Saturday, April 21, 2018

Public Lectures at CSIR-NISCAIR, on 25-26 April & 01 May

Prof. Gabriel Gomez, Department of Information Studies, College of Education, Chicago State University, USA will be visiting CSIR-NISCAIR under the Fulbright Specialist Program during 19 April – 4 May 2018.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Workshop on Responsible Innovation & How to Do It | at CSSP, JNU | 23rd April

Workshop on Responsible Innovation & How to Do It

Venue: Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Monday 23rd April 2018 | 10:30 am to 17:30 pm

How to Apply? Application to be sent to with short CV & motivation letter stating why do you want to participate in the workshop, how it will benefit you, and why you are the best candidate for attending. A total of 20 participants will be shortlisted for the workshop. Last date for applying is 21st April, 2018 & communication of selected participants by 22nd April, 2018. NO FEE for registration & participation.

SRISTI- UNICEF Summer School on Inclusive Innovation 2018

SRISTI announces the Sixth Summer School on inclusive innovation 2018

Dates: 12 May to 6 June, 2018

How about working together with other innovation champions in designing empathetic innovative products, App or service to meet an Unmet Social Need this summer break? The SRISTI, part of the Honey Bee Network Invites budding technologists/innovators/social entrepreneurs to work on designing solutions in the following broad domains: - Electronic Sensor based products for women, children, elderly and other social segments - Mechanical Engineering based devices for urban poor, workers/small farmers in farm/non-farm sector, processing, construction, handloom, crafts, any other related sector - Designing Apps/smartphone based platforms for seeking and spreading innovative ideas, on farm trials, social diffusion of innovations, natural product lab, peer learning among children, educational support for disadvantaged children, industrial/product/commercialization design for improving web presence of database, social media analysis for defusing innovation etc. Eligibility: UG/ PG / PhD students of Design, Engineering, Architecture, Social Science and other fields who are passionate to address social challenges. SRISTI welcomes socially sensitive students to engage with communities, peers and a set of distinguished global and national mentors
Apply: While submitting your application, please look around and list 10 unmet social needs – 5 rural + 5 urban needs. Illustrate one need (from among the 10) which you would like to take ahead from idea to prototype. SRISTI will also share a few unmet social needs with the selected participants. You are free to work on a problem of your choice also at the workshop, which can be different than the one you submit during application. As long as it addresses a clearly defined unmet need of disadvantaged section of society, it will be welcome. However, the group work will be pursued on already identified social challenges unless a team can convince the group that its chosen problem is far more important and urgent.
Application deadline: April 25, 2018
Target group size: 60 candidates to be announced by May 01, 2018
Outcome: Five to seven proof of concept, processes, Apps and service/system design to move from mind to market-social or commercial. It is understood that several ideas/products will need considerable more design and fabrication effort to make them useful for the target users/communities. SRISTI is committed to follow up each solution and keep original group informed and engaged if they so wish. All the solutions will be shared with the user community in open source. In some cases defensive patent may be filed to prevent any third party monopolizing the design. SRISTI will have full right to share the solutions developed during summer school to modify, change or improve for the larger social good.
Fees: SRISTI, which means creation, is a developmental voluntary organization set up to strengthen the creativity of grassroots inventors, innovators and ecopreneurs engaged in conserving biodiversity, developing eco-friendly educational, cultural or institutional solutions to local problems. We want to ensure that every student who is sincerer, insightful, and deeply interested can join us for the summer school. Expenses for field research, material for prototyping, laboratory and basic accommodation in a Gandhian institution, Gram Bharati, would be covered. The contribution towards food alone is Rs 6,000 per person (Rs 250 per day) for the 25 day event and logistic. No one will be denied participation due to lack of funds. Please write to us if you feel you deserve the merit cum means scholarship to waive your contribution.
Venue: National Innovation Foundation Fablab, Gandhinagar, Gujarat | Ph +91.79.27912792 / 93 | You are required to reach the venue at your own expense.

Monday, April 16, 2018

CfP -- IGIDR Visiting Scholars Program 2018


Visiting Scholars Program 2018

Overview:  The Visiting Scholar Programme (VScP) has been instituted at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) as one of its outreach activities with the objective of supporting research being conducted by Ph.D. Scholars and junior faculty members of colleges and universities in India.  The scholarship will enable up to five selected scholars to spend three months at a stretch at IGIDR anytime during 1st May 2018 – 31st March, 2019 to work on a proposal that can be satisfactorily completed during their stay.

