Monday, June 25, 2012

Public Conference on Consumer Privacy at IIC Delhi; July 7th, 2012

Public Conference on Consumer Privacy

Venue: Indian International Centre, New Delhi

Saturday, July 7th, 2012, from 9:00 am - 5:00pm

On behalf of Privacy India, and in partnership with the Centre for Internet & Society, IDRC, Society in Action Group and Privacy International, we would like to invite you to a public conference focused on discussing the challenges and concerns to consumer privacy in India.
According to the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, a consumer is a broad label for any person who buys any goods or services for consideration with the intent of using them for a non-commercial purpose. Certain services that consumers use may, by their very nature, put an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information into the hands of vendors.
Consumer privacy is concerned with accuracy of how a consumers information is collected and used. Because a consumers relationship with another entity is based on an exchange along consented terms, a breach in consumer privacy can be constituted as an action that was not agreed to. In the age of data collection – a breach in privacy occurs when information is used in different ways than was intended. Consumer privacy in India is determined at the sectoral level, and differs depending on the services that is provided for.
As corporations sell data banks, ISP's expose consumer habits, or ones personal information falls in the wrong hands – the consequences are far reaching, and can result in spamming, unwanted marketing, theft, or the violation can impact an individual's ability to buy a home, potential employment opportunities, or gain access to credit.
In India, the right to privacy has been a neglected area of study and engagement. Although sectoral legislation deals with privacy issues, India does not as yet have a horizontal legislation that deals comprehensively with privacy across all contexts. The absence of a minimum guarantee of privacy is felt most heavily by marginalized communities, including HIV patients, children, women, sexuality minorities, prisoners, etc. - people who most need to know that sensitive information is protected.
Since June 2010, Privacy India in collaboration with Privacy International, based in London, has been conducting workshops and engaging in public awareness. Participants include policy makers, researchers, sectoral experts, NGOs, and the public to discuss and deliberate different questions of privacy, its intersections and its implications with our everyday life. The discussions have ranged from topics of online privacy to minority rights and privacy and e-Governance initiatives privacy. The workshops have been organized in different cities - Bangalore, Guwahati, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Goa, etc.
Please confirm your participation to Ms. Natasha Vaz at

Natasha Vaz
Centre for Internet & Society
No. 194, 2nd 'C' Cross, Domlur 2nd Stage Bangalore 560071
Telefax: (+91)-080-25350955

Further Details

"Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context" February 2012 issue

Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context

February 2012 issue

A Bulletin Initiated by:
National Science and Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS), DST, India
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi, India

Thursday, June 21, 2012

CfPs: International Conference on India-Japan Relations: Transforming into Potential Partnership; 7-9 Dec; Tirupati

International Conference on India-Japan Relations: Transforming into Potential Partnership [IJR-TPP]

7-9 December 2012

organized by: Centre for Southeast Asian & Pacific Studies, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India

Call for Papers

India and Japan are the two Asian majors cooperation and understanding between whom is critical in moulding the 21st century as the 'Asian Century'. Historical and civilizational links spanning several centuries, mutual goodwill, amity and respect; absence of conflicting strategic interests; and commitment to promote peace and stability, to maintain regional equilibrium and to strengthen  institutionalized multilateral cooperation in Asia, have lent credence to the claim that India and Japan are natural allies. While the Japanese held India in high esteem as the land of the Buddha, Japan has always remained a source of inspiration to the Indians, in as much as Japan exposed the myth of European invincibility by defeating Russia in 1905; sought to eclipse European colonialism; offered moral and material support to the freedom struggle carried on from Japan by Rosh Behari Bose and Subash Chandra Bose; and demonstrated its saga of rapid recovery from the devastation during the World War II to emerge as an economic and technical powerhouse.

Even though India-Japan cooperation encapsules diverse areas, there are certain areas which are not covered yet. As a country with rising demand for energy to meet the requirements of its rapid economic growth India wanted Japan – a global leader in energy efficient technologies – to participate in the expansion of India's nuclear energy programme. In fact, in June 2010 Tokyo agreed  to enter into an agreement with India on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. However, in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident after the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 which caused immense destruction, Japan remained less enthusiastic about cooperation with India in the sphere of nuclear energy. India is keen to obtain bullet train technologies from Japan, but Tokyo sees no urgency is speeding up this matter.

