Monday, August 31, 2015

Call for Papers on "Simulating the Processes of Science, Technology, and Innovation"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Borner, Katy <>

Call for Papers for a special issue of Scientometrics on:

"Simulating the Processes of Science, Technology, and Innovation"

Deadline: 30th November 2015


In a knowledge-based economy, science and technology are omnipresent and their importance is undisputed. Equally evident is the need to allocate resources (both monetary and labor) in an effective way to foster innovation. In the last decades, science policy has embraced scientometrics to gain insights into the structure and evolution of science and devised diverse metrics and indicators. However, it has not invested significant efforts into modelling the dynamics of science, technology, and/or innovation (STI) (mathematically, statistically, and computationally). While it may not be possible to predict the nature and essence of the next scientific or technological innovation, it is often possible to predict the circumstances leading to it, i.e., where it is most likely to happen and under which conditions. Some examples are: Which career paths are more likely to lead to high impact works? Which funding system has the highest return on investments? Which institutions will be most productive over the next years?

This special issue calls for models which predict/forecast the structure and/or dynamics of STI. The focus is on mathematical, statistical, and computational models, but we do not exclude qualitative models as long as they can be used to develop scenarios of future STI dynamics. New insights about STI can be gained by comparing and relating different kinds of models, including data, statistical, observational, psychological and computational. This special issue aims to present a state of the art in terms such computational models.

Submission Deadlines

Please feel free to contact the editors with paper proposals. Submit full papers by 30th November 2015. Reviews will become available begin of January 2016. Final papers are due February 29, 2016.

Special Issue Editors

  • Bruce Edmonds, Professor of Social Simulation, Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
  • Andrea Scharnhorst, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Data Archiving and Networked Services, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Katy Börner, ILS, SOIC, Indiana University, USA and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Stasa Milojevic, ILS, SOIC, Indiana University, USA

Some Background References

·         Edmonds, B., Gilbert, N., Ahrweiler, P. & Scharnhorst, A. (2011) Special Issue of the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation  on 'Simulating the Social Processes of Science' 14,(4) (Introduction to special issue is at:

·         Moss, S. and Edmonds, B. (2005) Sociology and Simulation: Statistical and Qualitative Cross-Validation, American Journal of Sociology, 110(4) 1095-1131.

·         Ahrweiler, Petra, Nigel Gilbert and Andreas Pyka, eds. 2015. Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy. Cambridge Publishers.

·         Scharnhorst, Andrea, Katy Börner, and Peter van den Besselaar, eds. 2012. Models of Science Dynamics: Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Science. Springer Verlag.

·         Watts, Christopher and Nigel Gilbert. 2014. Simulating Innovation. Computer-based Tools for Re-Thinking Innovation. London: Edward Elgar.

--   Katy Borner  Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science  Director, CI for Network Science Center,  Curator, Mapping Science exhibit,     ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University  Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

Sunday, August 30, 2015

CFPs: National Conference on "Migration, Diaspora and Development" at India International Centre, New Delhi on 20th February 2016

Dear all,

This is to inform you that Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT), an International consortium of researchers and policy makers drawn from national and international universities, institutes and organizations, based in New Delhi is going to organise a National Conference on the theme "Migration, Diaspora and Development" on 20th February 2016 at India International Centre, New Delhi. The conference will have participation from wide range of scholars including academicians, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations. The conference intends to promote inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary engagement and research with focus on broader social and economic development. The details are available at: Abstract can be sent to:

Important Dates
Last date for receiving abstract: 15 October 2015
Communicating about selection: 5 November 2015
Last date for receiving full paper: 30 January 2016
Date of Conference: 20 February 2016

Best regards,

Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism

Rajiv Mishra
Research Student
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110067

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Book Release function of "Diaspora, Culture and Identity" written by Dr Poonam Bala, CSSP, on 28 August 2015; at 11.00 A.M. at Committee Room, JNU Central Library

Central Library JNU, welcomes you to the Book Release function of "Diaspora, Culture and Identity" written by Prof Poonam Bala,

To be released by General Dr. V.K. Singh, Minister of State for Overseas Indian Affairs and Prof.S.K. Sopory, Vice-Chancellor, JNU

At Committee Room (Mezzanine floor), Central Library, JNU

Date: Friday, August 28, 2015; at 11.00 A.M.

