Saturday, June 16, 2012

Conference on 'Global Strategies for an Emergent India' at IIM, kozhikode [1 Attachment]

International Conference on 'Global Strategies for an Emergent India'

Dates: December 27 & 28, 2012

Venue: Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK)

Organizing Institutions: Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK); Emerging Market Internationalization Research Group (EMIRG), University of Sydney Business School

Unique features of the conference
A Paper Development Workshop (PDW) where experts will provide in-depth and specific inputs on selected papers. The aim of the PDW is to help the authors to modify their papers so that they can be sent to high impact journals for publication. The experts would be mostly from reputable Business Schools in India and abroad and their names would be announced later. Authors need to specifically mention whether they would like their paper to be included in the PDW when they send in their paper.
It is likely that selected papers presented for the conference will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. These papers will have to go through the normal review process of the journal. Further details will be circulated in due course.
Guidelines and Information
Please submit an extended abstract of 800 - 1000 words by 30th September 2012. Only original unpublished papers are sought. Contributors will receive decisions by 30th October, 2012. Based on the extended abstract, few authors would be invited to attend the Paper Development Workshop (PDW). Authors invited to the PDW need to submit their full papers by 30th November, 2012.Please visit the conference website for submitting the abstract.
Confirmed participants are required to register. Registration is free for presenting participants and includes lunches, coffee breaks and the conference dinner on December 27. Participants whose paper is selected for PDW would be provided free accommodation. All participants have to register by 30th November, 2012.
Participants can send in their papers in the following conference email address:

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