At a time when India and Japan are striving to strengthen their political, economic and strategic ties and to promote the peace, security, and prosperity of Asia as well as to advance international peace and sustainable development, the Centre for Southeast Asia & Pacific Studies is holding three-day International Conference on "India-Japan Relations: Transforming into Potential Partnership" on December 7-9, 2012. It is our true pleasure to request you to contribute a scholarly paper on one of the following sub-themes:
  • Historical perspective of India-Japan relations
  • India and Japan in Asian regionalization
  • Geopolitics and the role of India and Japan
  • Bilateral Trade
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Energy security and environmental sustainability
  • Maritime security and cooperation
  • Cultural relations
  • Comparative Literature, Religion and Philosophy
  • People to people contacts
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Any other relevant theme

  • Abstract submission: 31 July 2012
  • Full Paper submission: 31 October 2012
  • Date of Conference: 7-9 December 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2012

Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2012

ACCESS Development Services and Fr. Arrupe Center for Ecology and Sustainability (FACES), XLRI Jamshedpur jointly announce the Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2012. This competition is supported by Oxfam India.

A number of large scale programmes of the government, as well as multilateral and bilateral organizations are putting much effort into poverty reduction. However, the poorest of the poor have been bypassed by most mainstream development initiatives. Different approaches are required for alleviating extreme poverty since the poorest of the poor face fundamentally different set of deprivations as compared to the poor. The biggest challenge they face is the lack of a stable income. Enhancing sustainable livelihoods of the poorest of the poor is thus a significantly important step towards reduction of extreme poverty.
The 2012 case study competition, therefore, seeks case studies of experiences in enhancing the livelihoods of the poorest of the poor. The case studies should cover the following:
1.       Socio-economic conditions and needs of the community within the context of which the programme was initiated and implemented;
2.       Nature of engagement, intervention, support and strategies of the implementing agency for reaching out to the poorest of the poor;
3.       Impact of the programme in promoting sustainable livelihoods;
4.       Factors that contributed to the success of the programme;
5.       Critical challenges faced; and
6.       Issues in achieving scale and sustainability and efforts made by the programme to address them.
How to register?
Participants are required to fill in a registration form and provide an abstract (in 500 words) of their cases by June 25, 2012 (Monday). Please click here to go to the registration form. Please go through the details of the Competition on the website before sending in your registrations (
·         All participants are requested to send an abstract of maximum 500 words of their case studies by June 25, 2012.
·         Abstracts will be reviewed and a shortlist will be announced on July 10, 2012.
·         The shortlisted candidates will be requested to send the full case study, not exceeding 5000 words, by September 10, 2012.
·         Once the final cases come in, they will be reviewed and 10 best cases would be selected.
·         The authors of the 10 best cases will be invited for a Jury Meet where the top 3 cases will be selected.(tentatively in October)
·         The top 3 case study authors will receive cash prizes of Rs. 1,00,000, Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively and a compendium of the 10 best cases will be released during the Livelihoods India Conference 2012 (November 29-30, 2012).
 Look forward to receiving your entries!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Conference on 'Global Strategies for an Emergent India' at IIM, kozhikode [1 Attachment]

International Conference on 'Global Strategies for an Emergent India'

Dates: December 27 & 28, 2012

Venue: Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK)

Organizing Institutions: Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK); Emerging Market Internationalization Research Group (EMIRG), University of Sydney Business School

Unique features of the conference
A Paper Development Workshop (PDW) where experts will provide in-depth and specific inputs on selected papers. The aim of the PDW is to help the authors to modify their papers so that they can be sent to high impact journals for publication. The experts would be mostly from reputable Business Schools in India and abroad and their names would be announced later. Authors need to specifically mention whether they would like their paper to be included in the PDW when they send in their paper.
It is likely that selected papers presented for the conference will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. These papers will have to go through the normal review process of the journal. Further details will be circulated in due course.
Guidelines and Information
Please submit an extended abstract of 800 - 1000 words by 30th September 2012. Only original unpublished papers are sought. Contributors will receive decisions by 30th October, 2012. Based on the extended abstract, few authors would be invited to attend the Paper Development Workshop (PDW). Authors invited to the PDW need to submit their full papers by 30th November, 2012.Please visit the conference website for submitting the abstract.
Confirmed participants are required to register. Registration is free for presenting participants and includes lunches, coffee breaks and the conference dinner on December 27. Participants whose paper is selected for PDW would be provided free accommodation. All participants have to register by 30th November, 2012.
Participants can send in their papers in the following conference email address:

CfPs: IIMA Doctoral Colloquium 2013

IIMA Doctoral Colloquium 2013

The 6th IIMA Doctoral Colloquium organized by IIM Ahmedabad will be held on 7th - 9th January 2013 at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad campus. The event will provide a platform for those doctoral students and recent pass-outs in different areas of management studies to present their work to the international scientific community. Various tracks of the colloquium cover areas such as Business Policy and Strategy, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, Personnel and Industrial Relations, Production and Quantitative Methods, Public Policy & Public Systems, Computer and Information Systems, Economics, and Agriculture Management. The event will also host a one day long rigorous Doctoral Workshop conducted by eminent faculty members and researchers from across the world on contemporary issues in management and management research.