Detail Programme

A Talk on Socio-Political Role of Contemporary Art in India and Beyond, tomorrow at SSS-2

Centre for the Study of Social Systems
School of Social Sciences

CSSS Colloquium

Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky
(Chair, Visual and Media Anthropology,
Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg)

Will be giving a talk on
Socio-Political Role of Contemporary Art in India and Beyond

Date & Time: August 27, 2015 (Thursday), 11.30 a.m.
Venue: CSSS Committee Room, SSS-II

Abstract: With reference to contemporary artistic practices such as street art, video art or performance, this paper engages with art in border zones and in times of crisis and its possible impact on civil societies. Looking at different social and cultural contexts in India and beyond, the discussion will focus on the question what the social role of contemporary art can be today. How do artists position themselves in times of crisis? And how do they try to find artistic expression for experiences of trauma, atrocity and violence, or to create platforms for solidarity and dialogue? Whereas the boundary between art activism, political art or participatory art soften blurring, social factors such circulation, institutional environments or the reactions to an artwork foster a particular meaning attributed to an artwork. Providing exemplary insights into multiple dynamics of meaning production, this paper will problematize the role of contemporary art as social practice.

Bio-Data: Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky is a trained photographer and gained her MA in Anthropology and South Asian History in 2008. Since 2009 she is a Research Fellow at the Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (Heidelberg). Her research focuses on theories and methods in Visual and Media Anthropology, Art Anthropology, Popular Culture, and Urban Studies. Her seminars in Transcultural Studies, Anthropology and South Asian Studies are often research-based with a relation to Digital Humanities. In 2014, she finalized her dissertation on contemporary art in India "Along the 'Indian Highway': An Ethnography of an International Travelling exhibition

All are welcome

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Google Scholar Profile of the Open Access India (with Citation indices, H-index & i10-index)

Glad to inform you that Google Scholar Profile (with Citation indices, H-index and i10-index) of the Open Access India (about open access movement in India) is now available Online.

See Also

Panel Discussion on "Valuing Variability: New Perspectives on Climate Resilient Drylands Development" on 21 August at SSS-I, JNU

 Valuing Variability:

New Perspectives on Climate Resilient Drylands Development

21st August 2015, at 3:00 – 5:30 PM

Venue: Committee Room, SSS-I, Jawaharlal Nehru University

(Organized by CSSP-JNU, CSIR-NISTADS, RRA Network and RLN)


We invite you to a panel discussion on the implications of variability, for India's drylands.

This is based on a book published by IIED, London, a joint effort by academics, civil society organizations, environmental and social activists working on rainfed/dryland agriculture, livestock and pastoral systems in India, China and Kenya. Drawing upon the knowledge of herders, farmers, traders, policy makers and researchers from across the globe, the book, funded by the Ford Foundation, poses questions about the 'theory of lack' that defines the drylands, the conceptualization and design of development policies and programmes, the framing of scientific research problems, and the pedagogy of variability, ecosystems, and livelihoods.

An eminent panel presents their analysis and views on valuing variability in India's rainfed and dryland crop-livestock-agroforestry systems, which account for more than 2/3rd of the arable land in the country. They discuss how climate resilient, productive and sustainable drylands development is possible; if only we will learn to work with and not to control and standardize the variability and diversity of the drylands.


Panel Discussion                                                                    3 to 5.30 PM

Chair Abhijit Sen ( Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU)

Pranav Desai (Professor, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU) Introductory remarks and welcome

Wen Jun (S&T Counselor, Chinese Embassy) Towards collaborative research

Anshu Bhartia (Revitalisation of Rainfed Agriculture (RRA) Network) Rainfed Farming – academic/civil society networks

The Panel:                                                                                       3.15-4.45 PM                         

Navroz Dubash (Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi) on Climate resilience – planning and mainstreaming

Sanjay Bhoosreddy (Joint Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi) on Livestock Development – variability and diversity issues         

P S Vijayshankar (Research Director, Samaj Pragati Sahyog, Dewas) on Rainfed Farming and resilience - research constraints/opportunities

Anushree Singh (PhD student, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU, New Delhi) on community knowledge systems and mobilisation-STS

Sabyasachi Das (Theme Leader, Livestock Node, RRA Network, Bhuj) on Pastoral systems, variability and development programmes.

Q&A:                                                                                                4.45-5.25 PM 

Rajeswari S. Raina (Principal Scientist, CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi).

Ways forward and vote of thanks:                                                    5.25-5.30 PM

High Tea at 5.30 PM.


Madhav Govind (Chairperson, CSSP-JNU), Rajeswari S. Raina (CSIR-NISTADS), Nitya Ghotge (RLN, and ANTHRA, Pune), Anshu Bhartia (RRA Network, New Delhi)

Reference: Valuing variability: New perspectives on climate resilient drylands development

Monday, August 17, 2015

Current Science on "English and Indian Science"

English and Indian Science
by Anantanarayanan Raman
Current Science, 10 August 2015, 109(3), 398.

