Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fwd: Call for Papers - 2016 STM Graduate Paper Prize - Due July 1st, 2016

Call for Submissions
Due Date: Friday, July 1st, 2016

2016 STM Graduate Paper Prize
The Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology is pleased to welcome submissions for the 2016 STM Graduate Student Paper Prize. This prize is awarded annually for a paper that offers an innovative approach to issues in science, technology, and medicine. These issues include:

  1. How scientific research, technological transformation and professional medicine inform public health policy and popular culture and affect the intimate realms of bodily experience;
  2. The ways laboratory and experimental medicine (both public and private sector) are influenced by economic and political institutions and patient mobilization;
  3. The specificities of the development, regulation, marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals and biologics;
  4. How local experiences of illness and health are refracted through established modes of discrimination (such as class, race and gender) and unequal access to new medical technologies; and
  5. The extent to which pragmatic and embodied responses to medical science and technology shape concepts of personhood and degrees of political membership.

Submission rules:
  • The word count should be 6,000-8,000.
  • All author(s) must be enrolled as a graduate students at the time of submission.
  • Winners of previous STM graduate paper prizes are not eligible to submit new papers.
  • The paper can be under review at the time of submission, but it cannot be in press or published.
  • To enable a blind review process, the submission email should include two word documents: (1) a cover sheet with author name, affiliation(s) and acknowledgments, and (2) the paper (abstract included) with no identifying information listed. 

The winner of the prize will be announced at the 2016 AAA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. The winner will receive an award certificate or plaque, detailed suggestions from the committee of judges on ways to prepare the article for publication, and a cash prize of $100 (or $75 in case of two winners).

Submissions should be emailed by Friday, July 1st 2016 to:
Danya Glabau (

For more information on the STM interest group, go to:


National Science Policy and Organization of Scientific Research in India | From UNESCO Archive

[From UNESCO Archive]

UNESCO (1972). National Science Policy and Organization of Scientific Research in India. Science Policy Studies and Documents Series, UNESCO, Paris, 124 pages.

Historical Background of Scientific Development: India's contributions in the field of science during the earlier part of her history are well known. The contributions of Aryabhatta, Susruta, Varahamihira, and Bhaskara are important landmarks in the history of science. However, there was a sudden break in scientific achievements after the twelfth century due to various historical factors; although in certain areas, such as astronomy, the tradition continued and resulted in the setting up of observatories at Jaipur and Delhi. Science in the modern sense took root in India in the eighteenth century. The establishment of the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Sir William Jones in 1784 was an outcome of the interest created at that time in scientific research. The Society has since then played a prominent part in the development of scientific activities in India. ...

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New Book | "The Technological Indian" by Ross Bassett

The Technological Indian, by Ross Bassett, Harvard University Press, 2016, ISBN 9780674504714.

About This Book
In the late 1800s, Indians seemed to be a people left behind by the Industrial Revolution, dismissed as "not a mechanical race." Today Indians are among the world's leaders in engineering and technology. In this international history spanning nearly 150 years, Ross Bassett—drawing on a unique database of every Indian to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology between its founding and 2000—charts their ascent to the pinnacle of high-tech professions.
As a group of Indians sought a way forward for their country, they saw a future in technology. Bassett examines the tensions and surprising congruences between this technological vision and Mahatma Gandhi's nonindustrial modernity. India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, sought to use MIT-trained engineers to build an India where the government controlled technology for the benefit of the people. In the private sector, Indian business families sent their sons to MIT, while MIT graduates established India's information technology industry.
By the 1960s, students from the Indian Institutes of Technology (modeled on MIT) were drawn to the United States for graduate training, and many of them stayed, as prominent industrialists, academics, and entrepreneurs. The MIT-educated Indian engineer became an integral part of a global system of technology-based capitalism and focused less on India and its problems—a technological Indian created at the expense of a technological India.

About the Author:
Ross Bassett is Associate Professor of History at North Carolina State University.

Table of Contents
1. The Indian Discovery of America
2. American-Made Swadeshi
3. Gandhi's Industry
4. From Gujarat to Cambridge
5. Engineering a Colonial State
6. Tryst with America, Tryst with MIT
7. High Priests of Nehru's India
8. Business Families and MIT
9. The Roots of IT India
10. From India to Silicon Valley

Review this Book

CfPs: PEGNet Conference 2016 on Regional integration for Africa’s economic transformation: Challenges & opportunities| Kigali, Rwanda| 15-16 September

The Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) Conference 2016 on Regional integration for Africa's economic transformation – Challenges and opportunities will be held in Kigali, Rwanda in cooperation with the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research, IPAR-Rwanda on September 15-16, 2016.


The PEGNet Conference 2016 Call for Papers is available here


Conference Theme 

Africa, in particular Sub-Saharan Africa, has moved into the focus of the global development agenda not least due to its remarkable growth in the first decade of the 21st century. Part of this growth has been caused by a commodity boom lasting until 2008. However, part of the interest also stems from domestic developments in the region, including some policy reforms and regional integration efforts. The most recent example of the latter is the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) that has brought together the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern Africa Development Community (COMESA-EAC–SADC).

