Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Register for Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan"

Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan"
27-28 December, 2020
Held Online | Online Registration

Yokohama National University (YNU) will host the Japan–India YNU Symposium 2020 on "Science, Technology and Innovations for SDGs in India and Japan", on Sunday 27th and Monday 28th, December, 2020, via the Internet. Since 2017 Japan-India YNU Symposium has been organized annually by YNU and our Indian collaborators to discuss new technologies. This time marks our fourth symposium and we will hold it online for the first time. While most of the speakers will give a scientific presentation, Mr. Kiyoshi Kurihara, First Secretary (S&T), Embassy of Japan in India, will deliver keynote lecture titled "Japan's STI Initiatives for SDGs --Projects toward the achievement of the SDGs--" in the opening session from 8.30 IST on 27th. We would be happy if you and your colleagues and students are interested in the event. Anyone who registered from the symposium website can attend the meeting. (Auto-reply email shall be sent to you from the secretariat, when you complete your registration. Unless you receive it, please check the Junk e-mail box) 
Considering the growing importance of India‐Japan partnership under such circumstances, the 4th YNU Symposium has been organized to develop strong collaborations between the researchers of these two poles. Biorefinery technologies have appeared at the forefront of the research initiatives in Japan and India. Environment, Health and welfare are the key concepts in the sustainable development goals. Medical technologies, IT, mechatronics, advanced materials have been recognized to be indispensable for attain the 17 goals. 

  • Environment and Energy Issues in SDGs
  • Recent Development in IT and Mechatronics 
  • Advanced Bio- and Medical Engineering
  • Advanced Materials and Novel Application
  • About Japan‐India YNU Symposium 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Science and Technology | Open for Enrollment

SWAYAM ARPIT Course on History of Indian Science and Technology

Course Coordinator: Prof. Madhav Govind, CSSP, JNU

Enroll for Free (Till 31st December 2020)

About the Course: This course is equivalent to one refresher course in Interdisciplinary area.The objective of this course is to provide an exposure to the development of Science and Technology in India, and is primarily meant for teachers and research scholars in various universities and colleges. Science and technology have been the part of every civilization, and people belonging to all the sections of society have contributed to the advancement of different branches of science and technology all through the ages. Till recent times, the history of science and technology has been primarily eurocentric in nature, attributing most of the development of science and technology to Greece and Rome in the ancient period, and Europe in the medieval and modern periods, which were then transmitted to the rest of the world. This course will highlight important concepts in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, etc., that originated and developed in India. In the study of Indian science and technology, the often neglected role and contributions of local people, craftsmen, artisans,farmers, forest dwellers in the development of sustainable and locally adaptable technologies and traditional scientific knowledge will also be highlighted. This course will impart authentic knowledge of India's scientific and technological traditions and will show through case studies how some of them are still relevant in today's world. It would also try to provide an understanding of the socio-cultural and philosophical context in which the various scientific and technological ideas got developed in India and thereby help in repositioning India's contributions in science and technology. The course comprises 40 modules, with lectures of about thirty minutes devoted to each module. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Your Website Top in Google Search!

Hi There, 

Hope you are doing well.

We are a leading Search Engine Optimization Company with E-commerce solution

Our company will provide you effective service quality & long-term results possible in the industry. 

I will help them to find you by putting your website on the 1st page of Google, yahoo, Bing. 

Do you want to make your site at top in web crawlers and improve your business website ranking with our SEO services using ethical white hat technique?

If you are interested, I will send you our SEO Packages, More Details and Price List.

