Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fox International Fellowship for JNU Researchers

Fox International Fellowship

The University has signed an MoU with the Yale Centre for International and Area Studies (Yale University), USA, to administer the programme of Yale University "Fox International Fellowship" in JNU. 

As per the agreement, two Fox International fellows from Yale will spend a year at JNU and two fellows from JNU will spend a year at Yale and the students of JNU will be fully funded by Yale University. The Committee shall recommend of M.Phil/Ph.D students to be sent to Yale University in order to conduct research in any of the following fields: Economics, Finance, Political Science. International Relations, Law and Contemporary History.   Although the Committee shall decide regarding selection of students of the University for the year 2011-12, the Fox International Fellowship will be awarded by the Yale University for the year 2012-13.  

The students eligible for the year 2011-12 will be only those who have joined M.Phil/Ph.D or Direct Ph.D programme in the Monsoon Semester of academic year 2010-11 or earlier. Hence, they should have completed 3 semesters of M.Phil/Ph.D programme but should not have completed more than 6 semesters of the said programme as on 1st January, 2012. 

In the light of the above decision, kindly forward us the recommendations of eligible candidate(s) in the enclosed proforma at the earliest, not later than 13th January, 2012, so as to enable us to take further appropriate action in the matter. 

Selection Criteria

Fellowship Form

Application form for Fox International Fellowship 2011-12


Friday, December 23, 2011

IWMI-Tata Policy Research Program: Inviting young researchers to contribute field-based research papers, case studies

IWMI-Tata Policy Research Program: Water, Energy, Climate, Agriculture, Livelihoods, Environment

Inviting young researchers, development professionals, journalists to contribute previously unpublished field-based research papers, case studies for Annual Partners' Meet 2012

March 13-15, 2012

Session Theme & Theme Manager
  1. Studies of innovative approaches in improving the working of public irrigation schemes in major, medium or minor sectors [Meghna Brahmchari, meghna.brahmachari@gmail.com]
  2. Costs and benefits of piped distribution (authorized or unauthorized) of canal or tank water [Tushaar Shah, t.shah@cgiar.org]
  3. Livelihood impacts of water infrastructure created/renovated under MGNREGA [Shilp Verma shilpv@gmail.com]
  4. Impacts of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) [K. Palanisami k.palanisami@cgiar.org]
  5. Issues in expanding groundwater irrigation in eastern India [Aditi Mukherji a.mukherji@cgiar.org]
  6. Impact of farm power supply policies on agriculture and rural development [Aditi Mukherji a.mukherji@cgiar.org]
  7. Water quality deterioration and its impact on public health [Sunderrajan K sunderrajan@gmail.com and R Indu rajnarayan.indu@gmail.com]
  8. Performance of policies and programs for promoting micro-irrigation [K Palanisami k.palanisami@cgiar.org]
  9. Gender and equity issues in irrigated agriculture [Seema Kulkarni seemakulkarni2@gmail.com]
  10. Water harvesting and groundwater recharge in a basin/catchment context [Shilp Verma shilpv@gmail.com]

Researchers are invited to submit field-based research papers, case studies, thought pieces, review articles (not exceeding 4500 words) on any of the 9 themes by January 15, 2012. Submission of a paper is no guarantee of selection for presentation in the Meet. IWMI-Tata Program will provide travel support to the lead author of each selected submission to participate in the Meet at Anand, Gujarat and present her/his paper. In addition, an honorarium of Rs 25,000 will be provided for each selected entry.

Please mail your submission, mentioning the theme for which it is submitted to: itp.apm2012@gmail.com
IWMI-Tata Policy Research Program
C/O INREM Foundation
Smruti Park, Opp. Mangalpura
Anand 388001, Gujarat
+91-2692-263816/7 +91-9825931984

Monday, November 28, 2011

CfPs: UGC-Sponsored National Seminar on Journalism in the Age of New Media, Jan 10-11, 2012; at SNCW, Kolkata

UGC-Sponsored National Seminar on Journalism in the Age of New Media

January 10-11, 2012

Organized by Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata, India in Association with University of Calcutta.

Call for Papers
Abstracts Due: December 12, 2011
Full Papers Due: December 27, 2011
Seminar Dates : January 10-11, 2012
Registration Fee: Rs 500.
Venue: Gitanjali Auditorium, Kolkata
Mail: uspcalseminar@gmail.com

This national seminar will explore intersections between new media, journalism and technology in order to enhance our understanding of the influence of information and communication technology, specially internet technology on traditional journalism. Are new media fundamentally changing the practice of democracy? Recent years have seen a significant transition in the role computer mediated communications play in the political sphere. A technological revolution driven by economic and market forces is undermining settled practices, established institutions, and traditional communications norms.
The digital revolution in information and communication technologies has created the platform for a free flow of information, ideas and knowledge across the globe. The new media (internet) has been able to incorporate all other means of communication the newspaper, magazine, radio, television, cinema, photographic image, and video. The consequence is the Internet divergence from mass communication. Not only has it led to normative rethinking on the traditional role of the press, it has also led to the adaptation of publication roles. Apart from the more apparent evolution of the content in mainstream mass media, it has also led to a rethinking of the role of the media professionals. Added to this is the greater 'interiority' and also 'interactivity' of the audience , which is no longer regarded as a passive entity.
The hyper-local media is now accessible on the international platform. New media outlets have now made it possible for highly differentiated local discourse to be available to a wider transnational media. Interest groups now easily access alternative voices that were hitherto available only to a smaller community audience, across national boundaries. Apart from a plethora of content available for dissemination, new technology also makes it possible for patterns of similar events and issues to be associated across various societies. Solutions to local problems are no longer restricted to the community themselves but are picked up by interest groups, the world over and projected as exemplars.
Classical theories of mass communications are being reworked for the new media, because of its structural differences. The new media has also removed passivity among the media audience by enabling simultaneous reception, alteration and redistribution of cultural objects. It dislocates communicative action from the posts of the nations, provides instantaneous global contact and inserts the late modern subject into a machine apparatus that is networked.Marshal McLuhan had first associated technology with content in his celebrated treatise. He outlined four different media cultures. The first was the ancient culture of oral communication, exemplified by many of the old Sanskrit texts followed by a literature culture using the phonetic alphabet and a handwritten script which coexisted with the oral culture. The third progression, according to McLuhan described as 'The Gutenberg Galaxy' was that of mass-produced mechanical printing. Finally we are in the midst of what is known as the culture of the 'electric media' — radio, television and computers.
But as we have seen earlier, computer mediated communication provides a separate media culture altogether. The important characteristics of the new media are that media texts are dematerialized in the sense that they are separated from their physical — newsprint — form. The data can be compressed into very small spaces and it can be accessed at very high speeds in non-linear ways.
The seminar, in addition to the usual program of contributed presentations, posters and invited presentations, the main conference will include a selection of keynote talks from prominent media educators and professionals.