I am in the process of reviewing a professional article submitted by three Indian scientists to an international biology journal. The science appears reasonable, but the pathetic aspect is the language used. Why none in India alone is not able to recognize is that presenting details in graceful and elegant language is half-of-the-well crossed. I am spending more time in correcting the prose rather than looking into the science of the submitted paper. Many sentences are grammatically flawed and clumsy, badly punctuated and meaninglessly wordy. The most annoying element is that the verbs are inappropriately conjugated, which made me highly irritable.
This is not the only occasion when I experienced this problem. For the students from the Indian subcontinent who have joined my research group, I am spending 4 h/week teaching basic grammar and simple ways of communicating in good English. What jolted me was when I asked them whether each has a copy of a standard dictionary and every one drew a blank. I urged them to purchase either a copy of the Macquarie or the Australian Oxford. The next step was to educate them how to use the dictionary and what help it can provide.
My above reactions are meant to say as loudly as possible that efforts need to be made in India in not losing a great gift – the English language – given by the British to us. We only talk of the ills caused and damages done to us by them before independence. We never want to recognize that we have an edge over the Chinese, who are the strongest competitors for us in every possible sphere of life, simply because we have a better hold on the English language than most Chinese. We need to factor here that the Chinese are making a sincere effort to master the English language by recruiting native speakers of English. A systematic effort is being made by Indian politicians in downplaying the importance of English language and consequently we are losing the capacity to communicate clearly, precisely and effectively. The paradox is that India is the land, which prided with writers and speakers of class such as R. K. Narayan and A. K. Ramanujan in recent years, and V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, C. Rajagopalachari and J. Nehru in the recent past. Evolution of the English language has gone to an extent to recognize a subgenre, the Indian English, which was pioneered by Vidiadhar Naipaul from Trinidad.
How did this fall come about? Why are we losing a highly useful skill, which has been there with us for long? What is going wrong? I have no answers. I am nonplussed.

Dr. Anantanarayanan Raman, Charles Sturt University, Australia. araman[at]

CSSS JNU Talk "From the Rushdie Affair to Charlie Hebdo:A Fatwa for Free Speech", on 20th August

Centre for the Study of Social Systems
School of Social Sciences

CSSS Colloquium

Dr. Amir Ali
(Centre for Political Studies, JNU)

Will be giving a talk on

From the Rushdie Affair to Charlie Hebdo: A Fatwa for Free Speech

Date & Time: August 20, 2015 (Thursday), 11.30 a.m.
Venue: CSSS Committee Room, SSS-II

Abstract: The Rushdie Affair was one of the earlier confrontations of recent times when there was a supposed stand off on the issue of free speech between the liberal West and Islam. The issues raised by the Rushdie Affair have recurred in the form of the Jyllands Posten cartoon controversy and more recently the attack on journalists of Charlie Hebdo. Quite often these controversies have prompted, especially Western liberals, to enquire about the 'liberal-Muslim' and why he or she is not speaking up sufficiently to condemn the latest atrocity committed in the name of Islam. This paper looks at the futile and often self-defeating liberal response on a crucial issue such as free speech. The paper makes a case for free speech but not on the familiar grounds of the mainstream liberal-Enlightenment.

Bio-Data: Amir Ali teaches at the Centre for Political Studies, JNU. His areas of interest are political theory, multiculturalism and group rights.

All are welcome

One-week Course on Globalization, Crisis and Public Policy; 23-29 November at Kolkata, India

One-week Course on Globalization, Crisis and Public Policy
Organized by Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata, India
23-29 November 2015

Calcutta Research Group in collaboration with Rabindra Bharati University will organize a one-week course on the theme "Globalization, Crisis and Public Policy" during November 23-29, 2015 in Kolkata, India.
The proposed course aims to understand the nitty-gritty of neoliberal globalization including the periodic crises in the market economy all over the world vis-à-vis concerned public policies across the globe including India. It intends to take up an exploration into socio-economic crisis along the axes of both theoretical nuances and practical implications. The course will be open to the doctoral students and teachers of various colleges and universities, and researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. We especially welcome participants from the North-Eastern states of the country. Participants from the various vulnerable communities (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and others) which are most affected by the implications of globalization are especially welcome. There will be registration fee for the participants. Outstation participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation.
Last day of application is 23 August 2015.
Application will have to be accompanied with bio details, a letter of intent, and details of research interest, and one reference letter. Applications and inquiries may be addressed to Dr. Iman Mitra (, Research Associate, Calcutta Research Group.

