Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CfPs: National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, 25-26 April 2012, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction

25-26 April 2012

Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi



Highly fragile eco-system coupled with physical, social and economic vulnerabilities grade India as one of the most multi-disaster prone countries of the world. Scenario necessitates to actively taking a holistic approach which encompasses all facets of disaster management in the country. We have travelled a long journey towards strengthening the institutional mechanism, response capacities and institutionalization of financial arrangement. Moving progressively forward, we have to continue with our new commitment and endeavor towards higher levels of understanding, preparedness, measures of mitigation and response mechanisms amongst multi stakeholders to achieve consolidated action to face the challenges of Natural Hazards and Unnatural Disasters.

In this process of moving forward, Ministry of Home Affairs along with the National Disaster Management Authority and the National Institute of Disaster Management, has envisaged to organize the First session of the National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) from 25th - 26th April, 2012.

The NPDRR is considered as the national forum to bring together policy makers, disaster managers as well as academics for a thoughtful reflection, exchange the views, project the research findings along with explore windows for mutual cooperation in the field of Disaster Management and aligning with the provisions of Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) to acts as coordination mechanism for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction measures into development planning, policies and programmes covering all issues and sectors including agriculture, education, energy, environment, housing, infrastructure, science and technology etc. so as to contribute in formulation of future plan. The first National Platform is dedicated to the theme of "Mainstreaming DRR in Development: From Risk to Resilience".

In the past, National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India organized India Disaster Management Congress (IDMC) with an objective to promulgate best practices on disaster management through knowledge sharing with various stakeholders of disaster management. Dignitaries like Hon'ble Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India, Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, and UPA Chairperson Ms. Sonia Gandhi had graced the occasion. It has been envisaged that IDMC and NPDRR be amalgamate into a single event to enhance participation, deliberate on the subject, exchange the views for taking disaster risk reduction in a coordinated manner. Therefore, all those who have been participating in IDMC earlier, are welcome to participate in the NPDRR.


Objectives of National Platform

  • To anchor the knowledge and research in the domain of specific disciplines to provide greater interaction and interface amongst various the disciplines of disaster management.
  • To enlarge the perspectives of research in particular disciplines and provide a holistic framework.
  • To create a pool of resources of scientists, practitioners on DRR.
  • To bring together organizations and individuals of diverse disciplines and sectors and in assembling, synthesizing, managing and further disseminating knowledge on disaster management in diverse sectors.
  • To provide a platform where researchers and practitioners shall meet periodically, present their research papers, debate on the issues, lessons learnt-challenges encountered, shortcomings and opportunities and discuss the areas of mutual cooperation and road maps.



The National Platform is being hosted by Ministry of Home Affairs along with National Disaster Management Authority and National Institute of Disaster Management in collaboration with other national and international organizations. The Secretariat of the Platform is located at National Institute of Disaster Management.



The programme will include plenary, thematic sessions and exhibition on various aspects of disaster risk reduction.


Plenary Sessions - Themes

1 Economics of Natural and Un-natural Disasters - Vulnerability and Its Impacts.

2 Governance and Public Policy - Developing and Strengthening The Institutional Mechanism.

3 Addressing Disaster Risk - Prevention and Mitigation Efforts, Issues in Planning and Development and Evolving New Strategies

4 Knowledge Management and Capacity Building - Taking Them Forward.

5 Implementation issues - Views from States and Union Territories


Thematic Sessions - Cluster

1 Awareness Campaign - Community and Safe Schools.

2 Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge in DRR.

3 Urban Risk Reduction-Safe Cities.

4 Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) & Long Term Recovery

5 Mass Casualty Management - Safe Hospitals and Psycho-social Care.

6 Risk Transfer Mechanism in Disaster Management.

7 Application of Weather Forecasting, Early Warning, Hazard Zonation, Space Technology and other Researches

8 Role of Media in Disaster Management.

9 Corporate Social Responsibility and Role of NGOs in Disaster Management.

10 Emerging Issues in Disaster Management.



The National Platform has been conceptualized as a national forum to bring together various stakeholders like policy makers, administrators, professional disaster managers, UN organisations, the World Bank, multilateral organisations, scientists, technocrats, academicians, corporate and private sectors, community leaders and NGOs into a comprehensive consultative process. The participants can contribute papers for presentation and take part in its proceedings.


