Friday, August 30, 2013

CfPs: 55th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE); 16-18 December; at JNU, New Delhi

55th  Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE)
16-18 December, 2013
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

55th ISLE Annual Conference:

The 55th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) will be held during 16-18 December 2013 at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Professor Jayati Ghosh, Chairperson, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP), School of Social Sciences (SSS), JNU is the Conference President. Professor Praveen Jha, CESP and Chairperson of the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies (CISLS), SSS, JNU is the Local Organising Secretary.

The themes for the 55th ISLE Conference:
Email your queries to:

  • Dates of the Conference: 16-18 December 2013
  • Last Date for Submission of Papers: 31 October 2013
  • Communication from ISLE about acceptance of Papers: 15 November 2013. Those who want an early communication on the acceptance of their papers should request for early information in this regard while sending their papers.
  • Last date of registration: 30 November 2013
Registration fee may be made in favour of "2013 ISLE ANNUAL CONFERENCE", payable at State Bank of India, JNU New Campus Delhi, 110067 and sent by 30 November 2013 to the local organizing secretary Professor Praveen Jha, Chairperson, Centre for Informal Sector Informal Sector and Labour Studies, School of Social Science, JNU, New Delhi- 110 067 with soft copy to

REGISTRATION FEE: The registration fee for the Conference is Rs. 1000/-. Registration will entitle the participants to avail of modest boarding and lodging as well as the conference kit. The completed registration form along with a demand draft (DD) drawn in favour of  2013 ISLE Annual Conference, payable at State Bank of India, JNU New Campus Branch, New Delhi, should be sent to the organizers at the address mentioned below by 30 November 2013.

Participants who have not renewed their membership of the ISLE for the year 2013 need to pay their membership fee to be able to attend the Conference. The annual membership fee is Rs. 400/- for those from India (Rs 4000 lifetime), and US $75 for those from developing countries, and US $125 for those from other countries.
On spot registrations commence on 15 December 2013 at JNU at 1 pm. Delegates are requested to send complete information along with the registration fee at the earliest so that proper arrangements can be made for their accommodation. Online/prior registration is advised. Kindly note, for those who register on the spot, it may be difficult for us to arrange for accommodation.

The Conference will start at 9:30 am on 16 December 2013 and will be over by Lunch on 18 December, 2013. The delegates are advised to reach a day prior to the Conference and depart in the evening of 18 December 2013.

PRE CONFERENCE EVENT: A pre-conference event is also being planned in the afternoon of 15 December, 2013 (1.30 pm - 7 pm) and those who want to participate in it should reach New Delhi by noon on 15 December, 2013.

For an update on the conference, please visit the ISLE website:, or call at + 91 - 11- 23358166/ 23321610; Fax: +91-11-23765410, or email at

Facebook Page: Indian Society of Labour Economics - Isle

More Information:
About Conference and other information
Draft Progarmme Structure
ISLE Membership Form
ISLE Registration Form

HTML5 Tours in India (in 5 metropolis cities - New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune); 17-25 September

HTML5 Tours in India
17-25 September 2013
Organized by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) India Office

HTML5 is the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform that the Web community is building. The Web has become a critical global resource that is transforming all industries, including mobile, television, gaming, publishing, and health care. Forward-thinking industries are turning to the Web as the platform of choice for integrating diverse devices, services, and business models. This W3C HTML5 training course will let you know about all the new features that were introduced to help Web site authors to create great Web sites, in a simplified but powerful way. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) India Office is organizing an HTML5 Tour in India from 17 - 25 September 2013. The Eminent technology leader & expert from the World Wide Web Consortium will impart training on HTML5 and W3C's Open Web Platform to developers, students and other academies. The Tour will be scheduled across India's 5 metropolis cities - New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune.

1. 17th September 2013
Location : New Delhi
Theme : Authoring the Web: New ways to build complex Web content, including the use of Web Components
2. 19th September 2013
Location : Bangalore
Theme : Understanding the Web: Core features of the Web Platform (aka HTML5)
3. 21st September 2013
Location : IIIT Hyderabad
Theme : Powering the Web: New ways to tune and optimize the performance of Web applications
4. 23rd September 2013
Location : C-DAC Kolkata
Theme : Rethinking the Web: New modes of operation for Web applications,including offline Web applications, the Next Generation
5. 25th September 2013
Location : C-DAC, Pune
Theme : Connecting the Web: New ways to use the Web to connect with other people, including real-time video chat and video conferencing (WebRTC)