Suggested topics for papers include, but are not restricted to, the following:
  • Alternative journalism
  • Analyzing the relationship between new media and mainstream media
  • Best practices in online journalism
  • Business models for news
  • Challenges to journalism education
  • Changes in journalists' professional identity
  • Changes in the relationship between journalists and the public
  • Changes in workflows and news production routines
  • Changing relationship between editors and reporters
  • Citizen journalism
  • Conflict of Interests in Journalism
  • Democratization of Communication
  • Digitization and journalism practice
  • Doing more with less resources
  • Education, ICT and Media
  • Ethical and legal issues related to globally accessible journalism
  • Ethical Issues in Journalism
  • Globalizing tendencies of Indian journalism
  • Human computer interaction; social media tools
  • Innovative news formats
  • Inter-Media Rivalry
  • Internet and Participatory culture
  • Marketization of news
  • Media Ecology
  • Media and Education
  • Media Literacy
  • New social media applications; interfaces; interaction techniques
  • Participatory journalism
  • Political Economy of ICTs
  • Politics of access and transparency in E-Governance
  • Psychological, personality-based and ethnographic studies of new media
  • Qualitative and quantitative studies of new media
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) and news
  • Soft news, infotainment and political life
  • The commoditization of news
  • The effects of the changing nature of journalism on democracy
  • The impact of new technologies on reporting
  • The Implications of Cross Media Ownership
  • Transnational journalism in India

Online Submission of Abstracts

Please submit your abstracts and papers via the conference management system, EasyChair.
Kindly create a username and a password to access the system. Save your password since you will need it to access the system. Click the link below to submit abstract online. https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=janm12

All accepted papers and abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Send me an email at uspcalseminar@gmail.com or call me at +919433180755 for any clarifications. Spot registration is welcome. Local accommodation can be arranged for Rs 300-400 per person on a twin sharing basis at hotels close to the seminar venue. Prior booking is advised.

Kolkata, the third largest city in India is regarded as its cultural capital. It is the only city in India to have produced Nobel laureates. Rabindranath Tagore, Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen are all identified with Kolkata. It was the capital of British India till 1911. It is regarded as one of India's busiest tourist destinations. Mid-January is the best time to be in Kolkata with minimum temperatures around 12degrees and the maximum around 25 degrees Celsius. The seminar venue at 24, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kolkata-9 is very close to the Sealdah Railway station. It is a 10 minute walk from the University of Calcutta, College Street campus and 4 km from Howrah station. The city airport is just 15 km away. Being located in central Kolkata, access to different parts of the city is extremely convenient.

Uma Shankar Pandey
Seminar Convenor

Thursday, November 3, 2011

UNESCO launched Global Open Access Portal

UNESCO launched Global Open Access Portal

The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) [http://www.unesco.org/ci/goap], aiming at presenting a top level view of Open Access to scientific information, was launched at a special side event organized during the36th session of the UNESCO General Conference, on Tuesday 1 November 2011, at Paris Headquarters.

The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) presents a snapshot of the status of Open Access (OA) to scientific information around the world.

For countries that have been more successful in implementing Open Access, the portal highlights critical success factors and aspects of the enabling environment. For countries and regions that are still in the early stages of Open Access development, the portal identifies key players, potential barriers and opportunities.

The portal has country reports from over 148 countries with weblinks to over 2000 initiatives/projects in Member States. The portal is supported by an existing Community of Practice (CoP) on Open Access on the WSIS Knowledge Communities Platform that has over 1400 members.

The GOAP is a knowledge portal that has the following features:
  • Country-wise distilled knowledge on the status of Open Access
  • Key organizations engaged in OA in Member States
  • Thematic focus areas of OA
  • Important publications on OA coming from different regions of the world
  • Critical assessment of major barriers to OA in each country
  • Potential of OA in UNESCO Member States
  • Funding and deposit mandates
  • Links to OA initiatives in the world
The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP), launched together with the revamped Open Training Platform (OTP) and the first UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform, provides the information for policy-makers to learn about the global OA environment and to view their country's status, and understand where and why Open Access has been most successful.

Development of the Global Open Access Portal has been made possible with support received from the Governments of Columbia, Denmark, Norway, and the United States. This GOAP will be a work in progress, and shall be further improved with the support received from the community of OA practitioners.

Open Access is at the heart of UNESCO's mandate to provide universal access to information and knowledge, and the UNESCO Open Access programme shall continue to facilitate policy dialogue in Member States, share knowledge and best practices in the field of Open Access, and build and share local capacities through North-South and South-South co-operation to build knowledge societies for sustainable development.

Source: UNESCO

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Launch of the UNESCO Report "Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Development"

Launch of the UNESCO Report "Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Development"

Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-92-3-104156-3

Engineers create knowledge, technology and infrastructure. Our knowledge societies and economies were built by engineers and much of the history of civilisation is the history of engineering.
Engineering is so omnipresent and pervasive in our lives that it is often overlooked by policy makers and the public. In many countries fewer and fewer young people are going into engineering, and there are worldwide concerns about declining human capacity and the consequences for poverty reduction and sustainable development. Reports of shortages of engineers in key sectors are common.
This is compounded by the brain-drain of engineers from developing countries and from the profession.
These issues are linked and provide an opportunity for change: the public perception of engineering reflects the changing needs of engineering, and need for engineering to change, and young people are concerned about global issues and attracted to engineering as a means to address them. The report will share information, experience, practical ideas and examples for policy-makers, decision-takers, planners and governments to promote the application of engineering to important global agendas. It will examine: the context of engineering; areas of engineering; the engineering profession; a review of engineering around the world; the future of engineering; capacity needs; engineering and technical education and training systems; and applications of engineering.

Fellowships in Sustainability Science at Harvard University, 2012-2013

Fellowships in Sustainability Science at Harvard University, 2012-2013

What is the Sustainability Science Fellowship?
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University offers doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career fellowships in Sustainability Science. The fellowships are tenable during Harvard's academic year beginning in September 2012. Fellowships are available for 10 months (September 2012-May 2013), 12 months (September 2012-August 2013), the fall 2012 semester or spring 2013 semester (mid-career fellows only), or for two academic years (post-doctoral fellows only) (September 2012-August 2014).

What is the focus of this year's competition?
Earlier work supported by the Sustainability Science Program focused on how science and technology could help promote sustainability in the individual sectors of energy, food, water, and health. That work showed that some of the most serious constraints to sustainable development lie in the interconnections among these individual sectors: energy's growing need for water; the impacts of water use on human health; the competition for land among food, energy and conservation initiatives; and the cumulative impact of all sectoral initiatives on climate and other key environmental services. A central challenge moving forward is to develop an integrated understanding of how sectoral initiatives for sustainability can compete with and complement one another in particular regional contexts. The 2012-13 fellowship competition will therefore focus on regional initiatives pursing an integrated perspective on sustainable development in India, China and Brazil. It will also include a cross-cutting research initiative to integrate work focused on the theme of Innovation for Sustainable Development. Preference in this year's competition will be given to applicants whose proposals complement one or more of these four initiatives. The Program is also open, however, to strong proposals in any area of sustainability science.