Mahesh Singh
Email:- getsvision @ gmail. com
Skype:- gets.solutions
Whatsapp:- +91-7042398111

If you don't whish to recive any further email, Click Here.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Essay Competition on "Necessity for Science Diplomacy" as part of IISF2020

Essay Competition on "Necessity for Science Diplomacy" as part of India International Science Festival 2020 (IISF2020)
Theme: Necessity for Science Diplomacy
Competition is open for
(A) Students
(B) Professional

CfPs: 20th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2020) | Online, 20 December 2020

20th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2020)

Date: 20 December 2020

Theme: COVID19 Pandemic: Assessing Public Awareness and Response

Mode: Online (Web-Conference)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Webinar "Fair and Equitable Pricing in Health: Competition Law and Access to Medicines" | 3-4 December



Fair and Equitable Pricing in Health:
Competition Law and Access to Medicines

3-4 December 2020


Experts debate the effects of competition on prices of medicines

Free webinar on 3-4 December, organized by the South Centre and IDEC

 On 3-4 December 2020, experts from nine countries will gather to debate how competition practices affect the medicines market and access to health.

This question is receiving attention worldwide. Authorities are looking for ways to improve regulation in the sector to ensure equitable access to treatments and vaccines, especially for the most vulnerable populations.

The webinar "Fair and Affordable Prices in Health: Competition Law and Access to Medicines" will take place via the Zoom platform. Participation is open, it is free and does not require prior registration. Simultaneous translation will be available in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The panelists are leading experts in the field of competition and health. Competition bodies from the Netherlands, Italy, Peru and Brazil will also join the debate.

To see the full programme and for more info, click here

South Centre
International Environment House 2
Chemin de Balexert 7-9
PO Box 228
1211 Geneva 19
Telephone: (41 22) 791 8050
Follow the South Centre's Twitter: South_Centre 
Copyright © 2020 South Centre, All rights reserved.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Call for Papers: International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems (ETTIS-2021)

International Conference on "Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems" (ETTIS-2021) 

Online mode | 4th–5th March 2021

C-DAC Noida in association with the Automatic Control, Computers & Electronics Department, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania is organizing a 02 day International Conference on "Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems" (ETTIS-2021) in Online mode on March 4th – 5th, 2021.  We are pleased to invite interested members to participate in this conference. The conference will be conducted in online mode due to ongoing Covid-19 related restrictions.

Ø    Aim of the Conference:

The International Conference (ETTIS 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology, and applications of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Security in Industrial/Real-World settings. ETTIS 2021 welcomes papers in all sub-areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and cyber-physical systems and security. The prime aim of the conference is to invite researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry from different domains of Computing and Information Technologies at a single platform to showcase their research ideas and share information about cutting-edge developments in the field.

Authors are welcome to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate on-going research results, projects, surveying works, and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in all of the related areas.

The Conference will provide a total of four technical tracks to all authors for their submission. So, each author may identify the most suitable track matching to their article/ research paper for submission of the paper. The conference is proposed with the idea of an annual ongoing event to invite researchers on a single platform to exchange their ideas and thoughts. It will definitely evolve as an intellectual asset in the long term years after years. Efforts will be put to make this conference as one the best conference in its area in upcoming years. Research papers from each track after the positive blind peer review by at least two reviewers with a good score will be selected for oral presentation during the conference. All papers that are accepted and presented in ETTIS 2021 will be published in the ETTIS 2021 Conference Proceedings.

Selected papers after the further revision will be submitted to Publishing Partner Springer Series (Approval In-Process).

Ø    Target Audience:

  • Academicians, Faculty Members, Research Scholars, and students
  • Business Professionals, Senior Level Managers, Executives
  • Practitioners in Business and Non-Profit Organizations
  • Policy Makers, Entrepreneurs, Enterprising Youth, Industrialists, Consultants, etc.

Ø    Conference Tracks

  • Track 1Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2: Big Data
  • Track 3: Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Track 4: Information Security

Ø    Important Dates:

Last date for submission of Full-length Paper

December 1, 2020

Paper acceptance Notification

January 8, 2021

Submission of Camera-ready paper

January 15, 2021

Early Bird  Registration

February 1, 2021

Conference Dates

March 4-5, 2021

  Venue: Online Mode

 C-DAC Academic Block, B-30, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida, GB Nagar (UP), India

Please refer to the attached Poster or visit the website  www.ettis.org for further details or contact the organizing committee of the conference:

S. No


Phone No.

