Welcome to the Social Media Research @ JNU Blog!!! This Blog is created to share information, knowledge networking and debating on the issues related to Social Media Studies and Advanced Social Media Research. Topics to be covered in this blog are (but not limited to): Mass Media, Social Media, New Media, Broadcasting, Print Media, Educational Media, Journalism, Mass Communication, Development Communication, Media Law, Media Literacy, ICT for Development and other relevant areas.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
ISB Open Data Conclave | 25th September | Online
Monday, September 21, 2020
CODATA Connect Webinar on Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective | Today at 6:30pm
CODATA Connect Webinar on Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective
Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5174111913579989262
This talk focuses on the emerging phenomena of Urban Data Space (UDS) technology and investigates how UDS may be developed with taking a responsible research and innovation perspective. Data Space is one of the frontiers of innovation in digital technology that aims at creating „a seamless digital area with the scale that will enable the development of new products and services based on data" (EC 2018). The major idea of these is to openly provide large quantities and multiple types of data for governments, industry and other actors in order to innovate: develop new services and products or link existing sectors. Smart City projects intend to manage Big Data in urban environments and face similar challenges of organizational complexities. UDS is suggested to facilitate an eco-system for data exchange and added value creation utilizing the various types of data within a smart city/municipality. Dataspaces/UDS raise not only technical challenges (interoperability, standardization etc.), but are entangled with questions on social and governance aspects relevant for the constitution of modern societies. It is important to note that knowledge and value chain gaps regularly lead to policy procrastination, as lack of shared positions of academia and/or business hinders policy makers to even understand, let alone address the governance challenges of Data Space technology. As Data Space technology is at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3-4, it is essential to address, besides the semantic assessment of Big Data structures, semiotic research in dataspace technology. This would require the assessment of the 'sign relational complex' or, according to semiotic theory, the pragmatics of data science: ascertaining, assessing and researching the processes by which signs relate to the agents who use them to refer to things in the world and to communicate their intentions about those things to other agents who may have similar or different intentions concerning the same or different things. This also brings about ethical and responsibility concerns: Does UDS lead to an integration of stakeholders? Does it offer a new sphere for stakeholders' creativity, participation and new formats, modes for engaging those in the urban public sphere who previously were not involved? Or might UDS, as we have seen in other social spheres affected by the current Corona crisis, highlight and enlarge existing partitions in society? An RRI-inspired UDS approach would mean trying to make UDS more inclusive, decision-makers and other key stakeholders' attitude to their work more reflective and suggest political and policy implementation processes in UDS that are more responsive to societal needs and ethical concerns. This talk will focus on using the RRI-heuristic provided by Owen et al. to identify some challenges and to reflect on the responsibilities of various actors involved in UDS R&I. We will also point to a new tool: the "societal readiness thinking tool" developed in the NewHoRRIzon project as a potentially important way to address the looming questions of responsible innovation related to UDS.
Name of the Speaker: Robert Braun
Associate Professor/Senior Researcher, Deputy Head, Techno-Science & Societal Transformation, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria
Robert studied philosophy of arts and history at the University of Budapest, in 2002 he did his PhD in philosophy. 1991-94 he was assistant professor at ELTE University of Budapest. From 1994-2019 he was Associate Professor at Corvinus University in Budapest. From 2015-2018 he was Professor at Lauder Business School in Vienna. He was Pro-Rector of International Business School in Budapest 2014-2015. He is currently senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna and Associate Professor at Masaryk University in Brno. He did research at Rutgers University in the US, at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Wassenaar, Netherlands, and taught at numerous universities in the EU and the US. His research projects involve the representation and engagement of stakeholders in corporate communities as well as the societal impacts of (autonomous) mobility. His core research interest is in the politics of societal transformation. His past research includes the politics of historiography [creation of power/knowledge and meaning in relation to the past]; the politics of corporations [creation of power/knowledge through social exchange/business]; and, currently, the politics of autonomous mobility [creation of power/knowledge through technology]. His last book was "Corporate Stakeholder Democracy," published by CEU Press in 2019; his new and forthcoming book (written with Richard Randell) is on "Dromobility: Towards post-automobility" with Rowman & Littlefield International.
Some of Robert's recent papers:
- Science Magazine: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6499/39
- Doing and managing research responsibly online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23299460.2020.1789387
- Social labs as inclusive method: https://irihs.ihs.ac.at/id/eprint/5391/1/timmermans-blok-braun-et-al-2020-social-labs-responsible-research.pdf
Web: https://www.ihs.ac.at/people/robert-braun/
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Webinar on "Urbanisation and Technology" Today at 6.00 PM (IST)
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Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Call for Papers: 10th ASIP Conference 2020 - Online
Themes/ Sub-Themes
- Technology/System Innovation- Economics of Technology- Management of Technology- Science & Technology Policy- Environments/Health Innovation & Policy- Other STI Studies
Deadline for submission: 13 September 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
Journal of Scientometric Research's new issue is now online | Vol 9(2), 2020
- Science-Technology Linkage in the Field of Medical and Laboratory Equipment | Maryam Emami, Nosrat Riahinia, Faramarz Soheili
- The Status and Patterns of Open Access in Research Output of Most Productive Indian Institutions | Satya Swarup Srichandan, Rajesh Piryani, Vivek Kumar Singh, Sujit Bhattacharya
- Emerging Global Trends in Urban Agriculture Research: A Scientometric Analysis of Peer-reviewed Journals | Anita Pinheiro, Madhav Govind
- 3D Printing: A Research Domain of Multiple Facets? | Andreia Cristina Galina, Jacqueline Leta
- Author and Keyword Bursts as Indicators for the Identification of Emerging or Dying Research Trends | Patrick Kenekayoro
- Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Waiting Time to First Citation and Long-Term Impact of Publications | Richa Kumari, Ashraf Uddin, Byeong-Hee Lee, Kiseok Choi
- Global Research Trends in Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB) Studies in the Field of Computer Science from 1976-2019: A Bibliometric Analysis | Zainun Mustafa, Mohd Heikal Husin, Sharifah Mashita Syed-Mohamad, Nor Athiyah Abdullah
- Scientometric Assessment of Indian Scientists' Contribution to Selected Physical Review Journals during 2004-2018 | Dhiman Mondal
- The USA Dominates World Research in Basic Medicine and Biotechnology | Ricardo Brito, Alonso RodrÃguez-Navarro
- Bibliometrics of the Global Drug Abuse Research Output as Reflected by Coverage in Web of Science Core Collection during 2011-2018 | Kailash Chandra Garg, Suresh Kumar
- Analysis of Global Research Trends in Coronaviruses: A Bibliometric Investigation | Bhaskar Mukherjee
- The Highly Cited Researchers with Researcher ID: Patterns of Behavior through Time | Ãœlle Must
- Examining the Research and Technological Impact of Survismeter | Kunal Sinha, Chandrahash Patel
- Informetric Portrait of Elinor Ostrom, the Nobel Laureate in the Field of Economic Sciences | Praloy Kr Bhattacharyya, Nivedita Bhattacharyya Sahu
- Citation Swing Factor: An Indicator to Measure the Diffusion of Cited Items | Bidyarthi Dutta
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientometric Research
[Listed with Emerging Sources Citation Index: http://bit.ly/2yWiyvB
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Email: editor[@]jscires.org