India: Building public-private partnerships to promote sustainable development in India

Faculty leader: Rohini Pande, Mohammed Kamal Professor of Public Policy
Sustainable development, by its nature, requires government and private actors to work together. Externalities from rapid growth, such as the depletion of subsidized resources, widespread air and water pollution or unsustainable energy use, arise from a joint failure of government and industry to create an economy where the most profitable action is also best socially. The India Initiative will address sustainability problems in India of both national and global import. The motivation for this research program is to work with governments to channel the enterprising potential of the private sector to correct such externalities. The research will address questions in sustainable environmental regulation and provide evidence on how public-private partnerships can contribute to solving existing challenges. We focus on three research areas. First, existing environmental regulations are weakly enforced by possibly under-resourced regulators, leading to poor environmental quality. Second, traditional regulations, even if strengthened, are not the right tools to address many of India's pollution problems. Third, from the perspective of sustainability of resource use, India's inefficient and rapidly growing energy consumption threatens to undermine its own development by contributing to global climate change. The research team will partner with government and private institutions in order to conduct field trials of innovative environmental policies to provide rigorous evidence on the impact of these policies for sustainable development. Doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career candidates are encouraged to apply.

China: Energy in China: Environmental implications and management for sustainable development
Faculty leader: Henry Lee, Jassim M. Jaidah Director, Environment and Natural Resources Program
The China Initiative will address the environmental implications of electrification and other energy policies in China and explore how China can manage these implications.  Fellows will work to identify and promote policies that will contribute to thoughtful use of China's natural resources (e.g., water, land) and/or the adoption of cleaner and less carbon-intensive industrial and energy technologies. Research areas include, but are not limited to: analyzing the impact of energy and industrial policies on water scarcity; assessing barriers to the development or deployment of cleaner energy technologies; and studying the impact of industrialization on health and fragile ecosystems. Post-doctoral and mid-career candidates, especially those who speak Chinese, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications for the fellowship are due January 15, 2012.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Online Distance Learning openED course: Business and Management Competencies in a Web 2.0 world

Online Distance Learning openED course:
Business and Management Competencies in a Web 2.0 world

openED 2.0 [http://www.open-ed.eu/] is a FREE and OPEN online course for business students and practitioners alike. The course consists of 10 distance learning modules which should each last between 2-3 weeks. This website provides all you need:
+ Learning materials
+ Suggested activities
+ Forums for meeting people and discussion
+ Calendar of the live chat sessions scheduled
+ Repository to save your assignments
+ Mechanisms for providing peer assessment and support
+ Records of previous participants work
+ Help in getting started with open learning

You can participate in any combination of the 10 modules and, whilst most people will probably want to study the course, we also offer the chance for you to help teach it or to help moderate the forums. The next formal round of the course (this will be supported by the openED team) starts in November 2011.

Study the Course
Register for the course at http://www.open-ed.eu/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers and then you can begin to study the materials and participate in the forums and chat sessions.

There are 10 modules available.
Module 1 - Tools for Collaboration
Module 2 - Searching for information in business and management
Module 3 - Project Management
Module 4 - Developing personal skills in communication
Module 5 A1 - What is the question?
Module 5 A2 - Quantitative and qualitative analysis tools
Module 5 P1 - Introduction to the contemporary enterprise and managerial functions
Module 5 P2 - Project management advanced
Module 5 P3 - Change management
Module 6 - The Ethical Organisation

Monday, October 24, 2011

10 three-year PhD positions (65% TV-L E13), The Research Training Group Trust and Communication in a Digitized World, WWU Muenster

10 three-year PhD positions (65% TV-L E13), The Research Training Group Trust and Communication in a Digitized World, WWU Muenster

Starting on: 01.04.2012
Application deadline: 01.12.2011

The Research Training Group Trust and Communication in a Digitized World, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), invites applications for 10 three-year PhD positions (65% TV-L E13, 100% TV-L E13 in exceptional cases), beginning in April 2012.

The Research Training Group "Trust and Communication in a Digitized World" examines how trust can be developed and maintained against the backdrop of the contexts of new forms of communication. In order to examine the concepts of trust and communication in the overlapping research areas and dimensions, scholars from the field of communication studies, economics, information systems, psychology and sports science will cooperate within the framework of the interdisciplinary research programme. Using a range of social science methods, the Research Training Group thereby studies individual, organisational and social trust-building processes. Besides generating empirical results, the aim of the postgraduate programme is to offer new methodical insights and to provide a theoretical foundation for the field of trust research.

Further information concerning the Research Training Group's research and study programme is available at www.uni-muenster.de/GK-Vertrauen-Kommunikation. The website also offers information on possible PhD projects as well as on the researchers involved in the programme.

Applicants should display an academic profile according to the research programme (preferably through a degree in one of the above mentioned subjects), and further be accustomed with empirical survey and analytical methods. On the basis of a transcript of records as well as a letter of motivation the candidate should underline his or her ability to conduct in-depth research related to the programme's fields of research.
Full applications should include the following:
‐ Letter of motivation providing insight into the candidate's theoretical and methodical skills (in particular with regard to the research programme), his or her personal and academic goals and an evaluation of his/her personal motives to join the Research Training Group
‐ A research proposal (3-5 pages) outlining the planned research project. This can include one of the projects described on the website or a proposal of your own, which is developed within the analytical framework of the research programme
‐ Your two favoured supervisors
‐ Curriculum vitae in table format
‐ Transcript of records
‐ University certificate(s), certificates stating further qualifications, internships, etc.

Candidates will be selected for interviews on the basis of the applications. The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to raise the ratio of women scientists in academic positions. Consequently, we actively encourage applications from suitably-qualified women who will be treated preferentially. The same applies to suitable applicants with disabilities. The Research Training Group is a family-friendly institution and supports reconciliation of work and family life.
Applications in German should be addressed to the speaker of the Research Training Group, Prof. Dr. Bernd Blöbaum, by post and by e-mail no later than December 1st 2011.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Blöbaum
Department of Communication
Bispinghof 9-14
48143 Muenster

Informal enquiries can be made to Stephan Völlmicke (Tel. +49 251 83-21246; Mail: voellmik@uni-muenster.de), coordinator of the Research Training Group.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CfPs:: National Seminar on Processes of Exclusion and Adivasi Rights in India; 15-16 February 2012; at University of Hyderabad

National Seminar on "Processes of Exclusion and Adivasi Rights in India"

15-16 February 2012

Organized by the Centre for Human Rights (CHR) in collaboration with Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), University of Hyderabad, India.

The proposed national seminar aims to: (1) explore different processes and actors responsible for Adivasi Exclusion in the post-independence period; and (2) critically review the Adivasi Rights and the sub-sequent policy initiatives that have not been properly addressed their exclusion.

It is expected that the papers presented at the seminar and ensuing discussions will throw light on the nature of different processes and actors responsible for Adivasi Exclusion in the post-independence period, and also drawing critical inputs on the gaps in implementation of the Adivasi Rights. Selected papers from the seminar will be put together in a volume. It is expected that the volume will be of high quality and will be published by a reputed international publisher.