Regional integration is seen as an appropriate strategy to overcome the difficulties faced by a continent with a mix of small and large, sparsely and densely populated, fragmented, as well as quickly growing economies. Regional integration is regarded as an ideal approach to reap efficiency gains and exploit economies of scale. Yet, design is crucial to avoiding agreements that end on paper. So far, African regional economic communities have pursued the 'linear model' of integration with a step-wise integration of goods, labor and capital markets, and eventually monetary and fiscal integration, which have tended to focus on border measures such as the import tariff. However, this model has not materialized into success for many landlocked countries such as Rwanda that face severe supply-side constraints. A deeper integration agenda that includes financing and building regional infrastructure, trade facilitation – including customs as well as logistics, shipping, insurance, etc. − competition policy and other behind-the-border issues as well as political leadership and commitment to cooperation may address the national-level supply-side constraints far more effectively than an agenda which focuses almost exclusively on border measures.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledges the importance of regional integration and interconnectivity in enhancing sustainable development of developing countries. The regional dimension is of particular importance for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (8 and 9) that focus on sustained, inclusive and sustainable goals, full and productive employment,and decent work for all as well as on resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. SDG 9 explicitly calls for an enhancement of behind-the-border measures such as the development of regional and transborder infrastructure that will be accessible by all. If these renewed regional integration efforts are to be successful, a greater emphasis has to be placed on providing solutions to challenges that have hindered the success of existing regional integration initiatives. One of the biggest challenges in Africa has been the so called 'spaghetti bowl' of overlapping integration areas and memberships that result in conflicting political and institutional commitments to different regional economic communities. Currently, 39 countries are members of more than one regional economic community. The negotiation of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union (EU) has laid bare this state of affairs. Regional integration in Africa has to become more effective in order to counter the skepticism among trade experts as to whether regional integration may not be a detour or even a stumbling block for a full fledged participation of African countries in the global economy.

We consider regional integration to be a highly relevant issue for applied research as well as practice. There is a large demand among policymakers for strategies and methods that analyze the integration needs of different countries, particularly since these countries are confronted with various problems which do not allow for one-size fits-all strategies. In particular, but not exclusively, we invite contributions (papers and presentations of projects) that provide solutions to the following challenges and questions:


  • How will new regional integration attempts such as the TFTA address some of the challenges such as overlapping integration areas that have hindered past integration efforts?
  • What has been the impact of the EPAs with the EU on regional integration in Africa?
  • Can regional economic integration succeed in dealing with the differences that arise from heterogeneities in logistics, infrastructure, communication, fiscal regimes, geography and demographics?
  • How can regional integration enhance efforts aimed at combating regional crises such as the current energy crisis faced by many SADC countries or even the recent wave of political instability in the ECOWAS region?
  • How can regional integration schemes raise the competitiveness of land-locked countries and facilitate their participation in regional and international trade?
  • How can regional integration schemes raise the attractiveness of small countries for foreign direct investment (FDI)?
  • What are promising value chains that could be explored by regional integration?
  • How can national and regional policies be synchronised and harmonised ?
  • How can reliable data be collected for a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system of regional integration schemes ?
  • What would it take for Africa to seize the opportunities that regional integration offers for economic transformation transformation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
  • Are there lessons that can be emulated from the European model of regional integration or from experiences in other regions for Africa?


Invited Speakers


Conference Format

The conference will provide a platform for high-level dialogue and exchange of ideas between development researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. The two conference days will feature parallel sessions based on invited and contributed papers as well as project presentations. The parallel sessions will be complemented by a debate, a round-table discussion and keynote speeches by renowned speakers from academia, economic policy and development practice.

In addition, the PEGNet Best Practice Award will be awarded for the eighth time to a project that demonstrates best practice in cooperation between researchers and practitioners. While plenary sessions focus will on the conference theme, parallel sessions and Best Practice Award projects will be open to all topics in development economics.

Abstract and Project Submissions

For the best-practice award, a maximum of four projects will be selected by a committee on the basis of a three-page summary of the initiative's objectives, the type of interaction between research and practice as well as its results. The pre-selected projects will be asked to submit one additional paper or report. At the conference, each nominated initiative will be presented and the winner of a prize of Euro 3000 will be selected by the committee.

Contributed papers and projects will be selected on the basis of papers or extended abstracts written on the conference theme as well as poverty reduction, inequality, growth and other related topics in development economics. Priority will be given to empirical research with clear implications for policy design and implementation. Furthermore, we encourage practitioners to present case studies and/or share their experiences from the field.

Please email your submissions to in a pdf or Word file and indicate 'PEGNet Conference 2016' in the subject heading. The submission deadline is 29 April, 2016. Abstracts should have more than 400 words but should not exceed three pages. Notification of acceptance will be sent out in mid-June 2016. The deadline for full paper submission and additional material for the Best Practice Award is 1 August, 2016.

Important Dates

Submission of abstracts 29 April 2016
Notification of acceptance mid-June 2016
Submission of full papers 1 August 2016


The conference will be co-organised by the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research, IPAR-Rwanda, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the KfW Development Bank, and the Courant Poverty Research Centre at the University of Göttingen.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Capturing the Growth Dynamics of Science: A Publication-Based Analysis | #CurrentScience Article

Capturing the Growth Dynamics of Science: A Publication-Based Analysis
by Sujit Bhattacharya, and Shilpa
Current Science, 25 April 2016, 110(8): 1419-25.

Abstract: This article attempts to identify the dynamics of knowledge production. Conceptual framework is based on research publications taken as 'proxy' indicator of research process and outcome. Indicators are constructed from research publications to capture the dynamics of research. The rationality of this approach is discussed. The study also shows that publications are increasing exponentially underscoring the intensive research undertaken globally. Determinants of publication growth have changed significantly in comparison to earlier periods. The study argues that the above determinants are indicators of changing global research structure and dynamics, and should be considered in national research and innovation policymaking.

