Thursday, December 13, 2012

Call for Applications: Girish Sant Memorial Young Researcher Fellowship 2013

Girish Sant Memorial Young Researcher Fellowship 2013

Prayas and several friends and well-wishers of Girish Sant, a pioneering policy researcher and public interest advocate in the energy sector who passed away unexpectedly in February 2012, have set up a Young Researcher Fellowship (YRF) to encourage young researchers to imbibe his values and approach of high quality analysis, commitment to social equity and emphasis on policy impacts. Applications are invited from interested candidates to avail of the fellowship, whose details are given below.

The objectives of the fellowship are to encourage young Indian researchers to take up public interest oriented research and advocacy in the Indian energy sector, and to provide some financial and professional stability to youngsters at an early stage of their career.

Details of the Fellowship
1. One fellowship would be awarded each year.
2. The fellowship work would be mentored by a senior researcher at Prayas (Energy Group).
3. The researcher receiving the fellowship will primarily be based at Prayas (Energy Group) and would also be encouraged to develop additional affiliations and spend time at other institutes and with other mentors to develop diverse perspectives. However, at least four months of the fellowship must be spent at Prayas (Energy Group).
4. The fellowship amount would be Rs. 30,000 per month plus some provision for other expenses such as travel.
5. The fellowship would be for one year and is likely to begin around April 2013.
6. The fellowship program would be managed by the Girish Sant Memorial Committee and administered by Prayas (Energy Group).

Eligibility Criteria
1. The fellowship would be open to all Indians below the age of 30.
2. Applicants should have at least an under-graduate degree in a relevant discipline.
3. We are looking for candidates with strong analytical skills, multi-disciplinary interests and ability and willingness to learn.
4. Upon selection, applicants should be willing to work full-time on the fellowship.

Selection Process
1. All applications for the fellowship must be submitted electronically to
2. Applicants for the fellowship must submit the following information as part of the application:
a. A complete bio-data giving the candidate's date of birth, contact details, details of education, work experience, research and other interests, and list of publications.
b. Names and email addresses of two respected researchers from the energy and/or development sectors who can be contacted for references
c. A detailed research proposal, not exceeding 1500 words, describing the proposed problem statement, its relevance and importance, outline of research activities, and expected outputs and outcomes.
d. Applicants are also encouraged to include a rough schedule in the proposal indicating the various other potential collaborator institutions.
3. Complete applications as described above should reach this email address by the midnight of 13th January 2013. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
4. Applicants would be judged on the basis of their bio-data, references and research proposal. They may also be asked to appear for an interview, possibly over telephone or skype.
5. The successful applicant would be announced in February, following written acceptance of fellowship by the successful candidate.

For more information
You may visit the website of Prayas (Energy Group) at to know more about the work of Girish Sant and Prayas (Energy Group). Please contact with any queries regarding the fellowship.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowships for 2013

The Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowships for 2013

Theme for this year: POVERTY


SAGE instituted the Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowships in 2009 to honour Tejeshwar Singh, Managing Director of SAGE India for 25 years and doyen of the publishing industry in South Asia. SAGE invites applications for the award of The Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowships for 2013 in the following categories

  • Social Sciences
  • Business & Management
  • Media & Communication Studies

Starting this year the fellowships will have a central theme. This year's theme is POVERTY.

Presiding Panel: T N Madan, Surendra Munshi and Romila Thapar

Duration: One year

A stipend of Rs. 50,000 a month (50,000 X 12) with an additional amount of Rs. 50,000 can be claimed for travel during the tenure of the fellowship. Total value of the Fellowship is Rs. 6,50,000.

Eligibility: Open to nationals of South Asian (SAARC) countries, including those currently resident overseas. Candidates must be below 40 years of age as on 1 April 2013.

Submission Guidelines: Applicants are invited to submit their curriculum vitae, a research proposal and a 5000 word sample of their writing. The last date for receipt of applications is 31st March 2013.

Award of Fellowship: The applications for each fellowship will be vetted by a jury of four experts including one representative of SAGE. The award of the fellowships will be announced on or before 30th June 2013.

Scope of the Fellowships

Proposal Presentation:

  • The proposal must be understandable with clear aims and scope
  • The proposed methodology must be sound

Substantive Merit:

  • There must be conceptual and theoretical clarity
  • Relevance to South Asia
  • It must make a potential contribution to the concerned subject area

Publication Potential:

The proposal must be such that the required research can be completed in a year. It should have the potential to be published as a book. The final book manuscript can be completed in 12 months subsequent to the end of the Fellowship. The book may be published by the scholar's choice of publisher with due acknowledgement to the Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowships for supporting the research.


All applications should be addressed to: Ms Smrithi Sudhakaran, SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, B1/I1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044. Tel: 4053 9222, Extn: 256; email:,



Fellowships for 2010 in the respective categories have been awarded to the following:

  • Social Sciences: Ms Mehreen Zahra-Malik, Assistant Editor, The News International, Pakistan
  • Media & Communication: Dr Santanu Chakrabarti, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
  • Business & Management: Dr Ajai S Gaur, Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, USA

The fellowships for 2011 and 2012 were not announced due to unavoidable reasons.


Further Details

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Call for applications “South Asia 2020” Conference in Dubai, 2013; due date Dec 10

South Asia 2020
Friday, January 18, 2013 - Sunday, January 20, 2013
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The New America Foundation is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for participants in our "South Asia 2020" conference in Dubai in January 2013, hosted by Steve Coll and Peter Bergen.
The aim of the conference is to bring together a total of 30 "new voices" from Pakistan and India to discuss issues of common interest such as trade, business, IT, water, energy, microfinance, climate change, public health, and media.
The intent of the conference is to encourage the collaboration of a new generation of experts from both nations in order to develop greater regional integration in South Asia.

TO APPLY: Please send your resume and a letter of intent describing how and what you would contribute to the conference to no later than Monday, December 10, 2012.
New America will cover economy airfare, as well as hotel costs and meals.

New America Foundation
Washington, DC
Phone: 202-986-2700
Fax: 202-986-3696

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Requesting Contributions for the Journal of Scientometric Research, Special Issue-II

Dear Colleagues,


Greetings from the Journal of Scientometric Research!

You will be glad to know that a new journal Journal of Scientometric Research ( has been launched. This journal comes from SciBiolMed. Org.which has around 20 journals with 16 journals in Scopus and 1 in SCI. From the second issue onwards, it will be published with MedKnow which has merged with Kluwer Health. The objective of this journal is to provide a platform for scholarship in Scientometrics and also act as an exchange between Scientometrics and other closely connected research domains i.e. Science Technology Studies, Innovation studies etc.  To attract scholars from interdisciplinary research traditions and also keeping in view that scholars within Scientometrics are themselves from heterogeneous disciplinary traditions, we have created different categories for contributions. Along with Research Paper and Review Paper, the journal has Perspective, and Commentary, Webliography and Research-in-Progress paper for providing platform to young promising researchers or scholars announcing important work in progress.

We are bringing out two special issues of the journal. They will be inaugural issues. We are inviting peers/experts and promising researchers to publish in the Special issue. The first special issue is now online (please visit

I am writing this letter to you for inviting you to publish your work in the second special issue January-April 2013.

I look forward to your contribution in any of the sections for the Second Special Issue (deadline Feb 15, 2013).

Journal Flyer, Call for Paper and Notes for Contributor and the table of contents of the first special issue is enclosed.  