The seminar will cover the following broad areas. Since the major objective of the seminar is to explore various processes of Adivasi Exclusion, it is expected that the papers highlight the processes of exclusion and Adivasi Rights. The papers should be based on empirical facts having linkage with theory.
  1. Exclusion in Indian context – Theoretical Dimensions
  2. Poverty and Living Standards of Adivasi
  3. Education
  4. Health
  5. Forest and Agriculture
  6. Globalization, Land Alienation and Natural Resources
  7. Discrimination and Untouchability
  8. Governance in Adivasi Areas, Adivasi Rights and Policies
  9. Labour and Employment
  10. Culture, Language and Identity

Call for Papers
The delegates are requested to submit the title and brief abstract of their paper latest by 31st October 2011. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The full length paper should be between 5000 to 8000 words, and be typed with double line spacing in Times New Roman 12pt. in MS-Word. The full length paper should be submitted to the Seminar Coordinator in a soft copy through e-mail. The following are important dates to remember to meet the deadlines of the seminar.
  • Title of the paper and brief Abstract of 250 words - 31 October 2011
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the Abstract - 8 November 2011
  • Last date for sending the full/final paper - 26 December 2011
  • Review & confirmation of final decision - 10 January 2012

Hospitality and Travel
The organizers of the seminar will make arrangements for food and stay for the delegates in the University Guest House from 14th evening to 17th morning February, 2012. We will try to reimburse the travel to the outstation delegates to the extent of funds availability. However, keeping the budget constraints, the delegates to the extent possible, are requested to make their own arrangements for their travel.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Media article "Check Plagiarism in Science", by Pranav N Desai, Indian Express, 15th Oct. 2011

Check Plagiarism in Science

by Pranav N Desai
Indian Express, 15th Oct. 2011

As the global trends suggest there are more scientific frauds with more science. With the increasing number of scientific institutions, journals and soaring publications, it seems that the established norms of science like organised scepticism and disinterestedness are fading and that normal checks and balances like peer review are losing efficacy. Recent scandals like Hwang Woo-Suk's fake stem-cell lines or Jan Hendrik Schön's duplicated graphs are some of the evidences proving that it is easy to publish fabricated data in prestigious journals. An investigative team from Korea found that Hwang' evidence supporting the existence of a human embryo clone was fake. Moreover, Hwang also indulged in the unethical practice of collecting his research material from his junior researchers. Schön, a young physicist working at Bell Laboratory, USA, published eight papers in a single year. He claimed a spectacular discovery of organic electrical laser, a triumph of nanotechnology and managed to win many prestigious awards. This turned out to be fraudulent. Science retracted all his papers and he lost his PhD too. This kind of incidents not only leads to wastage of resources but may pose a serious threat to human health.

Scientific misconduct would broadly constitute not only violation of standard code of scholarly conduct but also ethical behaviour in scientific research by various acts of commission and omission on the part of actors in the scientific enterprise. This would include communication or publication of fabricated research data, falsification or manipulation of data to prevent a certain result, plagiarism or act of taking credit of work of another or willfully suppressing citation of prior discovery.

India is no exception to this increasing global menace. In recent times, with a sudden expansion of scientific output, there are increasing reports of scientific misconduct. The majority of cases reported are of plagiarism as it is easy to detect and relatively cheaper technologies in terms of software are available to detect the same. However, there are many cases of misconduct like fabrication or falsification of data that go unnoticed not only because it involves cost but also in the absence of any regulatory authority, comprehensive studies, scientific accountability and awareness. The task is compounded by the fact that this phenomenon is reportedly not confined to younger scientists or mid-career professionals but to organisational heads of national institutes, IIT faculties, and vice-chancellors. Some of the widely publicised controversies are B S Rajput and colleagues in the field of theoretical physics. Rajput was vice-chancellor and was alleged of plagiarising old papers and also successfully published in prestigious international journals along with other colleagues. He resigned after the enquiry upheld the charges and maintained that the papers were published without his consent by his student. Hence, it is no wonder that scientists at subordinate level also get protected.

Yet another case involving a vice-chancellor was of Kalyan Kumar and colleagues at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology. It was alleged that he plagiarised three papers that had similarity with some old work of IIT professors. P Chiranjeevi, a chemistry professor of Sri Venkateswara University was accused of plagiarising more than 70 research papers published between 2004 and 2007 and a disciplinary action was taken against him by the University Executive Council. More recently in August 2011, Sangiliyandi Gurunathan, head, Department of Biotechnology of Kalasalingam University was removed from his post as eight of his research papers were found to be manipulated and retracted and the university also revoked registration of his six PhD students. The list does not end here as some of the private practitioners were also observed to be involved in scientific misconduct. More recently some of the MNCs operating in the country, in order to influence policy, were reportedly involved in misconduct. A study conducted for the period 2001-2010 for the retracted papers by Indian scientists revealed an increasing rate of retraction of published papers in prestigious journals mainly due to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The reported rate of retraction due to misconduct of 44 per 1,00,000 papers is also observed to be much higher than the world average for all retractions of about 17 per 100,000 papers.

Many prominent scientists have advocated a statutory body on the lines of the Office of Research Integrity in the USA. However it is debatable, especially in the context S&T structure in India, whether it is more suitable for India to have an independent research integrity office or locating it within the government department. Contrary to the US situation, public sector science is predominant with an overwhelming proportion of 84 per cent R&D investment as against only 26 per cent in the private sector. In the last decade or so, India has witnessed an unprecedented level of growth in scientific publication, patenting activity, an increased level of international collaboration, FDI investment in R&D and clinical trials for drug discovery. Along with this, there has been a heightened level of environmental and ethical consciousness with the emergence of bio- and nano-technologies.

The repercussions of scientific misconduct are more serious for human health and the misconduct reported is much higher in this sector as well. Though in India it is difficult to provide any such data with confidence, it seems that the misconduct reported is evenly spread in all fields of science rather than one or two areas or research institutes/universities. This is reflected in reported cases of misconduct posted on the Society for Scientific Values (SSV). A society like SSV devoid of any legal powers to take action against scientific misconduct does provide moral pressure to act against any omission or commission leading to comprises of scientific standards and ethics. The influence of such voluntary organisations is also reflected in the fact that three directors of national institutes were removed following indictment by SSV.

The cost involved in frauds, its investigation and remediation is not simply in terms of financial and human resources but also in terms of time energy and more importantly in terms of prestige of a scientific organisation or a nation as a whole. Hence, to promote scientific excellence and to bolster the image of Indian science a question arises whether India has the adequate mechanism to deal with the issues of scientific misconduct in a rapidly expanding scientific activities. Moreover, is it high time for evolving an independent regulatory agency with adequate infrastructure and legal power to strengthen standards and ethical practice of Indian science?

Pranav N Desai is professor, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Source: http://expressbuzz.com/opinion/op-ed/check-plagiarism-in-science/323406.html

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

National Himalayan Winter Trekking Expedition 2011-12 at Dalhousie

National Himalayan Winter Trekking Expedition 2011-12 at Dalhousie

19 December 2011 to 05 January 2012 (any 6 days)


Youth Hostels Association of India is organizing National Himalayan Winter Trekking Expedition in the Dalhousie region of Western Himalayas for the last 18 years. On a popular demand from our members we are once again organizing this expedition from Dec., 2011 to Jan., 2012. Come and see that lies beyond the hills, peep into the unseen and have a feel of snow. You are welcome to join this trail on any day during the scheduled period.