Download Full-text PDF

International collaboration among authors of Current Science

by Olesia
Iefremova; Daniel Sas; Marcin Kozak
Current Science
, 25 April 2016, 110(8): 141414-18.
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EPW Commentary "New Institutional Structure for Water Security in India" | by Jayanta Bandyopadhyay (formerly with CSSP, JNU)

New Institutional Structure for Water Security in India
by Jayanta Bandyopadhyay
Economic & Political Weekly | April 9, 2016 | 51(15): 15-17.

Abstract: There has been no significant change in the knowledge-base and institutional structure for managing water systems since colonial rule. This makes the recent efforts of the Ministry of Water Resources for restructuring the Central Water Commission and the Central Ground Water Board significant. This article argues that the effort should be backed by interdisciplinary studies that see surface water and groundwater as ecologically connected.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

CfPs: ASIP Annual Conference on "Education & Training for Technology Commercialization & Startups" | 24-27 July | University of Electronic S&T of China

Asian Society for Innovation and Policy (ASIP) Annual Conference on "Education & Training for Technology Commercialization & Startups"

Venue: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan
Date: 24-27 July 2016
Jointly Organized by: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; University of Science and Technology, Korea; Korea Technology Innovation Society; Asian Society for Innovation and Policy (

Keynote Speaker (Chinese/English translation)
  • Head, Chengdu Hi-Tech Development Zone
  • Prof Xielin Liu, Graduate University of Chinese Academy Science
  • Dr. Zhijun Lee, Research Center the State Council
  • Dr Youngho Moon, Former President, Korea Technology Innovation Society, Vice Korean Institute S&T Information

Submission for Presentation
  • Full paper recommended
  • Submission deadline by June 20.
  • Acceptance will be notified by June 23.
  • Chinese presentation will be selected by Chinese Local Committee.
Secretariat (Paper to be Submitted)
Ms Chen Yang, UESTC (,
Karam Kim, ASIP (,

  • Every paper accepted will be printed in conference proceedings.
  • Author can decide full paper or an extended abstract to be printed.
  • Good papers will be published in Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy or Science, Technology and Society (SSCI)

Country Editors
  • China - Xielin Liu ( | School of Management, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science
  • India- M H Bala Subrahmanya ( | Chairman, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science
  • Japan - Kazuyuki Motohashi ( | Department of Technology Management for Innovation, University of Tokyo
  • Korea - Seung-Hoon Yoo ( | Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Seoul National University of S&T.

Submissions now open: The 14th Globelics Conference |Bandung City, Indonesia|12-14 October

Dear Scholars,

The Globelics Secretariat is pleased to announce submissions are now open for the 14th Globelics Conference in Bandung City, Indonesia (12th -14th of October, 2016).

We encourage scholars at scientific institutions, universities, enterprises and public sector institutions to take this opportunity to present their work to leading scholars in the field of innovation and development. We especially encourage young researchers to submit papers. Papers for oral presentations and poster presentation must be written in English, and the selected ones must be presented at the conference in English. Submission of full paper (in PDF) not exceeding 12,000 words (including notes, tables, appendices, list of references, etc.) should be made via the online submission form available at the Conference website.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are eligible, you need to apply for travel support when submitting your paper via the conftool on the conference webpage. Also please double check that you have fully completed the upload of your paper before you leave the webpage.

Please download the Call for Papers to get other important dates, and more information about how to submit your paper. Don't forget to follow the conference webpage for the most up to date news and information.


We look forward to seeing you in Bandung City.

Best regards,

Globelics Secretariat

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

S Bhaduri: How can Frugal Innovation become Inclusive Innovation?

How can Frugal Innovation become Inclusive Innovation?

As of the 1st of September 2015, Professor Saradindu Bhaduri holds the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity for a period of two years. The objective of the Prince Claus Chair is to continue the work of the late Prince Claus in the field of development and equity. The chair rotates annually between the Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS/EUR) and Utrecht University. Professor Bhaduri is based at ISS / EUR.

Read Further

Monday, April 18, 2016

ABDR publishes a special issue on Regulation, Intellectual Property and Innovation | Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2016

Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ABDR)

Special Issue on Regulation, Intellectual Property and Innovation

Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2016

ABDR is a peer reviewed, international journal on socio-economic development, public policy, ethical and regulatory aspects of biotechnology, with a focus on developing countries. ABDR is published three times a year with support of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and UNESCO by Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), a New Delhi based autonomous think-tank, envisioned as a forum for fostering effective policy dialogue among developing countries on international economic issues. This special issue is on regulation, innovation and intellectual property rights and has five papers. The first paper describes the technological options and choices in the age of anthropocene and climate change. The second paper discusses recent ideas in regulatory theory and practice and contextualises them for agri-biotech. The third paper gives an overview of emerging scenario in intellectual property rights and biosafety in many countries. The fourth paper is on stakeholders' perception on gene editing and identifies the issues to be addressed for effective regulation. The last paper by comparing experiences in China and India in Bt-cotton draws key lessons for policy making in innovation, intellectual property rights and access to technology. It applies the principle of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to agri-biotechnology to suggest how the key elements of RRI can be applied in agri-biotechnology innovations.