We will make sure that work accepted after peer review gets a broad audience by announcing the issue through many different channels like newsgroups, mail lists, flyers at conferences.

I look forward to your submission in this journal. Thanks for your support.

Submission can be done through website. However for publishing in the second special issue (January-April, 2013), we would prefer email submission at


Journal of Scientometric Research:

Manuscript Submission:

Current Issue:


Warm Regards


Sujit Bhattacharya (Editor-in-Chief)

Anup Kumar Das (Assistant Editor)

Dr. Sujit Bhattacharya, Ph.D
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientometric Research
[An Official Publication of SciBiolMed.Org]
Senior Principal Scientist (NISTADS)
& Guest Faculty (JNU)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus,
New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Phone: +91-11-25843024
Cell: +91-9999020157 |

Friday, November 30, 2012

Join Territorial Army (TA) as an Officer; Due Date: 15 Jan 13

Join Territorial Army (TA) as an Officer; Due Date: 15 Jan 13
Application Form

Due Date: 15 Jan 13

CfPs: First World Climate Impacts Conference; May 27-30, 2013, at Potsdam, Germany

First World Climate Impacts Conference, IMPACTS WORLD 2013
May 27-30, 2013
Potsdam, Germany

Call for papers
IMPACTS WORLD 2013 is designed to provide a platform for lively exchange and constructive discussion on the key challenges for climate impact research in the coming decades.

The visioning document(1) provides a framework for the conference by outlining the key challenges on the road to a strong and clear agenda for climate impacts research in the next decade. If you are interested in attending the conference, we therefore kindly ask you to submit an abstract addressing one of these five key challenges, and to express your interest in joining the associated discussion at the conference.

Abstracts should be submitted by 15 December 2012 using the online registration form below. Received abstracts will be reviewed anonymously according to scientific rigor and relevance to the conference goals. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15 February 2013.

Please note: The registration process requires submitting an abstract which addresses one of the key challenges outlined in the visioning document1. Registration must be completed on the conference website after you received the notification of acceptance from the organisers.

Upon acceptance of your abstract, you will be invited to prepare a short paper(2). Papers will be subject to a peer‐review process. By submitting your paper you also indicate that you are willing to participate in the peer‐review process that the received papers will be subject to. You will be asked to review two papers. Full papers will be published online prior to the conference.

Submit an Abstract:

Indicative timeline:
  • Deadline for abstract submissions 15 December 2012
  • Notification of accepted abstracts 15 February 2013
  • Full registration 15 February – 08 May 2013
  • Full papers due 31 March 2013
  • Reviews due 30 April 2013
  • Papers published on website 15 May 2013

  1. Visioning document available from the website:
  2. Guidance on the length and formatting requirements of the full papers will be available in time

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Applications Invited for Vocational Training of Youth, at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Vocational Training, at Delhi & Ramgarh

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Vocational Training

Sri Aurobindo Education Society

Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch

Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016


E-Mail:; Fax: 011-26857449; Ph. 011-26567863


Vocational Training of Youth

All courses are of six month duration except Para-Medical, which is of one year duration, commencing on 1st April or 1st October. These are only basic courses with stress on practical training.

I. Courses Conducted at Delhi (duration 6 months, One year for Course No. 7)

1. Cooking, Bakery & Food Processing

2. Carpentry, Photo Framing & Lamination

3. Handmade Paper Making, Paper Craft & Book Binding and Screen Printing

4. Tailoring & Weaving (for girls only)

5. Library Science Training (Candidate should be class XII pass & should know English)

6. Computer and Typing, Hindi & English (Candidate should be Class XII pass and should know English)

7. Para-Medical Training (Class XII pass with Bio-Science & candidate should know English) – one year


II. Courses Conducted at Ramgarh, Uttarakhand

1. Plumbing,     2. Masonary,    3. Civil Electrician, 4. Carpentry, 5. Computer,

6. Basic Solar Energy, 7. Fruit Processing & Cooking


Age: Preferably between 18 and 25 years. No discrimination of caste, religion, race or sex.

Certificates: Certificates will be given to the candidate on successful completion of the training.

Board & Lodging: Free board and lodging will be provided at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch or at Madhuban in Ramgarh (Uttarakhand) to the trainees throughout the training period by Sri Aurobindo Education Society.

Pocket Money: Rs. 1000/- per month will be given as pocket money during the training period but the participants will have to bear their own travel expenses & medical expenses, if necessary. However, basic health care is available at the Mother's Integral Health Centre where most of the medicines are given free of cost.

Food: Food served in the Ashram dining hall at both places is nutritious and vegetarian.

Discipline: Since the courses are held in the Ashram and trainees will be living on the Ashram campus, a strict discipline is maintained throughout and trainees will be expected to participate and integrate themselves in the Ashram life, attending morning shramdan and evening meditation. Smoking, drinking, etc. are strictly prohibited.

Extra Curricular Activities: During the training period, candidates will be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, such as games, music, etc. Hindi, English and Physical Education classes for the trainees are compulsory. Free basic computer training is also given.

Mode of Application: Application form available on request. Please write to us or collect personally. Only 50 seats are available in each session (from 1st March/ from 1st September).

Preference will be given to candidates who are sponsored by recognised institutions.

Do not proceed to Delhi without receiving proper acceptance letter from the Institute.


(Convenor, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Vocational Training)

Friday, November 23, 2012

CfPs: IIST Conference on Science, Technology and Society - Emerging Scenario; 7-9 Dec.

IIST Conference on Science, Technology and Society - Emerging Scenario

7-9 December 2012

Hosted by Department of Humanities, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Conference on the theme "Science, Technology and Society – Emerging Scenario", will be hosted by the Department of Humanities, IIST in association with the Kerala Sociological Society, at IIST-Valiamala from 7th to 9th December 2012.
The sub-themes calling for research papers include :
a. Science and Technology – Challenges and prospects
b. Technology and the Marginalized
c. Gender and Science,
d. ICT
e. New media and society
f. Social Inclusion and Role of Technology
g. Networks and Knowledge Society
h. Technology in Rural Society and Rural Technology
i. Alternative Development and Cultural Pluralism
j. Sustainable Development and Affordable Technology

For more details, please contact the Organizing Secretary:
Dr Lekshmi V. Nair
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

IFLA 2013 Calls for Papers

IFLA World Library and Information Congress : 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

17-23 August 2013, Singapore

IFLA 2013 Calls for Papers

The content of the IFLA Conference Programme is organised by different professional groups (Sections, Core Programmes and Special Interest Groups). Calls for papers will be submitted through these groups and made available on this web page as soon as delivered.

Calls for Papers for the satellite meetings

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

CfP: Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation; 7-19 Jan; New Delhi

Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation for Research Scholars & Teachers

7-19 January 2013

Organized by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi

Objective of the course
The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) is organizing a two-week Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation during 7th January — 19th January 2013. The objective of the course is to expose the participating young Ph.D scholars and lecturers to the recent developments in the Indian economy and to familiarise them with techniques and methods used in contemporary research on the subject.  The course is a multi-disciplinary one that seeks to: i) introduce the participants to conceptual issues relating to their research interests/topics and emerging areas for research; ii) improve their skills and ability to undertake research on those issues with appropriate data and statistical tools; and iii) develop research methodologies using advanced estimation techniques.