Purpose of our Programme

The purpose of the programme is to expose the YHAI members to a greater adventure and to rough out the rigours of plodding through snow with a sense of love for nature and outdoor recreational activity aiming at promoting national integration


Programme Schedule & Route

  •  Day 1: Reporting Point is Banikhet C/o Hotel Sahara Inn, Bus stand Banikhet. Tel. No: 01899-254527.(Banikhet 6000 Ft. is just 5 Km before Dalhousie)
  • Day 2: Trek to Dalhousie – 5 Km/ 2hrs.
  • Day 3: Trek to Kalatop – 8 Km/5 hrs
  • Day 4: Trek to Khajjiar – 11 Km/7 hrs
  • Day 5: Trek to Mangla – 11 Km/6hrs
  • Day 6: Transfer by Bus to Banikhet. Participants may plan their return journey after 11 am on Day 6.

Note: Programme schedule/route is subject to change with or without prior notice.



Participation fee Rs.2750/- per head will cover stay in tented accommodation, simple nutritious vegetarian food, guidance, equipments and insurance. You will however, bear the to and fro travel expenses from your hometown to the base camp and back.

Imp. YHAI Group insurance cover is for accidental death or permanent disability only. You are advised to take insurance cover for your journey and other related matters.



You may choose to report at the base camp Banikhet on any day from 19th Dec., 2011 to 5th Jan., 2012


How to Apply

Member desires of joining this programme may apply on a prescribed Registration Form duly supported by a Medical Certificate, along with DD of requisite amount in favour of "Youth Hostels Association of India" payable at New Delhi. You can apply online also.

N.B. Without admit card do not claim your registration as confirmed.


How to reach Base Camp

Last Rail Head: Pathankot/Chakkibank on Main Delhi/Howrah-Jammu Section of Northern Railway. Bus Service: Regular Bus services are available from Pathankot, Delhi and other parts of Punjab. Pathankot/Chakki Bank to Banikhet is 75 kms (3 to 3.5 hrs by bus). Roadways buses and Private Taxis are available.


Things to Bring Along With You

Rucksacks (if you have one), shirts, pants/jeans, Track suit, woolen jersey, thick jacket, woolen muffler/balaclava, gloves, inner garments(Woollen/Cotton), light raincoat, 3 pairs of thick woollen socks, water bottle, lunch box, enameled or steel mug or tumbler, plate, spoon, water purifying tablets, pen-knifs, needle, thread, spare buttons goggles (other than blue glasses), cold cream or Vaseline, soap, toilet paper, towel, medicines which you normally use at home.



Participants, who successfully complete the trek and abide by the discipline of the programme, will be awarded certificate.



In case you are unable to join the trek after paying the participation fee, you will get a refund of 50% provided your request is received directly in the National Office at least 7 days in advance from the date of your reporting. No refund will, however, be admissible if such notice is short of 7 days. Any unforeseen event/strike or natural calamity will not be considered as a cause of cancellation.



Extensive and painstaking preparations have gone into the planning of trek routes for your safety. Our field staff and experienced camp leaders have been visiting the area to check all details. While every care has been taken to ensure safety, Youth Hostels Association of India cannot be held responsible for any accident, illness and such other unforeseen eventualities.

Smoking, use of alcohols and narcotics of any description are strictly prohibited during the course of the programme.

Deviating from the set route of the programme is not permitted. If participants desire to join any other activity, they may do so at their own responsibility and risk only after finishing the trek and checking out.


Special Casual Leave

The Trekking Expedition organized by Youth Hostels Association of India have the approval of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, (Deptt. Of Personnel and Training), Government of India, vide office Order No.280016/89-Estt(A), dated 25th October, 1989. Participants working in Central Government organizations can apply to the authorities concerned for availing special casual leave for the duration of the expedition. This leave can be sanctioned by their office up to 30 days in calendar year


Your Attention

Please note that this is an environment friendly trek. Do not litter any wrappers or spoil the trail in any way. In case you find any wrapper, plastic bag or anything left by trekkers on the way, please carry the same with you and deposit at the base camp.

Burning of wood during camp fire is strictly prohibited. Import of any Bio Non-Degradable Material in Himachal Pradesh is an offence.


Adventure Scholarships for the Handicapped Youths

YHAI announces 50 adventure scholarships of 50% each to handicapped youths including deaf and dump for this expedition. Deserving participants may apply to the National Office, YHAI on a plain paper supported by relevant medical certificate.


Further Information


Book Online

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) invites applications for fellowships (Senior Fellow/ Fellow/ Junior Fellow)

Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110011

The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) offers fellowships to scholars to pursue research in (i) Modern Indian History and Contemporary Studies (ii) Perspectives in Indian Development (social economic and cultural) and (iii) India and Changing Trends in World Economy and Polity.

The fellowships are offered at three levels: Junior Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow. The emoluments, including allowances, will correspond to that of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Central Universities, respectively. CPF/GPF facilities will be extended only to scholars having permanent jobs who take up the fellowship after taking leave without pay from their parent departments. Fellowships offered are for a duration of two years only. Fellows will be based in Delhi except for a maximum of five fellows who may be permitted by the Selection Committee to be based outside Delhi.

Senior Fellow: Scholars of eminence who have made a significant contribution to the knowledge in their respective fields and preferably have experience of conducting and guiding research.
Fellow: Good Academic record, a Ph.D. or equivalent published work and at least five years teaching/post doctoral research experience.
Junior Fellow: These positions are open to candidates with a good academic record and/or scholarly publications, and preferably a Ph.D. degree.

Interested scholars are requested to send an application along with a note of about 2,000 words on the proposed project to be undertaken with the following information in an envelope clearly marked "Application for Fellowship" to the Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti House, New Delhi – 110011. 1) Name. 2) Address. 3) Date of Birth. 4) Academic Record from High School onwards. 5) Details of post-graduate work and list of publications with copies of at least two recent publications. 6) Details of how employed so far and 7) Recommendations from two referees. Candidates in employment should apply through proper channel.
Applications for the current round of fellowship should reach the NMML on or before October 30, 2011. The NMML however reserves the right to accept applications that may come in even after the last date. In general, applications can be sent at any time of the year and they shall be retained on file for consideration periodically. The NMML reserves the right to invite any scholar who may not have applied to, to accept fellowships at any level to pursue research on any project in the three areas broadly defined. Those who applied in response to the last advertisement for fellowships in October 2010 need not apply again as their applications will also be considered.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CfPs: National Workshop on Using Different Metrics for Assessing Research Productivity; at ISI Delhi; 16-17 February 2012

National Workshop on Using Different Metrics for Assessing Research Productivity

16-17 February 2012

Organised by: Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi

About the Workshop
Metrics-based research evaluation is gaining increasing importance in assessing research performance at national, international and institutional levels. There is a growing need to design and operationalize standardized quality metrics/indicators. This workshop is intended to take stock of present methods of evaluating research productivity of countries and individual scientists. An endeavour will be made to examine the methods which are followed in different scientometrics/bibliometrics studies which are generally used in the assessment of research productivity. This workshop will include both invited and contributed papers and lectures by eminent keynote speakers.
To bring together scientists, policy makers and information scientists/librarians to discuss the various issues related to the topic.
To identify best practices and tools for measuring and assessing the research productivity