Table of Contents

  • Editorial Introduction | K. Ravi Srinivas
  • Ecosystems, Food Crops, and Bioscience: A Symbiosis for the Anthropocene | William Hoffman
  • Achieving Regulatory Excellence in the Agri-Food Biotechnology Sector: Building Policy Capacity | Michael Howlett and Ishani Mukherjee
  • Recent Evolutions in Intellectual Property Frameworks for Agricultural Biotechnology: A Worldwide Survey | David J. Jefferson and Meenu S. Padmanabhan
  • Attitudes towards Governance of Gene Editing | Jennifer Kuzma, Adam Kokotovich and Aliya Kuzhabekova
  • Agriculture Technology Choices and the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Framework: Emerging Experiences from China and India| Sachin Chaturvedi, Krishna Ravi Srinivas and Amit Kumar

Download Full-text PDF of the Issue

Further Information on ABDR

[Apologies for the cross posting]

Sunday, April 17, 2016

JNU CSDE Workshop on "Ethnography of the Marginalized: A Critical Inquiry" | 27-28 April | CfPs

Centre for the Study of Discrimination and Exclusion
School of Social Sciences-I

(Funded By ICSSR)

organising a workshop on

Ethnography of the Marginalized: A Critical Inquiry
27-28 April 2016

Contemporary ethnography, as a research practice, is used across disciplines to explore various aspects of people's everyday lives and their meaning-making processes. Its commitment to in-depth research over sufficiently long periods of time has enabled exploration of phenomena as diverse as sports, marriage, caste, sexualities, aging, virtual worlds and innumerable other social and political practices. As an embodied process that allows researcher's empathetic involvement and even immersion in the social life being studied, ethnography can have a privileged access to socially marginalized groups; and therefore is specifically suited to understand many visible and invisible processes of marginalisation. Many ethnographic studies - on caste, Dalits' life worlds, urban and rural poverty, slums, class violence, partition memories, socio-economic marginalisation of tribal communities - reflect the relevance of this approach in foregrounding the experiential, emotional and covert meanings of discriminations.

This 2 day workshop will include panel discussions and lectures by the academics, round table discussions and presentations from students. This intensive program will bring together students and scholars to conceptualise, rethink and critically interrogate the ethnographic practices used to explore the voices of the marginalised. It will enable students to get feedback on their ethnographic perspectives, practices and experiences. Although the workshop is open to all students, there are limited spaces for the participants who would like to present their papers. In this respect, we invite a one page write up on the topic of your presentation and the suitability of your work for this workshop.

The deadline for submission is 23 April, 2016. Selected participants will be informed through email. Please send your write up and a CV to

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

[NIPFP event] Impact of regulatory structure on quality of medicines in India ; on 19th April

Talk on "Impact of regulatory structure on quality of medicines in India"

By Dinesh Thakur, Sciformix Corporation

Date and time:
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Ground floor conference hall, R&T building, NIPFP, near JNU East gate.

Quality of medicines dispensed in the Indian market has been an area of concern for quite some time now. Prosecution of Ranbaxy Laboratories, once India's largest pharmaceutical company in the US brought issues of data integrity and product quality to light. Since that time, foreign regulators like the US FDA and  the EMA have increased their focus on Indian manufacturers to make sure that the medicines made in India and sold in those markets are of high quality. Unfortunately, precious little has changed in India.
One of the key challenges to creating public awareness about this issue is the lack of think-tanks and research organizations which focus on this issue. This talk outlines the efforts undertaken to approach the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the legal framework that forms the basis of drug regulation with an intent to develop a better understanding among policy analysts.

Details on NIPFP site.

UGC Relaxed Norms allowing female and differently-abled research scholars eight years, instead of the current six years, to complete their PhD degrees.

The UGC has relaxed norms allowing female and differently abled research scholars eight years, instead of the current six years, to complete their PhD degrees.
by: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: April 13, 2016 |

On Monday the UGC relaxed norms allowing female and differently-abled research scholars students eight years instead of the current six years to complete their Ph.D degrees and three years instead of two to complete M.Phil degrees. In addition, women candidates will also be provided maternity, child care leave for up to 240 days once in the entire duration of their M.Phil or Ph.D degrees. The move, Irani said, was aimed at encouraging the entry of women and the differently-abled in research.


CfPs: GIZ Social Security Seminar, 19 April, 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sengupta Tanushree <>

Tomorrow | CSSP Talk "Research As Realization: Science, Spiritualty and Harmony" by Prof Ananta Kumar Giri, MIDS Chennai

Centre for Studies in Science Policy

School of Social Sciences, JNU

Invites you to a

Talk on

Research As Realization: Science, Spiritualty and Harmony



Prof Ananta Kumar Giri

Madras Institute of Development Studies



Venue:  Room No. 227, 2nd Floor, SSS-1

Time:   11:00 A.M.

Date:    Wednesday, 13th April,  2016


All are welcome to attend the lecture.


Coordinators, CSSP Lecture Series


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trialogue 2047 on 6th April 2016 at Development Alternatives, New Delhi

Development Alternatives 

invites you to a

Live Tweeting Session for the trialogue 2047 

on April 6, 2016 6:30 p.m

"Exploring Synergies between Decentralised Renewable Energy and Livelihood Creation"

Post your questions on

 with @DAperspectives accompanied with #trialogue2047 #QnA #budget #SDG

In case of any further information or queries on the same, please do get in touch with 
Ms Prerna Sodhi |
Resource Centre
Development Alternatives

Monday, April 4, 2016

Workshop on "A Village and a Country: Development through Seven Decades of Palanpur"| 6 April | SSS-I Committee Room

Workshop on "A Village and a Country: Development through Seven Decades of Palanpur"

The CSH invites to you to a workshop on
"A Village and a Country: Development through Seven Decades of Palanpur"
at the occasion of the book launch of:

"The Changing Village in India: Insights from Longitudinal Village Surveys"
Editors: Himanshu, Praveen Jha and Gerry Rodgers

Published by OUP, New Delhi

on 6th April 2016 at 2:00 PM
Committee Room , SSS-I, JNU, New Delhi, 110067


Session 1: 2:15 to 3:45 PM
Welcome: Praveen Jha
Palanpur Surveys: The Purpose and the Evidence
Chair: C P Chandrashekhar
Change and Continuity: Seven Decades of Palanpur Surveys
Himanshu, Peter Lanjouwand Nicholas Stern
A Village and a Country: Development through Seven Decades of Palanpur
Himanshu, Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern
Comments: Kirit Parikh, Abhijit Sen
Tea Break: 3:35 to 4:00