Target Group and Selection Process
Young researchers/teachers in academic institutions, colleges and university departments – who are primarily from social science disciplines and who are interested in pursuing research form the target group of this programme. A batch consisting of 25 participants will be selected based on merit of the scholar. A nominal fee would be charged from the selected participants: @ INR800/- for lecturer or equivalent; @ INR400/- for scholars getting fellowship, @ INR200/- for those without any fellowship or financial support and no fees for SC/ST scholars. The selected scholars will be reimbursed railway fare equivalent to 2nd sleeper class travel (to and fro) from the place of study/work. For outstation participants there is a provision for boarding and lodging in Delhi for the duration of the programme.
Those desirous of participating in the programme may kindly send their brief CV along with a write-up of around 1,000 words on their area of interest so as to reach the Programme Coordinator, preferably through e-mail at <>, on or before November 25, 2012. Further details and programme updates are regularly posted at <>.
Sponsorship: The programme is co-sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Northern Regional Centre, New Delhi.

for Further details and programme updates contact
Programme Coordinator
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
4 Institutional Area Phase II, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110070 INDIA
Telephone: +91 11 2676 4601
Fax: +91 11 2612 2448

CfP: ISID Workshop on Audio-Visual Media as a Tool in Research for Research Scholars & Teachers; 4-9 Feb; New Delhi

Workshop on Audio-Visual Media as a Tool in Research for Research Scholars & Teachers

4-9 February 2013

Organized by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi

Objective of the course
The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) is organizing a six-day Workshop on the Audio-Visual Media as a Tool in Research during 4th to 9th February 2013. Print media is a format with which most researchers and scholars use extensively to bring out their findings and to raise issues. In recent years, Audio-Visual Media (AVM), and the technology needed for its production, is becoming increasingly accessible, both in terms of ease of use, as well as cost. Digital media is being used by government departments, corporate houses, NGO's and other organizations. However, social scientists and researchers in academic institutions have yet not fully realized the potential of integrating audio-visuals in their work. The course is sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.

The focus of the workshop is to familiarise the participants with AVM tools and motivate researchers and academics to use this medium as a tool, to not only enhance the content but also reach a wider audience and have greater impact of their research. Broad elements of the programme are:
i) understanding AVM -- mass media in India, corporate communication, development communication;
ii) AVM as a tool in research -- providing visual insight, supplementing other data, confirming or refuting findings, collecting video based data-subjectivity, authenticity and ethical issues;
iii) presentation and dissemination -- effective communication of research findings, presentation skills and the new technology, integrating audio-visual data into powerpoint presentations, the internet;
iv) AVM production techniques -- understanding the technology, basic camera equipment, editing software, streaming video; and
v) hands-on production of AV output.

Target Group and Selection Process
Young researchers/teachers in academic institutions, colleges and university departments who are primarily from the social sciences discipline and whose work requires field surveys are eligible to apply. The batch will consists of 20 participants and selection will be India basis based on relevance of research topic. A nominal fee would be charged from the participants @INR800/- for lecturer or equivalent; @INR400/- for scholars getting fellowship and @INR200/- for those without any fellowship or financial support. The selected scholars will be paid to and fro 2nd class railway fare from the place of study/work. For outstation participants there is provision for boarding and lodging in Delhi for the duration of the programme.

Those desirous of participating in the programme may kindly send their brief CV along with a write-up of around 1,000 words on their research topic so as to reach the Programme Coordinator, preferably through email at, on or before December 15, 2012.

for Further details and programme updates contact
Programme Coordinator
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
4 Institutional Area Phase II, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110070 INDIA
Telephone: +91 11 2676 4601
Fax: +91 11 2612 2448

Monday, November 5, 2012

CfPs: National Conference on Environment, Natural Resources and Indian Economy 2013; Bhubaneswar, 18-19 Jan

National Conference on Environment, Natural Resources and Indian Economy 2013

JANUARY 18-19, 2013

Organised By: Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Centre of Advanced Study, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Supported by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India


Conference Themes

The sub-themes of the conference are as follows:

  1. Valuation of Environment and Green Accounting in India,
  2. Managing the Commons (forest, fishery, and water),
  3. Economic growth and climate change,
  4. Green energy issues, and
  5. Environmental regulations in India

Papers covering any other important issues relating to environment and natural resource will be selected after examining the academic merit.

Call for Paper

The conference will have both invited and contributed papers. Full length papers with an abstract within 150 words on the above mentioned themes are invited from academics, researchers, working in the field of environmental economics and natural resource management.

Paper Submission

The paper contributors have to send the complete paper with an abstract (max 100 words) to the Organizing Secretary on or before December 10, 2012 preferably by e-mail ( The paper should describe the motivation / rationale, related literature, objectives, data and methodology, results and conclusions and the length should not exceed 7000 words including tables and reference. The authors may kindly send the papers in word or pdf format and follow Harvard style of referencing.

Important Dates

  • Last date for submission of full paper with abstract: 10th December, 2012
  • Communication about the acceptance of papers: 15th December 2012

Further Details

CfPs RICE Institute Conference in Delhi Summer of 2013

RICE Institute Conference in Delhi Summer of 2013

Call for papers
Is 'malnutrition' about food?: Height and stunting in India and early life disease
Why are Indian children so short, compared with children in other countries?  Childhood stunting is often called "malnutrition," but is it really all about food?  Could other factors, especially early life disease, be an important part of explaining stunting among Indian children?  What is the role of sanitation?  Above all, should stunting be a policy priority, and if so what should be done about it?
In partnership with the World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme, SHARE at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and NCAER, rice is hosting a conference in Delhi in the summer of 2013, organized around these questions.  Papers from the conference will be published together as an edited volume.
Although we already have many invited papers and presentations lined up from experts from India and around the world, we're waiting to hear from you, too.  We have reserved some places in our conference and publication for the best submissions from an open call for papers.  We're especially interested in papers from early-career researchers and from scholars based in India.
If you want your paper to be considered for the conference and publication, please email it to by March 31st, 2013 with the subject Conference Submission.  Earlier submissions are welcome and encouraged.  We would be happy to respond with an indication of preliminary interest in abstracts received by December 31st, 2012, although an indication of interest is not a promise to accept a paper.
Note: Submitting a paper constitutes an agreement – if your paper is accepted – to publish it alongside other conference papers, to revise the paper according to reviewer comments, and to present the paper at the conference.  If your paper is accepted, we will pay for your intra-India travel to the conference and hotel accommodation during the conference.  Submitting a paper is not a guarantee that it will be accepted.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Refresher Course cum Research Training Programme in Economics, theme: Innovation and Development; at CDS, 4-24 Jan

Refresher Course cum Research Training Programme in Economics
Theme: Innovation and Development

4-24 January 2013

Organised by Centre for Development Studies, Trivnadrum; National Research Programme on Plantation Development (NRPPD), Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India in collaboration with Rubber Board and Indialics (India chapter of Globelics)

Applications are invited for a Refresher Course cum Research Training Programme in Economics with the above-mentioned theme. This 21-day course is scheduled to commence on 4 January 2013 and is intended to train college/university teachers and researchers interested in science, technology and innovation related issues. Prospective applicants are requested to send in their applications in the PRESCRIBED FORMAT to Prof K J Joseph/Mr A R Aji Kumar (0471 2774256, 2774200) Centre for Development Studies, Ulloor, Trivnadrum Kerala India 695011 as to reach by 20 November 2012. E mail submissions could be made at TA and DA permissible to the selected participants will be as per the UGC rule.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

IIAS Newsletter guidelines and deadlines for contributors 2012/2013

The International Institute for Asian Studies publishes The Newsletter four times a year. With a worldwide circulation of nearly 13,000 institutes and individuals in Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia, The Newsletter is a forum for scholars to share commentary and opinion; research essays; book, journal and website reviews; artwork; and announcements of events, projects and conferences with colleagues in academia and beyond. | Take a free subscription

The Newsletter guidelines and deadlines for contributors 2012/2013

Please keep our broad readership in mind. We favour articles that place research in context, contain clear argument and appeal to the intelligent layman. We also occasionally publish opinion pieces: articles not directly based on empirical research, but discussions that are relevant to current affairs, research methods, education, political developments, etc.