Call of papers

Interested participants may submit the papers for which abstracts not exceeding 500 words either electronically or by post to the Secretariat on the subject of Plenary/Thematic sessions latest by February 29, 2012. Shortlisted author's abstracts/papers shall be required to submit their final paper(s). Detailed guidelines for paper and abstract submission are available here.


Inauguration & Valedictory Session

The Hon'ble President of India and the Hon'ble Prime Minister are being requested to inaugurate the occasion and to address the Valedictory Function respectively.

Hon'ble Home Minister, Vice Chairperson-NDMA and Ministers of State (Home) and other dignitaries are also being requested to be the Guest of Honour and would be further requested to preside over/address the session during the proceeding of events.



Participant Fee in (INR): Individual 1000; Student 500

Online registration will be accepted till April 20, 2012. Interested participants may please click here for online registration.

A nominal registration fee shall be charged to cover the expenses of programme kit, publications, lunch, tea/coffee and dinner etc. Registration fees may be remitted either by bank transfer or by post to the Secretariat through Cheque/Bank Draft in favour of National Institute of Disaster Management payable at New Delhi.


National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction Secretariat

National Institute of Disaster Management,

5-B, I. P. Estate, Ring Road,

New Delhi 110002, INDIA.

Tele-Fax: +91-11-23724308

Email: npdrr.india@gmail.com

Website: http://nidm.gov.in/npdrr

Monday, January 30, 2012

Call for Papers: Collaboration in International & Comparative Librarianship in Honour of Prof. S B Ghosh

Collaboration in International & Comparative Librarianship

Susmita Chakraborty
North Bengal University, India

Anup Kumar Das 
CSSP, Jawaharlal National University, India

Call for Chapters:
Proposals Submission Deadline: January 15, 2012
Full Chapters Due: March 7, 2012

This book on documenting international collaborations in the LIS field wishes to pay tribute to the lifelong contributions of Prof. S B Ghosh of India. Prof. Ghosh was former Professor and Head at Indira Gandhi National Open University and member of several IFLA sections.

International Advisory Board: 
Renowned LIS scholars of international acclaim form the Editorial Advisory Board. Their valuable suggestions are going to enrich this volume to a great extent.

The International Advisory Board is composed of the following members:

1.    Prof. Dan Dorner, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
2.   Prof. A. Neelameghan, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science,Bangalore, India 
3.    Prof. Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy 
4.   Prof. Gary E. Gorman, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5.   Prof. G. G. Chowdhury, Centre for Information and Knowledge Management,University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
6.  Prof. Jaideep Sharma, School of Social Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India 
7. Dr. Dinesh Gupta, Dept. of Lib. & Inf. Sc.,  Vardhaman Mahavihar Open University, Kota, Rajasthan, India
8. Dr. Deva B. Eswara Reddy, Texas A & M University, Texas, United States
9. Diljit Singh,  Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia

The Rationale behind the Book:
This book is an effort to document the many instances of collaborations in the international LIS scenario as well as to honour the lifelong contributions of Prof. (Dr.) S B Ghosh, the former Professor and Head of Indira Gandhi National Open University. Prof. Ghosh is one of the LIS scholars who are truly international in character. He has travelled widely all over the globe on academic purposes, taught in the universities of many countries, published scholarly articles in various journals and held responsible positions in national and international professional bodies. He is a Member of Standing Committee of SET and RSCAO of IFLA. Now is the right time to bring out a Volume of scholarly articles in honour of his long and worthy contribution to the field of Library & Information Science.
 We, the editors of this proposed volume, have chosen the field of International librarianship as befitting to the truly cosmopolitan and international outlook & work of Dr. S B Ghosh.

Scope of the Work:
With the advent of the Bologna Process, the importance of International librarianship has become a reality. One salient feature after the Bologna Declaration is the collaborative effort of the universities in UK and Italy. It has given credence to the level of cooperation and mutual exchange that can be achieved at the international level. Since then, many such instances have happened or are being nurtured for future occurrence. 
International librarianship consists of activities carried out among or between  governmental or non-governmental institutions, organizations, groups or individuals of two or more nations, to promote, establish, develop, maintain and evaluate library, documentation and allied services, and librarianship and the library profession generally, in any part of the world.

People Involvement: 
 This proposed volume will have contributions from LIS scholars from all over the globe. Our general idea is to include contributions from the teaching faculties of Departments of Library & Information Science of all continents. We also wish to include contributions from the leading LIS practitioners working in the academic/research/public libraries in different countries. Contributions coming from different professional organisations in the library & information science field are also very welcome. 

