Monday, December 23, 2013

Call for Participation: World Bank's first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Change

World Bank's  first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Change

World Bank's  first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Change
will be launched next month on January 27, 2014. This course presents the most recent scientific evidence as well as some of the opportunities for urgent action on climate change. It also covers the latest knowledge and information based on cutting-edge research.

It is being offered in two tracks: (1) General Public; and (2) Policy Makers and Practitioners.  The course runs for 4 weeks, and is free of charge. You have access to the material for approximately 6 months after the course ends.

Sign up for the first delivery of the course at : 

This is also an opportunity for climate change practitioners and STS researchers - to become champions of climate change knowledge. 

Course Syllabus

This overview presents the main findings of the course, providing a summary of the key impacts and challenges of a 4°C warmer world by the end of this century.

Module 1: Observed Climate Changes and Impacts: Hundreds of Thousands of Years to Now
This module outlines the historical observed changes in the climate system leading up to the present day and the impacts that can now be attributed to human-induced climate change. It examines the rise of GHG emissions since preindustrial times while explaining the link between CO2 concentrations and the rising global mean temperature, ocean heat storage and sea-level rise, as well as the uncertainties in the scientific evidence. It also describes the trends of increasing loss of ice in Greenland and Antarctica, increasing loss of Arctic Sea-ice, melting mountain glaciers, increased heat waves and extreme temperatures and finally, drought and aridity trends.

Module 2: Possible 21st Century Climates
This module provides an overview of the projected changes in climate leading up to the end of the 21st century. It describes the likelihood of a 4°C warmer world by 2100 A.D. and enables a deeper understanding of various climate models with different projections and key areas of uncertainty. It also reviews possible responses from natural systems, explaining how the projected changes in climate from 2°C to 4°C global warming could result in sea-level rise, heat waves and extreme temperatures, and ocean acidification.

Module 3: Life in a 4°C Warmer World
a) Impacts Across Key Human Support Systems
This module presents an overview of current and projected climate impacts across key human support systems such as agriculture and food production, water resources, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human health. Each of these human support systems will be negatively impacted by climate change under a 4°C global warming scenario, resulting in adverse consequences for development: diminishing crop yields which threaten food production and human health, loss of biodiversity, spread of vector-borne diseases and water scarcity.

b) Risks of Large-Scale and Disruptive Changes in the Climate System
This module brings together the information in the earlier modules, by considering how the impacts, risks, and vulnerabilities to climate change may scale with increasing levels of CO2 concentration and global mean warming. The module highlights the risks of nonlinear and cascading impacts and the risk of crossing critical thresholds for nonlinear tipping elements of the earth system, which could dramatically increase vulnerability to climate change and impose multiple stresses on development.

Module 4: What Can We Do About It: Choice is in your hands (Discussion)
After having outlined the scientific evidence in previous modules, this final module goes beyond the WB/PIK report and provides a discussion on what mitigation and adaptation action is needed to help avoid a 4 degree world while also decreasing the vulnerability of climate change impacts and building climate resilience. Since there is no single solution, this module will share perspectives from a range of actors on some of the key policy measures and climate actions. Track 1 (for the general public) will showcase how different lifestyles may affect changes in the climate and explore everyday choices that can help mitigate climate change and decrease vulnerability to impacts. Track 2 (for policymakers) invites leaders from various countries, the World Bank, IMF and civil society to exchange ideas and examples of effective policies and actions that can help transition towards a low emissions and climate resilient development path.

Depending on your particular interest you can choose to participate in one of two tracks for optional activities:
  • Track 1: Climate Champion
  • Track 2: Policy and Leadership

Course Format

The MOOC has a week-by-week structure, with resources, activities and exercises for you to engage in during each of the four weeks of the course.

To pass the course and receive a statement of accomplishment, there are quizzes for you to complete based on the core videos and readings each week, and three assignments that will sharpen your skills of analysis, reflection and communication. These core resources and assignments will take around 3 hours per week to complete.

However, you can go much further than this, engaging in optional exercises, networking, discussion and diving deeper into our rich selection of additional resources. We also will use the e-discussions, Google Hangout and other tools to facilitate dialogue among the learners and with the experts We also will use the e-discussions, Google Hangout and other tools to facilitate dialogue among the learners and with the experts.

Will I get a certificate after completing this class?
Yes, if you successfully complete course requirements you will receive a Coursera Statement of Accomplishment. To receive the Coursera statement of accomplishment, you must complete a number of quizzes based on the core videos and readings each week, as well as assignments that will sharpen your skills of analysis, reflection and communication. These core resources and assignments will take around three hours per week to complete.More details will be provided after the course starts.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SAI Postdoctoral Fellowship in South Asia Studies for the Academic Year 2014-2015

SAI Postdoctoral Fellowship

Harvard University South Asia Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship in South Asia Studies for the Academic Year 2014-2015

Fellowship period: September 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 (10 months)
Stipend: $50,000 plus health insurance and round trip travel funds

Responsibilities of Postdoctoral Fellows: Residence in the Cambridge/Boston area and participation in SAI activities are required during the appointment. Postdoctoral fellows will be expected to present through the SAI Seminar Series. During the term of appointment, postdoctoral fellows will have the option to teach one course, or co-teach an existing course with a current faculty member.