Contributions do not go through a process of peer review – responsibility for copyrights, facts and opinions expressed in the publication rests with the authors.

Contributions should not have been published elsewhere, or have been submitted to another publication for consideration. If a contribution has already been published in a (substantially) different structure, then please inform the editor of this so that the appropriate references can be made.

Authors interested in contributing are strongly encouraged to read previous issues first, to become familiar with our style.

Contributions must be written in grammatically correct and clear English, and have preferably already been (professionally) edited. Submissions with severe language issues will be returned for revision.

Please submit all contributions by email to, with documents attached. Images should be attached separately.

Please contact the editor Sonja Zweegers with any questions or to receive previous issues:


Upcoming deadlines for drafts of research articles (please notify the editor of your intent to contribute in advance so that a number of pages can be earmarked for your submission)

  • Winter 2012 #62 (pub date December 2012) – 15 September 2012
  • Spring 2013 #63 (pub date March 2013) – 15 December 2012
  • Summer 2013 #64 (pub date June 2013) – 15 March 2013
  • Autumn 2013 #65 (pub date September 2013) – 15 June 201


Research articles (the Study)

  1. 1300-1800 words per page, depending on the number of images you would like to include (see below)
  2. articles can be 1 or 2 pages
  3. please provide a title, a lead paragraph (less than 100 words), and a few section headings
  4. name, affiliation, email, research areas of interest
  5. please provide appropriate and good quality images to accompany the article (see below)  


Book, journal, film and website reviews (the Review)

Publications available for review can be found on our website Alternatively you may submit reviews of books, journals, films or websites of your own choosing.

Please note: there are no deadlines for submitting reviews. Reviews are generally evaluated in the order they are received – 'First come First serve'. As the publication time nears for each issue, authors will be informed if/when their review will be published in The Newsletter or if it will only be posted online at

Reviews of books received from us must be submitted to the editor, within 4 months of receipt of the book, and may not be published anywhere else.

Reviews of books in your own possession can be posted directly onto the NewAsiaBooks website, by registering as a user. These reviews will then no longer be considered for publication in The Newsletter.

  1. Monographs: 800-1200 words
  2. Journals, edited volumes or multiple book reviews: up to 1800 words
  3. Full citation: Farquhar, Judith, ed. 2004. Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China.Durham andLondon: Duke University Press. 341 pp. ISBN 0-8223-2921-2 (paperback)
  4. Title and two or three section headings
  5. Appropriate image(s)
  6. Name, affiliation, email, etc.


  1. Digital photographs, maps, sketches, cartoons and artwork are welcome
  2. Images must be free of copyright, or have permission from the owner.
  3. Please provide full captions and sources for each image
  4. JPG or TIF files
  5. At least 1000 x 600 pixels; 300 dpi


  1. Times New Roman, 12 point, left-alignment, double-spacing
  2. Italics for published titles and non-English words
  3. Single quotation marks (double quotation marks for quotes-in-quotes)
  4. Our language is "mid-Atlantic": neither rigidly British nor consistently American English, but usually following the preference of each contributor. Consistency is key: choose one and stick to it. 
  5. Keep notes and references to a necessary minimum: for direct quotes and others' ideas; uncontroversial facts need not be referenced.
  6. Notes and citations should be endnotes

Please note that the Newsletter never guarantees publication.

IIAS Newsletter
Sonja Zweegers, editor
International Institute for Asian Studies
P.O. Box 9500 / 2300 RA Leiden / the Netherlands
T +31(0)71 527 8584; F +31(0)71 527 4162

Friday, October 12, 2012

ICSSR invites proposals for Senior Fellowship and Post Doctoral Fellowship for the year 2012-13

ICSSR Fellowships (Senior Fellowship and Post Doctoral Fellowship) 2012-13

ICSSR invites proposals for Senior Fellowship and Post Doctoral Fellowship for the year 2012-13. The research proposals may belong to anyone of the social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature. The recognized disciplines are: (i) Sociology and Social Anthropology; (ii) Political Science/Pub. Admn. and allied subjects; (iii) Economics and allied subjects; (iv) International Studies; (v) Social Geography and Population Studies; (vi) Commerce and Management; (vii) Social Psychology and allied subjects; (viii) Education and allied subjects; (ix) Social Linguistics/Socio-Cultural and allied subjects; (x) Law, International Law and allied subjects; (xi) National Security & Strategic Studies; (xii) Any other (specify).  Within the framework of social sciences, an effort is made to promote interdisciplinary studies. In regard to other major disciplines such as natural science, medical science, agriculture science, etc., areas of interface between these disciplines and the social sciences are also covered under the Fellowships scheme.

UK Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Programme 2013

Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Programme 2013

The Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Programme is a tailor-made programme for high-flying mid-career Indian professionals working in the fields of science, innovation, and related public administration.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Rolls-Royce present this remarkable fully funded eleven week opportunity at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford that will enable scholars from India to explore innovation and science policy from an academic, practical and personal perspective.
Each scholarship covers the following: Full Programme fees; Living expenses for the duration of the scholarship for a maximum period of 11 weeks; Return airfare from India to UK; UK Visa

Science & Innovation Leadership Programme
The Programme offers an intense all-expenses paid 11-week course at the prestigious Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Its wide range of modules will include lectures, workshops, visits and interactions with high profile companies and scientists and will bridge pure research and business/scientific entrepreneurship, practical processes of innovation, commercialisation of research and technology transfer. The course is aimed at some of India's brightest scientists, business people and public servants.
The ideal candidate should be a mid-career government, science, or media professional with leadership potential and experience in any of the following or similar disciplines: research, technology, manufacturing, business development, or business and public administration.
Programme Duration: 11 weeks from 10 April – 20 June 2013

Further Details

ISID Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation for Research Scholars & Teachers; 7-19 Jan.

Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation for Research Scholars & Teachers
7-19 January 2013
Venue: Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi

Objective of the course
The Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi is organizing a two-week Training Programme on Research Methodology & Project Formulation during 7th January — 19th January 2013. The objective of the course is to expose the participating young Ph.D scholars and lecturers to the recent developments in the Indian economy and to familiarise them with techniques and methods used in contemporary research on the subject.  The course is a multi-disciplinary one that seeks to: i) introduce the participants to conceptual issues relating to their research interests/topics and emerging areas for research; ii) improve their skills and ability to undertake research on those issues with appropriate data and statistical tools; and iii) develop research methodologies using advanced estimation techniques.