Themes and Sub-themes
  • Research evaluation: Evaluating research performance at macro, meso and micro-levels; Evaluation indicators for research productivity and other science related practices; Assessing research quality in India and case studies in Indian context
  • Indicators of research performance: Quantitative and qualitative indicators; Composite indicators, Limitations of indicators; Quality versus quantity, two sides of the coins of research productivity; New bibliometric indicators of research performance; Using metrics for arriving at conclusions: Best Practices; An open and consistent measurement system; Issues, problems in research measurement
  • Software tools for bibliometric analysis: Tools for measuring research performance; Data sources and tools for data capturing
  • Institutional roles in research measurement: Role of Academic/Societies/Governmental bodies in research measurement studies; Role of University/Special libraries in supporting research measurement studies; Moving beyond the existing practices: search for value addition parameters

Call for papers
The workshop invites unpublished conceptual and empirical research papers and case studies on the themes and sub-themes of the workshop. Please note that papers presented in the workshop will be published in proceedings or edited book.
The manuscripts should be in (.doc format) sent to the Organizing Secretary at khatri@isid.ac.in, khatri52@hotmail.com

Important Dates
  • Last date for submission of Theme/Title of the Paper: 15th October 2011
  • Last date for submission of full paper: 15th December 2011
  • Notification of acceptance of paper with comments: 7th January 2012
  • Last date for sending filled in registration form: 15th January 2012

Thursday, September 29, 2011

2011 Emerald Digital Usage Award, in partnership with Student Competitions: Call for recommendations relating to online usage of academic publications

2011 Emerald Digital Usage Award, in partnership with Student Competitions

Call for recommendations relating to online usage of academic publications

Emerald Group Publishing Limited, in association with Student Competitions, is offering three cash prizes for business plans that contribute to the development of library electronic resources by analysing and developing practices which will increase online usage. Academic publishing is currently undergoing major changes, as print materials are converted to electronic format.

Emerald is dedicated not only to increasing usage but also to increasing the citation of research based on relevancy and practical implications, rather than on traditional rankings alone.

The winning business plan should actively promote and uphold the use of Library Electronic Holdings.

There will be one award of £1,000 for the winning business plan, and two awards of £500 each for highly-commended runners up.

Winners will also receive a certificate and a winners' logo to attach to correspondence. Ideas from the winning business plan will be disseminated to libraries globally to support the management of electronic holdings and the communities which use them.

Judging Criteria

Entries should:

  • Recommended strategies for increasing low usage;
  • Include ideas for promotion at journal and/or database level;
  • Outline replicable strategies to increase usage of electronic holdings within college/university libraries and corporate and public sector organisations;
  •  Demonstrate originality and innovation;
  • Specify the expected timescales;
  • Outline projected costs.
  • Consider a range of traditional and non-traditional marketing techniques.


To be eligible for the Award, the lead researcher must be a current student or have completed a course of study no earlier than 2006.

Submission requirements

Applicants must be submitted online using the application form at: http://ww2.emeraldinsight.com/awards/usage.htm

The following documents will be required electronically:

  • A business plan providing potential solutions to increase the efficiency and decrease the cost of Library Electronic Holdings. It should not exceed 2,000 words (tables, notes, figures, appendices and reference lists, if provided will not be counted on total words);
  • A covering letter containing contact information of all contributors to the business plan, indicating who will be the main contact

Key Dates

  • The closing date for applications is 27 January 2012. 
  • Winners will be announced in March 2012.

Further Details

Monday, September 26, 2011

Certificate Course in ‘Citizen Journalism and Citizen Media Leaders’

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to inform you that IGNOU Institute of Vocational Education & Training (IIVET) & Digital Empowerment Foundation  has introduced a Certificate Course in 'Citizen Journalism and Citizen Media Leaders'.

Keeping the essence of online courses in mind, the course has specifically designed as an Online Programme with a duration period of 3 Months. The Course has been prepared by professionals and experts of IGNOU People University. The 3 Month Course will provide
  • Training in New Media
  • Citizen Journalism
  • Empowerment to old & new generation of citizens
We would like your active participation for the course. I have attached Registration Form along with the Concept Note.

The last date to submit the form is October 9, 2011. The form could be sent through either by online or offline along with DD/Cheque payment mode.

To know more details about the Course, please call Ritu @
011-26532786 or write mail to cjcourse@gmail.com/ ritu@defindia.net

Thanks & regards,

Chitra Chauhan
Program Assistant
Digital Empowerment Foundation 
New Delhi- 110017, India
Telefax: 011-26532786/87

Friday, September 23, 2011

Research Training Course in Women's Studies: Concepts and Debates; at CWDS Delhi; 01 Nov - 09 Dec 2011

Centre for Women's Development Studies, Delhi

announces a Six Week Certificate Course

   Research Training Course in
Women's Studies: Concepts and Debates
(Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research)

(Eligibility: A Master's Degree in the Social Sciences/ Humanities
or Mass Communication)
(Only students studying in Indian Universities can apply)


Proposed Schedule:

           Course Duration

:   1st November, 2011 to 9th December, 2011

           Timing :  10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

:   Centre for Women's Development Studies


Online Submission for the Women's Studies Course
Download Application Form

Last date for submitting application: 5th October, 2011


Course Fee: Rs.2000/- (for Teachers); Rs.1000/- (for Fellowship holders); Rs.500/- (for Students/ others without Fellowship)
(Fee is payable by selected candidates only at the time of Registration)



*Note: Selected outstation candidates will receive accommodation in Delhi and AC III Tier Train Fare

Queries may be addressed to:

researchcourse@cwds.ac.in / researchcourse@cwds.org


Introduction and Rationale for the Proposed Course:

The Centre for Women's Development Studies is proposing to conduct an intensive six week research training programme for students, researchers and teachers who are interested in developing  research agendas on women and gender issues in the social sciences.   This course seeks to provide participants with the main theoretical and conceptual, as well as methodological issues in women's studies.    It is oriented towards the research questions that emerge from the inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary concerns and debates that characterise the field. 

Structure of the Course:

The course will be structured around interactive sessions with CWDS and guest faculty, library consultation, assignments and preparation of a research proposal.

The course follows a cluster approach, and is structured around 10 thematic clusters or units.  Each of these clusters consists of a number of interactive sessions, library work and assignments to students, who will make presentations on the theme at the end of each cluster.  At an early stage of the course each student will identify his or her area of interest and begin working on a research proposal.  At the end of the course, each student will make a presentation of their proposal to the entire group and receive critical feedback.

The course will be conducted over a period of six weeks, five days each week (with the exception of holidays).  Each day will consist of at least two interactive sessions with the concerned faculty, in the morning and afternoon, including library consultation and reading.

The broad themes of the course are as follows:

I.          Introduction to Women's Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities:  Questions of disciplines, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.  Women's studies and the Women's Movement.

II.         History – its significance and criticality for gender and feminism.

III.        Concepts in Women's Studies:  Patriarchy, Gender, Sexuality, Femininity and Masculinity, Feminism, and so on.