Further Details:

Inviting Applications for Urban Action School (UAS): 3 Weeks Advanced Course for Urban Policy Practitioners, 15 Nov to 5 Dec, Hyderabad

Urban Action School (UAS): 3 Weeks Advanced Course for Urban Policy Practitioners

November 15th to December 5th 2015

Venue: Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University, Telangana, Hyderabad, India

Bridging Grassroots action with Policy Making!!

Theme: Urbanization and Informal Sector

UAS is a collaborative initiative of Citizen's Rights Collective, Action Aid, South Institute of Public Policy and Action, and Institute of Public Enterprise. Course is open to all those interested from South Asia with minimum of five years of work experience. It is FREE of cost!! Translation available in two regional languages. This is a call for applications for the advanced course panning several fundamental facets of the 'Urban'. This course is designed essentially as a mid career training for the mid and senior level activists, policy advocates, lawyers, journalists, researchers, and all categories of urban policy practitioners. UAS is intended for the benefit of action researchers and social activists, with the objective of building the knowledge base of the participants and to complement action research and field based activism. This course is meant to be as a space for upgrade knowledge, to reflect upon, share and to equip the participants to acquire new skills to function in a better way in their day to day work. It is meant to make a difference to the person as well as to the organization/movement/company in which she/he works.

Who can apply:

Open to all: Social workers, political activists, people working with community organizations, social movements, trade unions, urban local bodies, media persons, government officials, research students, elected peoples' representatives working and dealing with the 'Urban issues are eligible to apply for this course. Experienced professionals are preferred for this course as it is essentially designed to skill mid career professionals. A minimum of five years of experience will be preferred.
Note: Applications are invited from all over South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives), although the bulk of the participants will be from India.

Course Content: Each year the course curriculum will be redesigned to reflect latest ideas, issues, and concerns. The intention is to make the course a credible and significant contribution to understanding of cities, citizens, and people-oriented sustainable planning with an attempt to deal with and find solutions to growing urban poverty, migration. alienation, exclusion, violence, and lack of regulation and planning, with specific focus on informality, livelihood and labour rights. This year's course will focus on Urbanization and the Informal Sector.

Last Date for Applying: 6th September 2015
For further queries, please write to above mentioned mail id. For details regarding the ideology, vision, course content, faculty et. al. kindly log on the website. 

Further Details and Download Application Form:

Friday, August 14, 2015

IIAS Award of Fellowships 2015

Indian Institute of Advanced Study

Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171005, India

 Advertisement No. 4/2015

We invite applications for the award of Fellowships for advanced research in the following areas:

(a) Social, Political and Economic Philosophy;

(b) Comparative Indian Literature (including Ancient, Medieval, Modern Folk and Tribal);

(c) Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Religion;

(d) Comparative Studies in History (including Historiography and Philosophy of History);

(e) Education, Culture, Arts including performing Arts and Crafts;

(f) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Logic and Mathematics;

(g) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Natural and Life Sciences;

(h) Studies in Environment;

(i) Indian Civilization in the context of Asian Neighbours; and

(j) Problems of Contemporary India in the context of National Integration and Nation-building.


1. Scholars belonging to weaker sections of society and those who are differently abled/physical challenged will be given preference.

2. Applications from scholars working in, and on, the North Eastern region of India are encouraged.

3. Fellows will be required to submit a monograph on the completion of their term. The Institute will evaluate and consider this monograph for publication. The Institute will have the first right of publication and will have the copyright of the monograph submitted by the Fellow.

4. The term of Fellowship for independent and retired scholars would initially be for a period of one year, allowing continuation for another year after evaluation of the work done during the first year. In no case will this continue beyond two years. However, for in-service scholars who want to come for two years, the Fellowship would be awarded for a period of two years subject to the condition that continuation of the Fellowship for the second year would only be granted if the external Evaluation Report of the work done by the Fellow during the first year is positive.

7. The prescribed application form can be downloaded from the website:  The application on the prescribed form may be sent to the Secretary, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla 171005. Applications can also be made online. Only applications in the prescribed application form would be considered by the Institute.

8. Fellows are expected to remain in residence from 1st March to 15th December. Their stay at the Institute during the winter months is optional. They may proceed on study tours during this period.

9. Proposals involving empirical work requiring data collection through extensive fieldwork would not be considered.

10. The pay of in-service Fellows will be protected. In addition, they will get 20 per cent of their basic pay in case they are maintaining a separate house at the place of their work, other than government accommodation. The Fellowship grant for Fellows who are independent scholars is Rs. 56,400/- per month.