Expected Audience:
We hope that the outcome will be a scholarly reference work for the use of Gaduate and Post Graduate Students, Researchers, Teachers, LIS Administrators as well as all other activist and stakeholders of the concerned field.

This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2013.

Recommended Topics:
Collaboration at an international level can be written about from many perspectives, including (but not exclusive to) one or more of the following broader topic areas:

  • Comparative Librarianship: Theories, Techniques, Technologies, Socio-economic factors, etc.
  • International Librarianship: Theories, Techniques, Technologies, Socio-economic-cultural factors, etc.
  • Influence of factors outside the LIS domain having significant contributions 
  • South-South Cooperation and North-South Cooperation
  • Learning from Developing Countries 
  • Learning from Developed Countries 
  • International and Bilateral Aid Programs
  • Internationalisation of LIS Education
  • Global Role of Open Source Software in Information Management 
  • Role of Cultural & Information Agencies
  • Role of Philanthropic Foundations
  • Role of Specific Programs (such as Book Donations)  
  • Role of International Non-Governmental Organisations in LIS
  • Role of Regional/ National LIS Organisations 
  • Role of Specialised International Organisations
  • Collaborative authorship (papers) in LIS
  • Role of regional and international conferences in LIS subjects
  • Social networking on a regional / global scale among LIS professionals

Submission Deadlines:
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 15, 2012
Proposal Acceptance Notification: February 15, 2012
Full chapter Submission: March 30, 2012
Review Results to Authors: April 30, 2012
Revised Chapter Submission: May 30, 2012
Submission Guidelines:
Chapter Proposals in the form of extended abstracts of about 500 words as MS Word or RTF files are to be submitted to the editors by February 15, 2012.
Authors of the accepted proposals should send the full chapters to the editors in 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages, and figures, tables and charts in the following form and content:

 Text Format: .doc or .rtf
 Image Format: .tiff (tables/graphs, etc. along with text as well as separate .tiff files as   attachments)
 Reference Format: APA Style

The Authors will provide the manuscript text in electronic format as MS Word or RTF files and separate files for each figure saved in .tiff format. The Author will also provide hard copies of any chapters making excessive use of equations or symbols.

Review Process: 
The Proposals and Submitted Chapters will be subjected to blind peer review process and suggestions of reviewers should be incorporated by the authors. 

Submission Instructions:
LIS professionals willing to contribute chapters are requested to send Chapter Proposals to the editors by 15th January 2012 to sclis.india@gmail.com. 

Complimentary Copies:
The First Author will receive a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher and 40% discount on any further copy.

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document):

Dr. Susmita Chakraborty
Mobile Phone: 91-9830710918
Department of Library & Information Science, 
North Bengal University, India


Dr. Anup Kumar Das 
CSSP, Jawaharlal National University
New Delhi, India

CfP: All India Privacy Symposium, Feb 04, IIC Delhi

All India Privacy Symposium

When: Feb 04, 2012

from: 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM

Where: India International Centre, New Delhi

Privacy India in partnership with the International Development Research Centre, Canada, Society in Action Group, Gurgaon, Privacy International, UK and Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative is organizing the All India Privacy Symposium at the India International Centre, New Delhi on Saturday, February 4, 2012.

Since June 2010, Privacy India has been engaging in discussions with policy makers, the public and sectoral experts about privacy in India. The discussions have ranged from topics of identity and privacy, to minority rights and privacy, and consumer privacy. The findings of our research show that privacy was a neglected area of study for India in the past, however, this is changing. Advancements in technology, the introduction of e-governance initiatives like the National Fibre Optic Network, the introduction of new legislations, and debates surrounding national security, have brought privacy debates to the forefront in India. Although currently sectoral legislation deals with privacy issues, e.g., the Telegraph Act or RBI guidelines for banking, India has just begun to consider a horizontal legislation that deals comprehensively with privacy across all contexts. This conference is an opportunity to look forward to what could be the future scope of privacy in India.

Privacy India was set up in collaboration with the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore and Society in Action Group, Gurgaon, under the auspices of an international organization 'Privacy International'. Privacy International is a non-profit group that provides assistance to civil society groups, governments, international and regional bodies, the media and the public in a number of countries. For more info, visit its website.