Target Group and Selection Process

Young researchers/teachers in academic institutions, colleges and university departments – who are primarily from social science disciplines and who are interested in pursuing research form the target group of this programme. A batch consisting of 25 participants will be selected based on merit of the scholar. A nominal fee would be charged from the selected participants: @ Rs. 800/- for lecturer or equivalent; @ 400/- for scholars getting fellowship, @ 200/- for those without any fellowship or financial support and no fees for SC/ST scholars. The selected scholars will be reimbursed railway fare equivalent to 2nd sleeper class travel (to and fro) from the place of study/work. For outstation participants there is a provision for boarding and lodging in Delhi for the duration of the programme.

Those desirous of participating in the programme may kindly send their brief CV along with a write-up of around 1,000 words on their area of interest so as to reach the Programme Coordinator, preferably through e-mail at <>, on or before November 25, 2012. Further details and programme updates are regularly posted at <>.

The programme is co-sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Northern Regional Centre, New Delhi.

for Further details and programme updates contact
Programme Coordinator
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
4 Institutional Area Phase II, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110070 INDIA
Telephone: +91 11 2676 4601
Fax: +91 11 2612 2448

Friday, September 28, 2012

CfPs IIAS Doctoral workshop on Where is Home? Place, Belonging and Citizenship in the Asian Century; Hong Kong, 22 - 23 March 2013

Dear Friend,
What makes us feel at home in a specific locality? How is the sense of home connected to the production of place? And how are such constructions of home implicated in the authoritative discourses of nationalism, capitalism and religion / philosophy? Can one construct a sense of home that moves beyond these discourses? If you are a PhD student and you like to think about this topic, then we invite you to submit a paper for the following workshop.
Where is Home? Place, Belonging and Citizenship in the Asian Century
A two-day workshop for PhD students examining the transformations of place-making and cultural citizenship in the era of Asian influence
In March 2013, Hong Kong Baptist University, the University of Amsterdam, the International Institute for Asian Studies and the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Western Sydney will hold a two-day workshop examining the transformations of place-making and cultural citizenship in the era of Asian influence.  During the first day, leading scholars in the field of cultural studies from different localities in Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, will explore the notion of place and citizenship in the context of the geopolitical shifts that are taking place today. In the second day of the workshop, PhD students are invited to present and discuss their work with these scholars. This call for papers is for PhD students to submit their abstract. The best proposals will be selected; students from outside of Hong Kong will be fully funded for their travel and accommodation expenses. There will be no workshop fee.
1 November 2012
Workshop dates
22 - 23 March 2013
Procedure for PhD students
Please send by 1 November 2012:
- a 400-word maximum abstract of your paper
- a one-page CV
- contact details of two referees to Dr. Yiu Fai Chow (
The selection of candidates will be announced before 15 December 2012.
The speakers
Ien Ang, Melani Budianta, Chu Stephen Yiu-wai (tbc), Vivian P.Y. Lee, Koichi Iwabuchi (tbc), Kim So-young, Walter Mignolo
The Workshop
How to feel at home in a world that seems so much in flux? Where is our home now that a financial crisis is haunting the world? Confronted with the limits of neoliberalism, can we imagine a different home, a different sense of belonging? And given the shifting geopolitical ordering of the world, what role can and does Asia play in such re-imaginations of home? And what does "home" mean when it is constantly under the threat of demolition, as is the case in today's China? What constitutes a home when you are forced to migrate in search for a better life? These are the questions this workshop engages with.
The "rise of Asia" in the changing global context of the 21st century engendered real and imagined shifts in geopolitical power relations. While scholars have attended to the consequences of such shifts in economic and political terms, less attention has been given to the role of social and cultural processes in the "making of Asia" or to the ways in which such world-making constructions affect our sense of place and belonging: How does Asianization affect conceptions and practices of place, belonging and citizenship? A question that may well be formulated in a more banal way:  How does Asianization affect our sense of home?
Questions of place, belonging and citizenship have been high on the intellectual agenda since the early 1990s, yet most of these studies take "the West" as their focus point. The Asian turn may urge us to rethink these notions. With the emergence of what may be termed a Global Modernity, or better: Global Modernities, "Asia" and its citizens are reconfigured in new ways. Although citizenship has always been defined as a legal and political relationship between the subject and the state, recent studies propose a broader concept of citizenship. The dynamics underpinning the way in which globalization affects place-making can be seen as articulating new definitions of "cultural citizenship." What does it mean to be Asian today, how does one feel at home, in for example, Hong Kong? What does belonging mean in a place like Jakarta? And how can culture – be it art or popular culture – help to foster alternative imaginations of place, home and belonging, beyond the confines of the authoritative discourses of nationalism, capitalism and religion?  
We aim to address these questions through the notion of "home." What makes us feel at home in a specific locality? How is the sense of home connected to the production of place? And how are such constructions of home implicated in the already mentioned authoritative discourses of nationalism, capitalism and religion / philosophy (for example Islam or Confucianism) – the three interlocking discourses that seem to constitute the current rise of Asia? Can one construct a sense of home that moves beyond these discourses, or that challenges them? Or may a move towards homelessness, one that gestures towards a sense of cosmopolitanism, be a possible tactic to resist Asianization?
The Organizers
Dr. Yiu Fai Chow (Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Martina van den Haak (International Institute for Asian Studies)
Prof. Jeroen de Kloet (Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies, University of Amsterdam)
Dr. Sonja van Wichelen (Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney)
More information
Dr. Yiu Fai Chow,
Global Agenda & Application criteria, please visit

Sunday, September 23, 2012

CfPs National Conference on Rethinking Development (UGC Sponsored); 10-11 Dec; KCC Mumbai

National Conference on Rethinking Development: Emerging Issues and Contemporary Debates (UGC Sponsored)
10-11 December 2012
Organized by Kishinchand Chellaram College, Mumbai

Concept Note
Development has generally been identified with economic growth and the consequent growth in per capita income. The social, human and environmental aspects of economic development remained on the margins of the development discourse for a long time. It was only after the 1990's,that there was a perceptible shift in the focus of development planning from mere economic growth to development as the process of enhancing people's capabilities for improving their quality of life.
It is in the context of this development paradox that this two day conference seeks to engage in an interdisciplinary exploration of the development discourse in contemporary times.  


  • To explore the colonial legacy of the post independence international development aid industry
  • To engage with and explore ways in which an upward development strategy can be maintained without compromising on principles of equity, inclusion and sustainability
  • To debate and deliberate upon issues of governance in development
  • To interrogate the current growth model built on consumption for wealth creation and to explore alternative ways of measuring growth and development.

Subthemes of the conference

  • Historicising Development (Situating the colonial legacy of 'Development')
  • Governance and Development (community participation, role of NGO's, role of social capital, RTI, local and urban self government)
  • Gender and Development (Engendering development, microfinance and women),
  • The Politics of Development and Social Movements ( land acquisition, mining, power projects,environment, development induced displacement)
  • Towards a New Paradigm (inclusive, sustainable and participatory models of development)
  • Cultural spaces as markers of developmental change (Performance in the public domain, literary festivals)
Call For Papers
Papers are invited from academicians, researchers, activists on any of the subthemes of the conference. You are requested to send a brief abstract of your paper latest by 15th October 2012. The abstract should not exceed 500 words. The full length papers of accepted abstracts should be between 4000 to 5000 words and typed with double line spacing in Times New Roman 12pt. in MS-Word. The full length paper should be submitted to the Seminar Coordinator in a soft copy through e-mail,, All the papers presented in the seminar will be published in an edited volume.