Eligibility: Applicants must have received their PhD degree in 2008 or later in South Asia Studies in any area of the humanities or social sciences. Those who are chosen to receive fellowships must have completed all requirements for the PhD degree by July 1, 2014.

Deadline: March 1, 2014 Applicants will be notified by email upon receipt of their applications.

Application Process:

1. Cover Sheet: You may download the Cover Sheet from our website, and include the following information:

  • Name (First and Last)
  • Primary Email
  • University and Department of PhD
  • Field of Study
  • Thesis Title
  • Date of PhD (or, if pending, give specific timeline)
  • Names and Contact information of 3 recommenders
  • Short Summary (~40 words) of research plan at Harvard
  • Brief statement of teaching interests
  • Do you have a continuing teaching position? If yes, where? (If teaching, have you obtained approval from your department to accept a postdoctoral position for 2013-2014?)
  • Have you previously applied for a Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowship? If yes, when?
  • Are you currently applying for other postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard University?
2. Cover Letter

3. Curriculum vitae: please include citizenship, Social Security number (if you have one), current and permanent addresses, telephone number(s), email address; academic degrees with dates of conferral, discipline and institution

4.  List of publications (this may be included in your CV)

5. Official transcript of grades

6. Writing Sample: one to two dissertation chapters or articles

7. Plan of research (approximately 1,000 words):  What do you plan to do at each stage of your research during the fellowship?  What particular resources do you intend to use at each stage?  What are the advantages of doing your postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard; are there specific individuals you hope to seek out while in residence?

8. Statement of Teaching Interests (approximately 500 words), including syllabi/description of possible courses you might teach

9. Three letters of recommendation (signed and sealed), these must be enclosed with the application, and may not be emailed.

 Decisions will be released by early April, 2014

Mail completed applications to:

South Asia Institute

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Attn: Nora Maginn

1730 Cambridge Street,  Room S427

Cambridge MA 02138 USA


Please review our Frequently Asked Questions. Further queries should be addressed to Nora Maginn,

Monday, December 16, 2013

Call for abstracts - SASNET Interdisciplinary Research Workshop 2014 South Asia: Culture, Technology & Development 2014, in Sweden

Call for Abstracts

Swedish South Asia Studies Network (SASNET)

Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on South Asia: Culture, Technology, and Development 2014

Höllviken (close to Malmö), Sweden

June 13-15, 2014

Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) is now accepting research paper abstracts for presentation at the"Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on South Asia: Culture, Technology, and Development 2014". This workshop is organised by SASNET in collaboration with the Nordic Centre in India (NCI) and the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) at Copenhagen University. It will take place at the Falsterbo Conference Resort in Höllviken, south of Malmö, Sweden from 13 - 15 June 2014. 

The main objective of the workshop is to bridge the gap between Nordic researchers in various disciplines working on South Asia. We will discuss interdisciplinary research in terms of theoretical and methodological approaches, assumptions, ethical considerations, and practices. The workshop will consider interdisciplinary research that is already being done in the field of South Asian studies, and will give participants an opportunity to explore promising new areas for future research projects and publications. 

The workshop will feature inspirational talks from the following distinguished scholars:

*Professor Kirin Narayan received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1987 and was professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1989 onward, joining the the Australian National University in 2013. Narayan has done extensive fieldwork in South Asia focusing on oral traditions. She has published numerous books and articles on aspects of narrative, oral history and ethnography. 

*Associate Professor Dr Assa Doron received his Ph.D. in Anthropology and Sociology from La Trobe University, Melbourne, in 2005. Since 2007 he has been a researcher at the Australian National University, concentrating on development studies, health practitioners, religion, tourism, and urbanisation. He is currently involved in examining how mobile telecommunications are bringing about changes in politics, culture, and everyday life in India. 

*Professor Dhruv Raina received his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science at Gothenburg University. From 1991 to 2001 he worked at the National Institute of Science, Technology, and Development Studies, New Delhi. Currently he is Professor of the History of Science at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, where his research concerns the cultural reception of modern science and knowledge systems in colonial India.  

Papers could address, but are not to be limited to the following workshop thematic sessions.

Session A: Methods, Fieldwork and Ethics in the South Asian context

Session B: Culture , Religion and Technology in South Asia

Session C: Theory, Practice and Development in South Asia

Scholars and young researchers who co-operate or want to co-operate with Nordic Universities and whose work focuses on South Asia are invited to apply. Only Ph.D. candidates and postdocs whose degrees were awarded after 30 June 2012 are eligible to apply as young researchers.  

Researchers and young scholars interested in presenting papers at any of the aforementioned sessions are requested to submit an abstract of individual papers (maximum 500 words) as an email attachment addressed to Ms. Hawwa Lubna, by email Deadline for submission is 31 January 2014.

A clear goal of the workshop discussions is to create strong academic cooperation on South Asia between different disciplines in the form of joint publications or new research projects. Therefore, participants are highly encouraged to also send us ideas for new research project in no more than 100 words. We are exploring the option of bringing out the previously unpublished papers presented at the workshop in a special publication.

For more information, please see the workshop website at

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

7th IESHR Lecture at IHC & a day-long workshop on Re-imagining Asia at NMML; 13 & 14 Dec, New Delhi

The Indian Economic and Social History Association and SAGE are pleased to invite you to the Seventh IESHR Lecture!

Marking its 50th year of continuous publication!
The Indian Economic and Social History Review is pleased to invite you to a day-long workshop on Reimagining Asia!