Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Call for Papers: International Conference on Digital Landscape (ICDL 2019) | 6-8 November, New Delhi

International Conference on Digital Landscape (ICDL 2019) 

6-8 November 2019 

India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 

Organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)


Dear Distinguished Professors/ Researchers,

We invite you to participate in International Conference on Digital Landscape (ICDL 2019) going to be held from 06 to 08 November, 2019 at India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India. The theme of the conference is "Digital Library Transformation for an Agile Environment".     

ICDL2019 conference intends to bring together a plethora of leading experts and digital luminaries from multiple disciplines to discuss and deliberate on innovations in the areas of Data Mining and Discovery, Big Data, Social Media Analytics & Computing, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Digital Research, e-Governance etc. that have potential to change the future world.  A select digital luminaries from across the globe have already agreed to join the conference such as Dr. Alejandro Bia, Associate Professor, Miguel Hernández University; Ms Anna Maria Di Sciullo, Director,  University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada;  Prof Atsuyuki  Morishima, University of Tsukuba, Japan; Ms Katarzyna Biernacka, HEADT Centre Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Germany; Dr. Marian Andrei Rizoiu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia; Prof Matthias L Hemmje, University of Hagen, Germany; Prof. Michael Seadle, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany; Dr Shahid Rasool, Director, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre of Asia (CEMCA) and many more…

The conference will host twelve thematic events, paper & poster presentations, interactive panel sessions, workshops, special events and networking.  ICDL 2019 will be an excellent forum to dwell upon several key areas of Smart Technologies including Big Data & Social Media Analytics, E-learning Platforms, Knowledge Innovation & Discovery, Open Access and many more…

Highlights of ICDL 2019....<https://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/>

  • Meet leading digital strategist and evangelist of the world who had mesmerized the world with their thought provoking address, skills. Some of them are coming for the first time to India.
  • Attend Thematic Events which are on contemporary areas. Otherwise gets lost in the day long conference session.
  • Special workshops on subjects which utmost importance in today's context such as Knowledge & Innovation Management, Application of AI and Analytics and Social Media and Analytics.
  • If you write and share your thoughts in a good quality paper. Three best prizes will be offered to the best quality paper and poster presenters.
  • Live streaming - Conference sessions will be available through live streaming.
  • 'ICDL 2019 - Story Telling' – Use ICDL Story Telling section and share your success stories or best practices and have a rich interaction on your subject. You can submit your story to icdl@teri.res.in
  • WEBINARS - As prelude to ICDL 2019, a series of webinar will be organised and each topic for webinar will be structured with a balance blend of detailed explanatory texts, rich diagrams and info graphics for a complete understanding of the pertinent areas.

Participant who wants to avail the early bird registration discount has to register on or before 1st October, 2019.

Important dates

  • 31 July 2019 – Last date for submission of full papers
  • 01 September 2019 - Notification of acceptance of paper with comments
  • 01 October 2019 - Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments

Submit your paper and register online using following URLs:

Register online                                 :

Submit your paper                         : https://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/call-for-paper.php

For further Information Contact:

ICDL 2019 Secretariat
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
India Habitat Centre Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003, India
Tel: +91 11 24682100 or 41504900; Fax: 24682144
Email: icdl@teri.res.in

Web: http://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/

JNU SLS Talk "S&T for 21st Century India: Learning from the past to shape today's education for tomorrow's world" | 3rd May


School of Life Sciences




Prof. L S Shashidhara

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune


S&T for 21st Century India: Learning from the past to shape today's education for tomorrow's world


Venue: Auditorium, SLS

Date and Time: Friday, 03rd May, 2019 at 3.00 PM

JNU SCDR Talk "Chernobyl Disaster: Revisiting Transdisciplinary Solutions", 2nd May

SCDR JNU invites you all to a Seminar on "Chernobyl Disaster - Revisiting Transdisciplinary Solutions" 
2nd May 2019, 11:30-13:00 hrs at SCDR Auditorium, JNU Campus.

Friday, April 26, 2019

📢 Just published: Reinventing Cities, UNESCO Courier, April-June 2019

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The UNESCO Courier | April - June 2019


Reinventing Cities

Warsaw, the invincible city

Joanna Lasserre

A warm welcome versus hostility

Gabriela Neves de Lima

Street smarts in Kinshasa

Sylvie Ayimpam

Russia: From monotowns to pluritowns

Ivan Nesterov

Havana: Where everyone pitches in

Jasmina Šopova

Eusebio Leal: Havana, mon amour

Interview by Lucía Iglesias Kuntz

When art takes over the street

Mehdi Ben Cheikh, interviewed by Anissa Barrak

The city, a circus under a starlit tent

Thomas B. Reverdy

Reviving the spirit of Mosul

Aleppo: A first step towards healing

Yazd: Living in symbiosis with the desert

Saving urban landscapes: the Island of Mozambique


Lighting up the world!

Texte: Katerina Markelova
Photos: Rubén Salgado Escudero


Racism does not need racists

Jorge Majfud

The other side of the coin

Katherine Levine Einstein

Opinion: Human rights, a universal aspiration

Mahmoud Hussein


The mobile Africas of Alain Mabanckou

Interview by Ariane Poissonnier


Open books, open minds

Ghalia Khoja

Artificial intelligence, at Africa's door

Tshilidzi Marwala, interviewed by Edwin Naidu

Gran Pajatén, "our geographical fortress"

Roldán Rojas Paredes, interviewed by William Navarrete

The Rwandan miracle

Alphonse Nkusi
Watch also excerpts from the documentary "7 Days in Kigali" that the UNESCO Courier presents with the kind permission of the directors Mehdi Ba and Jeremy Frey, and the production company Ladybirds Films: https://on.unesco.org/2WR6of1 

Download the latest issue

Reinventing Cities

Cities have always been centres of power, attractiveness and prosperity. But the frenetic urbanization of recent decades is jeopardizing their historical function as melting pots that integrate and absorb newcomers. As they become more populated, they become dehumanized. Violence, inequality, discrimination – the larger the cities, the more these ills overwhelm them. Nevertheless, even as they are dehumanized, cities are reinventing themselves. Creative forces are emerging and organizing themselves to give urban life new meanings and new perspectives. We may believe these are "tiny resistances" – to use the expression of the French writer Thomas B. Reverdy – but they make all the difference.

Find previous issues

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Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments

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7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France

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