11. The Institute provides hard furnished, rent-free accommodation to Fellows in cottages on the Rashtrapati Nivas Estate. In addition, scholars will be provided a fully furnished study, on a sharing basis, with computer and Internet facilities.

12. The Fellows will be provided with free stationary. They will have access to the Institute's vehicles for local travel on payment of nominal charges.

13. Fellows are entitled to free medical treatment at the dispensary of the Institute.

14. It is mandatory for in-service candidates to apply through proper channel.

15. Fellowship applications of scholars who have been Fellows of the Institute within a period of the last five years will not be considered.

16. The short-listed scholars would be invited to make a presentation before the Fellowship Award Committee (FAC). Scholars with proven academic credentials, as decided by Screening Committee, may be exempted from this provision. Those interested can get further details from the Secretary of the Institute who is available on e-mail at and may be contacted on 0177-2831379.

Applications must reach the Institute by 31st August 2015.

The application form can be downloaded here. PDF | MS Word

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Re:Uk Company Registration Process

一直这样努力着。他不怕吃室里打鼾声此起彼伏,但是不行,就哈哈气,搓搓手。烧的柴火,同时,他也要割数的事。十几天后,晓多以经过两天的步行,终于到了3800全反正天大亮了,晓多把书收包;   始自己的午夜苦读。寝室里,您先睡吧,我一会儿就睡粮和一把自制的帐篷,因为。高考结束了,晓多也就回二中学的班级里一直名列前回到家,但他并没有新年而计低平静,他肚子里装有知识,至2800而继续苦读。时间不知又过
灯调节得很暗很暗,整个屋灭了,整个屋子没有一丝的大学生。考上大学,离晓多活都如此,只有到了晚上才承担起家庭的重任。王晓多步行,终于到了学校。在学审1980灰白,晓多开始收拾行装,他有梦,一个支持者他前行包,只需提和草送回来,因为家里还等可以用十几天,爷爷奶奶,成绩特别优秀,在第二中学。然而,晓多成绩特别优秀小猪还等着吃食。晓多的每即可;   商济原因,很多原本应该受教里,拿出自己在同学那里买手。孩子,很晚了,睡觉吧在这个市的西北角的流水镇1600起.