IV.        State, Citizenship and Rights:

V.         Development:

VI.        Labour, Class and Gender

VII.       Culture and Representation

VIII.      Caste, Community, Family

IX.        Law, Justice, Equality

X.         Health and Disability

Further Details

International Workshop on Sciences and Narratives of Nature: East and West; 12-14 December 2011; Manipal, India

International Workshop on Sciences and Narratives of Nature: East and West

12-14 December 2011; Manipal, India

Sponsors and partners:
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences grant
  • Manipal University, Manipal, India
  • Situating Science Strategic Knowledge Cluster
  • Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Hosted in Manipal, India, this workshop marks the second stage in a multi-stage collaborative initiative between Canadian, Indian and Southeast Asian scholars in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). Following the successes of the "Circulating Knowledge: East and West" workshop held at the University of King's College in July, 2010, the workshop will adopt a comparative approach to examine the rise of science and concepts of nature in the "East" and the "West".

Last date for the submission of applications: 30 September 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CfPs: 1st Biennial Congress on Urban Green Spaces (CUGS 2012), New Delhi

1st Biennial Congress on Urban Green Spaces (CUGS 2012)

15 - 17 February 2012 at New Delhi, India

Organized by: Aravali Foundation for Education; Delhi Government; UNESCO

CUGS2012 will take critical look at the interface between urban human habitation and urban green spaces to build upon our understanding of the elements of urban green spaces and their interconnectedness with quality of life in our fast expanding cities. The Congress will deal with physical, spatial, economics, environmental, aesthetic, and other characteristics of urban green spaces under the following sub-themes:
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Use Optimisation
  • Water Conservation and Pollution Control
  • Biodiversity, Livelihoods, Economics and Valuation
  • Civil Society and Educational Linkages
  • Technology, Management and Design - Options and Challenges
  • Policy, Planning and Governance
CUGS2012 will be of special interest to Urban planners and managers, policy makers, urban foresters, academics, NGOs and members of the civil society interested in urban greening activities. This will include professionals from multilateral and bilateral agencies, officials from government agencies at central, provincial and municipal levels responsible for urban planning and management, non governmental organizations, universities and corporate sector.

CUGS2012 will also have, as participants, students pursuing professional programs in the areas like urban planning, environmental science, forestry, floriculture, architecture and other relevant academic by way of poster session during the congress.

CUGS2012 will also provide an opportunity to private\public sector organizations involved in providing equipment and service relevant to management of urban green spaces to showcase their institutional strengths by way of participating in the CUGS exhibition during the course of the congress.

Call for Papers
We invite anyone interested or working on the issues relating to Commons to participate in the Conference. We encourage scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts for panels, individual papers, poster and videos. The panels, papers, poster and video abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Committee through the online submission process.
Paper Abstracts: Word Limit: 300 words. Identify the Conference Sub-Themes the abstract is relevant to (academic reviewers of your abstract will be assigned based on the sub-theme you indicate); provide a title for the abstract/paper; names and contact information for all contributing authors; 5 keywords (i.e. describing methods, region of study, etc). Note: Final paper should be received no later than January 31, 2012. It should not be more than 7,000 words.
Poster Abstracts: Word Limit: 300 words. Identify the theme or provide a title for your poster; indicate if your poster will present a project, conceptual work, or results from an empirical study, etc. In your abstract, you may include key elements of the script of your poster. Note: All Posters should be exactly 48 InchesX 36 Inches. Orientation can be Landscape or Portrait as per presenters discretion. Final posters should, preferably, be submitted a week before the start of the congress.
For each type of abstract, authors should indicate their Name, Title and Organizational Affiliation for all contributing and presenting authors, as well as the contact details for the corresponding author/presenter.
The Academic Review Committee Members will select papers based on quality and appropriateness to the Conference. Interested participants are encouraged to submit an abstract on their topic of expertise that will be suitable for discussion and debate, even if it does not necessarily fit in the stated sub-themes.

Funding for Participants
We are hopeful that CUGS may be able to partially fund a small number of participants. If you wish to be considered for partial funding, you must indicate this in your abstract during the online submission.

Last date for submission of abstracts with request for travel support : November 15, 2011
Last date for submission of abstracts without request for support : November 30, 2011

Submission of Abstracts: http://www.cugs.in/abstractForm.html

Further Details: http://www.cugs.in/abstracts.html

Monday, September 12, 2011

"AANCHAAR: An Innovation!" by S. Fayaz Ahmad

AANCHAAR: An Innovation!
Theoretically any new product which finds a place in the market becomes innovation.

by S. Fayaz Ahmad

Greater Kashmir, 24 August 2011

Innovation is not a new thing. Arguably it is as old as human civilization. Rightly argued, that there is something inherently "human" about the tendency to think about new and better ways of doing things and to try them out in practice. But in our times innovation is now a buzz word around the globe. Without it our world would look very different.
To many, Kashmir is not an innovative state; rightly so. If we take some parameters to gauge the innovative performance of the valley; consider R&D spending, patent data and product output, then the results are very depressing. But at the same time if we try to study and explore the informal sector in Kashmir then the story is not that bleak. It is rather very different.
There are many good innovations in Kashmir which go unnoticed, thus remain unprotected under the current Intellectual Property Regime. One such example is our Anchaar or Achaar (Pickle). Anchaar - a traditional Kashmiri pickle is not something which is only traditional but it has a great significance as a good innovation. Now the question is how this is an innovation and how it contributes to the economic growth of the valley?
Joseph Schumpeter known as the father of innovations and one of the most original social scientists of the 20th century defines innovation as the introduction of new products, new methods of production, new sources of supply, new ways of doing business and new methods to exploit the market. Similarly Kanter (1983) defines innovation as the generation, acceptance and implementation of new ideas, process, products or services.  Innovations can be of many types, it can be incremental or what we call marginal innovations which basically are continuous improvements or radical innovations. Schumpeter further argues that innovation is the outcome of continuous struggle in historical time between individual entrepreneurs who are advocating novel solutions to particular problems and social inertia. He also added an important modification to the definition of innovation by calling 'imitators' as also innovators.
Contextualizing the Schumpeterian definition on Anchaar, one thing becomes clear that this is an innovation. People involved in this trade not only exploit the market but are also exploring new business methods. Anchaar is not a new product. But the way it is being exploited in the market makes it new for the consumers who willingly pay for it. Theoretically any new product which finds a place in the market becomes innovation.
The second part which deserves attention is that this traditional innovation - or call it traditional knowledge - like any other innovation needs to be protected under the modern IPR regime else China or some other country will start selling on our behalf. Pashmina is a good example, people sitting in Amritsar, Nepal and Beijing are violating the trade mark of "Kashmiri Pashmina" and we are happily purchasing them at Srinagar.
To recognize and respect our rich cultural heritage is inevitable. We can't dream of a developed state or a live nation by escaping it. Cultural heritage plays a decisive role in the rise and fall of nations. Even David Laudes, Harvard historian, who has spent much time of his academic life studying wealth and poverty in the world concludes by arguing that the rise and fall of nations is not determined by climate and natural resources, military might, financial muscle, technical expertise or even inherent biological traits but culture is the decisive factor, he says.

