Thursday, September 22, 2011

CfPs: 1st Biennial Congress on Urban Green Spaces (CUGS 2012), New Delhi

1st Biennial Congress on Urban Green Spaces (CUGS 2012)

15 - 17 February 2012 at New Delhi, India

Organized by: Aravali Foundation for Education; Delhi Government; UNESCO

CUGS2012 will take critical look at the interface between urban human habitation and urban green spaces to build upon our understanding of the elements of urban green spaces and their interconnectedness with quality of life in our fast expanding cities. The Congress will deal with physical, spatial, economics, environmental, aesthetic, and other characteristics of urban green spaces under the following sub-themes:
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Use Optimisation
  • Water Conservation and Pollution Control
  • Biodiversity, Livelihoods, Economics and Valuation
  • Civil Society and Educational Linkages
  • Technology, Management and Design - Options and Challenges
  • Policy, Planning and Governance
CUGS2012 will be of special interest to Urban planners and managers, policy makers, urban foresters, academics, NGOs and members of the civil society interested in urban greening activities. This will include professionals from multilateral and bilateral agencies, officials from government agencies at central, provincial and municipal levels responsible for urban planning and management, non governmental organizations, universities and corporate sector.

CUGS2012 will also have, as participants, students pursuing professional programs in the areas like urban planning, environmental science, forestry, floriculture, architecture and other relevant academic by way of poster session during the congress.

CUGS2012 will also provide an opportunity to private\public sector organizations involved in providing equipment and service relevant to management of urban green spaces to showcase their institutional strengths by way of participating in the CUGS exhibition during the course of the congress.

Call for Papers
We invite anyone interested or working on the issues relating to Commons to participate in the Conference. We encourage scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts for panels, individual papers, poster and videos. The panels, papers, poster and video abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Committee through the online submission process.
Paper Abstracts: Word Limit: 300 words. Identify the Conference Sub-Themes the abstract is relevant to (academic reviewers of your abstract will be assigned based on the sub-theme you indicate); provide a title for the abstract/paper; names and contact information for all contributing authors; 5 keywords (i.e. describing methods, region of study, etc). Note: Final paper should be received no later than January 31, 2012. It should not be more than 7,000 words.
Poster Abstracts: Word Limit: 300 words. Identify the theme or provide a title for your poster; indicate if your poster will present a project, conceptual work, or results from an empirical study, etc. In your abstract, you may include key elements of the script of your poster. Note: All Posters should be exactly 48 InchesX 36 Inches. Orientation can be Landscape or Portrait as per presenters discretion. Final posters should, preferably, be submitted a week before the start of the congress.
For each type of abstract, authors should indicate their Name, Title and Organizational Affiliation for all contributing and presenting authors, as well as the contact details for the corresponding author/presenter.
The Academic Review Committee Members will select papers based on quality and appropriateness to the Conference. Interested participants are encouraged to submit an abstract on their topic of expertise that will be suitable for discussion and debate, even if it does not necessarily fit in the stated sub-themes.

Funding for Participants
We are hopeful that CUGS may be able to partially fund a small number of participants. If you wish to be considered for partial funding, you must indicate this in your abstract during the online submission.

Last date for submission of abstracts with request for travel support : November 15, 2011
Last date for submission of abstracts without request for support : November 30, 2011

Submission of Abstracts:

Further Details:

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