Session 2: 4:00 to 5:30
Economic and Social Change in Palanpur
Chair: Jayati Ghosh
The Economy: Agriculture, Employment and Mobility in Palanpur
Himanshu, Japneet Kaur, Sarthak Gaurav, Priyanka and Bhavna
The Society: Women in Palanpur
Dipa Sinha, Ruchira Bhattacharya and Ruth Kattumuri
Comments: Jean Dreze, SurinderJodhka, Janine Rodgers
Tea Break: 5:30-5:45

Book Launch: 5:45-7:00
About the Book: Nicholas Stern, Gerry Rodgers, Ravi Srivastava
Panelists: Ramesh Chand, Abhijit Sen, Harish Damodaran

Vote of Thanks: Himanshu

Invitation here

#IndiaRankings2016 ranks the top 10 institutes in the Universities category | JNU is ranked as country's third best university in #IndiaRankings2016.

#IndiaRankings2016 ranks the top 10 institutes in the Universities category. JNU is ranked as country's third best university in #IndiaRankings2016.

Top 3 in Universities category:
1. IISc Bangalore
2. ICT Mumbai
3. JNU New Delhi

Top 3 in Engineering category
1. IIT Madras
2. IIT Bombay
3. IIT Kharagpur

Top 3 in Management category
1. IIM Bangaluru
2. IIM Ahmedabad
3. IIM Calcutta

Top 3 in Pharmacy category
1. MCOPS, Manipal
2. UIPS, Chandigarh
3. Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi

Salient Features
  • IndiaRankings2016 evaluates higher educational institutions in Engineering, Management, Universities & Pharmacy categories.
  • IndiaRankings2016 objectives is to Sensitise educational institutes, Empower students and parents, Data processing and verification process.
  • IndiaRankings2016 allows healthy competition between the higher educational institutions and the student benefit in the process.
  • IndiaRankings2016 allows parents and students to check the quality of the institution of their interest and make informed choices.
  • IndiaRankings2016 data validated through international databases like Scopus, web of science.
  • In time for the next academic session, India Rankings 2016 brings out rankings for various private & govt institutions.

Video on Top 10 Universities in #IndiaRankings2016

Ranking Report

Further Details

Saturday, April 2, 2016

CfPs: National Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Transformation in Libraries #SALIS2016| 8-9 July| KSRCT, Tamil Nadu

National Conference on

Creativity, Innovation and Transformation in Libraries

(SALIS 2016)

8th & 9th July 2016

Organized by

Department of Library

K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology


Jointly with

Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS),


About K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology

The foundation of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology was laid in the year 1994 at Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu. As a vital part of the enormous K.S.R. Group of Institutions, it has carved a niche for itself under the tutelage of Lion Dr.K.S.Rangasamy. KSRCT is located in a scenic campus with an area of over 300 acres with a built-up area of 12 lakhs square feet. A combination of cutting edge infrastructure and well accomplished staff makes it a premier center for learning. KSRCT has various cells for student and faculty empowerment. It has signed MoU with leading industries to facilitate industrial exposure for students and faculties through in-plant training for students. An actively functioning placement cell has assured a high rate of placement for the passing out candidates. KSRCT has well developed facilities for a holistic learning experience. KSRCT has the best of accommodation, sports, library and other technological amenities, the academy has the best of them all.


About the Department of Library, KSRCT

The college takes pride in having a Central Library housed in a three storeyed block with a built -up area of 1458 sq.m. The Library has more than 95000 books and has subscribed to 300 periodicals which include national and international journals and magazines. The main objective of the KSRCT library is to provide access to information replete in print and e-resources to support the scholarly and research needs of the institute's Teaching-Learning community. The fully automated library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of books, print and e-journals, back volumes, non-book materials and a research repository. The KSRCT library has been subscribing to many  on-line databases of e-resources including IEEE, ASCE, ASME, Science Direct, Springer Link,  Mc-Graw Hill's Access Engineering Library, J-Gate, CMIE-Prowess, NPTEL, DELNET etc.


About Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS)

SALIS is a registered national professional body, actively involved in the development of all spheres of LIS by organizing various programmes such as conferences, seminars, workshops and training programmes on emerging topics throughout the year in various parts of the country through its chapters located in many places. SALIS publishes national and international journals, proceedings and newsletter for exchange of information and knowledge among LIS professionals. SALIS instituted many awards to encourage and motivate LIS professionals. One of the objectives of SALIS is to train the LIS professionals in the country to handle the latest IT tools and techniques more effectively and efficiently and also to understand and adopt the best practices in order to provide high quality library service to the users.


About the Conference

Creativity is bringing a new idea that can be used to solve a problem or improve a method or system. Innovation is the implementation of new ideas to produce a new service or product. Creativity and innovations are different from each other, but they are interrelated in one way or the other.

Libraries are undergoing tremendous changes and witnessing a paradigm shift from closed to open, physical space to learning space, physical wall to wired wall, print to electronic, collection to content, local to global resources and access, ownership to access license, reading for learning, etc. Technology changed the traditional way of collection development, acquiring resources, storing and access methods, delivery mechanism, distribution channels in libraries. These rapidly changing information environment calls for restructuring information services and professions in major ways. Libraries are thriving halls of learning, creativity, and community growth. The libraries of tomorrow should be designed not only for housing resources, reading and lending, but also for providing an environment for learning commons, information common, teaching, research, sharing and collaboration. It should be well-equipped to deliver the library services to the digital, community. They are the way to embrace technology and avoid digital exclusion.