All students who are currently enrolled in any full time doctoral / PhD. program in any discipline of management OR those who have completed their PhD. no earlier than January 2011 are eligible to participate in this event.

In order to enrich the experience of presentations, discussions and feedback, abstracts are invited in two separate categories: Entry Level Proposals and Advance Proposals.

Entry Level Proposals
Students in an early stage of their dissertation process can participate under this category. They should have a (tentative) proposal for the topic they want to study, the method they want to use, and the potential contribution. They will receive suggestions on how to focus and position their work. Selection to this category will be on competitive blind-review basis and the most progressive proposals from among the entries received will be accepted. One paper in each category and track will be awarded as the Best Proposal.

Advanced Proposals
Students in this category should have a good knowledge of the literature in their domain of study and clear research questions. They should be in the process of data collection and should have some preliminary results to discuss. They will benefit from the colloquium by receiving a critical review on the positioning of their research, refining their data collection approach, and receiving suggestions for translating their work into publishable papers. Selection to this category will be on competitive blind-review basis and the most progressive proposals from among the entries received will be accepted. One paper in each category and track will be awarded as the Best Paper.

Please submit your proposal in one of the following six tracks:
Track A: Business Policy, Strategic Management, Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship
Track B: Organization Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Ethics, CSR, Qualitative Research Methods
Track C: Marketing Management
Track D: Production Management, Operations Management, Quantitative Research Methods, Supply Chain Management, Computer and Information Systems, Information Management
Track E: Economics, Public Systems, Public Policy, Agri-Business Management
Track F: Finance & Accounting

Last Date for Proposal Submission: September 15, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2012
Last Date for Registration: November 15, 2012
Doctoral Workshop: January 7, 2013
Doctoral Colloquium: January 8-9, 2013

Further Details

Monday, June 11, 2012

Science Writing Internships at Current Science

Science Writing Internships at Current Science

The Current Science Association has instituted Science Writing Internships for working in the editorial office of Current Science. The internships are awarded initially for a period of 6 months, extendable for a further period depending on performance.

Qualification: Candidates must possess a basic degree in any branch of science and show evidence of scientific writing skills in diverse areas of science. Those who possess a postgraduate degree in literature, journalism or mass communication can also apply.

Age: Not more than 35 years as on 1 March 2012.

The candidates should not have any position (full time or part time) that entitles them to any remuneration.

Job description: Selected candidates will be based in Bangalore and will assist in the publication of the journal besides writing for the News, Research News and General sections of the journal.

Fellowship: Selected candidates would be offered a fellowship depending on qualification and experience. Applications, including a detailed CV and reprints of popular science articles of the candidate, must be sent to:

The Executive Secretary
Current Science Association
P.B. No. 8001
Sadashivnagar P.O.
Bangalore 560 080

Applications may be received throughout the year.


Monday, June 4, 2012

IIPA Annual Essay Prize Competition 2012

IIPA Annual Essay Prize Competition 2012

Entries are invited for the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA's)  Annual Essay Prize Competition 2012. The value of the prize for the competition will be as under: First Prize Rs.5,000; Second Prize Rs.3,000; Third Prize Rs.2,000.

The following subjects have been prescribed and it is open to competitors to choose any of them.
1. The Meaning and Relevance of Public Administration in Today's India
2. Civil Society and Parliamentary Democracy in India
3. Administrative Measures for Increased Agriculture Production

A competitor may attempt a comprehensive survey of all these factors or may opt for focusing only on problems of a specific sector. These are flexible guidelines, illustrative rather than comprehensive. The competitors may not feel in any way rigidly bound with them. Essay should be based on personal research or experience of the competitors and show evidence of original thinking and scholarship as well as a critical analysis of the subject. Broad generalizations should be avoided. The essay should be in English or Hindi. The length of an essay should approximately be 5000 words and the competitors must indicate the total number of words of the essay contributed by them. Essay exceeding 5500 words will not be accepted. The contestants must indicate the total number of words of the essay, failing which it will not be accepted. All essays must be typed in double space on one side of the paper only and those entries which do not adhere to the stipulation can be rejected. It should be submitted in triplicate under a "nom-deplume or alias. The full name and address of the competitor should be given on a separate sheet and enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the nom-de-plume on the outer cover with the following inscription: Annual Essay Prize Competition-2012, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. All essays should be sent to the Director, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Indraprastha Estate, Ring Road, New Delhi-110002, by Registered Post, so as to reach him not later than the 14th August, 2012. The envelope should be marked "Annual Essay Prize Competition 2012". The entries received after the due date may not be entertained. The essays will be adjudged by a body of judges and the award of the judges shall be final. The institute reserves the right not to make any award if none of the essays submitted meets the necessary standard. Any essay which receives an award shall become the joint intellectual property of the author and IIPA.

Word Limit: 5000 words

Last Date for Submission: 14th August, 2012

Further Details