Wednesday, January 29, 2020

CSSP Lecture on "Science Policy in Japan" by Dr. Miyabi Hayama | 5th February at 11:00 am

CSSP Wednesday Lecture Series


Centre for Studies in Science Policy 
Jawaharlal Nehru University



Cordially Invites You to a Special Lecture




Science Policy in Japan



Dr. Miyabi Hayama

(Yokohama National University, Japan)


Venue: Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, CSSP, SSS-1 Building, JNU


Date: Wednesday, 5th February 2020 | Time: 11:00 am






All are welcome to attend the Lecture. 


Coordinator, CSSP Lecture Series

FISD Paper "Building Capacity in Electronics Sector and Science Diplomacy: A Case Study of Semiconductor Complex Ltd (SCL)"

Building Capacity in Electronics Sector and Science Diplomacy: A Case Study of Semiconductor Complex Ltd (SCL)
by Ashok Parthasarathi, 2019, Science Diplomacy Case Studies, Forum for Indian Science Diplomacy (FISD),  Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi.

All India Essay Competition 2020 on "Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"

All India Essay Competition 2020
Theme: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Last date of Submission: 20/02/2020
To be sent to: iignatian[@]

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Indian Science and Technology: A List of Lectures

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Indian Science and Technology #HistSci _ A List of Lectures

Monday, January 13, 2020

你好,親愛的 [Hi dear] D4HJ1

[English version below]


我的名字是K Genzo小姐,我是一個18歲的女孩,我寫信給你是為了讓你知道我是一個孤兒,我是我父母唯一的孩子。我通過互聯網搜索從在線電子郵件數據庫目錄中搜索您的電子郵件地址,我想與您溝通我為了安全而重新安置到您所在國家/地區的興趣計劃。






Hello dear,

My Name is Miss Kira Genzo, I am a 18 years old girl, I am writing you to let you know that I'm an orphan, I am the only child of my parents. I search your email address from the online e-mail Database Directory through the Internet search, I would like to communicate with you about my interest plan in relocating to your country for my safety.

I am a Chinese American. My father has died of a heart attack months ago and I sincerely need your help now because my life is in Danger. I want to discuss and handle a very important business with you. I will write you more details of the business when I receive your reply.

Please reply immediately to my personal email address:

I wait for your next reply.

Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: This email (including attachments) is addressed to the intended recipient only and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, retain, disclose, copy, print, disseminate or distribute any part of this email. If you have received this email in error, please delete this email (including attachments) from your system and notify the sender immediately by replying to this email. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free. The sender accepts no liability for any loss, error, omissions or damage arising as a result of email transmission.

New Article "Intellectual property rights, social values, and innovation: a cross-country simultaneous equations model" | by DJ Francis & S Bhaduri

Intellectual property rights, social values, and innovation: a cross-country simultaneous equations model
by Deep Jyoti Francis & Saradindu Bhaduri, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2020, doi: 10.1080/10438599.2019.1700607.

ABSTRACT: The WTO-led globalization is often believed to be the era of transfer and homogenization of the so-called 'Global Standard Institutions' (GSI). The institution of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a case in point, where various trade treaties have persuaded countries to homogenize the IPR laws, purportedly, to boost technological change and innovation. Such enthusiasm to homogenize the international policy space, however, is often at odds with the conjectures made by the scholars on institutions, who suggest that transfer of institutions across societies are burdened with problems of incompatibilities with other existing institutions, social values and historical, country-specific contingencies. Moreover, academic scholarship is divided on the relationship between IPR and innovations. This paper uses cross-country simultaneous equation estimations to analyze the two-way relationships between IPR, its underlying social values, historical-political contingencies, and innovation. Taking into consideration both technological and non-technological innovation, our results suggest that the impact of IPR on innovation dynamics of a country is neither one-way nor linear. Besides, various social values and historical contingencies seem to have a complex relationship with, and consequence on, the dynamics of innovation and IPR. The results suggest the need for interlinking development policies with the policies for innovations.
KEYWORDS: Intellectual property rights, social values, innovation, comparative institutional analysis, cross-country study, simultaneous equation model

DBT India invites comments on "Draft document on Genome Edited Organisms"

DBT invites comments on "Draft document on Genome Edited Organisms: Regulatory Framework and Guidelines for Risk Assessment"

In view of the recent developments in the field of Genome Editing Technologies a need was felt to bring out guidelines. After series of expert consultations, draft guidelines titled "Genome Edited Organisms: Regulatory Framework and Guidelines for Risk Assessment" has been prepared. The draft guidelines accommodates applicable laws, Acts, and procedures governing Genome Editing, general considerations and tiered approach for risk assessment of genome edited organisms and products derived thereof, regulatory approval road map, data requirement for risk assessment and institutional mechanism for governance and oversight.
The Department of Biotechnology invites comments on "Draft document on Genome Edited Organisms: Regulatory Framework and Guidelines for Risk Assessment" from the researchers/institutions and other stakeholders.
It is requested that comments/ observations pertaining to the same may be conveyed, positively by February 08th, 2020 to rcgm.dbt[@] or ibkp2019[@] or send through the IBKP portal at

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Journal of Scientometric Research -- New Issue 8(3) is now online

Journal of Scientometric Research

Vol 8, Issue 3 | September-December 2019

Research Articles

Research Note
Book Review

We are pleased to announce that Journal of Scientometric Research has recently been accepted by Scopus for indexing & abstracting.