Eligibility:  At the time of application, applicants should possess a Masters degree in any field and be registered for Ph.D. on a topic broadly involving any area of economics including energy and environmental policy.  Applicants are required to submit their curriculum vitae (CV), a research proposal and two letters of recommendation.  One of the letters of recommendation should be from the concerned Ph.D. supervisor in the case of a Ph.D. student, and the principal of the College/University in the case of a junior faculty member.  Recommendation letters should clearly give the contact details of the Referee.  Candidates should clearly mention in the application the preferred three-month period of stay at IGIDR.

Research Proposal:  The proposal should involve economic issues including those related to energy and environment.  It should be strictly within 1,500 words, and its scope should be such that the project can be completed in three months.  Proposals in both theoretical and empirical issues will be considered.  The research proposal should be accompanied by a signed certification by the applicant as well as by the concerned thesis supervisor/Principal, stating that the research proposal is original work of the applicant, and has not been submitted to any journal for publication.

Selection will be based on a joint evaluation of the CV, letters of recommendation and the quality of the research proposal submitted at the time of application.

Emoluments:  Selected scholars will be paid a stipend of Rs.17,000/- per month, to and fro three-tier AC train fare, and provided free accommodation on campus for their duration of stay.

Requirements:  Selected scholars will be required to submit a progress report of the research project at the end of six weeks and a complete research report along with a seminar presentation of the research findings at the end of three-month stay.  Failure to submit a progress report on time may lead to the termination of the scholarship programme.  Once the research project is completed and published, the scholar should acknowledge IGIDR in an appropriate way.

Application Deadline & Notifications:  Applications can be sent electronically or by post to reach IGIDR by 31st August, 2018 (Block II).  Letters of recommendation should be sent by the concerned persons directly to IGIDR via email/post by the respective last date for application.  The subject head for email and top of the envelope for post should indicate APPLICATION FOR VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2018.  Selected applicants will be notified via email/post by 15th September 2018 (Block II).  Those selected will have to accept the offer latest by 30th September, 2018 (Block II)   

Address for Communication:

Visiting Scholars Program 2018

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)

Gen A. K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (E), Mumbai 400 065 (INDIA)


For Specific queries contact: Ms. Jayashree Borkar - 28416586

Further Details

Essay Writing Contest 2018, on Sardar Patel

CfP: Research and Orientation Workshop in Migration and Forced Migration Studies | 25-30 November | CRG, Kolkata

Research and Orientation Workshop in Migration and Forced Migration Studies
25-30 November 2018
CRG, Kolkata 

Applications are invited for a Research and Orientation Workshop to be held in Kolkata from 25 November to 30 November 2018. The workshop will be held by Calcutta Research Group (CRG) in collaboration with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. It will address the following themes: 
(a) Global compact on migration and refugees; promises and paradoxes;
(b) Racialisation of migration: race, religion, gender, and other fault lines in the global protection system; 
(c) Power and responsibility in the protection system (global, regional, and national) in the context of mixed and massive population fl ows; the need to redefi ne the "responsibility to protect"; 
(d) Migrant and refugee labour and immigrant economies, camps, and urban refugees; privatisation of care and protection; 
(e) Statelessness, international conventions, and the need for new initiatives; 
(f) Refugee crisis in Asia, in particular South Asia: common features with the Europeans scenario; and 
(g) Perspectives on the need for New Global, Regional, and National Responses (with special reference to Asia).

Research papers relevant to the themes mentioned above will be presented by selected participants in the workshop which will deliberate on the findings, and reports will be prepared in the working group discussions. These reports will be presented in a plenary conference with which the programme will end. 
Applicants must have (a) experience in research work in migration and forced migration studies or policy work in relevant areas, or, at least 5 years' experience in the work through different mediums for the protection of the migrants and the victims of forced migration, and (b) profi ciency in English. Besides giving all necessary particulars an application must be accompanied by two recommendation letters and a 1,000 word write-up on how the applicant's work is relevant to the themes of the workshop.
Selected participants from South Asia will have to pay a registration fee of Rs. 5,000 (or USD 100) and from outside South Asia USD 500. CRG will provide board and lodging for six nights. Inquiries relating to the application process are welcome. Application form can be downloaded from the CRG website
Application addressed to the Programme Coordinator can be sent by email to with cc to or by post to the following address – Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, GC 45 (first floor), Sector 3, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106, West Bengal, India (ph: 033-23370408). Last date of application is 30 April 2018. Further Details

Friday, April 13, 2018

📢 The UNESCO Courier – 2018-02

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The UNESCO Courier | April - June 2018


Welcome to the Anthropocene!

