Wednesday, September 11, 2013

CfAs: 2013 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards: International recognition and cash awards for the best doctoral research

2013 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards: International recognition and cash awards for the best doctoral research

Key dates: The closing date for applications is 1 October 2013.

Apply now!

Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publisher of the largest collection of international business and management journals, and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), a global membership organization with more than 700 institutional members from academia, business and public services, seek to celebrate excellence in research by sponsoring the 2013 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards.

Award-winning entries will receive a cash prize of €1,500 (or currency equivalent), a certificate and a winners' logo to attach to correspondence. In addition, a number of Highly Commended Awards will be bestowed. This year there are 12 categories:

Submission requirements

1. Researchers must apply online using the application form at:

2. The following documents will be required electronically:

• Covering letter – as part of this please state whether or not your doctoral research has been published and/or will be published in any form (conference paper, article, peer reviewed journal, etc)
• Executive Summary – paper that summarises the Doctoral research. The Executive Summary should not exceed 2,000 words (reference lists and presentation of data, as either Tables or Figures, do not count towards this total). Please download the template executive summary.
• Letter of recommendation/reference from a supervisor/senior faculty member. The letter should state why your supervisor feels that your work is outstanding and what impact it will have. For short-listed applicants, further contact may be made with the referee.

3. Applicants must only submit to one of the categories below.

If you are unsure of which category to submit to please feel free to contact us, and after consultation with our Editorial team, we can suggest that which is most appropriate.


To be eligible for the Awards, the research must address an issue that is of importance to one of the various subject areas listed above. The Awards are open to those who have completed and satisfied examination requirements for a Doctoral award, between 1 October 2010 and 1 October 2013, and have not applied previously for one of these Awards.

Judging criteria

The entries will be judged by the Editor(s) and at least one Editorial Advisory Board member of the sponsoring journal. Entries will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Significance/implications for theory and practice.
2. Originality and innovation.
3. Appropriateness and application of the methodology.
4. Quality of data/research.

Short-listed applicants may be required to answer further questions as appropriate from the judging panel. Winners will be required to submit an unpublished paper, sole- or joint-authored, derived from the research, within six months of winning the Award. The Editors reserve the right not to select a winning paper if, in their judgment, none of the entries is considered satisfactory.

Please note that the decision of the judges is final. Due to the large number of submissions, applicants will not receive any feedback.

For further information

Please read the frequently asked questions.

For any additional information please contact:

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