CSIR India Launch to the Nature Partners Essay Competition 2020

CSIR partners to launch the Nature India Essay Competition 2020

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and Nature India launched the Nature India essay competition 2020 today to provide young and experienced scientists, researchers and authors in India, a platform to share ideas on how societally-impactful science can advance and strengthen the country.

The Nature India essay competition is open for readers aged 25 to 50. The essayists will have an opportunity to draft a compelling narrative with personal anecdotes, emotion and a science-backed story that may become potentially historic in helping shape the roadmap for India's scientific future. The essays should convey thoughts on the societal impact of science in India in not more than 1000 words. The tone of the essays must be aspirational, with emotions and story-telling. The essays should be reasoned, well-researched, forward-looking and supported by existing science.

On the launch of the essay competition, Director General, CSIR, Dr Shekhar C Mande remarked that the fruits of science must benefit the society and that Nature India essay competition would give an opportunity to Indian scientists to share their perspective and aspirations on this crucial aspect of S&T.

The submitted essays will be judged by a panel of editors, scientists and science communicators. The deadline for completed essays is midnight, India time, on March 9, 2020. The winners will have their essays published in the Nature India annual volume as well as the Nature India blog Indigenus. The top three essays will win a cash prize (Rs 40,000, Rs 30,000 and Rs 20,000 or equivalent), a three-year subscription to Nature, trophies and certificates.

For inspiration, you may want to read these essays adjudged winner and runners-up (1, 2) of the Nature essay competition 2019.

Further Details

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

NIAS-DST Training Programme for Women Scientists on Social Responsibility of Scientists: Pathways and Outcomes | 10–14 February

NIAS-DST Training Programme for Women Scientists on Social Responsibility of Scientists: Pathways and Outcomes
February 10 – 14, 2020
Venue: National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, India
  Last date for receiving nominations is 20th January 2020  

Much as scientists may like to concentrate on pure science or on the development of specific technologies, their actions influence, and are influenced by, the society in which they operate. The results of their actions in the progress of science and technology have a profound impact on society. While much of this effect is widely believed to be positive, there is always the possibility of adverse consequences. Some of these adverse consequences may be unintended, as in the case of the environmental damage caused by the Green Revolution, but others, such as the results of the development of nuclear weapons, may be entirely intentional. What is more, scientists are themselves human beings with their own social and economic demands. Some of these demands may relate closely to their workplace, such as the status a society provides scientists or their place in the economic hierarchy. Others may be related more to their ability to deal with concerns outside the workplace, such as the needs of their families or larger social groups. Each of these dimensions is itself mediated through gender. This is not just a matter of women scientists having to come to terms with the larger gender inequalities in society. It is also quite possible that they may have a perspective that is different from that of their male counterparts.
This course is designed to help women scientists step back from the everyday life of science and technology and explore the social in what they do as well as in conditions around them. The resultant introspection on their role in science can be expected to enhance their sense of social responsibility. To this end, the course provides not just exposure to major thinkers but also opportunities for each of the participants to articulate their own perspectives on specific issues that will be given to them. While the mornings consist of lectures from experts, the afternoons will be spent on presentations by individual participating scientists where they will be encouraged to use their personal experience to address a specific previously chosen aspect of the relationship between science and society.
To help generate an all-round learning experience without losing focus, each day of the course will concentrate on a specific aspect of the relationship between science and society. The five days of the course will thus focus on the following five themes:
  • Is there anything science should not do?
  • What are the demands of science from society?
  • What are the societal demands on science?
  • Are there any social inclinations in the practice of science in India?
  • Should we always trust science?
Organized and hosted by National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Bengaluru, the course is supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) as a part of the scheme "National Programme for Training of Scientists and Technologists working in Government Sector (Women Component)". The week-long training programme will be held in NIAS from February 10 to 14, 2020, and is meant exclusively for women scientists and technologists working in India.
For over a decade, NIAS has been drawing attention to the need to build professional development models and institute formal mechanisms to ensure the enhancement of scientific capabilities of women scientists. The institution is fully committed to creating opportunities for interaction, collaboration and capacity enhancement for women scientists through a range of mechanisms and the training programme under the women component offers such a platform.
For the training programme the Institute seeks applications from Mid-level women scientists with experience in the range of 9 to 21 years from diverse scientific institutions and universities. The programme will be organized around five themes and will involve lecture demonstrations, audiovisual contents, and case studies followed by individual presentations by the participating scientists. NIAS firmly believes that for scientists to recognise their social responsibility we need to activate the commitment and networks of the best of women scientists in the country.
As a premier institution in the country engaged in research and development in science, humanities and social sciences, NIAS is an excellent place to conduct a training programme on the social responsibility of scientists. Building on its strength in various disciplines and advocacy issues, NIAS offers a unique multidisciplinary perspective that lends itself well to recognizing the important role scientists have in building a peaceful and flourishing society. NIAS is also fully committed to supporting women scientists and scholars in their professional domains. Situated in the beautiful green campus of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), NIAS offers excellent library resources and access to scholars working on issues of contemporary relevance. Taken as a whole, the training course at NIAS is designed and conducted in a way that leaves an imprint on the professional lives of women scientists. 