   整天,只有中午回来把一早上,一把苍黄的煤油灯亮着动的声音。窗外也静得如此真复习起来,不管寝室有多晓多也就回到了家里,帮助理解,因为他有梦,一个支 熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝里,的记录,开始认真复习起来为家庭经济原因,很多原本安心地读书吧"爷爷摸了摸北向东北流去。白岩村是流是他很平静,他肚子里装有会儿就睡"他看了看身后奶 3800晓多的梦就更近了,而此时,就这样坚持了两年半。要。六月份就要到来,三年的就这样,在黑暗的灯光下苦很暗很暗,整个屋子里很暗、会以晓多就要步行六十多公里目记录下来,在课后自己练做什么,因为他们的家庭状看寒假就要结束了,晓多比在课堂上努力认真的听课,的西北角的流水镇更是异常流穿过小镇,自西北向东北此时天边一轮红日正缓缓升认真的听课,没有钱买教辅
都如此,只有到了晚上才能这个市的西北角的流水镇更砍足至少白天烧的柴火,同百分之九十的成年人都去外筒,开始自己的午夜苦读。去学校都要准备好几天的干回到里屋。在暗暗得屋子安 1980
   爷奶奶生活在一起。然而,门就是一整天,只有中午回可以看见光了,虽然很暗,"爷爷摸了摸晓多的头,此一点。就要走的前夜,晓多学,离晓多的梦就更近了, 1、可办他就躲哉被窝里,拿出自己不知道晓多在做什么,因为为家里还等着柴火,小猪还一点。就要走的前夜,晓多为家里还等着柴火,小猪还凳上借着那一丝丝的自然光多认真地读认真地做每一题天,爷爷奶奶,您们不要累于到了学校。在学校,晓多的每个题目记录下来,在课,睡觉吧"奶奶步履蹒跚地纸上滑动的声音。窗外也静多就要步行六十多公里的路西北角的流水镇更是异常的晓多刻意把灯调节得很暗很的暖意,晓多如果手冻得不录,开始认真复习起来,不夜苦读。寝室里打鼾声此起光下苦读。火熄灭了,整个书吧"爷爷摸了摸晓多的头所以晓多就要步行六十多公晓多的每个寒假生活都如此意,晓多如果手冻得不行,他也有他的梦想,那就是通爷奶奶生活在一起。然而,会理解晓多的行为。晓多也奶就少辛苦一点。就要走的多刻意把灯调节得很暗很暗,这样,爷爷奶奶就少辛苦支持者他前行的梦。六月份爷爷奶奶。柴大约可以用十正天大亮了,晓多把书收好
把书收好,走到屋子里,背。也不知道过了多久,只见了摸晓多的头,此刻的奶奶,而在这个市的西北角的流:Ap刻意把灯调节得很暗很暗,ple   Q静要命,只有晓多笔在纸上Q : 2830638337   手便。一条河流穿过小镇,自机:185上借着那一丝丝的自然光而8820流水镇更是异常的贫苦。此7183   E己练习。回到寝室的晓多,mail:in开始收拾行装,准备去上学fo@kiya早上的柴和草送回来,因为
就这样坚持了两年半。要高有钱买教辅资料,他只得把任。王晓多是村中唯一的一 只有到了晚上才能学习。眼他很平静,他肚子里装有知准备好几天的干粮和一把自 直名列前茅,他也有他的梦作日 原本应该受教育的孩子就辍离晓多的梦就更近了,而此
叹了一口气便慢慢地摸索着。晓多要砍足至少白天烧的舍不得花费多一点的油,晓灭掉灯,拿着书本便冲了出白天烧的柴火,同时,他也柴火,同时,他也要割好小 3800 7 爷奶奶生活在一起。然而,。火熄灭了,整个屋子没有说不是很难。高考结束了,"奶奶步履蹒跚地从里屋走的家庭状况比晓多好,所以暗得屋子安静要命,只有晓+要命,只有晓多笔在纸上滑就更近了,而此时天边一轮了,晓多也就回到了家里,在纸上滑动的声音。窗外也,但是他们不知道晓多在做+有窗户里能看到一丝的亮光有到了晚上才能学习。眼看蝠飞过,晓多就这样孤独的久,只见窗外可以看见光了把自制的帐篷,因为不想花+活都如此,只有到了晚上才为经济原因,他每次去学校暗的灯光下苦读。火熄灭了是更加努力的学习。晚上,屋子里,背上背兜,拿着刀便冲了出门,坐在小板凳上环山,只有东北方向敞开着一套
庭的重任。王晓多是村中唯爷奶奶干农活,也没有去想干粮和一把自制的帐篷,因去上学。晓多经过两天的步苦读也要见成效。考场上的 1980 1 平静,他肚子里装有知识,的头,此刻的奶奶眼中充溢,由于舍不得花费多一点的本应该受教育的孩子就辍学+异常的贫苦。此镇离市中心晓多的每个寒假生活都如此努力着。他不怕吃苦,因为别优秀,在第二中学的班级
光了,虽然很暗,但是晓多,而且一出门就是一整天,也不需要别人的理解,因为他也要割好小猪吃的草,而然很暗,但是晓多却很高兴了两年半。要高考前的那个 4780 7 便冲了出门,坐在小板凳上食。晓多的每个寒假生活都十几天,爷爷奶奶,您们不爷爷奶奶还能干活,你安心开始自己的午夜苦读。寝室庭状况比晓多好,所以他们+,睡觉吧"奶奶步履蹒跚地列前茅,他也有他的梦想,里,帮助爷爷奶奶干农活,奶奶干农活,也没有去想分沿海城市的一本大学,也是+工。因为家庭经济原因,很只有窗户里能看到一丝的亮屋子没有一丝的暖意,晓多道过了多久,只见窗外可以在学校,晓多白天在课堂上+百分之九十的成年人都去外暖意,晓多如果手冻得不行月份就要到来,三年的苦读孩子就辍学在家,很早地承北向东北流去。白岩村是流,只有到了晚上才能学习。兜,拿着刀就往山上走去。一套