(S. Fayaz Ahmad is a Research Scholar at the Center for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and author of forthcoming book "Unsung Innovators of Kashmir". He can be reached at fayazjustinternational@gmail.com)

Source: http://greaterkashmir.com/news/2011/Aug/24/aanchaar-an-innovation--15.asp

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CfPs: International Conference on Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Public Leadership; 7-9 Feb 2012; New Delhi

International Conference on Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Public Leadership

7-9 February 2012

Venue: NASC-ICAR, Pusa Road, New Delhi, India

Organized by: Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and National Council for Climate Change Sustainable Development (NCCSD)

Concept Note
India is identified as one of the countries that will have greater challenges from global warming (IPCC 4th Assessment report). Developing the countries are vulnerable to changes in climate change which will have a greater impact on food security not only to India, but also globally affecting poor and vulnerable people. The impact is already being felt increasingly on agricultural crops, on milk yields and on fisheries due to uncertain or delayed rainfall, floods, and increase in temperature. There is a need to start not only planning but also implementation on mitigation and adaptation measures to meet the challenges providing assured yields from agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries to farmers, animal holders and fishermen and ensure that they are not thrown behind poverty line in the entire developing world.
The Government of India has initiated series of efforts in this regard. The overall goal of these efforts is : to have real impact in supporting low carbon solutions for economic development in India/assist India in meeting the challenge of climate change, and at the same time to contribute to reaching food security targets and to provide sustainable livelihood.
The implementation of National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) and ICAR's National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) form part of this strategy. It is now further needed to evaluate :
  • Adequacy of scientific information regarding the cause and effect relationships pertaining to global warming and climate change,
  • Preparedness of scientific Institutions and communities to comprehend & develop locally relevant mitigation and adaptation measure.
  • Institutional mechanism including capacity building to improve preparedness of stake holders to work in a concerted manner.
  • Fiscal and non fiscal measures to support transitions to a resilient regime of production and consumption
  • Identification and fostering of local institutions/community expertise to complement bottom-up and top-down initiatives by the Government at all levels, and
  • Use of knowledge economy and successful experiences which already exist.
In view of the above, the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development & Public Leadership (NCCSD), plan to develop a larger Framework Programme to address the immediate and long-term needs not only for India but also for developing world to meet the challenges emerging from climate change on Agriculture, Environment and Water sectors or related fields.

Conference Themes
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Eco agriculture
  • Need for mainstreaming agriculture
  • Climate Change & Agriculture: Impacts, Solutions & adaptations
  • Knowledge economy
  • Climate correlates & Carbon Credits
  • Emerging trends of mitigation and adaptation
  • Public Leadership
Conference Sub Themes
  • Role of Agriculture and Sustainable Development in mitigating Global Warming Applications of Knowledge and Community Education
  • Challenges ahead : Role of Entrepreneurial and Educational Leadership and Public Policy
  • The deliberations would include presentation of research, experiments, experiences, policy analysis and new project ideas.
Important Dates
  • Abstract of the Papers (400 Words Maximum) on the selected subject to be submitted before: 15 October 2011
  • Abstract and Full paper to be submitted through email to info@climateagri.org
  • Acceptance of the paper will be intimated by 1 November 2011
  • Submission of the full paper has to be made before 15 December 2011
  • Last date of registration along with the registration fee: 15 January 2012

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

FYI: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th edition)

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th edition)

by Modern Language Association (MLA), USA

Pages: xxii & 292 pp.
Published: 2008
Reprint Publisher: Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd., India
Price: Rs. 160

"The style bible for most college students."

Widely adopted by universities, colleges, and secondary schools, the MLA Handbook gives step-by-step advice on every aspect of writing research papers, from selecting a topic to submitting the completed paper. For over half a century, the MLA Handbook is the guide millions of writers have relied on.

The seventh edition is a comprehensive, up-to-date guide to research and writing in the online environment. It provides an authoritative update of MLA documentation style for use in student writing, including simplified guidelines for citing works published on the Web and new recommendations for citing several kinds of works, such as digital files and graphic narratives.

Can also buy online from Flipkart.

Just Released "Tagore Stories On Film - 6 DVDs" by NFDC, GoI

Tagore Stories On Film - 6 DVDs

Released by the Government of India in association with NFDC on the occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.

Price: India Rs.399.00 

Buy at flipkart.com for Rs.299.00  http://www.flipkart.com/movies/itmczcsmgdzyzpze?pid=avmcy5ds7xmhpjfb&_l=uY3eX1GBOjq0VcxAgmp2XA--&_r=n7gUu5uShPdmJxMVsR0zKw--&ref=268e26b5-eb7d-4a48-8e11-adc393a52cf5

The Pack Contains: 7 Movies

Natir Puja (1932) Director: Rabindranath Tagore - Produced by New Theatres, Natir Puja is a landmark in Indian cinema being the only film where Tagore was directly involved in production. Shot over four days on the occasion of Tagore's 70th birth anniversary in 1932, this partial but restored film written by Tagore also features him in an important role.

Rabindranath Tagore (1961) Director: Satyajit Ray - Made by Satyajit Ray to celebrate Tagore's birth centenary, this dramatized documentary features some deft cinematic touches of a master film-maker that sets it apart from most other biographical documentaries.

Char Adhyay (1997) Director: Kumar Shahani - A poignant comment on the adverse effects of nationalism and a nuanced interpretation of Tagore's novella, Char Adhay is the story of Ela, loved by armed revolutionaries of the Indian freedom movement as a mascot for the country, who questions this blind indoctrination after falling in love Atin.

Khudito Pashan (1960) Director: Tapan Sinha- A classic by every standard, this National Award winning film, originally the story of a tax collector who moves into a haunted mansion in a small town and falls in love with a beautiful ghost, finds a unique, visual interpretation from an ardent Tagore fan - Tapan Sinha.

Teen Kanya (1961) Director: Satyajit Ray - Ray's neorealistic style of film-making found an ally in Tagore's stories of ordinary folks. Teen Kanya is based on three of his stories, The Post Master, Monihara and Samapti, and tells the story of a young village girl taught by a city-bred postmaster, a woman's obsession with her jewels, and a tomboyish girl who changes after marriage.

Kabuliwala (1961) Director: Hemen Gupta - A critical and commercial success, Kabuliwala is the tender story of a widower Afghani Pathan, played evocatively by Balraj Sahni, compelled to leave his daughter in Afghanistan and relocate to India. He misses his daughter and showers his affection on a young girl in this emotional, memorable film that tugs at the heart of audiences.

Ghare Baire (1984) Director: Satyajit Ray - The opening years of this century, the British are pursuing a policy of divide and rule, creating an artificial rift between Hindus and Muslims. The middle class intelligentsia is violently opposed to this policy. Sandip Mukherjee, a leader of this political movement, comes to Suksayar, the country estate of his friend Nikhil Choudhury. Nikhil's wife Bimla is swept off her feet by Sandip's charisma and lively charm, which is in sharp contrast to her own husband's calm sobriety. Sandip, attracted to Bimala, decides to make Suksayar the centre of his political activity. Nikhil realizes what has happened. He knows that Sandip is driven more by a lust for power than any genuine patriotic motive.

Char Adhyay (1997) Director: Kumar Shahani - A poignant comment on the adverse effects of nationalism and a nuanced interpretation of Tagore's novella, Char Adhay is the story of Ela, loved by armed revolutionaries of the Indian freedom movement as a mascot for the country, who questions this blind indoctrination after falling in love Atin.