10:00-10:15 Welcome & Introduction to Privacy India: Elonnai Hickok (Policy Advocate, Privacy India)
10:30-11:30 Panel I: Privacy and Transparency
Moderator: Sunil Abraham (Executive Director, Centre for Internet & Society)
Panelists: Prashant Bhushan (Senior Advocate, New Delhi), Simon Davies (Director General, Privacy International, UK), Ponnurangam K (Assistant Prof, IIIT New Delhi), Chitra Ahanthem (Journalist, Imphal), Aruna Roy (Social & Political Activist), Deepak Maheshwari (Director Corporate Affairs, Microsoft)
11:30-12:30 Panel II: Privacy and E-Governance Initiatives
Moderator: Sudhir Krishnaswamy (Professor, Azim Premji University)
Panelists: Anant Maringanti (Independent Social Researcher), Usha Ramanathan (Advocate&Social Activist), Ram Sewak Sharma (Director General, UIDAI), Gus Hosein (Executive Director, Privacy International, UK), R K Singh (Union Home Secretary, New Delhi)*, Apar Gupta (Advocate, Supreme Court of India)
13:30-14:30 Panel III: Privacy and National Security
Moderator: Justice A P Shah (Former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court)
Panelists: Menaka Guruswamy (Advocate, Supreme Court, New Delhi), Amol Sharma (Journalist, Wall Street Journal), Saikat Datta (Journalist, DNA), Eric King (Human Rights and Technology Advisor, Privacy International, UK), Prasanth Sugathan (Legal Counsel, Software Freedom Law Center) and Oxblood Ruffin  (Cult of the Dead Cow Security and Publishing Collective)
14:30-15:30 Panel IV: Privacy and Banking
Moderator: Prashant Iyengar (Associate Professor, Jindal Law University)
Panelists: M R Umarji (Chief Legal Advisor, IBA), N A Vijayashankar (Cyber Law Expert), Sucheta Dalal (Managing Editor, MoneyLife Magazine), Malavika Jayaram (Advocate, Bangalore)
15:45-16:45 Panel V: Privacy and Health
Moderator: Ashok Row Kavi (Journalist & LGBT Activist)
Panelists: K K Abraham (President, Indian Network for People with HIV), Shri Sayan Chatterjee (Secretary, National Aids Control Organization)*, Dr V M Katoch (Secretary, Department of Health Research), Dr B S Bedi (Advisor, CDAC & Media Lab Asia)
16:45-17:00 The Way Forward: Elonnai Hickok (Policy Advocate, Privacy India)

This is a public meeting. For participation in the event, get in touch with Elonnai (elonnai@cis-india.org)

Dr. Anup Kumar Das
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi - 110067, India
Personal webpage: www.anupkumardas.blogspot.com


Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context" a Bulletin; November 2011 issue

Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context

November 2011 issue


A Bulletin Initiated by

National Science and Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS), DST, India

National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi, India

Download Full-text PDF

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Panel Discussion on "Libraries: The Partners in Nation Building" at IIC, New Delhi on January 6, 2012

Panel Discussion on "Libraries: The Partners in Nation Building"

Date: January 6, 2012

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 1, India International Center, New Delhi

Shri Jagmohan, former Governor of Jammu and Kashmir;
Ms Linda K. Parker, Information Resource Officer, American Centre;
Professor S.K. Tandon, former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi;
Smt Shailaja Chandra, Chairperson, Delhi Public Library and
Dr. H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET

Chair: Shri Soli J. Sorabjee, former Attorney General of India

All are cordially invited.

Monday, January 2, 2012

HBL Article "How Not to Discuss Water with China" by Rohan D'Souza, CSSP

How Not to Discuss Water with China
Rohan D'Souza
The Hindu Business Line, January 1, 2012
Source: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/columns/article2766410.ece

China has never been daunted by big engineering. The Great Wall, the Grand Canal and recently the Three Gorges Dam all testify to an almost habitual pursuit of projects involving enormous scale.
Small wonder that many in India see it but inevitable that China will divert the Yarlung Tsang-po for its thirst-ridden cities in the north. An idea made even more spectacular, given that this siphoning will literally involve taking the waters in a hop-jump-skip equivalent over the head reaches of three other mighty rivers: the Salween, Mekong and the temperamental Yangtze.
And even when this unforgiving route is overcome, the non-evaporated flows of the Tsang-po will then still have to be pumped, dropped and shuffled across a whole set of connecting channels, tunnels and sprawling pipelines before finally gushing from turned taps in Beijing.
To many, understandably, this kind of engineering is between implausible and impossible.
But can one confidently conclude that a desperately thirsty China is beyond great, grand and gigantic imaginations about water?
Officially, the Chinese government intends to move 38-48 billion cubic meters of water annually from its southern rivers for populations in the north, through the unambiguously titled scheme, the South North Water Diversion Project (SNWD).
Should these ambitious water diversions, however, unequivocally hold for trans-boundary rivers as well?