In this context, LIS professionals should constantly introduce and adopt creative and innovative ideas and methods using the latest ICT technologies, devices, social software tools and techniques wherever needed to address and transform the sweeping and dramatic changes that are taking place in the library environment. Re-engineering, reinventing, re-visiting the library to improve and extend the existing systems and services are paramount in the changing information landscape. Therefore, LIS professionals should acquire the necessary skills to translate the user's present and future requirements.

This national conference will act as a platform to the participants and stakeholders to discuss and find creative and innovative ideas and methods not only to meet the present and future user's demands and also to adapt to the changing library environment.


Conference Objectives

Ø  To discuss the sweeping changes that are taking place in the library environment

Ø  To transform library from physical space to active learning space

Ø  To integrate and connect library resources and users using latest the ICT tools and techniques

Ø  To introduce creative and innovative ideas and methods to transform the library to cope with the change

Ø  To re-engineer, reinvent and re-visit the library to improve and extend the existing systems and services

Ø  To use mobile and other electronic devices to access the resources and deliver the service to the users wherever they are

Ø  To evolve innovative and best practices to enhance the library systems and services


Themes and Sub-Themes

Ø  Transforming Library from Physical Space to Active Learning Space

  • Inclusive design: for housing resources, reading, lending and also for research, sharing and collaborating
  • Space for-  Learning and research activities - for Technology: social software tools for creating and sharing resources - visualization
  • Technology Lending: laptop, ipad, tablets, cameras, cables and accessories
  • Display posters: List of highly cited papers, new additions and quotes in library premises
  • Cloud based collection: Security and storage issues.

Ø  Technology Enabled Innovative Services

  • Mobile Technology for accessing, sharing and collaborating: mobile apps for MOPAC- search- status - request service - reservation - renewal-survey, alerts- review-library tour
  • QR Codes; Mobile Scanning; SMS - one way - two way -Transaction;
  • Security technologies to provide access to authorized users and monitor user movement
  • Book Vending machine-Library Kiosk- E-book Store- e-lending
  • Disability services- Assistive Technology for differently abled users to access library resources;
  • Library automation: integrating users and resources for collaboration and sharing-case studies
  • Cloud based Library automation and services;

Ø  Innovative Library Services using Social Networking

  • To facilitate communication, collaboration and sharing resources with users using Instant Messaging system: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, MySpace, YouTube, Podcasting, LinkedIn, RSS, Flicker, Wiki, Blogs, Social Bookmark;
  • Promoting and marketing library services: Creating user group for quick announcement, sharing links and information-information about library and resources
  • Posting Library programmes/ announcement –posters – training materials- guides- new additions-campus news- request research papers
  • Ask a Librarian-FAQ-Library instructions; Invite students to register IL Programmes-getting comments-feedback-surveys;
  • Outreach programmes - off-campus service-Online book club;
  • Single window access to library resources – portal

Ø  Innovative User Centric and Research Support Services

  • Designing new process, products and news services- delivery channels- methods
  • Value added services for Research: Resources for Research – Research tools - Course guides,
  • Research Consultation-Research Assistance and promotion- Research Funds- Peers in the field- Subject experts – Seminar and conferences
  • Scholarly communication and open access- Literature review-bibliography;
  • List of top ranking journals- Citation studies-highly cited papers- Impact Factor- H-index- WOS, Scopus, Google Scholar - predatory journals-
  • Reference Management/Citation Tools
  • Anti plagiarism – Copyright and digitization issues – Licensing;
  • Enhancing visibility of research work - IR- self archive;
  • Delivering e-content and research via e-mail, internet and social software- Get it service, ILL
  • Federated and discovery services;
  • Adding metadata and context to full-text research papers-Preparing e-index and linking to digital resources;
  • Displaying creative, innovative and out of box ideas- Library Liaison Program

Ø  Content Management and E-Learning 

  • Case studies of building content creation, management and sharing using Word press - Drupal and Joomla - for Conference website - Library web site– training courses;
  • Adding - access and managing digital content- content delivery;
  • Developing e-learning courses, tutorials and IL programmes for collaborative learning using Moodle and other similar software;
  • Linking Library resources-Catalogue–E-resources–Database
  • Online help – FAQ-Quiz-Chatting and Users participation.

Ø  Innovative Best Practices and Collaboration in Libraries

  • Re-defining-      Re-engineering-       Re-inventing, Revisiting existing library vision and mission, process and practices for significant improvement of the existing system and exploring new system;
  • Designing new process, procedures and practices using creative and innovative ideas-resource building -e-resource management-how to search and retrieve library resources -organization of resources;
  • Library training programme-Liaison and ILL-Collaboration and partnership-technology updates-refresher course
  • For Students: Student internship-participative programmes-Students' Assistance
  • Fund Raising-Book Exhibition-Scanning, Printing and photocopying-Document copy supply service-Citation Studies

·         Capacity building initiatives for LIS professionals to learn acquire and adopt innovative skills- creative collaboration and partnership with public and other libraries and institutions.


Submission of Papers

Original and unpublished papers on the conference themes are invited for presentation at the conference. Papers will be accepted only after strict review by editorial committee. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Selected papers may be published in the SALIS journals.

 Author Guidelines

The full paper in word file (with an abstract not exceeding 200 words and at least 3 keywords) should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to Paper should not exceed 6 pages (line space: 1.5, font size: 12, font: Times New Roman, reference: APA). For more details, please visit the conference website. The authors of accepted papers has to pay the registration fee immediately after the receipt of communication of acceptance to include their papers in the proceedings.

