Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Call for Papers – Special Issue of AJSTID on Technology and Innovation Policies for Inclusive Development

Call for Papers – Special Issue of African Journal for Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

Theme: Technology and Innovation Policies for Inclusive Development

African Journal for Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID) invites scholars to submit their papers for a special issue on technology and innovation policy for inclusive development. AJSTID is an interdisciplinary and refereed international journal on science, technology, innovation and development in Africa and other low-income countries. It has been established to highlight the crucial role of science, technology and innovation for development and to promote research on the contribution of knowledge creation and diffusion to development in Africa.
This issue will explore research questions focusing on the connection between innovation and inclusive development, in particular on innovation activities that provide livelihoods to marginalized groups of people from the bottom of the pyramid. It is a present concern that innovation–despite its benefits - contributes to increasing inequalities where only the best skilled people are rewarded and incomes in some groups are even reduced. Inclusive development is on the agenda for policy discussions in both OECD and non-OECD countries and constitutes a significant emerging research area with various issues for profound scholarly inquiry that call for and invite attempts to bridge different intellectual traditions.
The aim of this special issue is to provide the opportunity to advance the understanding of the dynamics of innovation for and by marginalized groups of people, mechanisms that link formal and informal innovative activities and to contribute to the development of innovation policies for social inclusion mainly in Africa and also from the rest of the world.
The call is to invite submission following the review and reference procedures of the journal to submit full research papers that preferably address mainly the following themes:
  • Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and the needs and concerns of lower-income groups
  • Technological Capability building in informal settings – how to bridge the skill gap
  • Diffusion of innovation from lower - income groups
  • Innovation and Inequality
  • Distinguishing and Evaluating the social and economic dimension in innovation policy to promote social inclusion
  • Social innovation for including the bottom of the pyramid
  • The role of different actors for skill development for marginalized groups of people: universities, NGOs, incubators.
Submissions will be refereed for relevance to the theme as well as academic rigour and originality. The papers should be no longer than 4000-7000 words with an abstract of 150 words; references should be sent in an Endnote file. High quality articles not deemed to be sufficiently relevant to the special issue may be considered for publication in a subsequent non-themed issue.
Please send your work no later than April 1st, 2015 to Dr. Astrid Szogs, astridszogs@gmail.com and Prof. Mammo Muchie, MuchieM@tut.ac.za.

Dr. Anup Kumar Das
Web: www.anupkumardas.blogspot.com


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