National Institute of Advanced Studies , IISc Campus, Bengaluru-560012, Email: niasdst-srs[@]

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

CfPs: First International Survey Methodology Conference | 10-11 June, New Delhi

First International Survey Methodology Conference
June 10-11, 2020
NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi, India

The NCAER National Data Innovation Centre will host the First International Survey Methodology Conference in India on June 10-11, 2020 at the NCAER India Centre. The Conference seeks to bring together government statistical personnel, academia, and the global research community to explore the challenges and opportunities offered by this changing landscape of data capture, data analysis, data curation, and data usage. The Conference includes a prior training programme.

Call for Papers and Training Participation
Papers are invited for the following four technical sessions spread over two days of the Conference:
  • Use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) and evaluation of CAPI software programmes in reducing errors in data collection;
  • The experience of conducting telephone surveys in India;
  • Use of paradata for ensuring quality control in social survey research; and
  • Use of innovative study designs and sampling techniques in surveys.

Guidelines for Paper Submission
We invite you to submit extended abstracts (no more than three A4/Letter size pages) of original research papers by February 15, 2020 to Please note the following important pointers for submitting your abstracts:
- Include your affiliation and contact details in the email.
- Mention one of the four sessions noted above for which the paper is being submitted.
- There will be limited number of spaces available for presentation in the technical sessions. Therefore, some of the selected abstracts may be included in a dedicated poster session. Specify clearly if you do not want to be considered for a poster session.
- This is a survey methodology conference, hence, this may not be the right platform for presenting empirical research that is substantive but without a strong methodological component.
After reviewing the extended abstracts, selected authors will be informed by March 15, 2020 about selection either for paper presentation or for a dedicated poster session. Full draft papers will be due by May 1, 2020.

Pre-conference Training Programme, June 8-9, 2020
The conference will be preceded by two days of statistical and methodological training for young professionals and students covering the following indicative topics:
  • Introduction to Survey Sampling
  • Statistical Methods for Disaggregated Level Estimates: Small Area Estimation
  • Introduction to Data Collection Methods
  • Multilevel Modelling: Methodology and Application

Guidelines for Training Programme Application 
Applications for the training programme must be received by February 15, 2020 by email at surveyconf[@] Applicants must:
- Specify the training for which you are applying;
- Include a cover letter (no more than one A4/letter page) describing the relevance of the training to your research study(ies);
- Attach a copy of your curriculum vitae;
- Rank your preferences if you are applying for more than one training in view of limited places in each.

Important Dates
  • Last Date for receiving paper abstracts February 15, 2020
  • Communication on acceptance of paper March 15, 2020
  • Submission of full paper May 1, 2020
  • Application for training programme due on February 15, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance in training programme March 15, 2020
  • Training dates June 8-9, 2020
  • Conference dates June 10-11, 2020

Available Courses for Winter Semester 2020 at CSSP, SSS

Centre for Studies in Science Policy 
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University 
New Delhi

M.Phil. Courses
SP602P | Science and Technology in a Social Context | Compulsory
SP606P | Economics of Technological Change Innovation Systems | Optional
SP609P | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): A Foundation Course | Optional

Course at Under Graduate Level Offered by CSSP for the School of Languages, JNU, Winter Semester  
SP201P | Science, Technology & Society Interaction | Optional

Additional Course at Master's Level, Winter Semester
SP401P | Perspectives on Food Science,Technology and Innovation Policy | Optional

Chairperson, CSSP, SSS

Dr. Anup Kumar Das
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi - 110067, India
Twitter: @AannuuppK | @IndiaSTS