The following are important dates to remember to meet the deadlines of the conference.
  • Title of the paper and brief Abstract of 500 words: 15th October 2012
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the Abstract: 1st November 2012
  • Last date for sending the full/final paper: 20th November 2012

Training Workshop on Ecology and Economics at GIDR, Ahmedabad; Nov 29 - Dec 02

Training Workshop on Ecology and Economics
November 29 - December 02, 2012
Venue: Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad
Co-organised by GIDR, INSEE and SANDEE

GIDR is hosting a four-day Training Workshop on Ecology and Economics during November 29 to December 02, 2012 at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad. The Workshop is jointly organised by GIDR, Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) and the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE).

The Workshop will focus on three themes in the broad domains of Ecology and Environmental Economics, viz., Ecosystems Management, Economics of Climate Change, and Policies and Instruments for Green Growth. The central aims of the Workshop are:
  • To give orientation to the young scholars/PhD Students on the foundations of ecological economics and domains of interdisciplinary research.
  • To provide practical guidance to the scholars for pursuing the specific research issues identified by them.

Who should apply
: Young scholars and teachers engaged in research, having MPhil/ PhD degree (or registered for PhD) in the relevant disciplines of Ecology, Environment and Economics and below the age of 35 years (relaxable under special circumstances) may apply.

Application requirements
: Applicants should send a short CV along with a write-up (not exceeding 1000 words) and a statement of purpose (with respect to participation in the Workshop) and evidence of prior/ on-going work in the field of Environmental and Ecological Economics. PhD students will also have to send a brief outline of their proposal (not exceeding 2000 words) including the research questions and methodology, along with a statement about the current status of their PhD.  
There is no Workshop fee. Out-station participants will be provided with partial travel support up to Rs. 1000 (or the actual cost of train fare for III tier AC to cover the shortest route). Boarding and lodging will be provided to the participants. Short-listed candidates will be required to submit a confirmation fee of Rs. 1000 by draft to GIDR, otherwise the seats will be offered to the waitlisted candidates. This fee will not be refunded in case of non-participation. It will, however, be re-funded on course completion.

The last date for submission of applications is September 30, 2012. Applications should be sent by email to Dr. P.K. Viswanathan <> and Dr. Jharna Pathak <>. The hardcopy may be sent to the following address:
Coordinator, 'Training Workshop on Ecology and Economics',
Gujarat Institute of Development Research,
Gota, Ahmedabad, 380 060, Gujarat.
Tel: 02717-242366/67/68.

Further Details

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context" August 2012 issue is now available

Understanding Innovation: the Indian Context

August 2012 issue

A Bulletin Initiated by:
National Science and Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS), DST, India
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi, India

Friday, September 21, 2012

CfPs International Conference on Revisiting the Silk Road, at JNU, 5-7 Nov

International Conference on Revisiting the Silk Road: India and the Silk Road Regions - Cultural Connections, Current Challenges

5-7 November 2012

Organized by Centre of Russian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, JNU

Venue: Convention Centre, JNU, New Delhi, India

In its heyday, the Silk Road was the world's greatest overland trade route that linked the historic destinies of not just the people of the regions of the Silk Road but also of its neighbours. In today's changed global scenario, with resurgent economies of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, this region with its strategic location and rich treasure of natural resources is once again in focus. While world powers play out a new Great Game, there is an urgent need of greater cultural and people to people interaction, trade and economic treaties, political and strategic alliances, and enhanced cooperation amongst the Silk Road countries and neighbouring regions.

This interdisciplinary International Conference is being organised to facilitate contemporary dialogue on this region. It promises to be an exciting event with lectures, symposiums, oral and multimedia presentations, focus group and interactive discussions covering the five Sections of the Conference which are:
  • History and Civilisation
  • Culture and Language
  • Contemporary Social Concerns
  • Economic and Trade Cooperation
  • Geo-Political and Strategic Relations
In addition to the academic presentations, the culture of the Silk Road Regions shall be showcased through an exhibition, cultural performances, films, food festival and informal interactions.

Please send your participation proposals for the academic events as well as cultural festival latest by 30 September 2012 to the Conference Secretariat. Guidelines for submission of abstracts of your proposals are enclosed.

We request you to register early as you can avail discounted registration fee by registering before 30 September 2012. Moreover, the complimentary accommodation at the JNU Guest House is limited and available on first-come first-served basis.

We look forward to meeting you at this confluence of academics and culture, with which, the Silk Road Conference at Delhi awaits you.

Call for Papers & Presentations, Submission of Abstracts & Proposals

Participation is invited for the academic as well as the cultural events.
  • Abstracts of proposals for lectures/ panels/ papers/ symposiums/ presentations in the academic and cultural events must be submitted by 30 September 2012.
  • Abstracts / Proposals must be in English, Russian or Hindi.
  • An abstract / Proposal should not exceed 350 words. It should be typed in single line spacing using 12 point Arial font.
  • Use capitals for the Abstract/ Proposal title to be placed at the top. Then provide authors/ presenters surnames preceded by initials, followed by name and address of the institution to which the author/ presenter is attached.
  • In case of more than one author/ presenter, underline the name of the presenting author/ lead presenter.
  • Abstracts/ Proposals must be sent by e-mail (preferred)

Further Details

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Call for Papers for "Communicator" and "Sanchar Madhyam" IIMC Journals

Department of Publications, Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) invites Papers for:


The Communicator is one of India's most prestigious communications
related academic journals. It is the oldest academic journal published
by the Indian Institute of Mass Communication as it was established in
1965, with ISSN No. 0588-8093. The Communicator concentrates on
research articles and book reviews examining a wide range of issues in
communication theory, research and practice. It is specially
interested in research which is inter-disciplinary and based on the
experience of India and other developing countries.

Editor: Dr. Sunetra Sen Narayan, email -

Department of Publications currently soliciting research articles for
2009, 2010, 2011 issues and a special issue on "100 Years of Indian
Cinema" is proposed for 2012.

Sanchar Madhyam
Sanchar Madhyam is an academic and industry oriented journal of IIMC
in Hindi, covering wide-ranging topics on media, communication theory,
film, new media with multidisciplinary approach. The focus of this
journal is to publish the best available scholarship on all aspects of
mass communications and to encourage academic discourse in the field
of media and related areas. It includes commentary and essays.

Editor: Dr. Anand Pradhan, email –

Department of Publications currently soliciting research articles,
commentary and essays for 2008 to 2012 issues of Sanchar Madhyam.

Please circulate this mail among your colleagues and scholars
interested in contributing their articles for publication.