Mobile No

E-mail id


Dr. Arti Noor

0120 – 3063380

+91 9868675191



Dr. Kriti Saroha


+91 9810702461



Mr. Sanjay Ojha


+91 9891963250


Thanks and Regards

Organizing Committee [Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems (ETTIS-2021)]

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)
(A Scientific Society of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India)
B-30, Setor-62, Noida-201309, Uttar Pradesh (India)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

India International Science Festival 2020: Call for Papers & Posters

India International Science Festival 2020: Science for Self-Reliant India and Global Welfare

India International Science Festival 2020: India International Science Festival (IISF) launched in 2015 is a celebration to promote Science and Technology and demonstrate how science could lead India towards a developed nation within a short span of time. The aim is to engage the public with science and celebrate the joy of science and show the ways how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) provide us with the solutions to improve our lives. Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), has created a unique platform of India International Science Festival which intends to inspire curiosity and make learning more rewarding.

IndiaLICS Lecture Series No. 5 on 28 November at 5:00 pm

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Invitation to Sweden India Science Sambandh: Nobel Science Dialogue Series | on 21-11, 28-11, 5-12

Sweden Alumni Network India is pleased to invite you to a dialogue series featuring eminent scientists from India and Sweden to celebrate Science and Nobel awarded inventions. 
Join us to be a part of the conversation on the 3 sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine) as per the categories stipulated by Alfred Nobel by bringing together the leading scientists of Sweden and India in a motivating 'Fireside' Dialogue series. 3 weekends starting in November 2020, will have 2 leading Swedish and Indian scientists discuss and explore each of the 3 sciences. 

All student participants will receive a certificate of participation.

We are excited to celebrate women in science and their invaluable contribution in the field of Science. Follow our website for the upcoming events (https://swedenindiascience.com/).

Please register

Sr No

Event Topic

Date & Time



Dialogue on Medicine

21-11-20; 3.30 pm IST

Prof Ola Weiland:

Sr prof in Infectious Diseases at Karolinska Institutet and senior consultant in ID at Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden

Prof Shiv Kumar Sarin:

Padma Bhushan Awardee

Prof & HOD Hepatology and Director, Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences, New Delhi



Nobel Dialogue on Physics

28-11-20; 3.30 pm IST

Prof Ulf Danielsson:

Göran Gustafsson Prize & Thuréus Prize winner and Prof of Theoretical Physics at Uppsala University, Sweden


Nobel Dialogue on Chemistry

5-12-20; 3.30 pm IST


Dr Saswati Das 

(Tentative): Director- Program & Clinical Services at Jhpiego; Public Health and expert on Gene Editing (CRISPR); Alumni of Sweden India Network Delhi




Jayanthi and Latha 

Jayanthi A Pushkaran
Program Lead , India
Skype: jayanthi.empower
Check us out on Facebook  and Twitter

Please support EMpower's work by giving today. 

EMpower supports local organizations in emerging market countries that provide at-risk youth with the tools and resources they need to lead healthy, productive lives.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Reclaiming AI Futures: Call for Contributions and Provocations

Reclaiming AI Futures: Call for Contributions and Provocations
The spectre of artificial intelligence looms large over us. According to the prevalent visions sold to us today, Artificial Intelligence will save us from ourselves – cut out humanity and let technology provide for our futures, mediating our interactions and our relationships with mathematical precision and computerised equanimity: 100 Smart Cities, 'built from the Internet up,' which recognise only the disciplined and data-annotated urban resident. Machines which prophesied on dishonesty and criminality and place us in an information straitjacket from which there is no escape. Technologies will mine data from the depths of our bodies and our environment, and, in turn, displace us from both. What do these futures hold in store for us? Who do these visions of AI futures serve? How do we resist, reimagine and reclaim our technological futures? To paraphrase Ruha Benjamin, how do we imagine and craft the worlds we cannot live without, just as we dismantle the ones we cannot live within?

