Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 rules and regulations for the “Research in Paris” call for applications

Research in Paris : 2014 rules and regulations for the "Research in Paris" call for applications
2014 rules and regulations for the "Research in Paris" call for applications.

An outline of the conditions to be fulfilled by the applicants and host laboratories, and methods of selection.



The programme

Receiving researchers from abroad is one of the main priorities of local policy in favour of research. Fostering exchanges on a global scale and researchers' mobility plays a key part in ensuring that Parisian Research flourishes.

Since 2003, the City of Paris has offered a selective programme to draw researchers from abroad – postdoctoral and senior researchers – to public-sector research laboratories located within inner Paris for a fixed period of time.

This programme aims to forge new ties and strengthen existing ones with research centres in major international cities and Paris.

Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor in charge of Innovation, Research and Universities, has stepped up this programme so that almost 70 scientists from all fields of study are taken in every year, with a view to meeting the needs of the research teams in Paris.


- Applicants:

The research programme is intended for researchers from abroad only.

The programme gives priority to junior researchers from abroad, who attended their PhD less than 5 years ago. However, several grants will be awarded to senior researchers from abroad (a third maximum), who attended their Phd over 5 years ago.

Applicants should hold a PhD and be affiliated with a research body in their country, where they must be resident and work.

Ineligible applicants:

- French nationals

Applicants from abroad are ineligible to apply if they: 
- already live in France
- already work in France
- have already taken part in the programme in the past.

Important: grant is awarded by the City of Paris. Researchers cannot hold more than one grant of this kind at any one time.

Host laboratories:

All of the public-sector research laboratories located within inner Paris are eligible, including those which have already taken part in the "Research in Paris" programme in previous years.

Fields of study: All fields of study are eligible. Cross-cutting research work or topics tackling emerging fields are encouraged.

Selection criteria:

The scientific merit of a proposal (applicant-project-host laboratory) plays a key part in the selection process.

Once the quality of their scientific proposal has been considered, other aspects are also taken into account:
-The various fields of study (social sciences, humanities, life sciences, earth sciences, physical and engineering sciences, mathematics, etc.) must be represented on an equal footing..
- Projects must include objectives and avenues for cooperation between the applicant's home and host laboratories.

Jury and release of final results

The applicants' proposals will be closely studied by experts from the City of Paris Scientific Committee and external experts appointed by the Committee.
A jury presided over by the Deputy Mayor in charge of Innovation, Research and Universities will award the grants in light of the assessments provided by the Scientific Committee and external experts.

The final results will be published on the City of Paris website - www.recherche.paris.fr and www.en.paris.fr

Host laboratories that have been selected shall confirm acceptance by mail within an 8-day time limit. Once this time limit has passed, the grant will be awarded to the next applicant on the reserve list.

Yes, applicants on the reserve list shall replace applicants who withdraw.

Managing the researchers' stay in Paris

Length of stay

-Postdoctoral researchers: minimum stay of 6 months and maximum stay of 12 months 
- Senior researchers: stay may vary between 2 and 6 months

The arrival date must fall sometime between 1 September 2014 and 28 February 2015.

Receiving and accommodating researchers

The City of Paris has made arrangements for the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (accommodation for international students) to take care of the researchers by welcoming them, completing the necessary administrative formalities and reserving accommodation.

The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris department which deals with receiving researchers from abroad, Acc&ss Paris Centre (formely BACE), will contact the researchers to take account of their needs before they arrive.

Researches can benefit from administrative help and assistance in finding accommodation. Accommodation may be proposed to the researcher. It is however his/her responsibility to pay for the rent..

Stay allowance

Grant amount and payment methods

-Postdoctoral researchers: €2500 net per month 
-Senior researchers: €3000 net per month

Researchers cannot hold more than one grant of this kind at any one time.

The grant payment for the last month is made provided a report in French dealing with the scientific work carried out during the stay (approx. 15 pages) is submitted.

Travel expenses and social security

The expenses of return travel between the home country and France are covered on a fixed price basis depending on the location of the home country and receipts of the amount paid.

The costs of researchers' health insurance are also covered by the programme.

Submitting your application

Applications are to be sent electronically using the City of Paris website. All of the elements required may be sent using this website. Supplementary material submitted separately, incomplete applications and/or faxed or emailed applications will not be considered.

Important: Proposals are only considered if they are submitted in full before the deadline date. Applications sent after 13th February 2014 at 12:00 am (noon) local time will not be considered.

Please note that if you deliberately give any false or misleading information, we will withdraw your application or, if a grant has already been awarded, ask you to pay back any money we have given you. This will also have implications for any future applications you may submit.

Researchers must fill in the online form and provide the following attachments in French or in English:

- Curriculum Vitae (scan)
Two pages in length. It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications. Mention of your current position is mandatory.

- Thesis certificate or accreditation (scan)
Each candidate for the grant must hold a doctorate degree.

- Attestation, or certificate from the current laboratory on headed paper with the laboratory's stamp (scan)
The present is to certify that the applicant is a researcher currently affiliated to a university or research institution in a Foreign country and that the laboratory support his/her application to the "Research in Paris" programme in order to establish a basis for long-term research cooperation.

- Attestation, or certificate from the host laboratory on headed paper with the laboratory's stamp (scan)

- Applicant and host laboratory project proposal (download form) » Applicant and host laboratory project proposal (example, pdf) 

  Apply until 13th February 2014 at 12:00 am  local time (noon) 


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