The guidelines for submission of articles are mentioned below.
  • Submissions should conform to the stylistic guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (4th edition).
  • Mailing address and brief biographical notes on all authors should be provided on a separate page, in addition to a 100-word abstract and a list of key words for indexing.
  • Successful submissions generally run no longer than 30 typed double-spaced pages.
  • The manuscript should be sent via email (
  • Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should the manuscript have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.
  • All manuscripts are subject to review.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

CfPs: 54th ISLE Annual Conference; 20-22 Dec; at BHU, Varanasi, India

54th ISLE Annual Conference

20-22 December 2012

Organized by Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) & BHU, Varanasi, India

Call for Papers
The 54th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) will be held during 20-22 December, 2012 at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India. Prof. S.K. Thorat, Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, will preside over the Conference.
The themes for this year's Conference are:
  • Wages and Wage Share
  • Employment in the Post Reform India
  • Labour Rights in the Globalising World

Those who wish to contribute papers may send papers along with a summary of about 1000 words latest by 31 October, 2012 to: the Hon. Secretary, Indian Society of Labour Economics, NIDM Building, IIPA Campus, I.P. Estate, New Delhi – 110002, India.
The soft copies may be emailed to: The summaries of the selected papers will be brought out as a publication of conference summaries to be distributed among the Conference participants, along with a CD of the complete papers. Selected and revised papers based on peer reviews will be published in subsequent issues of the Indian Journal of Labour Economics.
Two awards have been instituted for best paper writers, below 40 years: Ruddar Datt Memorial Award and Sanjay Thakur Young Labour Economist Award (carrying prize money of Rs. 10,000 each). Those willing to be considered for the awards are requested to send their date of birth along with the papers before the deadline.

For further updates please visit our website: or email your queries to:

Last Date for Paper submission: 31 October, 2012


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CfPs: National Seminar on Agrarian Crisis in India: The Way Out; NIRD Hyderabad; 5-7 Nov

National Seminar on "Agrarian Crisis in India: The Way Out"

5-7 November 2012

Organized by National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad

The Objectives of the Seminar are:
To discuss and deliberate the macro scenario and problems faced in agriculture
To bring out the root causes of agrarian crisis and their impact;
To create a platform for discussing various issues of social, economic and technological in nature;
To suggest suitable policy changes and programmes to tide over the crisis; and
To evolve a roadmap and suggest long term strategies for agriculture development.

The Themes of the Seminar are as follows:
Structural and Institutional Dimensions (Changes in Landholding Structure; Unfinished Agenda of Land Reforms : Tenancy and Landlessness;
Resource Constraints (Land Degradation; Problems of Dryland Agriculture; Changing Contours and Crisis in Irrigation Development)
Technological Dimensions (Green Revolution Technologies - pros and cons; Risks and Vulnerabilities in Agriculture; Sustainable Agriculture - Policy and Programmes)
Changes in Costs and Returns in Agriculture (Trends in Cost of Production in Agriculture; Farm and Non-Farm Sources of Income)
Agricultural Credit and Indebtedness (Trends in Institutional and non-Institutional Sources; Packages of Agricultural Debt Relief)
Agricultural Distress and Regional Dimensions
Economic Reforms and Agriculture (Public Investment in Agriculture; Trends in Agricultural Impact Supply and Subsidies; Agricultural Price Policy; Reforms in Agricultural Marketing; State of Agricultural Extension; Impact of WTO and Agreement on Agriculture)

Interested persons are invited to send their Research papers on any of the themes indicated above to Dr K. Suman Chandra, Professor & Head (CAS&DM) and Seminar Co-ordinator by e-mail to or

  • Abstract of the paper must be sent on or before 15th September 2012.
  • Full paper must be sent on or before 15th October 2012.

Travel Grant for IGIDR Silver Jubilee International Conference; Dec. 1-3; Mumbai

IGIDR Silver Jubilee International Conference

Organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai

December 1-3, 2012

IGIDR, a deemed university located in Mumbai and established by the Reserve Bank of India, is celebrating its Silver Jubilee during 2012-13 and to fl ag off the silver jubilee celebrations, a special Silver Jubilee International Conference consisting of invited papers, to be inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, is scheduled on December 1-3, 2012.

Several distinguished scholars such as Dilip Abreu, Dilip Ahuja, Kaushik Basu, Hans Binswanger, Raj Chetty, Ravi Kanbur, Ashok Kotwal, Sugato Marjit, Anil Markhandaya, Kaivan Munshi, Kirit and Jyoti Parikh, Mihir Rakshit, Bharat Ramaswamy, Nirvikar Singh, T.N. Srinivasan, Shyam Sunder and Marti Subrahmanyam from India and abroad would present either state of the art overviews of their research fields or a summary of their pathbreaking research. As each of these presentations is planned for approximately an hour each, it would offer an immense learning opportunity to young scholars and researchers to learn from and interact with these scholars of repute.
Hence, as part of our continuing capacity building and outreach activities, we invite applications from Ph.D students, and young faculty (preferably below 40 years) working in Economics (including Energy and Environment) to participate as audience in this conference.

The application should include detailed cv with contact details such as phone and email id, and a precise one page description of your current research. IGIDR will provide boarding and lodging to the selected participants. In addition, selected outstation participants will be paid travel allowance (not exceeding return 2-tier AC train fare by the shortest route) on furnishing the original tickets, apart from a fixed consolidated amount for local travel.

Applications should be sent to The Registrar, IGIDR, Gen. A. K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 065 by post or by fax (022-2840 2752) or by email ( by September 28, 2012. Please add "Silver Jubilee International Conference" header to your envelope or electronic message.

CfPs: National Seminar on Planning and Development; 23 Nov; at Santiniketan

National Seminar on Planning and Development
23rd November 2012
Organized by A.K.Dasgupta Centre for Planning and Development, Visva-Bharati, (sponsored by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India), Santiniketan

Call For Papers
We invite full paper with abstract of 500 words in MS word format on the following themes.
i) Rural Health in India
ii) Women and Child Development
iii) Rural Development programme of Govt. of India and their effectiveness –an assessment
iv) Agriculture and Rural Development.

Submission of Papers
The paper stating the themes under which the paper comes, contact address with telephone number and email address, and the institutional affiliation of the author(s) must reach the Seminar Committee at We encourage young researchers to submit and present their works. All accepted papers will be refereed and may be published. Registration fee for the seminar is Rs.1000/-. No Travelling allowance will be given. One day Moderate accommodation and local hospitality will be provided to the Participant.

Important Dates:
  • Last date for receiving full paper with abstracts: 10th October, 2012
  • Intimation of acceptance of paper: 15th October, 2012
  • Email for Correspondence:
For Assistance Call to Sri Daya Shankar Kushwaha, Ph. 09475983934,; or Prof. Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada 2013-15

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada 2013-15

Purpose of the Fellowships
Canada is building world-class research capacity by recruiting top-tier postdoctoral trainees at an internationally competitive level of funding.
The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program is to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally, to develop their leadership potential and to position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow, positively contributing to Canada's economic, social and research-based growth through a research-intensive career.
The fellowships are administered by Canada's three federal granting agencies – the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program allows highly motivated and competitive researchers to realize their full potential and develop their careers.

Eligibility Criteria
You must meet the following criteria to apply for a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship.
1. Citizenship
    Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens are eligible to apply.
2. Eligibility Window for Degree Completion
Applicants for the 2012/13 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program must fulfill or have fulfilled all degree requirements for a PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree: on a date within the eligibility window of November 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012. Applicants who have not fulfilled all requirements for their degree at the time of application must do so no later than December 31, 2012 and submit proof no later than January 15, 2013. Applicants who do not submit such proof will be automatically withdrawn from the competition.

Program Scope
Budget available for 70 new two-year awards annually with a total of up to 140 awards active at any one time.
The fellowships will be distributed equally across Canada's three federal granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Value and Duration
$70,000 per year (taxable) for two years.