This is a call for contributions and provocations of art and activism, to reimagine a vision of AI futures which can dismantle and blind the normative gazes of AI's present and can reclaim a technological future of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.
We are accepting pitches for short pieces of writing, graphic and visual media and/or sound to be published as a short, one-off digital zine exploring AI futures in India. This could take the form of a visual artwork, an essay, a work of speculative fiction, an interactive game or a short video. Seven selected works will get an honorarium of INR 20,000 and their work will be published as part of Mozilla fellow Divij Joshi's project, the 'AI Observatory'. 
Please email your pitches to divij@mozillafoundation.org as a single document (odt., .doc, .pdf). The pitch should contain the following:
  • The name and affiliations of the contributors. 
  • A brief description of the intended contribution, specifically indicating how it reflects on the theme of 'Reclaiming AI Futures'.
  • A description of the material used for creating the work, including the format / standard in which it is to be displayed online and the technical requirements of hosting the work online.

Note: The final work should be available in a standard which can be comfortably viewed online on commonly available mobile web-browsers. The size of the final work should be no more than 30MB. 
Timeline: The last date for submission of pitches is November 25, 2020. Accepted pitches will be informed by November 30. Final contributions must be received by December 30.
Terms of Use: Contributors agree to grant a non-exclusive, perpetual and royalty-free license to the licensor, Divij Joshi, to copy, use, display, perform, publish and share the work. 

A Souvenir published titled "Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and, by everyone"

A Souvenir Published on the occasion of Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2020.
"Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and, by everyone"
Edited by Dilara Begum and Md. Hasinul Elahi; Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.

Table of Contents
  • Message from the Head of Office and UNESCO Representative to Bangladesh
  • Message from the UNESCO Programme Specialist
  • Message from the IFLA President
  • Message from the International Library Consultant
  • Message from the Director, IATLIS
  • Message from Dr. Diljit Singh
  • An Exclusive Interview with the Chairman, Bangladesh Institute for Information Literacy and Sustainable Development (BIILSD)
  • MIL and Disinfodemic: Lessons Learned and the Way Ahead
  • Empowering Adolescents and Youths through Media and Information Literacy
  • Tackling Spread of Misinformation in India: A Strategic Approach
  • European Libraries during the Coronavirus Crisis
  • Resisting Disinfodemic: Media & Information Literacy for everyone & by everyone- supporting each other
  • Deep Learning Approach and Information Literacy
  • Role of Information Literacy during COVID19 Pandemic
  • Overcoming the Lack of Information Literacy Skills in Librarianship through the EU Funded Projects, case study: Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone
  • Digital, Media and Information Literacy are required for Building Digital Bangladesh
  • Media & Information Literacy is the Answer to Disinfodemic
  • Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone
  • Infodemic: Digital Destruction during COVID-19 Pandemic

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Engagement of 25 Project Associates in CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi for IISF2020 | Walk-in-Interview: 24.11.2020

Engagement of Project Associates in CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi 



CSIR-National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (CSIR-NISTADS), a multidisciplinary national research laboratory invites applicants from bright, dynamic and qualified individuals for engagement as Project Associates for coordinating & managing different activities of India International Science Festival (IISF-2020).

Total Vacancies: 25

Date of Walk-in-Interview: 24.11.2020,

Reporting Time: From 09:00 AM


Detailed Advertisement 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

First Prof B Guha Memorial Lecture on 11th November at 11:00 IST | Invitation & Participation Links

Information and Communication Society of India (ICSI) 
Cordially invites you to
First Prof. B. Guha Memorial Lecture 
"National Education Policy and Its Implications for Higher Education in India"
Professor V. Ramagopal Rao
Director, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 

Date: 11th November 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. IST

YouTube Livehttps://youtu.be/-B3StiY-gWg

Webex Participation Link 
Webex Event number : 176 503 3990
Event password : 2020

Dr. Usha M. Munshi
President, ICSI

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Increase the traffic on your website!


I hope you are doing well there!

