Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Register for Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan"

Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan"
27-28 December, 2020
Held Online | Online Registration

Yokohama National University (YNU) will host the Japan–India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan", on Sunday 27th and Monday 28th, December, 2020, via the Internet. Since 2017 Japan-India YNU Symposium has been organized annually by YNU and our Indian collaborators to discuss new technologies. This time marks our fourth symposium and we will hold it online for the first time. While most of the speakers will give a scientific presentation, Mr. Kiyoshi Kurihara, First Secretary (S&T), Embassy of Japan in India, will deliver keynote lecture titled "Japan's STI Initiatives for SDGs --Projects toward the achievement of the SDGs--" in the opening session from 8.30 IST on 27th. We would be happy if you and your colleagues and students are interested in the event. Anyone who registered from the symposium website can attend the meeting. (Auto-reply email shall be sent to you from the secretariat, when you complete your registration. Unless you receive it, please check the Junk e-mail box) 
Considering the growing importance of India‐Japan partnership under such circumstances, the 4th YNU Symposium has been organized to develop strong collaborations between the researchers of these two poles. Biorefinery technologies have appeared at the forefront of the research initiatives in Japan and India. Environment, Health and welfare are the key concepts in the sustainable development goals. Medical technologies, IT, mechatronics, advanced materials have been recognized to be indispensable for attain the 17 goals. 

  • Environment and Energy Issues in SDGs
  • Recent Development in IT and Mechatronics 
  • Advanced Bio- and Medical Engineering
  • Advanced Materials and Novel Application
  • About Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Science and Technology | Open for Enrollment

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Indian Science and Technology

Course Coordinator: Prof. Madhav Govind, CSSP, JNU

Enroll for Free (Till 31st December 2020)

About the Course: This course is equivalent to one refresher course in Interdisciplinary area.The objective of this course is to provide an exposure to the development of Science and Technology in India, and is primarily meant for teachers and research scholars in various universities and colleges. Science and technology have been the part of every civilization, and people belonging to all the sections of society have contributed to the advancement of different branches of science and technology all through the ages. Till recent times, the history of science and technology has been primarily eurocentric in nature, attributing most of the development of science and technology to Greece and Rome in the ancient period, and Europe in the medieval and modern periods, which were then transmitted to the rest of the world. This course will highlight important concepts in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, etc., that originated and developed in India. In the study of Indian science and technology, the often neglected role and contributions of local people, craftsmen, artisans,farmers, forest dwellers in the development of sustainable and locally adaptable technologies and traditional scientific knowledge will also be highlighted. This course will impart authentic knowledge of India's scientific and technological traditions and will show through case studies how some of them are still relevant in today's world. It would also try to provide an understanding of the socio-cultural and philosophical context in which the various scientific and technological ideas got developed in India and thereby help in repositioning India's contributions in science and technology. The course comprises 40 modules, with lectures of about thirty minutes devoted to each module. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Essay Competition on "Necessity for Science Diplomacy" as part of IISF2020

Essay Competition on "Necessity for Science Diplomacy" as part of India International Science Festival 2020 (IISF2020)
Theme: Necessity for Science Diplomacy
Competition is open for
(A) Students
(B) Professional

CfPs: 20th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2020) | Online, 20 December 2020

20th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2020)

Date: 20 December 2020

Theme: COVID19 Pandemic: Assessing Public Awareness and Response

Mode: Online (Web-Conference)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Webinar "Fair and Equitable Pricing in Health: Competition Law and Access to Medicines" | 3-4 December



Fair and Equitable Pricing in Health:
Competition Law and Access to Medicines

3-4 December 2020


Experts debate the effects of competition on prices of medicines

Free webinar on 3-4 December, organized by the South Centre and IDEC

 On 3-4 December 2020, experts from nine countries will gather to debate how competition practices affect the medicines market and access to health.

This question is receiving attention worldwide. Authorities are looking for ways to improve regulation in the sector to ensure equitable access to treatments and vaccines, especially for the most vulnerable populations.

The webinar "Fair and Affordable Prices in Health: Competition Law and Access to Medicines" will take place via the Zoom platform. Participation is open, it is free and does not require prior registration. Simultaneous translation will be available in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The panelists are leading experts in the field of competition and health. Competition bodies from the Netherlands, Italy, Peru and Brazil will also join the debate.

To see the full programme and for more info, click here

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