Essential Knowledge:
HTML: Basic Knowledge of HTML
CSS: minimal familiarity with CSS
DOM: extensive knowledge of the DOM is not necessary, but the ability to work with some of its more basic methods (getElementById, appendChild, etc.) is required
JavaScript: basic knowledge is sufficient

Who should attend?
Web developers and content authors ready to update their skills with HTML5
Web designers
Mobile Web developers
Beginning to intermediate programmers with basic Web knowledge who want to learn new skills

Online Registration:
Note:- Participation will be confirmed through an Email.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

National Student Challenge 2013: come up with creative ideas to solve some of the most pressing urban problems

National Student Challenge 2013

Home / National Student Challenge 2013

The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) announces the National Student Challenge (NSC) 2013.

NSC 2013 brings together young people who want to be change-makers in India's urban transformation. If you believe that you can design solutions to some of the most pressing urban problems – mobility, housing, livelihoods, education, safety and violence, and disaster risk reduction – NSC 2013 is the platform for you.

We invite undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students from institutions all over the country to come up with creative ideas to solve traffic problems, manage waste or provide viable livelihood options to the urban poor. Winning teams will receive an implementation grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, in addition to expert guidance and support to turn their ideas into sustainable ventures.

Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduate Students
Post-graduate Students
Doctoral Students

Age Limit: 30 Years (As of 15.10.2013)

Participate in the 'Challenge'
1. Form teams of 3 to 5 students
2. Identify an urban challenge
3. Formulate Problem Statement and a Possible Solution Statement
4. Submit Problem and Solution Statements

After submission
The deadline for submission of statements is 01.10.2013. 25 teams will be shortlisted based on several parameters and notified by 13.10.2013. If your team is shortlisted, you will be assigned a mentor, a subject matter expert in your chosen theme, who will help streamline your solution. After 6 weeks of mentoring, you will present your solution to an eminent jury at the finals on December 11 and 12, 2013 at the IIHS Bangalore Campus.

"Cultural Expression" to an Urban Issue
The 25 shortlisted teams have the option of expressing their observations about Urban Issues through creative arts. You may also select a performing art to portray your idea. The expressions could be in the form of play-acting, film, dance & song, role-play, narration, miming, parody, photography or painting. These expressions could complement your chosen themes and provide relatable context. Cultural Expression is optional.

Top three teams will receive an implementation grant of Rs. 3,00,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation apart from the individual cash prizes they also get.

Additionally, please free to contact us at any point of time at or call us at: 91-80-67606666. You can ask for either Shalini Pal or Sarat Chandra Gnanamgari and we'll be happy to assist you with your queries. We wish you all the best!

09|09|2013 – Final date for registration of teams
01|10|2013 – Final date for the submission of the statements
12|10|2013 – Final shortlisting of the teams
19|10|2013 – Mentor mapping and assigning of mentors
11 & 12 December 2013 – NSC 2013 Finals

Register for NSC 2013 | Entries close 09/09/2013


School of Environmental Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Cordially invites you to a presentation on


Speakers: Team, Transform Urban India, Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore
Date: 3rd September (Tuesday)
Time: 3pm onwards
Venue: Seminar Room, SES.

Brief Sketch of the organization: The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) is a national education institution committed to the equitable, sustainable and efficient transformation of Indian settlements. IIHS holds its flagship student-focused initiative, Transform Urban India National Student Challenge (TUI-NSC) each year. The NSC 2013 is a platform which aims to bring together young people who want to be change-makers in India's urban transformation. Undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students are invited from institutions all over the country to come up with creative ideas to solve problems facing urban centers.

The themes for 2013 include

  • Transportation, Mobility - sustainable urban transport, Traffic congestion, Transportation & Environmental Management, New Construction Methods, Green Logistics
  • Basic Services – water, sanitation, solid waste management, lack of social community network, public-private partnership
  • Livelihoods - securing basic necessities – water, food, shelter, occupational vulnerability, skill up gradation, informal employment
  • Human Development - health, education, employability
  • Housing - housing stock at different income levels, possibilities & limitations of private players
  • Urban Culture - social practices associated with modern cities, way of life
  • Safety & Violence - safety at workplace, in schools, on road, in hospitals& treatment, in drugs
  • Urban Poor - change in socioeconomic, political, bureaucratic, religious system, reason for urban poverty
  • Governance & Institution - act of governing, decisions that defines expectations of people, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, equitable & inclusive, right to elect
  • Disaster risk reduction - man-made situations contribute to disasters, insensitive administration

The winning teams will receive an implementation grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, in addition to expert guidance and support to turn their ideas into sustainable ventures.