 Target Participants

Librarians, Information professionals, LIS Teachers, Students and Research scholars.


Accommodation will be arranged in the nearby hotels on extra payment. Participants can also make their own arrangement for accommodation at hotels available in Tiruchengode and Erode. The room rent varies from Rs. 500 to Rs.3000 per day.


KSRCT is located in Erode to Tiruchengode highway.14 kms from Erode and 8 kms from Tiruchengode. Nearest Railway Station is Erode and nearest Airport is Coimbatore.

 Registration Fee

 LIS Professionals

 (Full conference kit)                                                                        Rs.1000

 Research Scholars and LIS Students (Regular),

Participants (without paper)   

(Kit without conference bag and proceedings)                                     Rs.  500


Registration fee should be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of 'The Principal, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology' payable at 'Tiruchengode' and addressed to the Organizing Secretary,SALIS 2016 The online payment details will be provided on request.


Important Dates

Submission of full-paper                               20.05.2016

Communication of Acceptance                     10.06.2016

Registration                                                20.06.2016

 Conference Websites

 Awards and Mementos

Cash Awards will be given to the best papers for Professionals, Students and Women separately. Mementos will be given to all the presenters.

 About Tiruchengode

Tiruchengode is a city and municipality located in Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. This city has various other names like Nagasalam, Panimalai, Kodhai Malai, Aravakiri, Vayu Malai, Kongumalai, Nagagiri, Vandhimalai, Siddharmalai, Didya and still more. Tiruchengode has the pride of having the country's first Gandhi Ashram, a tribute to India's great leader Mahatma Gandhi and opened by the country's then viceroy Rajaji.


Nearest Tourist Places


Yercaud (Hill Resort)

Yercaud is a hill station in Salem District. It is located in the Shevaroys range of hills in the Eastern Ghats. As a popular tourist destination, Yercaud is also called as Jewel of the South. It is connected with road ways 28 kms from salem and 85 kms from Tiruchengode


Kolli Hills (Hill Resort)

Kolli Hills   is    a   major   mountain range and is an   outline of the Eastern Ghats. Kolli Hills could be reached through a ghat road which has 70 hairpin bends.



Arulmigu Arthanareeswarar Temple

Lord Arthanareeswarar is located in the heart of Tiruchengode and it has a unique form here, which combines half male and half female form. The lord is also known as Madhorubagan and Ammayappan. It is claimed that this rare posture of the Lord as prime deity can be found only in this temple in the whole of Asia. The hill top temple can be reached by climbing up 1206 steps, made of stone.


Namakkal Anjeneyar Temple

Namakkal is famous for a life-size Hanuman (Anjeneyar) Statue carved out of a single stone in the Anjeneyar Temple. The city lies at the foot of a huge rock, upon which there is a fort. The name Namakkal immediately brings to mind Namakkal Anjaneyar Temple – the temple of Hanuman at Namakkal. The idol of Hanuman is approx. 18 feet in height, and stands under the open sky. Opposite to the Hanuman is a temple of Lord Narasimha


Organizing Committee


 Chief Patron


Lion Dr. K.S.Rangasamy, MJF, Chairman




Thiru. R. Srinivasan, Secretary




Dr.K.Thyagarajah, Principal,


Organizing Secretary


Dr.A.M.Venkatachalam, Librarian


Joint - Organizing Secretaries


Mr.F.Manase Prabu,Librarian ,KSRCAS

Mr.P.Senthil Kumaran,Librarian, KSRCE

Mrs.R.Selvam,Librarian, KSRIET


 SALIS Core Committee


Dr.A.Hariharan, Founder President, SALIS

Dr.J.Dominic, Karunya University, Coimbatore

Dr.M.Mandhirasalam, CIT, Coimbatore

Dr.S.Surianarayanan, Advisor, SALIS

Dr. S.Muralidhar CVRDE, DRDO, Chennai

Dr.S.Swaminathan, SRMV College of Ed., Coimbatore

Dr.K.Elavazhagan, IIM, Trichy

Mr.T.Stephen, Vellalar College for Women, Erode 

Mr.K.Karunai Raghavan, NEC, Kovilpatti

Dr.Jesudas Manalan, Bishop Heber College, Trichy

Mr.P.Meenakshi Sundaram,Connemara Library,Chennai

Dr. R. Sevugan, Pondichery University, Puducherry

Dr.V.Sakthi Regha, MSSW, Chennai

Dr.P.Panneerselvam, B.S.A.R. University, Chennai

Mr.S.Elango, SRMV MCPE, Coimbatore

Dr.A.Sokkalingam, SRMV Polytechnic, Coimbatore

Dr.T.Magudeeswaran, C.N. College, Erode

Mr.T.Senthilkumar, Guru Nanak College, Chennai

Dr.R.Balasubramani, Bharathidasan Univ., Trichy

Dr.K.Vinitha, St.Mary's College, Tuticorin

Mr J Arumugam, TCS, Chennai

Dr.P.Padma, MK University, Madurai

Dr.T.R.Sridevi, RV College of Engg, Bangalore

Mr.O.Seshaiah, PBR VITS, Kavali, AP

Ms.D.Mercy Lydia, Vellalar College for Women, Erode 

Dr.K.Murugan, Anna University College, Tuticorin

Dr.Lata Suresh, IICA, Gurgaon, Haryana

Dr.Sanjay Kataria, JIIT,Noida

Dr.P.M.Paradkar, GS College of Commerce, Nagpur



 National Advisory Committee


Dr.S.Ally Sornam, Bishop Heber College, Trichy

Dr. Anup Kumar Das, JNU, New Delhi

Dr. K.Chinnasamy, MK University, Madurai

 Dr. G.Krishnamoorthy, Anna University, Chennai

Dr. S.C.Kumaresan, Qatar Foundation, Qatar

Dr.C.Murugan, Periyar University, Salem

Dr.M.Nagarajan, Annamalai University, Chidambaram

Dr Rajeev Vij, DRDO-INMAS, Delhi

Mr.S.Radhakrishnan, NPOL, Cochin

Dr S.Ravi, Annamalai University, Chidambaram

Dr.Salma khan,IFTM University, Moradabad,UP

Dr.Salek Chand,NDC,NIHFW,Munirka,New Delhi

Mr.A.Sankaran, The Hindu, Chennai

Dr.R.Sarangapani, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Mr.S.S.Sivakumaar, District Central Library, Karur