One of China's southernmost rivers is the Yarlung Tsang-Po, which, after entering Arunachal Pradesh as the Siang, opens up majestically within the Assam valley to become India's 'moving ocean', the masculine Brahmaputra. Later on, these flows briefly meander as the Jamuna in Bangladesh before entirely folding into the Padma River (Pôdda), near Goalundo Ghat.
But one river stringing three nations is inescapably a natural geo-political muddle. Anyone, for example, pinching flows can send political ripples and cross-border anxieties. Added to which, this complicated fluvial regime comprising innumerable tributaries, bifurcations and branches remains little understood as a hydraulic process.
As yet, the vast mosaic of ecological niches and fluvial habitats borne by the Yarlung-Brahmaputra-Jamuna (YBJ) system is yet to be credibly studied in terms of its environmental webs and linkages. Ironically enough, the absence of such knowledge on the river's flora, fauna and intricate ecological relationships has hardly humbled those shaping a vibrant discourse over water security for the region. If anything, ignorance seems bliss in this case, with the entire effort focused on ascertaining and intensely debating quantifiable flows.
Put differently, the YBJ has been conveniently denied recognition as a river regime bearing environmental qualities. Instead, it has become a river of volumes, compiled as numbers, as averages and as simple statistics.

And herein lies the Chinese water conundrum for Indian diplomacy and its non-traditional security strategists.
If negotiations are reduced to ascertaining who is entitled to how much of the volume, the game might, in fact, be lost in a single move.
Thus far, the Indian side seems to be fashioning a two-point emphasis: constructing a dialogue for 'sharing benefits' from probable hydro-electric projects on the Yarlung-Brahmaputra stretch and developing a mutually agreeable format for exchanging hydraulic data.
The strategy, however, rests too much on hope and expectations about reciprocal goodwill. Moreover, China's imperatives or ability to realise kilowatts and cusecs do not, in any sense, provide a compelling urgency for regional cooperation.
Flow data, similarly, even when transparent and accessible, can only be read against the grain of several other imponderables.
And most critically, can such water arrangements, even if concluded as a treaty, be contained as a specific deal between India and China? That is, can India's understandings with China be prevented from an interpretative spillover into existing water treaties, or significantly trouble other delicately poised discussions over trans-boundary rivers in the region? Secondly, India held the upper riparian position on previous major treaty negotiations: the Indus Water Treaty (1960) and the Ganges Water Treaty (1996).
Upper riparians possess an unstated advantage in the creation of hydraulic facts and can carry their topographical strength into concluding any arrangement.
Clearly, not so in the case of the Yarlung Tsang-po, and bargains with China over a likely water treaty will put Indian negotiators in a technical context that for the latter, at least, entirely lacks historical precedence.
Put differently, a new language game will need to be evolved by the Indian side which, above all else, provides a novel architecture for discussions that are based on an entirely different set of hydraulic concepts and categories.
Interestingly enough, cutting such a fresh path will be a lot easier than pursuing an intense, dogged and grinding exchange over contested river flow data. Since the 1990s, a dramatic scholarly turn has occurred in several social science disciplines with the theme of water as a central narrative. A range of publications in anthropology, sociology and history, have decisively altered our understandings on river management and hydraulic control.

A recent issue of the journal Nature (vol. 4, September 30, 2010), highlighted the urgency for an "integrative water approach".
In effect, hydraulic and riverine habitat diversity have to be sustained, if human consumption requirements were to be met in the long term.
It is imperative that Indian water negotiators harness this fresh research turn. Lazy argumentations that continue to evoke nineteenth century quantitative hydrology and twentieth century large-dam monumentalism are most likely to fail.
Indian negotiators can make a more meaningful case by discussing thick interconnections between hydraulic diversity on the one hand and livelihood complexity and intricate social dependencies on the other — rather than foregrounding statistical simplifications about river flows.

(The author is with the Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University)