• Copy of the brochure available with the AO in SES office

Saturday, August 17, 2013

IIAS Winter School on Life and Thought of Gandhi; at IIAS, Shimla; 20 Nov-4 Dec.

4th Winter School on Life and Thought of Gandhi

20 November-4 December 2013

Organized by Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla

Over the last three decades the scholastic, intellectual, political and social interests in Gandhiji's life and thought has acquired a new urgency and depth. Gandhiji's writings like An Autobiography Or The Story of My Experiments with Truth and Hind Swaraj have been subject of minute textual, philosophical and literary studies. The theory and practice of Satyagraha, constructive work and the institutions that Gandhiji established have come to be studied by historians, political theorists and commentators and chroniclers of social movements. Lives of Gandhiji's associates and interlocutors like Mahadev Desai, J C Kumarrapa, Mirabehn, C F Andrews and Lanza Del Vasto have added to our understanding of Gandhiji. As a result of these studies our understanding of Gandhiana has emerged deeper, richer and nuanced.
The Winter School seeks to acquaint the participant to this variegated intellectual tradition of thinking of and about Gandhiji. The School would seek to provide a non-fragmentary understanding of Gandhiji's life and thought. Quite often we have come to look at political Gandhi as quite distinct from the Gandhi of the constructive work or see Gandhiji's spiritual quest as distinct from his quest for Swaraj. The School would try to unravel the underlying relationship between seemingly disparate practices, utterances and writings. With this in view a Two week Winter School is proposed to be held at Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla during 20 November-4 December 2013.
The Winter School will be conducted by Professor Tridip Suhrud, Director, Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad and other eminent scholars from several disciplines who will explore various aspects of Gandhi's life and thought.
Applications are invited from young College and University teachers/researchers from Humanities and Social Sciences/Journalist/ NGO activist in the age group of 22 to 35 years.
A batch of 25 participants will be selected from amongst the applicants. Those interested may send their bio-data (that should include their academic qualification, experience, research interest and area of specialization) along with the note of 200-250 words regarding how they perceive life and thought of Gandhi.
All expenses will be borne by the IIAS. Applications may be sent by e-mail at which must reach IIAS by 15th September 2013. Those selected will be informed by 15th October 2013. The decision of the Institute in selection of candidates to attend the Winter School would be final and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

Media Workshop on “Humanitarian Disasters, Human Rights Violations, and Social Media Journalism”; 11-14 Dec; at Kolkata

Media Workshop on "Humanitarian Disasters, Human Rights Violations, and Social Media Journalism"

11-14 December 2013

Organized by the Calcutta Research Group (CRG), Kolkata

The workshop will be in the form of a media research lab. The focus will be on interdisciplinary engagement with new media, digital culture and technology on issues of human rights violations and humanitarian disasters. The workshop will run parallel to the Eleventh Orientation Course on Forced Migration Studies to be held in Kolkata, India (8-14 December 2013). The workshop will engage with critical questions, such as: How empowering, after all, is social media? Has it indeed democratized news? If yes, in what modes and forms has this democratization been attained? In democratic societies, how shall we draw the fi ne line between freedom of expression and of defamation? The workshop will engage with these questions through the optic of humanitarian disasters and human rights violations and the need to protect the victims of these disasters and violations. The workshop will endeavour to sensitize social media activists to issues of rights and protection resulting from forced migration, and, in the process of the programme, establish connect between mainstream journalists working on forced migration issues and social media activists. The participation of social media activists will be the main source of information.
Applications are invited from citizen journalists, social-media activists, and professional journalists. Applications from human-rights activists, policymakers, media specialists, and activists working in the field of human rights and humanitarian assistance for victims of forced migration are also welcome. Applicants must have (a) experience in traditional or social media studies, or policy studies on forced migration, OR, two-year experience of working in the traditional media or social media activism, AND (b) profi ciency in English. Besides giving all necessary particulars, application must be accompanied by one appropriate recommendation letter and a 500-1000 word write-up on how the programme is relevant to the applicant's work and may benefi t the applicant. Applicants will have to pay a registration fee of INR 2,000 (for non-Indian participants USD$ 200). In Kolkata, the CRG will provide accommodation and bear other expenses for all participants. Inquiries relating to the application procedure are welcome.
Applications, addressed to the Media Module Coordinator, should be sent by e-mail to and or by post to the following address: Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, GC 45 Sector 3, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 106, West Bengal, India. Phone: +91 (33) 2337 0408. The workshop is being supported by the British Deputy High Commission, Kolkata. All applications must reach by 9 September 2013.