Waiting for the heroes to come


Anthropocene: the vital challenges of a scientific debate

Liz-Rejane Issberner and Philippe Léna

Humans are a geological force

Dipesh Chakrabarty, interviewed by Shiraz Sidhva

The unbearable burden of the technosphere

Jan Zalasiewicz

The little frog that lost its lustre

Karla Jiménez Comrie

Climate change raises conflict concerns

Caitlin E. Werrell and Francesco Femia

The view from Dominica: Anthropocene or Capitalocene?

Andreas Malm

Stop the catastrophist discourse!

Francis Chateauraynaud, interviewed by Régis Meyran

A lexicon for the Anthropocene


An ordinary day in the life of Qello

Text: Katerina Markelova
Photos: Ignacio Marín


We, the servants and tenants of Earth

Souleymane Bachir Diagne

Creolizing the idea of humanity

Mireille Delmas-Marty

A missive for youth

Abdourahman A. Waberi


Bibi Russell: Finding magic in fingers

Interview by Krista Pikkat (UNESCO) and Jasmina Å opova


Athens: Books everywhere

Anna Routsi

Filling the cultural vacuum

Lucy Mushita

Young Africans: reinventing politics

Hamidou Anne

Listen to the voice of the lake

Chen Xiaorong

The UNESCO Courier is 70!
Attending the school of free thought

Roberto Markarian

Download the latest issue

Welcome to the Anthropocene!

"Anthropocene, Technosphere, Great Acceleration, Sixth Extinction – a lot is being written about these ideas, both in the press and in scientific literature. But what exactly do these terms mean? To begin with, what precisely is the Anthropocene? What are the scientific, ethical and political implications of this hotly debated concept? The term – anthropo for human, and cene for new – was coined at the end of the twentieth century with the view to label a new geological epoch which we may have entered, following significant changes to Earth's ecosystem as a result of human activity.Faced with the catastrophist discourse that heightens concerns among the public, the Courier calls on scientists of all disciplines to take an informed look at the issue.
Find previous issues

Follow the Hashtag #UNESCOCourier

Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments

The UNESCO Courier
7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France

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Terms and conditions                                    View this email in your browser

The UNESCO Courier | April - June 2018


Welcome to the Anthropocene!

Waiting for the heroes to come


Anthropocene: the vital challenges of a scientific debate

Liz-Rejane Issberner and Philippe Léna

Humans are a geological force

Dipesh Chakrabarty, interviewed by Shiraz Sidhva

The unbearable burden of the technosphere

Jan Zalasiewicz

The little frog that lost its lustre

Karla Jiménez Comrie

Climate change raises conflict concerns

Caitlin E. Werrell and Francesco Femia

The view from Dominica: Anthropocene or Capitalocene?

Andreas Malm

Stop the catastrophist discourse!

Francis Chateauraynaud, interviewed by Régis Meyran

A lexicon for the Anthropocene


An ordinary day in the life of Qello

Text: Katerina Markelova
Photos: Ignacio Marín


We, the servants and tenants of Earth

Souleymane Bachir Diagne

Creolizing the idea of humanity

Mireille Delmas-Marty

A missive for youth

Abdourahman A. Waberi


Bibi Russell: Finding magic in fingers

Interview by Krista Pikkat (UNESCO) and Jasmina Å opova


Athens: Books everywhere

Anna Routsi

Filling the cultural vacuum

Lucy Mushita

Young Africans: reinventing politics

Hamidou Anne

Listen to the voice of the lake

Chen Xiaorong

The UNESCO Courier is 70!
Attending the school of free thought

Roberto Markarian

Download the latest issue

Welcome to the Anthropocene!

"Anthropocene, Technosphere, Great Acceleration, Sixth Extinction – a lot is being written about these ideas, both in the press and in scientific literature. But what exactly do these terms mean? To begin with, what precisely is the Anthropocene? What are the scientific, ethical and political implications of this hotly debated concept? The term – anthropo for human, and cene for new – was coined at the end of the twentieth century with the view to label a new geological epoch which we may have entered, following significant changes to Earth's ecosystem as a result of human activity.Faced with the catastrophist discourse that heightens concerns among the public, the Courier calls on scientists of all disciplines to take an informed look at the issue.
Find previous issues

Follow the Hashtag #UNESCOCourier

Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments

The UNESCO Courier
7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France

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