Dr.S.Srinivasa Ragavan, Bharathidasan Univ., Trichy

Dr.B.Suresh, MK University, Madurai

Dr.M.Tamizhchelvan, Gandhigram University, Dindigul

Dr.S.Thanuskodi,Alagappa University,Karaikudi

Dr.A.Thirumagal, M.S. University, Tirunelveli

 Dr.A.Thirunavukkarasu, Algappa Universiy, Karaikudi


 SALIS Working Committee


Dr.G.Amudha, VHNSN College, Virudhunagar

Mr.R.Arikrishnan, ACL, Chennai

Dr.A.Chitra Dhavaputhalvi, CGAC, Tirupur

Dr.S.Dhanavandhan, Gandhigram University, Dindigul

Mrs.K. R.Geetha, KASCW, Chennai

Dr.S.Gopalakrishnan, VCET, Madurai

Mrs.K. Indumathi, Anna Adarsh College, Chennai

Mrs.M.Jannath Najeemunnisa Beegum, JBASCW, Chennai

Dr.S.Jayshankar, Alagappa University,Karaikudi

Dr.B.Jeyaprakash, Bharathidasan Univ., Trichy

Mr.A.Joseph Anburaj, KCGCT, Chennai

Dr.S.Kamatchi, ACL, Chennai 

Mr.G.Karthikeyan, BIT, Anna Univesity,Trichy

Mrs.K.S.Kalyani, PUCAS,Papratipatti

Dr.V.Krishnamurthy, KCT, Coimbatore

Ms.B.Lalitha, Public Libraries, Chennai

Dr.M.Leeladharan , Pondicherry University, Puducherry

Dr.K.Mahalakshmi, Avinashilingam Univ., Coimbatore

Mrs.M.Mahalakshmi, Stella Maris College, Chennai

Mrs.S.Maidhili, Meenakshi College, Chennai

Mr.S.Manikandan, ACL, Chennai

Mrs.G. Meenambika,Patrician College, Chennai

Dr.N.Murugesan, ACET, Tirupur

Mr.R.Muruganantham, Amirta, Coimbatore

Mrs.L.Radha Chandar, TCE, Madurai

Mr.V.Radhakrishnan, SPi Global, Chennai

Dr.T.Raja, St. Xavier's College of Ed., Palyamkottai

Mr.V.Rajendran, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Dr.M.Sankar, TNAU, Tiruvannamalai

Mr.G.Saravanan, French Institute, Pondicherry

Dr.A.Senthamil Selvi, Saranathan Engg College, Trichy

Dr.R.Senthilkumar, KASC, Coimbatore

Dr.A.P.Shanmugam TUCAS,Viluppuram

Dr.K.S.Sivakumaren, Anna University, MIT, Chennai

Mrs.Sophia Johnson, MCE, Chennai

Dr.S.Sridhar, TSM, Madurai

Mrs.B.Srilakshmi, Sir Thiagaraja College, Chennai

 Dr.M.Surulinathi, Bharathidasan University, Trichy 

Mr.R.Venkatram, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

Mr.A.Velayutham, SRKVMCPE, Coimbatore


 Local Organizing Committee


Mr.V.Ashok Kumar, SVHEC, Gobi

Mr.M.Kanagaraj, KIOT, Salem

Mr.M.Kumaran, EBET, Kangeyam
Dr.E.S Kavitha,
Periyar University, Salem

Mr.M.Mohanasundaram, Public Library, Karur

Mr.S.Paramasivam,Sriguru College, Coimbatore

Mr.K.Ramakrishnan,JKK College,K.Palayam

Mr.G.Rameshkumar,ATCAS, P.Puliampatti

Mrs.A.Rajeswary, Rathinam Institutions, Coimbatore

Dr.B.O Sakthivel Murugan, IRTT, Chithode
Excel Institutions, K.palayam
Ms.S.Subha, Sri Vasavi College, Chithode

Mr.K.Rajaram, KSRIT

Mr.S.Ravi, KSRPC

Mrs.Malini, KSRCASW

Mrs.T.Indrani, KSRCEDU
Mrs.S.Jothi, KSRCT

Mrs.S.Salomi. KSRCT

Mrs.S.Kabilambigai, KSRCT





Mr.C.Sudhakar, KSRCT

Mrs.T.Latha, KSRCT

Mrs.A.Umadevi, KSRCT



 Address for Communication



Organizing Secretary, SALIS 2016 & Librarian

K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology

(An Autonomous Institution)

KSR Kalvi Nagar, Tiruchengode - 637215,

Tamil Nadu, India.

Phone            : 04288-274741-44, Extn.400,404,401

Fax :  04288-274745

Mobile : 9994250222

E-Mail :

Web :



With Kind Regards
Dr. A.M.Venkatachalam Ph.D.
skpye ID: amvenkutamil

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