Would you like to increase the traffic on your website?
Would you like to be listed at the top of Google for multiple search phrases (keywords) relevant to your products or services?

Contact us for the best quote for your website & we will guarantee to rank your website on the (1st Page of Google) we provide a complete solution for your Online Business.

Let me know if you are interested and I will send you our SEO Packages and Prices.

Thanks & Regards,
Mahesh Singh
Skype ID:- gets.solutions
Email ID:- getsvision @ gmail .com
Whatsapp:- +91-7042398111

Click to Opt-Out

CfPs Urban Mobility India, Research Symposium 2021

Urban Mobility India, Research Symposium 2021
The 13th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Expo 2020 will be held under the aegis of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on 9th November 2020. As part of the conference a research symposium is also held. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Symposium shall be held as a separate event in January/ February 2021. The symposium is a platform to highlight the current research carried out by the academic and research institutes in urban transport, especially by the young researchers belonging to various academic institutes and research institutes all over India. The Research Symposium is being coordinated by the Transport Planning Department, School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi.
The purpose of the research symposium is to:
I. Encourage young researchers working in various facets of urban transport to present their research work and provide them an opportunity for networking with fellow researchers and professionals.
II. Enhance capacity building of young researchers in the field of urban transport, and
III. Contribute towards building up a research database, its dissemination and identification of research thrust in the country.

As part of the research symposium the technical thematic sessions are proposed to be held on 31st October and 1st November 2020 are:
1. Addressing equities in Transportation Systems
2. Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Mobility
3. Mobility during Pandemic
4. Planning and Design for Vulnerable Road Users.
5. Public Transport systems and Infrastructure
6. Road Safety/ Safe Mobility
7. Transport Data Analytics
8. Travel Behaviour and Demand Modelling.

Important Dates
  • Last date for submission of full paper: November 30th, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance of full paper: December 20th, 2020
  • Submission of revised version of full paper & Presentation: January 5th, 2021
  • Research Symposium: Tentatively between January 15 & January 30, 2021. (Exact 2/3 days need to be identified)

Call For Papers: Guidelines for Submission of Full Length Paper provided separately here

Dr. Sewa Ram
Coordinator - Research Symposium 2020
Professor & Head of the Department
Dr. Bhaskar Gowd Sudagani
Co-Coordinator - Research Symposium 2020
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: umirs2020@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

First Prof B Guha Memorial Lecture "National Education Policy and Its Implications for Higher Education in India" by Prof V Ramagopal Rao, Director IIT Delhi | 11th November at 11:00 IST

Information and Communication Society of India (ICSI) 
Cordially invites you to
First Prof. B. Guha Memorial Lecture 
"National Education Policy and Its Implications for Higher Education in India"
Professor V. Ramagopal Rao
Director, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 

Date: 11th November 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. IST

All are cordially invited.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Keyword Research for your business!

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hope all is well on your end.

I am Mahesh Singh, SEO Consultant and working with a reputed leading SEO Company.

I got your contact email address from your website. We offer SEO services in which we make sure that your website get ranked in search engines like Google for your business keywords. Your website will show up in Google top results and thus you will get traffic and sales. We guarantee that you will see Google ranking improvement from the first month. You will get weekly and monthly work reports regularly.

Keyword Research for your business

Competition Analysis and Website Audit

Complete On-Page Optimization or site optimization

Link Building and off-page optimization

Monitor ranking and website status

Weekly and monthly reports regularly

I look forward to your reply and the potential of working with you to help your business grow online.