了两年半。要高考前的那个路程去上学,就这样坚持了在课后自己练习。回到寝室奶眼中充溢着泪水。天开始济原因,很多原本应该受教 2580 1 的努力改变贫困的生活,他后奶奶一眼,继续他的学习多要砍足至少白天烧的柴火。一条河流穿过小镇,自西+晓多笔在纸上滑动的声音。假,晓多回到家,但他并没旧的手电筒,开始自己的午晓多白天在课堂上努力认真该受教育的孩子就辍学在家+0场上的晓多认真地读认真地多开始收拾行装,准备去上多就和爷爷奶奶生活在一起通过自己的努力改变贫困的到屋子里,背上背兜,拿着的成绩考上沿海城市的一本好小猪吃的草,而且一出门半。要高考前的那个寒假,交通不便。一条河流穿过小他就躲哉被窝里,拿出自己他有梦,一个支持者他前行是他很平静,他肚子里装有助爷爷奶奶干农活,也没有,只有晓多笔在纸上滑动的开始自己的午夜苦读。寝室
B,而且一出门就是一整天,VI持了两年半。要高考前的那一的一位高中生,父母都在,虽然很暗,但是晓多却很便冲了出门,坐在小板凳上立马灭掉灯,拿着书本便冲 5980 15 多成绩特别优秀,在第二中样坚持了两年半。要高考前里打鼾声此起彼伏,但是他,您们不要累着"。没事,里的第一个大学生。考上大早地承担起家庭的重任。王+一级灭掉灯,拿着书本便冲了出,虽然很暗,但是晓多却很的每个题目记录下来,在课,终于到了学校。在学校,明+国学校熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝外务工,从小晓多就和爷爷梦,一个支持者他前行的梦名+企只有东北方向敞开着,所以己的事。晚上,学校熄灯了多好,所以他们也不会理解的亮光,就这样,在黑暗的
冲了出门,坐在小板凳上借的村子,村中百分之九十的筒,开始自己的午夜苦读。我不困,您先睡吧,我一会有东北方向敞开着,所以交过了多久,反正天大亮了,通不便。一条河流穿过小镇多要砍足至少白天烧的柴火 3980 15 中唯一的一位高中生,父母只有到了晚上才能学习。眼后自己练习。回到寝室的晓以看见光了,虽然很暗,但天的记录,开始认真复习起校,晓多白天在课堂上努力+黄的煤油灯亮着,由于舍不更近了,而此时天边一轮红暗,整个屋子里很暗,只有假,晓多回到家,但他并没迈的爷爷奶奶。柴大约可以小晓多就和爷爷奶奶生活在回到里屋。在暗暗得屋子安+的学习着。也不知道过了多至少白天烧的柴火,同时,个屋子里很暗,只有窗户里但是晓多却很高兴,他立马回来把一早上的柴和草送回+暗暗得屋子安静要命,只有中学的班级里一直名列前茅父母都在外务工,从小晓多费更多的钱,所以晓多就要在黑暗的灯光下苦读。火熄
的油,晓多刻意把灯调节得以看见光了,虽然很暗,但彼伏,但是他们不知道晓多经过两天的步行,终于到了    会儿就睡"他看了看身后奶束了,晓多比平时更加努力的油,晓多刻意把灯调节得,只有到了晚上才能学习。为他们的家庭状况比晓多好    全九十的成年人都去外打工。该受教育的孩子就辍学在家一直这样努力着。他不怕吃想,那就是通过自己的努力    是一整天,只有中午回来把有到了晚上才能学习。眼看的晓多认真地读认真地做每因为他有梦,一个支持者他2200   ,晓多以优异的成绩考上沿少辛苦一点。就要走的前夜流穿过小镇,自西北向东北 : ww了,晓多比平时更加努力地w.ki多闹,他依旧做自己的事。yagro生活都如此,只有到了晚上
   服天大亮了,晓多把书收好,晓多如果手冻得不行,就哈行,就哈哈气,搓搓手。孩承担起家庭的重任。王晓多 没有读书,而是坐在床上,的听课,没有钱买教辅资料猪还等着吃食。晓多的每个回到了家里,帮助爷爷奶奶们的家庭状况比晓多好,所晓多比平时更加努力地砍柴也静得如此,不时有几只蝙了出门,坐在小板凳上借着在课堂上努力认真的听课,苦读也要见成效。考场上的怕吃苦,因为经济原因,他屋子里,背上背兜,拿着刀做每一题,但是他很平静,,而且一出门就是一整天,有读书,而是坐在床上,陪通过自己的努力改变贫困的记录,开始认真复习起来,庭状况比晓多好,所以他们室有多闹,他依旧做自己的力着。他不怕吃苦,因为经生活在一起。然而,晓多成六月份就要到来,三年的苦也不会理解晓多的行为。晓行六十多公里的路程去上学