Further Details

Monday, August 5, 2013

CfPs: International Conference on Globalization, Governance & Sustainable Development; 8 Dec; New Delhi

International Conference on Globalization, Governance & Sustainable Development

8 December 2013

Venue: MDRF Academy of Politics & Governance, Statesman House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi

Call for Papers
Abstract of not more than 200 words should be submitted on any of the following areas:
  • Globalization or the Age of Transition
  • Globalization, Law, Justice and Governance
  • Information Technology and Governance
  • Anti-globalization Movements and Governance
  • Globalization, Gender and Sustainable Development
  • Human rights and Neoliberal Globalization
  • Globalization and Crisis of the Nation State
  • Globalization and Sustainable Development
  • Globalization and the Sustainability of Cities
  • Global Terrorism and Governance
  • Globalization and New Social Movements
  • Globalization to Global Governance
  • Globalization and Identity Politics
  • Civil Society and Governance
Please note:
  • The broad areas are indicative and you may submit papers even outside the listed areas where central theme of the research revolves around globalization.
  • We welcome contributions from Masters Students, Research Scholars, Academicians, Policy Makers, Industry Representatives/Professionals, NGO Representatives, and Activists.
  • Papers can deal with both theoretical and empirical aspects, implementation and case studies.
  • Please send your abstract along with a brief profile to: latest by 31 August 2013.
  • Selected authors will be invited to submit their full papers by 8 November 2013.

Further Details

Call for competitive papers by young scholars from South Asia on “Labour Markets, Employment and Inclusive Growth in South Asia”

Call for competitive papers by young scholars from South Asia

Theme:  "Labour Markets, Employment and Inclusive Growth in South Asia"

Rapid economic growth in South Asia has not yielded commensurate returns in terms of better livelihood and employment conditions for its fast growing labour force. A large majority of the region's workers are engaged in low-paid jobs in the informal economy, resulting in widespread insecurity of livelihoods. The region has witnessed concentration of the benefits of growth among only a fraction of the population, and the exclusion of many. SARNET is a research and network programme of South Asian institutions and scholars coordinated by the Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi, in collaboration with ILO and ESCAP, with support from IDRC (Canada). Its objective is to find ways to improve the nature of growth in South Asia so as to reduce the existing vulnerability of workers, to increase the quality of employment and to enhance social protection. The other objectives of the programme include capacity building of young researchers from the region who are interested in studying labour markets.

SARNET is issuing this first competitive call for papers on 'Labour Markets, Employment and Inclusive Growth in South Asia'. The topics and issues include, but need not be restricted, to the following: What has been the pace and pattern of employment creation in South Asia during the last two to three decades, and what kind of linkage can be seen with growth performance? Why is there a high level of informalization of jobs in South Asia? What kind of policies and institutions are needed to promote formalization? What are the constraints to manufacturing growth in South Asia? What are the dynamics of the emerging patterns of labour market inequality and social exclusion in South Asia? What kinds of changes are required in labour market institutions to generate high quality jobs and lead to growth for the promotion of inclusive development?

Young scholars (below the age of 35 years) of South Asian nationality (working either in the region or outside) are invited to submit proposals for empirical papers, covering any or all of the major South Asian economies, including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SARNET supports gender parity and encourages women to apply. The proposals should include an abstract (of around 1000 words) outlining the main research questions, conceptual framework, methodology and empirical base of the paper. The paper (of about 8000 words) should not have been published earlier in any form. An amount of USD 3,000 would be paid for the accepted papers. The proposals and submitted papers would be reviewed by a committee of international experts. SARNET reserves the right to publish accepted papers in some reputed journals and/or in a book.

Proposals should be received by 21 August 2013. Authors of the selected proposals would be contacted by 1 September. Full drafts have to be submitted by 1 December 2013. The authors of the accepted papers would be invited to present their papers in a conference to be held in New Delhi during the middle of December 2013. Funds permitting, SARNET would provide travel subsidy and arrange accommodation of some authors from outside the region as well to enable them to attend the Conference.

Address for correspondence: Ms. Priyanka Tyagi, Communication Officer, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, Email: with a copy to:

Further Details