Competition Timelines
  • July - October 2012: Applicants seek endorsement from host institution to apply, prepare and submit application
  • November 1, 2012: Deadline for complete application submission
  • Nov 2012 - Mar 2013: Evaluation of applications
  • March 2013: Results announced by March 31

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SANDEE's Call for Research Concept notes: Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environmental Change

SANDEE's Call for Research Concept notes
Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environmental Change
Deadline: 31st October 2012

The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) is a regional network that provides research support to South Asian researchers and institutions interested in the inter-connection among development, natural resource use and the environment. SANDEE is currently inviting research concept notes on the Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environmental Change in South Asia. Concept notes, if accepted, will lead to an invitation to submit a full research proposal.

SANDEE requests research concept notes in three prioritized areas:

  • Ecosystems Management: Ecosystems provide a variety of provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services that are being lost at an accelerating rate. Research on ecosystems management will focus on: a) understanding the implications of ecosystem changes for economic and social systems; b) identifying trade-offs, i.e. the costs and benefits to different stakeholders (particularly the poor), from conserving ecosystems services; and c) examining different institutional arrangements to manage ecosystem services.

  • Economics of Climate Change: With climate change, South Asia is expected to get warmer and witness more extreme events. SANDEE's climate portfolio will support research on: a) valuation of the impacts of climate change; b) evaluation of adaptation and mitigation strategies, particularly those that offer local co-benefits and c) examination of institutions and policies that need to be in place for low carbon growth and long-term adjustment to climate change.
  • Policies and Instruments for Greener Growth: Governments and NGOs in South Asia put forward a variety of policies and regulations to manage local to global environmental problems. In order to ensure that these strategies are effective, this thematic area will emphasize: a) program evaluation of the impacts of environmental policies, regulations and programs; and, b) assessment of the economic incentives associated with different regulatory and market mechanisms and their contribution to policy compliance.

While SANDEE's focus is on environmental management, proposals have to include a strong economics component. Multi-disciplinary projects with a robust economic focus are encouraged. Institutional affiliation is required for receiving support. Concept notes will be evaluated on their academic merit and policy significance.

SANDEE will collect proposals throughout the year.  The average grant size in recent years has been 20,000 USD for one to two year projects. Larger grants will be considered if a multidisciplinary team of natural and social scientists are involved and there is a clear identification of roles and tasks. Please upload concept notes on SANDEE's website at For any additional queries, please contact us at

Please see guidelines/requirements and upload concept notes by visiting For any additional queries, please contact us at

Further Details

CfPs: Cultural Studies Workshop 2013, at Santiniketan, 25-29 Jan 2013

Cultural Studies Workshop 2013: 17th Annual Cultural Studies Workshop

Venue: Santiniketan, West Bengal

Dates: 25-29 January 2013

Organized by Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC)

Broad theme: Cultures of Everyday Life

Drawing on a tradition of scholarship of thinkers like Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau and Pierre Bourdieu, recent decades have witnessed remarkable advances in understanding the ordinary, repetitive life of the everyday. This is largely due to the coming closer of different disciplines of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, and the parallel rise of Cultural Studies as a new mode of producing and organizing knowledge.

The forthcoming Cultural Studies Workshop proposes to participate in these explorations of the intellectual, cultural and political aspects of the everyday and broaden their scope by throwing light on different features of contemporary Indian life. It will discuss the specificities of the everyday as a temporal and spatial category; the myriad strategies of contestation, governmentality and claims to citizenship as they work out at an everyday, micrological level; the dispersal of power and the texture of affect; the gendered realities of the everyday; the effects of commodification upon cultural practices; everyday objects and technologies, and the discursive and semiotic registers of the everyday in literary and aesthetic activities.

The Workshop is intended to give young researchers an opportunity to share their work with some of the faculty of the CSSSC and other senior scholars in the field. Over the years, the Workshop has played a key institutional role in the emergence of Cultural Studies as a discipline and concerns itself with the broader issues of social sciences and humanities today as viewed from a cultural studies perspective. It is aimed at doctoral and postdoctoral students and young lecturers (below the age of 35) whose ongoing or recently completed work focuses on one or more of the issues listed above. They are required to present a paper based on their research at the workshop.
The morning session of each day will be devoted to faculty presentations based on a select number of readings. Under the anchorage of this year's theme, each session will address a specific topic.

The possible topics of this year are:
  • Theorizing the Everyday (Day 1);
  • Quotidian Histories (Day 2);
  • The Everyday State (Day 3); and
  • Regimes of Representation (Day 4).
Between Day 2 and Day 3 is a break-day. The afternoon sessions are for students' presentations.

CSSSC will bear the expenses of rail travel (AC two tier) and accommodation at Santiniketan for all selected candidates. Priority will be given to students currently affiliated to Indian educational institutions.

Those wishing to participate in the workshop may apply with their current C.V. clearly indicating date of birth, educational qualifications, current academic affiliation and mailing address and email IDs. Applications must include a brief description (between 500 and 750 words in typed pages) of the paper they intend to present which draws on their current research. E-mail application must reach the Registrar, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta latest by October 5, 2012 [email:].

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Call for Applications: Society of Fellows at Harvard University

Call for Applications:  Society of Fellows at Harvard University
Candidates are nominated for Junior Fellowships, generally by those under whom they have studied. Applications are not accepted from the candidates themselves. A letter of nomination should include an assessment of the candidate's work and promise, complete contact information for the candidate, including current residential addresss and email address, and the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of three additional people who agree to write letters of recommendation by the end of September at the latest. Men and women interested in any field of study are eligible for these fellowships. Nominees should be of the highest calibre of intellectual achievement, i.e. comparable to the most successful candidates for junior faculty positions at leading universities.
Upon receipt of the mailed nomination, the Society will request letters of recommendation from the referees listed, and ask the candidate to submit samples of written work (dissertation chapters, articles, papers) along with a one or two-page proposal describing the studies he or she would like to pursue while a Junior Fellow:
  • The Society will request that the three additional letters of recommendation be submitted electronically - not by email, but through a link we will provide in our correspondence with the referees. After receipt of the nomination, the referees will be contacted by our office both by regular mail and email. (This is why full and accurate email addresses are necessary to process the nomination.) Full instructions for uploading letters will be provided to each referee, along with a password to enter the secure site.
  • Our communication with the candidates will request that written materials be submitted both electronically through a link to our submission portal and by mail or express mail. Full instructions for uploading the C.V., list of publications, research proposal, and three samples of work will be provided, along with a password to enter the secure site.
  • The candidate is requested to provide official transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate records. (Ideally, transcripts should be forwarded directly to the Society from the universities involved; however, candidates who have sealed transcripts may submit them with their mailed materials.)

On the basis of the materials submitted, the Senior Fellows select a certain number of candidates for interview. It is from this number that the final selection is made. The Society pays the traveling expenses of those candidates interviewed.
Please note: If still pursuing the Ph.D., Junior Fellows should be at the dissertation stage of their theses and be prepared to finish their degrees within a year of becoming fellows. If already a recipient of the degree, they should not be much more than a year past the Ph.D. at the time the fellowship commences. Most Junior Fellows receive the Ph.D. just prior to the start of the fellowship.
The deadline for receiving nominations for Junior Fellowships which begin July 1, 2013 is Friday, August 31, 2012. No nomination will be accepted with a postmark past the deadline. Nominations will not be accepted by email.

All letters should be sent to:
The Society of Fellows
Harvard University
78 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
617-495-2485, USA

Further Details