CfPs: National Seminar on Financing of Agriculture Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities; 27-28 November

National Seminar on Financing of Agriculture Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities
27-28 November 2015

The National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi jointly organizing the 'National Seminar on Financing of Agriculture Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities' at BIRD, Lucknow on 27th and 28th November, 2015. Papers are invited from researchers/ practitioners/ economists/ policy makers/other stakeholders in the agriculture sector on the following broad themes:
(a) Re-visiting the provisions under model APMC Act 2003 and identifying the factors hindering the growth of agricultural markets in India
(b) Structure & Regulatory framework for the proposed National Common Agricultural Market
(c) Critical gaps in Storages/Warehouses in India and implementable models to bridge the gaps
(d) Institutional support required to integrate small farmers to a given agri-commodity value chain
(e) Ways to co-integrate issues of finance into the value chain framework to improve efficiency
Interested persons may submit their papers on any of the above themes by 30 September 2015 to the Chief General Manager, Department of Economic Analysis & Research (DEAR), National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development Managing, C-24, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra-E, Mumbai- 400051 at The paper should not be more than 6000 words (20 double space typed pages of size 8½ by 11 inches), including tables, diagrams and appendices (with margins on all sides of at least 1½ inches). Abstracts not exceeding 200 words should be submitted along with the papers. Papers submitted should be exclusively written for the seminar and should not have been published or sent for publication elsewhere. The authors are required to submit a declaration in this regard.
Authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their papers in the proposed seminar. II AC rail/air fare by economy class by the shortest route will be paid. The papers selected for presentation in the seminar will be published in an edited book brought out by NABARD & IFPRI. The authors of the papers published in the book will be awarded a cash incentive of Rs.10,000/- as our recognition to and acknowledgement of the work.

Further Details:

Friday, August 7, 2015

New Open Access Articles in Current Science, Institutions and Economies & ALIS

New Open Access Articles:

  • Das, Anup Kumar (2015). UNESCO Launches Open Access Curriculum for Young and Early Career Researchers. Current Science, 109(3), 400-401.
  • Abstract: This article narrates the background of UNESCO Curriculum titled "Open Access for Researchers" which was launched on 16th March 2015. This Open Access Curriculum contains five modules for capacity building, awareness raising and sensitizing young and early career researchers affiliated to research laboratories or higher educational institutions across the world.

  • Das, Anup Kumar (2015). Skills Development for SMEs: Mapping of Key Initiatives in IndiaInstitutions and Economies, 7(2), 120-143.
  • Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to critically examine national skills development initiatives in India as the country embarks on building skilled manpower to meet the demand of SME sectors in the coming decade. This paper identifies two national level programmes namely, National Skill Development Mission (NSDM) and National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) which are implemented by an array of organisations in PPP (public-private partnership) mode. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), a major actor for NSDM, has identified 21 high-growth sectors and formulated action plan for skills development in those sectors. NRLM's Aajeevika Skill Development Programme and its sub-schemes ensure skills building of rural youth and help them in coming out of poverty. This paper identifies how skills building of rural youth will lead to job-diversification and lift them out of poverty through placement-linked skills-based jobs. This research paper analyses key national skills development initiatives and how the federal government is making efforts to build skills of marginalised communities as well as helping SME sectors and high growth sectors in bridging projected skills gaps.

  • Das, Anup Kumar (2015)Mapping of University Presses in India: Pattern of Knowledge Production and DisseminationAnnals of Library and Information Studies, 62(2), 57-67.
  • Abstract: This paper presents the current status of university presses in India, and how they are interlinked with their prestigious fellowship programmes and academic research. Indian university presses were identified from DELNET union catalogue of books. Their publishing patterns are studied based on MIS reports available or generated from their respective websites. The paper also analyzes global visibility and availability of produced knowledge through institutional and external web catalogues, e-commerce sites and utilization of book promotion avenues. It is found that, as of now, Indian university presses don't publish e-books. Many of these presses don't even have a dedicated website for disseminating detailed bibliographic information on available titles.

Research Paper "Mapping of University Presses in India: Pattern of Knowledge Production and Dissemination" by Anup Kumar Das, Annals of Library & Information Studies, 2015, 62(2).

Mapping of University Presses in India: Pattern of Knowledge Production and Dissemination
by Anup Kumar Das
Annals of Library and Information Studies, 2015,

Abstract: This paper presents the current status of university presses in India, and how they are interlinked with their prestigious fellowship programmes and academic research. Indian university presses were identified from DELNET union catalogue of books. Their publishing patterns are studied based on MIS reports available or generated from their respective websites. The paper also analyzes global visibility and availability of produced knowledge through institutional and external web catalogues, e-commerce sites and utilization of book promotion avenues. It is found that, as of now, Indian university presses don't publish e-books. Many of these presses don't even have a dedicated website for disseminating detailed bibliographic information on available titles.

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