2019
- Acceptance Notification: 15th Oct. 2019
- Revised Submission: 15th Nov. 2019
- Final Acceptance Notification: 15th Dec. 2019
- Camera Ready Submission: 30th Dec. 2019
- Online Edition (expected): March 2020
Editors-Special Issue
- Vivek Singh, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, vivek@bhu.ac.in
- Philipp Mayr, GESIS Leibniz Institute of Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany, philipp.mayr@gesis.org
- Aparna Basu, Formerly at CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, India.
- Sumit Banshal, South Asian University, New Delhi, India.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Copenhagen Workshop CfPs - Trading the World: Routes, Resources, Realignments | 22-23 August
Trading the World: Routes, Resources, Realignments
Workshop – 22-23 August 2019 – University of Copenhagen
Convened by: Ravinder Kaur (University of Copenhagen) and Engseng Ho (Duke/NUS)
The hyper-expansion of trade routes and the relentless "opening up" of continents and oceans, again, is a world-historical event in the early twenty-first century. At the heart of this phenomenon is the seemingly insatiable demand for natural resources driven by a growing world population and a strengthened economic muscle of emerging economies in the old third world. A particularly ambitious iteration of this trend is China's Belt and Road Initiative – the New Silk Road – that has raised both hopes and anxieties across the world. A vast network of actual and projected infrastructure projects, BRI seeks to connect ever-new territories, resources, people with markets, and in the course capitalizing upon surplus financial, material and human resources available in he emerging economies. The move has raised not just geo-political anxieties but also concerns about ecological damage brought about by the unchecked quest for economic growth. To be sure, BRI is the most visible of several large-scale infrastructure development projects across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Many of these projects are less spectacular, and steered by national governments within national boundaries that seek to make nations competitive as "investment destinations" in the world economy. These projects do not always entail concrete infrastructures of brick and mortar, they also focus on human development programs aimed at creating skilled labor for new economic structures. In short, the push to expand markets in ever-new territories is not just reconfiguring the national societies and ecologies but also the transnational geo-economic axes of influence and strategic power.
We invite scholars and policy experts to address the concrete and the abstract, material and immaterial forms, and the new geographies of the ongoing phenomenon of "opening up" the world for trade. The suggested themes include, but are not limited to, the following
- New infrastructures of trade and mobility – physical and virtual
- Commodities and processes of commodification
- Barriers, choke-points, and limits to trade and mobility
- Re-alignment of strategic geo-political power and new spheres of influence
Funding: While the call for papers is open to all we especially invite graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to contribute. All selected participants will be offered partial travel funding. Senior scholars and intellectual leaders at the forefront of their field will also be present. This is an interdisciplinary conference and we welcome scholars of all disciplines who study global capitalism in the past or present.
How to Apply: Please send paper abstracts (300 words) addressing one or more themes outlined above. The abstracts should be sent to Louis Peinow Pedersen ztw752@alumni.ku.dk
Deadline: 31st May 2019
The workshop is the final closing event of the Emerging Worlds research program funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research – Humanities. It is located at the University of Copenhagen https://emergingworlds.tors.ku.dk
Director, Centre of Global South Asian Studies
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies,
Karen Blixens Vej 4,
2300 Copenhagen S
Email: rkaur@hum.ku.dk
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Celebrating National Technology Day on 11th May | at INSA, New Delhi
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Journal of Scientometric Research 8(1), 2019, issue is now online.
Journal of Scientometric Research
Vol 8, Issue 1 | Jan-Apr 2019
Research Articles
- Ego Citation Networks Considered as Domination Networks | Yuxian Liu, Ronald Rousseau, 8(1):01-08
- Article Quality Indicator: Proposing a New Indicator for Measuring Article Quality in Scopus and Web of Science | Roghayeh Ghazavi ,Behjat Taheri, Hasan Ashrafi-rizi | 8(1):09-17
- Optimization for Better World University Rank | Pattira Jabjaimoh, Klairung Samart,Naratip Jansakul, Natthada Jibenja, 8(1):18-20
- A 2D Evaluation of Altmetrics Influence in Citation Growth: Case Study of Indian Research Articles in PLoS Journals | Deepjyoti Kalita, Dipen Deka, Tilak Hazarika, 8(1):21-26
- Scientometrics Analysis in Google Trends | Sozon Papavlasopoulos, 8(1):27-37
- Water-Related Technology Research in India: Insights from Four Core Journals | Deep Jyoti Francis, Anup Kumar Das, 8(1):38-46
Research Note
- My Safetipin Mobile Phone Application: Case Study of E-Participation Platform for Women Safety in India | Sharique Hassan Manazir, Madhav Govind, 8(1):47-53
Book Reviews
- Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order | Ashish Gosain, 8(1):54-61
- Universities in the National Innovation Systems: Experiences from the Asia-Pacific | Ashish Gosain, 8(1):62-67
- Big Data: Does Size Matter | Arshia Kaul, 8(1):68-69
- When Information Wheels on Technology and Tires Cognition | Bidyarthi Dutta, 8(1):70-71
Friday, May 3, 2019
A Talk on "Indian Manuscripts: Some questions, Some observations" by B.N. Goswamy | 20 May at UChicago Center, Delhi
Panel discussion on "Revitalising Yamuna - Alternate Imaginations" | 11 May at UChicago Center, New Delhi