Best Regards,

Mahesh Singh
Whatsapp:- +91-7042398111
Skype ID:- gets.solutions
Email ID:- getsvision @ Gmail. Com

Click Here To Opt-Out From Our Email.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

JNU Central Library Invites to e‐Workshop on Research Methodology and Publication Ethics | 22-23 October

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, JNU invites you all to
e‐Workshop on Research Methodology and Publication Ethics.
Date and Time: 22-23 October, 10:00 am-1:30 pm IST

Saturday, October 10, 2020


Dear Friend,
I got your e-mail address contact through your country's Information
Exchange Online while browsing and after that, I  decided to contact
you to ask for your assistance in this urgent matter that requires
trust, confidentiality because you might receive this message in your
Inbox, Junk/Spam folder.
My name is  Mr. Selim Hamza the senior Manager of ING Bank
Turkey,Acibadem Branch of Istanbul Turkey ( IBT) European Banking
Corporation Limited Europe. I am a 55 years old man, married with
three children. I have a very urgent, confidential and profitable
business for both of us Valued at (Twenty Five Million, Five Hundred
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This fund is an excess of what my branch in which I am the senior
manager made as profit last year. I have already submitted an approved
End of the Year 2019 report to our Head Office, and they will never
know of this Excess. I have since
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United States Dollars) on a SUSPENSE SECURITY without a beneficiary.
As a Senior Manager of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to
this money thus I am impelled to request for your
assistance to receive this money as the beneficiary of the funds. If
we could do this together, we shall share these funds 50/50 between us
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involved during or after this transaction.
All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this
fund, also to keep this deal confidential between us. If  you're
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for more information, while I shall explain more in detail as soon as I receive a response from you.
Awaiting your response,
Thanks for your kind understanding!
Mr.Selim Hamza
The Senior Manager of ING Bank Turkey,
Acibadem Branch of Istanbul Turkey ( IBT)
Bulgurlu Mahallesi Acibadem Caddesi No: 156 34660 ?sk?dar / Istanbul

Friday, October 9, 2020

IIPA-DST Online Training Programmes for 2020-21 | Call for Nominations

Dear Sir/ Madam

The following training programmes, sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, are scheduled to be organized at IIPA. These are the online programmes hence the classes shall be conducted through Webex therefore the nominated participants should have laptop/desktop with audio or with android/iOS mobile to connect with the scheduled classes. It should also be ensured that participants have good internet connectivity. 

Sl. No.

Programme Name


Programme Coordinators




9th T.P. on Financial Management in Scientific Organisations for Scientists and Technologists

(Scientist & Technologists All Levels) (1-week) 

November 23-27, 2020

Dr. Pawan K. Taneja



3rd T.P. on Science & Technology for Rural Societies (Scientist & Technologists All Levels)

December 07-11, 2020

Prof. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Charru Malhotra



9th T. P. on Science & Technology for Rural Societies (Women Component) (Scientist & Technologists All Levels) (1-week) 

January 04-08, 2021

Prof. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Charru Malhotra



15th  Capacity Building Programme for Technical Personnel (Technical Officer, Technical Personnel, Technician, Senior Technician, Junior Analyst) (2-weeks) 

January 11-22, 2021


Prof. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Shyamli Singh



1st T.P. on Water Resources Management & Sustainable Habitat (Scientist & Technologists All Levels) (1-week) 

February 01-05, 2021

Prof. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Shyamli Singh



10th T. P. on Science, Technology and Emerging Trends in Governance  (Scientist & Technologists All Levels) (1-week) 

February 08- 12, 2021

Prof. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Shyamli Singh



            We request you to kindly circulate this information and nominate suitable Scientists/Technologists/ Technical Personnel for the respective programmes.  We would be grateful if you could kindly send your nominations clearly indicating the programme being applied for at the earliest. The programme details and nomination form is attached for your perusal.


            You are requested to send duly filled-in nomination form  attested by the Head of the sponsoring organisation and Bio data of the participant should be submitted to IIPA by email (trgdstiipa@gmail.com) or by post.



With regards,


                                                                                                                      Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                    (Vinod K. Sharma)



Prof. Vinod K. Sharma Nodal Officer,  DST Programmes 

E-mail: trgdstiipa@gmail.com, profvinod@gmail.com 

Mobile: 9818961977; Telefax:011-23766431, 23702440; Tel.: 23468338, 23468324 

Shiv Kumar Mishra, DST Training Cell, IIPA, New Delhi-110002, mob. 9899490392